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The present paper aims at investigating the problem of translating interjections from English into Polish. William Shakespeare’s Hamlet and its Polish translations by J. Paszkowski (1961), M. Słomczyński (1978), and S. Barańczak (1990) are chosen as the corpus for the present study. The analysis of the translations of the original English interjections will reveal the translational strategies followed by the translators. The first part of the paper is devoted to a short discussion concerning the definition and taxonomy of interjections. Next, the problem of the role interjections play in drama is discussed on the basis of the specialist literature. Finally, different translation strategies are presented followed by the analysis of the corpus material.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Drzazga


In this article, we address the issue of poetic translation and re-translation, beginning from a theoretical approach and, then, contextualizing it by the Italian versions of Antonio Machado’s poetry during the 20th century and the last decades. In the first part, we underline the most important elements that make poetic (re-)translation an autonomous, creative and original “literary genre”. In the second part, we compare Machado’s translations by Oreste Macrì to the ones newly realized by the author of the present article in terms of language, strategies and editorial target.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Matteo Lefèvre

  1. Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"


The Journal de traduction written by Marie‑Hélène Dumas during the translation of The Republic of Imagination by Azar Nafisi falls within an intermediate paratextual position between brouillon and métadiscours, where it is no longer the critic‑reader who establishes the bermanian translation horizon, but it is instead the author who spells out a project supported by a dual perception of authorship. As such, it is worth observing it in light of the recent interest of Translation Studies in the field of genetics of translation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Simona Munari

