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Archives of Environmental Protection | 2022 | 48 | 3

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Waste management faces more and more serious challenges, especially given the growing amount of municipal waste generated in Poland and the resulting environmental impact. One of the significant environmental aspects of waste management is the emission of odorants and odors. Taking into account the odor problem, the majority of municipal waste generated is being collected as mixed waste (62% of municipal waste), which by weight contains approximately 32.7% of kitchen and garden waste. These organic fractions are mainly responsible for the emission of odor and odorants. Those substances can be emitted at every stage: from the waste collection at residential waste bins, through transport, waste storage, and transfer stations, up to various respective treatment facilities, i.e., mechanical-biological waste treatment plants, landfills, or waste incineration plants. The gathered data during the study showed that it is necessary to increase the share of different waste management methods, i.e., recycling, composting, or fermentation processes rather than landfilling to meet all necessary regulations and to fulfill provisions of the waste hierarchy. One of the actions indicated in the legal solutions is expansion, retrofitting, and construction of new sorting plants, anaerobic digestion plants, composting plants, and increase in thermal treatment capacity. Variety of different processes that could emit odors and a diversity of different odor-generating substances released from particular waste management steps should be taken into consideration when building new facilities which are suitable for waste treatment. The overall aim of the work was to characterize and summarize available knowledge about waste management system in Poland and to gather information about odor-generating substances emitted from different waste management steps and facilities, which could be a potential source of information for preparing legal solutions to reduce possible odor nuisance form broadly understood waste management.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marcin Pawnuk
Bartosz Szulczyński
Emilia den Boer
Izabela Sówka

  1. Department of Environment Protection Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
  2. Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
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Sewage sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plants is currently a serious environmental problem, given its diversity due to the variability of time and heavy metal content. Current research on the monitoring of heavy metals is based on the determination of Pb, Cd, Hg, Ni, Zn, Cu and Cr. This makes any thallium content data difficult to access. The study estimated the degree of contamination of sewage sludge with thallium. The sludge samples came from a sewage treatment plant located in Poland. The results are presented for the total concentration of thallium and its mobile forms. These samples were analyzed by differential pulse voltammetry. The results showed that the average thallium content was 0.203 μg/g and its mobile form was 0.025 μg/g. The conducted research shows that almost 13% of thallium from sewage sludge can be gradually released into the environment.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Bożena Karbowska
Włodzimierz Zembrzuski
Joanna Zembrzuska

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Poland
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Rain gardens are one of the best measures for rainfall runoff and pollutant abatement in sponge city construction. The rain garden system was designed and developed for the problem of severely impeded urban water circulation. The rain gardens monitored the rainfall runoff abatement and pollutant removal capacity for 46 sessions from January 2018 to December 2019. Based on these data, the impact of rain gardens on runoff abatement rate and pollutant removal rate was studied. The results obtained indicated that the rain garden on the runoff abatement rate reached 82.5%, except with extreme rainfall, all fields of rainfall can be effectively abated. The removal rate of suspended solid particles was the highest, followed by total nitrogen and total phosphorus, the total removal rate in 66.35% above. The rain garden is still in the “youth stage”, and all aspects of the operation effect are good.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Weijia Liu
Qingbao Pei
Wenbiao Dong
Pengfan Chen