  1. Università Degli Studi Di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Italy
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Over the past 15 years, a tendency to restore the forgotten or little‑known names of scholars and translators of the Executed Renaissance period has clearly been seen in modern Ukrainian translation studies. One such scholar was Oleksander Finkel, the first author in Ukraine and the USSR of a systematic academic work entitled The Theory and Practice of Translation (Kharkiv, 1929). The conditions for a proper appraisal of the work of this theorist, teacher and translator were to appear only a decade ago, after the reprint of the above‑mentioned pioneering work. Therefore, the aim of the article is to acquaint the reader with the most important theoretical postulates of this and other works by Finkel, placing the main emphasis on innovations in his views – both from the perspective of his time and nowadays. The methods used during the analysis, in particular the synchronic and diachronic, allow one to reflect on the general translation discussion of the early twentieth century that Oleksander Finkel participated in. As it turned out as a result of the research, the scholar and translator was one of the first in Ukrainian translation studies to formulate the linguistic theory of translation and was a consistent supporter of quantitative accuracy in the evaluation of translated works.
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Ayzenshtok I., A.M. Finkelʹ – teoretik khudozhestvennogo perevoda, „Masterstvo perevoda” 1970, Sb. 7, p. 91‑118.
Bensimon P., Présentation, „Palimpsestes” 1990, nr 4 (Retraduire), p. 9‑13.
Berman A., La retraduction comme espace de la traduction, „Palimpsestes” 1990, nr 4 (Retraduire), p. 1‑7.
Derzhavin V., Nashi pereklady z zakhidnykh klyasykiv ta potreby suchasnoho chytacha, „Chervonyy shlyakh” 1930, nr 10, p. 160‑168.
Derzhavin V., Problema virshovanoho perekladu, „Pluzhanyn” 1927, nr 9‑10, p. 44‑51.
Finkelʹ A., O kriteriyakh tochnosti stikhotvornoho perevoda, Tsentralʹn. derzhavn. arkhiv- ‑muzey literat. i myst. Ukrayiny, fond nr 273, op.1, od.zb.44, chervenʹ‑veresenʹ 1963 r.
Finkelʹ A.M., G.F. Kvitka‑Osnovʹyanenko kak perevodchik sobstvennykh proizvedeniy: Disertatsіya na zdobuttya k.fіl.n. Rukopis, Tsentralʹn. derzhavn. arkhіv‑muzey lіterat. і myst. Ukrayiny, fond nr 273, op. 1, od. zb. 17, pochato 1939 r., 71 arkush.
Finkelʹ O., H.F. Kvitka‑Osnovʺyanenko – perekladach vlasnykh tvoriv, [v:] Kvitka- ‑Osnovʺyanenko: Zb. na 150‑richchya narodzhennya, Kharkiv 1929.
Finkelʹ O., Pereklad i mistse yoho v shkoli: [stattya z pravkamy avtora do zhurnalu „Ukrayinsʹka mova v shkoli” 1951], Tsentralʹn. derzhavn. arkhiv‑muzey literat. i myst. Ukrayiny, fond nr 273, op. 1, od. zb. 19.
Finkelʹ O., Pro kryteriyi tochnosti virshovanoho perekladu, [v:] Fynkelʹ A., O kryteryyakh tochnosty stykhotvornoho perevoda, Tsentralʹn. derzhavn. arkhiv‑muzey literat. i myst. Ukrayiny, fond nr 273, op. 1, od. zb. 44, chervenʹ‑veresenʹ 1963 r.
Finkelʹ O., Terminolohichne shkidnytstvo i yoho teoretychne korinnya, [v:] http://movahistory. org.ua/wiki/Finkel’_Ol._M._Terminolohichne_shkidnytstvo_i_yoho_teoretychne_korin-nya.
Gindin S., Pochemu gumanitarii ne sklonny doveryatʹ chislu, [v:] https://cyberleninka.ru/article/ v/pochemu‑gumanitarii‑ne‑sklonny‑doveryat‑chislu‑posleslovie‑k‑svidetelstvu‑i‑i-‑kovtunovoy‑1.
Kalʹnychenko O., Zarubina Z., Volodymyr Mykolayovych Derzhavyn yak krytyk perekladu, „Visnyk KhNU im. V. Karazina. Seriya: Inozemna filolohiya” 2016, vol. 83.
Kalnychenko O., Kamovnikova N., Oleksandr Finkel’ on the Problem of Self‑Translation, „Intralinea” 2019, vol. 21, [in:] http://www.intralinea.org/archive/article/2349.
Koptilov V., Aktualʹni pytannya ukrayinsʹkoho khudozhnʹoho perekladu, Kyiv 1971.
Levin Yu., K voprosu o perevodnoy mnozhestvennosti, [v:] Klassicheskoye naslediye i sovremennostʹ, Leningrad 1981.
Malikova M., K opisaniyu filologicheskogo perevoda v 30‑e gg.: A.A. Frankovskiy – perevodchik angliyskogo romana XVIII v., [v:] https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/ k‑opisaniyu‑filologicheskogo‑perevoda‑v‑1930‑e‑gg‑a‑a‑frankovskiy‑perevodchik-‑angliyskogo‑romana‑xviii‑v.
Oleksandr Finkelʹ – zabutyy teoretyk ukrayinsʹkoho perekladoznavstva, za red. L. Chernovatoho i V. Karabana, Vinnytsya 2007.
Printsipy khudozhestvennogo perevoda. Statʹi K. Chukovskogo i N. Gumileva, Peterburg 1919, [v:] http://lib2.pushkinskijdom.ru/printsipy‑khudozhestvennogo‑perevoda.
Rylʹsʹkyy M., Khudozhniy pereklad z odniyeyi slovʺyansʹkoyi movy na inshu, Kyiv 1958.
Savchenko Yu., Pochyn, „Pluzhanyn” 1927, nr 9‑10 (13‑14).
Shmiher T., Istoriya ukrayinsʹkoho perekladoznavstva XX storichchya, Kyiv 2009.
Szczerbiowski T., Rosyjskie teorie przekładu literackiego, Kraków 2011.
Zarubina Z., Vidminnosti mizh perekladom i avtoperekladom, „Vestnyk KhNADU” 2007, vol. 37, [v:] http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/the‑difference‑between‑translation‑and‑self-‑translation.pdf.
Zerov M., O. Finkelʹ. Teoriya y praktyka perekladu, „Zhyttya y revolyutsiya” 1929, vol. X.
Zerov M., U spravi virshovanoho perekladu, „Zhyttya y revolyutsiya” 1928, vol. IX.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Julia Rysicz‑Szafraniec

  1. Wrocław, Uniwersytet Wrocławski


The article analyses Brygida Helbig’s novel Niebko (2013) and its German translation (Kleine Himmel, 2019). The author of the paper discovers numerous inconsistencies in the two language versions. The adopted perspective is of an interdisciplinary nature, it combines linguistic and literary elements. The conclusions of the analysis contribute to reflections regarding the translation of intercultural literature, the phenomenon of self-translation, and the redefinition of the term “translation”.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Małgorzata Jokiel
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The paper aims to discuss phraseological units as the object of audiovisual translation in the Polish dubbing of Disney’s The Little Mermaid, to discuss the role of phraseological translation techniques, and to present possible translation inconsistencies. A theoretical introduction presents definitions for crucial terms. It is followed by the analysis of the corpus of phraseological units in Disney’s The Little Mermaid and their Polish translational equivalents.
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1. AHMADI, S./ KETABI, S. (2011): “Translation Procedures and Problems of Color Idiomatic Expressions in English and Persian”, Cultural Comparison in Focus. The Journal of International Social Research, 17/4, 9–39.
2. ALONSO LEÓN, P. M. (2019): “The nightmare before dubbing. Analysis of translation of songs intended for dubbing in animation films from Disney factory”, Transletters. International Journal of Translation and Interpreting, 2/1, 75–108.
3. BARTOLOMÉ HERNÁNDEZ, A. I. (2005): “El cine de animación: un caso especial de traducción audiovisual”, Trasvases culturales: literatura, cine, traducción, 4, 211–223.
4. BELCZYK, A. (2007): Tłumaczenie filmów, Wydawnictwo dla Szkoły, Wilkowice.
5. CHAUME VARELA, F. (2004): “Synchronization in dubbing: A translational approach”, in: ORERO, P. (ed.): Topics for Audiovisual Translation, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 35–52.
6. CHAVES GARCÍA, M. J. (1999): La traducción cinematográfica: el doblaje, Universidad de Huelva, Huelva.
7. CHUNBAI, Z. (2009): “The Translation of Film Dialogues for Dubbing”, in: FONG, G. C. F./ AU, K. K. L. (eds.): Dubbing and Subtitling in a World Context, Chinese University Press, Hong Kong, 149–160.
8. DIAZ‑CINTAS, J. (2009): “Introduction – Audiovisual Translation: An Overview of its Potential”, in: DIAZ‑CINTAS, J. (ed.): New Trends in Audiovisual Translation, Multilingual Matters, Bristol, 1– 20.
9. GAMBIER, Y. (2014): “The Position of Audiovisual Translation Studies”, in: MILLAN, C./ BARTRINA, F. (eds): The Routledge Handbook of Translation Studies, Routledge, London‑New York, 45–59.
10. HEJWOWSKI, K. (2015): Iluzja przekładu, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Śląsk, Katowice.
11. LEBIEDZIŃSKI, H. (1981): Elementy przekładoznawstwa ogólnego, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa.
12. MORALES LÓPEZ, J. R. (2008): La exotización en la traducción de la literatura infantil y juvenil: el caso particular de las traducciones al español de las novelas infantojuveniles de José Mauro de Vasconcelos. Doctoral dissertation, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
13. O’CONNELL, E. (2010): “Why Kermit and Harry Potter now speak Irish: Translating minority language television for children”, in: DI GIOVANNI, E./ ELEFANTE, C./ PEDERZOLI, R. (eds.): Écrire et traduire pour les enfants. Voix, images et mots. Writing and Translating for Children. Voices, Images and Texts, P.I.E. Peter Lang, Bruxelles, 265–281.
14. PECMAN, M. (2005): “De la phraséologie à la traductologie proactive : essai de synthèse des fondements théoriques sous‑tendant la recherche en phraséologie”, Meta : journal des traducteurs, 50/4.
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16. PRIEGO SANCHEZ, B./ PINTO, D. (2015): “Identification of verbal phraseological units in Mexican news stories”, Computacion y Sistemas, 4, 713–720.
17. RODRÍGUEZ CORRAL, L. (2014): WeTAV. Interview, http://wetav.com/entrevista-a-lucia-rodriguezcorral/, Accessed: 05.12.2020.
18. SCHOLTES, E. (2016): Translating Humour: A Case Study of the Subtitling and Dubbing of Wordplay in Animated Disney Films, Leiden University, Leiden.
19. SUŁKOWSKA, M. (2016): “Phraséodidactique et phraséotraduction: quelques remarques sur les nouvelles disciplines de la phraséologie appliquée”, Yearbook of Phraseology, 7/1, 35–54.
20. SUŁKOWSKA, M. (2017): “Frazeotranslacja oraz jej znaczenie w kształceniu i doskonaleniu tłumaczy”, Rocznik Przekładoznawczy, 12, 341–353.
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22. SUŁKOWSKA, M. (2018b): “Phraséologie appliquée et ses nouvelles branches: phraséodidactique et phraséotraduction”, Romanica Cracoviensia, 18, 159–170.
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26. XATARA, C. M. (2002): “La traduction phraséologique”, Meta: journal des traducteurs, 47/3, 441–444.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Paweł Golda
1 2
Judyta Mężyk
1 3