  1. East China University of Technology, Nanchang, China
  2. Nanchang Institute of Technology Poyang Lake Basin Water Engineering Safety and Efficient Utilization National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory, Nanchang, China
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An organobentonite modified with an amphoteric surfactant, tallow dihydroxyethyl betaine (TDHEB), was used as an adsorbent to simultaneously remove Cu(II) and phenol from wastewater. The characteristic of the organobentonite (named TDHEB-bentonite) was analyzed by X-ray diffraction, Fourier-transform infrared spectra and nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherm. Batch tests were conducted to evaluate the adsorption capacities of TDHEB-bentonite for the two contaminants. Experiment results demonstrated that the adsorption of both contaminants is highly pH-dependent under acidic conditions. TDHEB-bentonite had about 2.0 and 5.0 times higher adsorption capacity toward Cu(II) and phenol, respectively, relative to the corresponding raw Na-bentonite. Adsorption isotherm data showed that the adsorption processes of both contaminants were well described by Freundlich model. Kinetic experiment demonstrated that both contaminants adsorption processes correlated well with pseudo-second-order model. Cu(II) had a negative impact on phenol adsorption, but not vice versa. Cu(II) was removed mainly through chelating with the organic groups (-CH2CH2OH and -COO-) of TDHEB. Otherwise, partition into the organic phase derived from the adsorbed surfactant was the primarily mechanism for phenol removal. Overall, TDHEB-bentonite was a promising adsorbent for removing Cu(II) and phenol simultaneously from wastewater.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Xiangyang Hu
Bao Wang
Gengsheng Yan
Bizhou Ge

  1. PowerChina Northwest Engineering Corporation Limited, China
  2. Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, China
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The linuron contaminated soil was subjected to remediation using ozone as an oxidant. The experiments were performed both in laboratory and pilot plant installations. Kinetics of linuron degradation was determined for both systems. Moreover, main linuron metabolites were identified, and possible degradation pathway was proposed. The soil remediation was found to be successful, which was verified by chemical and biological tests. The half-life time of linuron in the pilot scale installation was no more than 7.5 h. To verify the efficiency of soil detoxification, a toxicity test was performed, which utilized Eisenia foetida earthworm. The test organisms were exposed for 14 days to the linuron contaminated soil prior and after the remediation procedure. It was observed that in the control group and the group of organisms exposed to the ozonated soil, the survivability was 100%, whereas the earthworms exposed to the linuron contaminated soil that was not ozonated did not survive at all.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Radosław Józefczyk
Piotr Antos
Marcin Pieniążek
Maciej Balawejder

  1. University of Rzeszów, Poland
  2. Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland
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Pollution continues to experience a rapid increase so cities in the world have required the use of renewable energy. One of the keys that can prevent climate change with a sustainable system is renewable energy. Renewable energy production, especially for hybrid systems from biomass and wind, is the objective of the analysis in this work. The potential of feedstock for different biofuels such as bio-diesel, bio-ethanol, bio-methane, bio-hydrogen, and biomass is also discussed in this paper. The sustainability of the energy system for the long term is the main focus of work in this investigation. The configuration of the hybrid system between biomass energy and wind energy as well as some problems from various design factors are also presented. Based on the findings, this alternative energy utilization through biomass-based hybrids can save costs and improve environmental conditions, especially for the electrification of off-grid rural areas. This paper will provide important information to policymakers, academics, and investors, especially in carrying out the development and factors related to the utilization of wind-biomass-based hybrid energy systems.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

E. Erdiwansyah
Asri Gani
1 5
Rizalman Mamat
M. Mahidin
K. Sudhakar
S.M. Rosdi
Husni Husin

  1. Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
  2. College of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Pahang, Malaysia
  3. Energy Centre, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India
  4. Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu
  5. Research Center of Palm Oil and Coconut, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
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Anaerobic digestion (AD) converts organic matter and biomass waste into biogas, making it an environmentally friendly technology to improve energy resources for a wide range of applications. Jerusalem artichoke straw (JAS) has an enriched content of cellulose and exhibits a high potential for methane production. AD-based production of methane can eff ectively utilize waste JAS. This study investigated the AD performance of JAS to explore the enhancement of methane yields by employing a Box-Behnken experimental design (BBD) of response surface methodology (RSM). The overall goal was to identify the optimal levels of pretreatment factors, including HCl concentration, pretreatment time, and pretreatment temperature, for producing optimal biomethane yields from JAS. The highest value of methane production achieved was 256.33 mL g-1VS by using an optimal concentration of HCl as 0.25 M, a pretreatment time of 10 h, and a pretreatment temperature of 25°C. These results inform the future application of JAS in enhanced methane production.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Yan Meng
Yi Li
Laisheng Chen
Rui Han