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice
  2. Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Paryż
  3. Université Paris‑Est Créteil, Paryż


This paper deals with the philological issues arisen in Italy in the case of Beckett’s drama in relation to his status as a self-translator, a fact still unclear when the first Italian translations were composed. This produced some inaccuracies as to the status of the original text: Fruttero usually translated from French, but several modifications were later introduced based on the English version. It was not revealed in the paratext that a modified translation combines both authorial texts.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Rossana Sebellin

  1. Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"


The purpose of the paper is to present difficulties lying ahead of translators of literary works in which specialized terminology is used. The authors have chosen as their research material one of the most well-known Polish alexandrines titled Pan Tadeusz czyli ostatni zajazd na Litwie. Historia szlachecka z r. 1811 i 1812, we dwunastu księgach, wierszem [“Master Thaddeus, or the Last Foray in Lithuania: A Tale of the Gentry in the Years 1811–1812, in Twelve Books of Verse”] and its translations into English and Korean. As the main purpose was to analyze the translation of hunting terminology into Korean, the authors have chosen an English translation rendered approximately at the same time as the Korean one. Therefore, the English language version has been used instrumentally. The research material has been limited to one plot only, that is to say the trials and tribulations of one of the heroines, whose name is Telimena and her chase for a husband. The main research method is the comparison of parallel texts. Apart from that, the authors have also resorted to techniques of providing equivalents and classifications of translation errors and mistakes. The findings prove that proper rendering of culture-bound terminology is very difficult and consultations with specialists are frequently necessary to achieve high quality translation products.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Aleksandra Matulewska
Kyong Geun Oh

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland


The present paper examines the transfer of nomino-adjectival collocations based on the word ‘femme’ (‘woman’) in the literary translation from French into Italian and Polish. The lexical connection analysed in the article can be defined as the habitual juxtaposition of a word with another word (or words) that has a significant frequency in a given language. The research corpus comprises seven Michel Houellebecq’s novels written originally in French and their Italian and Polish versions. The theoretical part of the paper aims to present phraseotranslation and phraseotraductol-ogy, which are the new subbranches in phraseology. Then, the empirical part proposes the analysis of techniques used in transferring collocations.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Paweł Golda
1 2 3

  1. Université d’Opole
  2. Université de Silésie
  3. Université Sorbonne Paris Nord


The following paper aims to analyse the functions of the interjection oh in the English corpus provided by Helen Fielding’s Bridget Jones’s Diary and its translation into Polish. Once the functions and patterns of the form are defined, the translation strategies employed are analysed. The study reveals which translational strategies proposed by Cuenca (2006) are employed in the translation of oh: literal translation, using an interjection with dissimilar form but having the same meaning, using a non‑interjective structure but with similar meaning, using an interjection with a different meaning, omission, or addition of usually a primary interjection. The analysis of the interjection oh is preceded by a very brief presentation of various approaches focusing on the problem of defining and classifying interjections, as well as the presentation of the research concerning the interjection oh and its description in the specialist literature.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Drzazga

  1. University of Silesia in Katowice


False friends in phraseology as a translation problem This paper presents the problem of translating false friends in phraseology. In addition, it illustrates the differences in the translation strategies of different groups of respondents and proves that false friends in the text can be avoided if they are known and if a particular vigilance is kept when translating lexically equivalent phraseological items.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mariola Majnusz-Stadnik