  1. Qinghai Key Laboratory of Vegetable Genetics and Physiology, Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Qinghai University, Xining, Qinghai 810016, China
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Environmental risk assessment is one of the key tools in environmental engineering. This risk assessment can be qualitative or quantitative and it is based on preliminary studies i.e., baseline study for waste disposal sites. Even though the literature exists on baseline study in general, still there is a lack of guidance regarding development of a site-specific baseline study model for a waste disposal site. This study has two-fold aim, firstly, how to develop site-specific baseline study model for a selected dumping site, and secondly, how this site-specific baseline study can support the environmental engineering via mathematical risk estimation. Mahmood Booti Open Dumping Site (MBODS) is selected to demonstrate the development and application of site-specific baseline study model. This is followed by building a framework that shows how the output of the baseline study can lead to environmental engineering via mathematical risk estimation. The paper provides a mechanism of how to construct a bespoke baseline-study model that is readily useable, avoiding procurement of expensive computer software and yet smoothly connecting with the follow-on stages of the risk assessment. The work presented in this paper can be reproduced repeatedly to create site-specific baseline study models for risk assessment of other waste disposal sites in a cost-effective, consistent and cohesive manner.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Asifa Alam
Adeel Mahmood
M. Nawaz Chaudhry
Sajid Rashid Ahmad
Noor Ul Safa
Huda Ahmed Alghamdi
Heba Waheeb Alhamdi
Rizwan Ullah

  1. College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan
  2. Department of Environmental Sciences, GC Women University Sialkot, Pakistan
  3. Lahore Schools of Economics, Lahore, Pakistan
  4. Department of Biology, College of Sciences, King Khalid University, Abha 61413, Saudi Arabia
  5. Department of Zoology, Mirpur University of Science of Technology (MUST), Mirpur Azad Kashmir, Pakistan
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Glyphosate is an inhibitor of the shikimate pathway in plants and the most widely used broad-spectrum herbicide. Due to the abundance of its use, there exists a necessity to measure the levels both in humans and in the environment to control the nefarious outcomes of its use. The appropriateness, selectivity, and the specifi city of the employed analytical methods are crucial for the reliability of the resultant deductions when conducting biomonitoring studies on possible exposure to chemicals, whether the samples are biological or environmental in nature. The aim of this study is to evaluate the analytical techniques used to monitor glyphosate levels in human and environmental samples. A detailed web-based literature search was conducted to gather data on the analytical techniques used for glyphosate determination. The most preferred authentic samples are blood, urine, and milk. Environmental samples include plants, soil, and water. Among widely used analytical techniques used to detect glyphosate are High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Liquid Chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, Gas Chromatography – Tandem Mass Spectrometry, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Depending on the sample and study, the most suitable analytical method has been selected. A critical evaluation and publication of pre-existing literature on analytical methods in glyphosate-based herbicide detection will thus aid all relevant researchers in the determination of an appropriate, selective, and specific methodology
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Kumsal Kocadal
Fehmi Burak Alkas
Dilek Battal
2 3
Sahan Saygi

  1. Near East University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Toxicology, Cyprus
  2. Mersin University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Toxicology, Cyprus
  3. Near East University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Toxicology, Turkey
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The work describes the methodology and results of analysis for the consequences assessment of eruption from Cumbre Vieja volcano in Canary Islands. The preliminary analysis of dispersion of emitted pollutants was performed using Lagrangian trajectories model. To estimate long-term outcomes of eruption in terms of deposition and concentration of eruption products the Eulerian model of air dispersion was used. The model uses data from Global Forecasting System meteorological model launched at the NCEP-NOAA centre. The average concentration and deposition of sulfur compounds as well as the probability and time of the pollution cloud reaching all European capitals were examined. In 90 days a cloud of pollutants (SO2, volcanic ashes) spread over the northern hemisphere. Pollution reached Africa, North Sea and Europe. With an average emission of 15,000 tons of SO2/day, the maximum calculated deposition to the Earth’s surface reached 0.8g/m2, while overall deposition – 35 kilotons in the domain area.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Mazur

  1. Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute, Poland
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The aim of the study is to present the FAPPS (Forecasting of Air Pollution Propagation System) based on the CALPUFF puff dispersion model, used for short-term air quality forecasting in Krakow and Lesser Poland. The article presents two methods of operational air quality forecasting in Krakow. The quality of forecasts was assessed on the basis of PM10 concentrations measured at eight air quality monitoring stations in 2019 in Krakow. Apart from the standard quantitative forecast, a qualitative forecast was presented, specifying the percentage shares of the city area with PM10 concentrations in six concentration classes. For both methods, it was shown how the adjustment of the emissions in the FAPPS system to changes in emissions related to the systemic elimination of coal furnaces in Krakow influenced the quality of forecasts. For standard forecasts, after the emission change on June 7, 2019, the average RMSE value decreased from 23.9 μg/m3 to 14.9 μg/m3, the average FB value changed from -0.200 to -0.063, and the share of correct forecasts increased from 0.74 to 0.91. For qualitative forecasts, for the entire year 2019 and separately for the periods from January to March and October to December, Hit Rate values of 5.43, 2.18 and 3.48 were obtained, the False Alarm Ratios were 0.28, 0.24 and 0,26, and the Probability of Detection values were 0.66, 0.75, and 0.74. The presented results show that the FAPPS system is a useful tool for modelling air pollution in urbanized and industrialized areas with complex terrain
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jolanta Godłowska
Kamil Kaszowski
Wiesław Kaszowski

  1. Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute, Poland

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Archives of Environmental Protection
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Orszulik, E. (2009). Palenisko fluidalne, Patent polski: nr PL20070383311 20070910 z 16 marca 2009.
Smith, I.M. (1988). U.S. Patent No. 123,445. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