This paper intends to investigate the strategic approaches towards the third culture elements, which are regarded as a sign of literary heterolingualism, in the translation into Polish and Dutch of Pachinko written by Min Jin Lee, a Korean American author who currently lives in New York. Since the plot of the novel written in English is set in Korea and Japan, all elements of Korean and Japanese origin are considered third culture elements in the translation process. The aim of the analysis conducted against the backdrop of anthropocentric Translation Studies is to present the similarities and differences in the translation techniques concerning the third culture elements, as well as to introduce the factors determining the choice of a specific translation approach.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Michał Gąska
Judyta Kuznik

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski


The purpose of the article is to analyze the concept of translation strategy, which is a relatively under discussed topic in translation theory studies. The idea of translator’s strategy use can be put forward mainly on the basis of the analysis of the translated work within a skopos-based research position, according to which a translator’s strategy is a part of conscious action organized by the translation’s purpose and conditioned by the situational context. The current study takes under scrutiny the Russian translation of a publication about Poland’s history after regaining independence. The analysis shows translators’ tendency to exoticise their translation while the textual data enable us to reconstruct translators’ motivations and ways of shaping translated units. At the same time, the study highlights the consequences of adopted strategies and presents limitations as well as drawbacks connected with exoticisation of translation.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Roman Lewicki


In 1964, “Pol’sha” magazine published three poems by Wisława Szymborska with a note: “translated by Anna Akhmatova”. As it was to turn out later, Akhmatova had only authored one of the translations, turning the other two poems over to Anatoly Nayman as a means for him to earn some income. The present paper supports this opinion by findings from my analysis of Akhmatova’s archive materials, viz. draft translations of the poems. The drafts of For wine ( Przy winie) reflect three phases in her translation work, while those for Ballad ( Ballada) and The Hungry Camp at Yaslo ( Obóz głodowy pod Jasłem) are only limited to corrections that merely “smooth out” the translator’s poetic style.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Władimir Miakiszew

  1. Kraków, Uniwersytet Jagielloński


This article first surveys the current, somewhat unproductive state of research into potential universals of translation. Then it considers in specific the “first translational response universal” (Malmkjær 2011), suggesting that it may be rooted in the cognitive mechanism of priming. Empirical evidence for this is next sought in the analysis of a set of 34 novice translations of the same short passage from Swedish into Polish, which are shown to exhibit the effects of priming to a considerable extent. Overall, the objective is to illustrate a possible way of investigating postulated translation universals: first identifying a cluster of cognitive mechanisms to motivate the universal, then determining the linguistic structures that are concrete manifestations of such mechanisms in languages meeting in translation. The proposed research procedure thus proceeds from a cognitive process to a detailed language structure, allowing for the examination of phenomena observed in the “third code” on the supra-cultural level.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ewa Data-Bukowska


Artykuł omawia cztery polskie przekłady Agamemnona Ajschylosa (pierwszej część trylogii Oresteja) – pióra Zygmunta Węclewskiego, Jana Kasprowicza, Stefana Srebrnego i Artura Sandauera – i w szczególności podejmuje próbę uchwycenia tego, jak tłumacze rozumieją i przedstawiają Klitajmestrę, postać niejednoznaczną i złożoną, która nie mieści się w ramach narzuconych przez społeczeństwo, w którym żyje. Zestawienie czterech tłumaczeń z greckim oryginałem ujawnia różne strategie wybrane przez tłumaczy, które zaświadczają o ich rozumieniu sztuki.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Barbara Bibik

  1. Katedra Filologii Klasycznej, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu


Przekłady greckie i łacińskie trzech Liryków lozańskich (1839–1840) i jednego nieco wcześniejszego wiersza Adama Mickiewicza („Gęby za lud krzyczące…”).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jerzy Danielewicz