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All Reviewers in 2022

Alonso Rosa (University of the Basque Country/EHU, Bilbao, Spain), Alwaeli Mohamed (Silesian University of Technology), Arora Amarpreet (Sherpa Space Inc., Republic of Korea), Babu A.( Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan, Republic of Korea), Barbieri Maurizio (Sapienza University of Rome), Bień Jurand (Wydział Infrastruktury i Środowiska, Politechnika Częstochowska), Bogacki Jan (Wydział Instalacji Budowlanych, Hydrotechniki i Inżynierii Środowiska, Politechnika Warszawska), Bogumiła Pawluśkiewicz (Katedra Kształtowania Środowiska, SGGW), Boutammine Hichem (Laboratory of Industrial Process Engineering and Environment, Faculty of Process Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Bab-Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria), Burszta-Adamiak Ewa (Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu), Cassidy Daniel (Western Michigan University, United States), Chowaniec Józef (Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute), Czerniawski Robert (Instytut Biologii, Uniwersytet Szczeciński), da Silva Elaine (Fluminense Federal University, UFF, Brazil), Dąbek Lidia (Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska, Geodezji i Energetyki Odnawialnej, Politechnika Świętokrzyska), Dannowski Ralf (Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung: Müncheberg, Brandenburg, DE), Delgado-González Cristián Raziel (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Tulancingo , Mexico), Dewil Raf (KU Leuven, Belgium), Djemli Samir (University Badji Mokhtar Annaba, Algeria), Du Rui (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Egorin AM (Institute of Chemistry FEBRAS, Russia), Fadillah‬ ‪Ganjar‬‬ (Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia), Gangadharan Praveena (Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad, India), Garg Manoj (Amity University, Noida, India), Gębicki Jacek (Politechnika Gdańska, Poland), Generowicz Agnieszka (Politechnika Krakowska, Poland), Gnida Anna (Silesian University of Technology, Poland), Golovatyi Sergey (Belarusian State University, Belarus), Grabda Mariusz (General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military Academy of Land Forces, Poland), Guo Xuetao (Northwest A&F University, China), Gusiatin Mariusz (Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurski, Polska), Han Lujia (Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN, Polska), Holnicki Piotr (Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland), Houali Karim (University Mouloud MAMMERI, Tizi-Ouzou , Algeria), Iwanek Małgorzata (Lublin University of Technology, Poland), Janczukowicz Wojciech (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland), Jan-Roblero J. (Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Carpio y Plan de Ayala s/n. Col. Sto. Tomás, Mexico), Jarosz-Krzemińska Elżbieta (AGH, Wydział Geologii, Geofizyki i Ochrony Środowiska, Katedra Ochrony Środowiska), Jaspal Dipika (Symbiosis Institute of Technology (SIT), Symbiosis International (Deemed University), (SIU), Jorge Dominguez (Universidade de Vigo, Spain), Kabała Cezary (Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland), Kalka Joanna (Silesian University of Technology, Poland), Karaouzas Ioannis (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Greece), Khadim Hussein (University of Baghdad, Iraq), Khan Moonis Ali (King Saud University, Saudi Arabia), Kojić Ivan (University of Belgrade, Serbia), Kongolo Kitala Pierre (University of Lubumbashi, Congo), Kozłowski Kamil (Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, Poland), Kucharski Mariusz (IUNG Puławy, Poland), Lu Fan (Tongji University, China), Łukaszewski Zenon (Politechnika Poznańska; Wydział Technologii Chemicznej), Majumdar Pradeep (Addis Ababa Sciennce and Technology University, Ethiopia), Mannheim Viktoria (University of Miskolc, Hungary), Markowska-Szczupak Agata (Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie; Wydział Technologii i Inżynierii Chemicznej), Mehmood Andleeb (Shenzhen University, China), Mol Marcos (Fundação Ezequiel Dias, Brazil), Mrowiec Bożena (Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej, Poland), Nałęcz-Jawecki Grzegorz (Zakład Toksykologii i Bromatologii, Wydział Farmaceutyczny, WUM), Ochowiak Marek (Politechnika Poznańska, Poland), Ogbaga Chukwuma (Nile University of Nigeria, Nigeria), Oleniacz Robert (AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland), Pan Ligong (Northeast Forestry University, China) Paruch Adam (Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway), Pietras Dariusz (ATH Bielsko-Biała, Poland), Piotrowska-Seget Zofia (Uniwersytet Ślaski, Polska), Płaza Grażyna (IETU Katowice, Poland), Pohl Alina (IPIS PAN Zabrze, Poland), Poikane Sandra (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy), Poluszyńska Joanna (Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials, Poland), Dudzińska Marzenna (Katedra Jakości Powietrza Wewnętrznego i Zewnętrznego, Politechnika Lubelska), Rawtani Deepak (National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar, India) Rehman Khalil (GC Women University Sialkot, Pakistan), Rogowska Weronika (Bialystok University of Technology, Poland), Rzeszutek Mateusz (AGH, Wydział Geodezji Górniczej i Inżynierii Środowiska, Katedra Kształtowania i Ochrony Środowiska), Saenboonruang Kiadtisak (Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok), Sebakhy Khaled (University of Groningen, Netherlands), Sengupta D.K. (Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar. India), Shao Jing (Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chile), Sočo Eleonora (Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland), Sojka Mariusz (Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland), Sonesten Lars (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden), Song Wencheng (Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Medical Physics and Technology, Chinese), Song ZhongXian (Henan University of Urban Construction, China), Spiak Zofia (Uniwersyet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu, Poland), Srivastav Arun (Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, India), Steliga Teresa (Instytut Nafty i Gazu -Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Poland), Surmacz-Górska Joanna (Silesian University of Technology, Poland), Świątkowski Andrzej (Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Poland), Symanowicz Barbara (Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland), Szklarek Sebastian (European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology, Polish Academy of Sciences), Tabina Amtul (GC University,Lahore, Pakistan), Tang Lin (Hunan University, China), Torrent Sergi (Innovación, Aigües de Manresa, S.A, Manresa, Spain, Spain), Trafiałek Joanna (Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland), Vijay U. (Department of Microb, Jaipur, India, India), Vojtkova Hana (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic), Wang Qi (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), Wielgosiński Grzegorz (Wydziału Inżynierii Procesowej i Ochrony Środowiska, Politechnika Łódzka), Wilk Pawel (IMGW-PIB, Poland), Wiśniewska Marta (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland), Yin Xianqiang (Northwest A&F University, Yangling China), Zając Grzegorz (University Of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland), Zalewski Maciej (European Regional Centre for Ecohydrologyunder the auspices of UNESCO, Poland), Zegait Rachid (Ziane Achour University of Djelfa), Zerafat Mohammad (Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran), Zgórska Aleksandra (Central Mining Institute, Poland), Zhang Chunhui (China University of Mining & Technology, China), Zhang Wenbo (Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou China), Zhu Guocheng (Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan, China), Zwierzchowski Ryszard (Zakład Systemów Ciepłowniczych i Gazowniczych, Politechnika Warszawska)