  1. Instytut Filologii Klasycznej, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


The main focus of the article is to point out and analyse translation strategies as determinants of translators’ intercultural competence in the dubbed animated films: Shrek the Third, Shrek Forever, Kung Fu Panda 1, and Kung Fu Panda 2. The research problem is an attempt to answer the questions: which components of the source culture are submitted for domestication and foreignization as well? What kind of language equivalences can we observe in the Polish and Russian dubbed animated films? Is there a parallelism between Russian and Polish strategies in translation? Are we able to observe differences between Polish and Russian translation strategies in parallel places? The research material consists of 120 pages of film dialogue transcript in Polish, written by Bartosz Wierzbięta, and in Russian, written by Pavel Silenchuk. Qualitative and quantitative research into the Polish and Russian language versions of the dubbed animated films was conducted. The analysis shows that the translators predominantly tend to use domestication in parallel places for the Polish and Russian dialogues: according to the names of people, realities, and quotes. There is one crucial difference between the approaches of the Russian and Polish translators: Pavel Silenchuk makes reference to high culture (literature, poems, and films) but Bartosz Wierzbięta makes references to low culture. What’s more, both translators tend towards a third culture that doesn’t exist in the original version. As with Pavel Silenchuk, Bartosz Wierzbięta tends to foreignization as well. The functional analogues mentioned in this research, show that creativity is a factor that determines the high intercultural competence of a translator of animated films with dubbing.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Karolina Wakulik

  1. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie
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The article characterises the artistic language of Vasily Shukshin, laying special emphasis on the role of dialectisms in his short stories, as well as in literature in general. However, the main focus of the article is to point out and analyse the types of equivalents that were used in the Polish renditions by the following translators: I. Bajkowska, Z. Gadzinianka, J. Landesberg, K. Latoniowa, T. G. Lipszyc, E. Niepokólczycka, J. Olszowska, I. Piotrowska, B. Reszko, D. Rymsza‑Zalewska, I. Szpak, A. Wolnicka. Translators utilise various translation equivalents but they do not fully recreate the qualities of the original units. Translators predominantly tend to convey the denotative meaning. As a result translations lose the local flavour of a Siberian village.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Filip Tołkaczewski

  1. Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy


The “Tetradi perevodčika” Journal was founded in 1958 and appeared almost regularly from 1963 to 1989. Its aim was to host readers in an ideal translator’s atelier, seen as an opportunity for theoretical reflection and discussion on concrete matters arising from everyday translation practice. This paper intends to trace the main lines of development of the lively theoretical-practical debate that animated Soviet culture in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
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Giulia Baselica

  1. Università degli Studi di Torino


The year 1643 saw the publication of Listy swięteo oyca Partheniusza do Piotra Mohily, which came out of the printing press of the Polish‑language department of the Kyiv Lavra. In the Letters Parthenius – a relatively unknown patriarch of Con-stantinople – discusses Confessio Fidei – a succinct confession of faith published in Geneva in 1629 under the name of Cyril Lucaris – an Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and opponent of the union. As Confessio is clearly Calvinist is spirit, Parthenius refutes Lucaris’ authorship and imposes an anathema on the genuine author of Confessio and its propagators. The recipient and a probable translator of Letters is Peter Mohyla – a distinguished Metropolitan of Kyiv, author of the first Orthodox catechism and founder of the Mohyla Collegium. The paper addresses the issue of the Letters, in particular their Polish translation and the identity of the translator but does so against the broader background of the circumstances occasioned by the emergence of the contentious Confessio and the Orthodox Church’s ultimate reaction to its emergence.
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Jolanta Klimek-Grądzka

  1. The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


The present paper is an empirical, corpus-based study of the Polish translations of Shakespeare’s agentive neologisms in -er in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The inspiration for the analysis was Kalaga’s book Nomina Agentis in the Language of Shakespearean Drama (2016), where the author selects 39 Shakespeare’s agentive neologisms in - er. The paper surveys qualitative and quantitative tendencies of translation techniques adopted by nineteenth and twentieth-century translators occurring in the corpus placed against the context of general discussion on the translation of neologisms. A brief discussion concerning word formation processes with the suffix - er in the current and Early Modern English systems of word formation precedes the analysis.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Drzazga

  1. Institute of Linguistics University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland


Characters with split personalities in Nessuno torna indietro by Alba de Céspedes and the German-Polish history of the novel – This paper focuses on the Polish reception of Nessuno torna indietro, a novel by Alba de Céspedes. In Italy the novel was a bestseller between 1938 and the eighties, however it was impossible to publish it in Poland due to the fact that negotiations failed. Nevertheless, the book was translated into Polish on the basis of the German version and published in a newspaper in 1947. The presentation of the Polish history of this novel will be based on archival materials.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jadwiga Miszalska


Tłumaczenie na język polski utworu 70 Katullusa.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wiktoria Krawczyk

  1. Wydział Polonistyki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

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