All Reviewers in 2021

Adamkiewicz Łukasz, Aksoy Özlem, Alwaeli Mohamed, Aneta Luczkiewicz, Anielak Anna, Antonkiewicz Jacek, Avino Pasquale, Babbar Deepakshi, Badura Marek, Bajda Tomasz, Biedka Paweł, Błaszczak Barbara, Bodzek Michał, Bogacki Jan, Burszta-Adamiak Ewa, Cheng Gan, Chojecka Agnieszka, Chrzanowski Łukasz, Chwojnowski Andrzej, Ciesielczuk Tomasz, Cimochowicz-Rybicka Małgorzata, Curren Emily, Cydzik-Kwiatkowska Agnieszka, Czajka Agnieszka, Danielewicz Jan, Dannowski Ralf, Daoud Mounir, Değermenci Gökçe, Dejan Dragan, Deluchat Véronique, Demirbaş Ahmet, Dong Shuying, Dudzińska Marzenna, Dunalska Julita, Franus Wojciech, G. Uchrin Christopher, Generowicz Agnieszka, Gębicki Jacek, Giergiczny Zbigniew, Gierszewski Piotr, Glińska-Lewczuk Katarzyna, Godłowska Jolanta, Gokalp Fulya, Gospodarek Janina, Górecki Tadeusz, Grabińska-Sota Elżbieta, Grifoni M., Gromiec Marek, Guo Xuetao, Gusiatin Zygmunt, Hartmann Peter, He Jianzhong, He Yong, Heese Tomasz, Hybská Helena, Imhoff Silvia, Iurchenko Valentina, Jabłońska-Czapla Magdalena, Janowski Mirosław, Jordanov Igor, Jóżwiakowski Krzysztof, Juśkiewicz Włodzimierz, Kabsch-Korbutowicz Małgorzata, Kalinowski Radosław, Kalka Joanna, Kapusta Paweł, Karczewska Anna, Karczmarczyk Agnieszka, Kicińska Alicja, Kiciński Jan, Kijowska-Strugała Małgorzata, Klejnowski Krzysztof, Kłosok-Bazan Iwona, Kolada Agnieszka, Konieczny Krystyna, Kostecki Maciej, Kowalczewska-Madura Katarzyna, Kowalczuk Marek, Kozielska Barbara, Kozłowski Kamil, Krzemień Alicja, Kulig Andrzej, Kwaśny Justyna, Kyzioł-Komosińska Joanna, Ledakowicz Stanislaw, Leites Luchese Claudia, Leszczyńska-Sejda Katarzyna, Li Mingyang, Liu Chao, Mahmood Khalid, Majewska-Nowak Katarzyna, Makisha Nikolay, Malina Grzegorz, Markowska-Szczupak Agata, Mocek Andrzej, Mokrzycki Eugeniusz, Molenda Tadeusz, Molkenthin Frank, Mosquera Corral Anuska, Muhmood Atif, Myrta Anna, Narayanasamy Selvaraju, Nzila Alexis, OIkuski Tadeusz, Oleniacz Robert, Pacyna Jozef, Pająk Tadeusz, Pal Subodh Chandra, Panagopoulos Argyris, Paruch Adam, Paszkowski Waldemar, Pawęska Katarzyna, Paz-Ferreiro Jorge, Paździor Katarzyna, Pempkowiak Janusz, Piątkiewicz Wojciech, Piechowicz Janusz, Piotrowska-Seget Zofia, Pisoni E., Piwowar Arkadiusz, Pleban Dariusz, Policht-Latawiec Agnieszka, Polkowska Żaneta, Poluszyńska Joanna, Rajca Mariola, Reizer Magdalena, Riesgo Fernández Pedro, Rith Monorom, Rybicki Stanisław, Rydzkowski Tomasz, Rzepa Grzegorz, Rzeźnik Wojciech, Rzętała Mariusz, Sabovljevic Marko, Scudiero Rosaria, Sekret Robert, Sheng Yanqing, Sławomir Stelmach, Słowik Leszek, Sočo Eleonora, Sojka Mariusz, Sophonrat Nanta, Sówka Izabela, Spiak Zofia, Stachowski Piotr, Stańczyk-Mazanek Ewa, Stebel Adam, Sulieman Magboul, Surmacz-Górska Joanna, Szalinska van Overdijk Ewa, Szczerbowski Radosław, Szetela Ryszard, Szopińska Kinga, Szymański Kazimierz, Ślipko Katarzyna, Tepe Yalçin, Tórz Agnieszka, Tyagi Uplabdhi, Uliasz-Bocheńczyk Alicja, Urošević Mira, Uzarowicz Łukasz, Vakili Mohammadtaghi, Van Harreveld A.P., Voutchkova Denitza, Wang Gang, Wang X.K., Werbińska-Wojciechowska Sylwia, Wiatkowski Mirosław, Wielgosiński Grzegorz, Wilk Pawel, Willner Joanna, Wisniewski Jacek, Wiśniowska Ewa, Włodarczyk-Makuła Maria, Wojciechowska Ewa, Wojnowska-Baryła Irena, Wolska Małgorzata, Wszołek Tadeusz, Wu Yonghua, Yusuf Mohammad, Zuberi Amina, Zuwała Jarosław, Zwoździak Jerzy.

All Reviewers in 2020

Adamiec Ewa, Adamkiewicz Łukasz, Ahammed M. Mansoor, Akcicek Ekrem, Ameur Houari, Anielak Anna, Antonkiewicz Jacek, Avino Pasquale, Badura Marek, Barabasz Wiesław, Barthakur Manoj, Battegazzore Daniele, Biedka Paweł, Bilek Maciej, Bisschop Lieselot, Błaszczak Barbara, Błażejewski Ryszard, Bochoidze Inga, Bodzek Michał, Bogacki Jan, Borella Paola, Borowiak Klaudia, Borralho Teresa, Boyacioglu Hülya, Bunjongsiri Kultida, Burszta-Adamiak Ewa, Calderon Raul, Chatveera Burachat Chatveera, Cheng Gan, Chiwa Masaaki, Chojnicki Józef, Chrzanowski Łukasz, Ciesielczuk Tomasz, Czajka Agnieszka, Czaplicka Marianna, Daoud Mounir, Dąbek Lidia, Değermenci Gökçe, Dejan Dragan, Deluchat Véronique, Dereszewska Alina, Dębowski Marcin, Dong Shuying, Dudzińska Marzenna, Dunalska Julita, Dymaczewski Zbysław, El-Maradny Amr, Farfan-Cabrera Leonardo, Filizok Işık, Franus Wojciech, García-Ávila Fernando, Gariglio N.F., Gaya M.S, Gebicki Jacek, Giergiczny Zbigniew, Glińska-Lewczuk Katarzyna, Gnida Anna, Gospodarek Janina, Grabińska-Sota Elżbieta, Gusiatin Zygmunt, Harnisz Monika, Hartmann Peter, Hawrot-Paw Małgorzata, He Jianzhong, Hirabayashi Satoshi, Hulisz Piotr, Imhoff Silvia, Iurchenko Valentina, Jabłońska-Czapla Magdalena, Jacukowicz-Sobala Irena, Jeż-Walkowiak Joanna, Jordanov Igor, Jóżwiakowski Krzysztof, Kabsch-Korbutowicz Małgorzata, Kajda-Szcześniak Małgorzata, Kalinowski Radosław, Kalka Joanna, Karczewska Anna, Karwowska Ewa, Kim Ki-Hyun, Klejnowski Krzysztof, Klojzy-Karczmarczyk Beata, Korniłłowicz-Kowalska Teresa, Korus Irena, Kostecki Maciej, Koszelnik Piotr, Koter Stanisław, Kowalska Beata, Kowalski Zygmunt, Kozielska Barbara, Krzyżyńska Renata, Kulig Andrzej, Kwarciak-Kozłowska Anna, Kyzioł-Komosińska Joanna, Lagzdins Ainis, Ledakowicz Stanislaw, Ligęza Sławomir, Liu Xingpo, Loga Małgorzata, Łebkowska Maria, Macherzyński Mariusz, Makisha Nikolay, Makowska Małgorzata, Masłoń Adam, Mazur Zbigniew, Michel Monika, Miechówka Anna, Miksch Korneliusz, Mnuchin Nathan, Mokrzycki Eugeniusz, Molkenthin Frank, Mosquera Corral Anuska, Muhmood Atif, Muntean Edward, Myrta Anna, Nahorski Zbigniew, Narayanasamy Selvaraju, Naumczyk Jeremi, Nawalany Marek, Noubactep C., Nowakowski Piotr, Obarska-Pempkowiak Hanna, Orge C.A., Paul Lothar, Pawęska Katarzyna, Paździor Katarzyna, Pempkowiak Janusz, Peña A., Pietr Stanisław, Piotrowska-Seget Zofia, Pisoni E., Płaza Grażyna, Polkowska Żaneta, Reizer Magdalena, Renman Gunno, Rith Monorom, Romanovski Valentin, Rybicki Stanisław, Rydzkowski Tomasz, Rzętała Mariusz, Sadeghi Mahdi, Sakakibara Yutaka, Scudiero Rosaria, Semaan Mary, Seredyński Franciszek, Sergienko Ruslan, Shen Yujun, Sheng Yanqing, Sidełko Robert, Sočo Eleonora, Sojka Mariusz, Sówka Izabela, Spiak Zofia, Stegenta-Dąbrowska Sylwia, Steliga Teresa, Sulieman Magboul, Surmacz-Górska Joanna, Suryadevara Nagaraja, Suska-Malawska Małgorzata, Szalinska van Overdijk Ewa, Szczerbowski Radosław, Szetela Ryszard, Szpyrka Ewa, Szulczyński Bartosz, Szwast Maciej, Szyszlak-Bargłowicz Joanna, Ślipko Katarzyna, Świetlik Ryszard, Tabernacka Agnieszka, Tepe Yalçin, Tobiszewski Marek, Treichel Wiktor, Tyagi Uplabdhi, Uliasz-Bocheńczyk Alicja, Uzarowicz Łukasz, Van Harreveld A.P., Wang X. K., Wasielewski Ryszard, Wiatkowski Mirosław, Wielgosiński Grzegorz, Willner Joanna, Wisniewski Jacek, Witczak Joanna, Witkiewicz Zygfryd, Włodarczyk Małgorzata, Włodarczyk-Makuła Maria, Wojciechowska Ewa, Wojtkowska Małgorzata, Xinhui Duan, Yang Chunping, Yaqian Zhao Yaqian, Załęska-Radziwiłł Monika, Zamorska Justyna, Zasina Damian, Zawadzki Jarosław, Zdeb Monika M., Zheng Guodi, Zhu Ivan X., Ziułkiewicz Maciej, Zuberi Amina, Zwoździak Jerzy, Żabczyński Sebastian, Żukowski Witold, Żygadło Maria.

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