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Created in the distant past, attitudes and patterns of thinking have caused the mentality of contemporary Poles. The collective memory about the greatness delusions of old-time nobilities and the traumas suffered in the annexed territories today infl uence their thinking and behaviours as well national self-evaluation.

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Maciej Dymkowski
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This article is an ecohauntological reading of Małgorzata Lebda’s novel Łakome [The Greedy] (2023). Its main purpose is to track down the Derridean ‘spectres’ that make their appearance as a result of the traumatic relationship between the main character and a rural world in the grip of an environmental degradation and the extinction of wildlife. The article proposes a psychoanalytic reading of the novel based on Ashlee Cunsolo’s notion of ‘ecological grief’, triggered by inexorable loss that occurs before the eyes of the protagonists. The experience of terminal illness tests and erodes the ‘I’, but also opens it to the outside world and, in effect, reveals a precious complex of relations between the human and non-human worlds.
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Mateusz Adam Michalski

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
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Introduction: Trauma is one of the leading causes of death in the European Union. The European Trauma Course (ETC) is a training course that focuses on administering aid to trauma patients in a Hospital’s Emergency Department by creating an effective and well-organized trauma team. The purpose of the study is to analyze how the ETC training is evaluated by its participants and whether it is tailored to local needs.

Materials and Methodology: The study includes eight courses conducted between 2010 and 2015, involving 109 medical professionals. Participants were given questionnaires where they could evaluate the various aspects of the course and comment on each of them, using a four-level scale. Finally, 78 surveys were qualified for the study.

Results: The exercises were very highly rated (average 3.79 points), mainly for their interesting scenarios and station preparation. Equally well-evaluated was the short and concise method of instruction. The lowest ranked aspect was the course fee (2.41 points). There were oft en negative comments about the use of English during the training (lectures and manuals).

Discussion: The opinions of Polish students were similar to those of ETC participants in other European countries. There are many interesting advantages of workshop scenarios, while the downside is the time constraint. Nevertheless, the ETC has been very successful. High ratings and positive feedback affirm the high demand for such courses in Poland.

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Kaja Gąska
Grzegorz Cebula
Grzegorz Danielczok
Michał Nowakowski
Piotr Kolęda
Janusz Andres
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Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the importance of social bonds for our ability to cope with traumatizing incidents. It is theorized that the dysfunctions related to trauma, such as alexithymia and dissociation can be linked to certain parental attitudes towards a child in an early developmental stages together with characteristics of the trauma itself, namely the identity of the perpetrator, understood as his or her social closeness to the victim.

Participants: A total number of 60 participants, selected randomly from a population, psychiatric hospital patients as well as psychotherapy centers were tested using four questionnaires (TAS-26, PSD, CES, PBI).

Results: The analyses revealed that high alexithymia levels are related to demanding attitude of the caregivers, whereas dissociation is more common in people who remember their parents as inconsequent and emotionally labile. Findings related to the connection between the identity of a perpetrator of the trauma and the sequelae showed that the dissociation levels were significantly higher in victims who suffered abuse from the hands of family member or friends than those who were harmed by unknown people.

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Elżbieta Zdankiewicz-Ścigała
Patrycja Strzeszkowska
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One of the most important problems of contemporary humanities is the issue of memory and the discourse around the concept of trauma. The last is the experience of two North Caucasian nations, the Ingush and the Chechens, who were deported to Kazakhstan in 1944 on Stalin’s orders. The purpose of this article is to expose the way made by Chechen and Ingush literature from an arbitrarily imposed oblivion to an attempt to dismantle the institutionalized memory of these events. Books belonging to the canon of Russian literature (e.g. the novel The Inseparable Twins (1987) by Anatoly Pristavkin or the “novel‑idyll” A Gloom is Cast Upon the Ancient Steps (2000) by Alexander Chudakov) provide merely the background to the study. The main subject of the researcher’s interest are works written by less known Chechen and Ingush authors (Said Chakhkiyev, Gabatsu Lokaev, Yusup Chakhkiyev and Issa Kodzoyev). The fiction and non‑fiction both reveal a post‑traumatic syndrome and a victim narrative. The article presents a number of examples showing how the subject of deportation appeared in literature and how psychological memory was dominated by the compulsion of memory. The author’s attention is also directed to the practices of censoring the past and using memory for current political purposes.
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Assmann J., Pamięć kulturowa. Pismo, zapamiętywanie i polityczna tożsamość w cywilizacjach starożytnych, tłum. A. Kryczyńska‑Pham, Warszawa 2008.

Avtorkhanov A. (Uralov A.), Narodoubiystvo v SSSR. Ubiystvo chechenskogo naroda, München 1952.

Chakhkiyev S., Zolotyye stolby, perev. G. Rusakov, Nalʹchik 1994.

Chakhkiyev Yu., Golos iz ada, perev. A. Bazorkina, Nazranʹ 2004.

Czudakow A., Zabrali nam Rosję… Powieść‑idylla, przeł. A. Czendlik, Warszawa 2016.

Gilëva E., K voprosu o dokumentalʹnosti russkoyazychnoy prozy I.A. Kodzoyeva, „Vestnik Buryatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Pedagogika. Filologiya. Filosofiya” 2017, № 6.

Halbwachs M., Les Cadres sociaux de la mémoire, Paris 1925.

Isakiyeva Z., Pravovoye polozheniye chechentsev, deportirovannykh v tsentralʹnyy Kazakhstan v 1940‑e gg., „Gramota” 2016, № 6 (68), ch. 2.

Jachina G., Zulejka otwiera oczy, przeł. H. Chłystowski, Warszawa 2017.

Kadyrov pozvolil provesti traurnyye meropriyatiya v godovshchinu deportatsii, [v:] https://www.kavkaz‑

Kak Kadyrov 23 fevralya ustroil iz pominok prazdnik, [v:] https://www.kavkaz‑

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Nora P., Między pamięcią a historią: Les lieux de Memoire, „Tytuł Roboczy: Archiwum” 2009, nr 2.

Pristavkin A., Nochevala tuchka zolotaya, Moskva 2015.

Rakhayev Dzh., Analiziruya travmu: Istoriografiya deportatsii karachayevtsev i balkartsev kak forma kulʹturnoy pamyati, „Lyudi i teksty. Istoricheskiy alʹmanakh” 2014.

Ricoeur P., Pamięć, historia, zapomnienie, przeł. J. Margański, Kraków 2006.

Solzhenitsyn A., Arkhipelag GULag, t. 1, Paris 1973.

Szpociński A., Miejsca pamięci ((lieux de mémoire), „Teksty Drugie” 2008, nr 4.

Tak eto bylo. Natsionalʹnyye repressii v SSSR. 1919‑1952 gody. Khudozhestvenno-‑dokumentalʹnyy sbornik v 3‑kh tomakh, sost. S. Aliyeva, Moskva 1993.

Tochiyeva Kh., Daliyeva E., Roman „Obval” Issy Kodzoyeva. Spetsifika abrechestva v usloviyakh deportatsii, „Izvestiya chechenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta” 2007, № 1.

Zawisko T., Czeczenia: demontaż pamięci, „Nowa Europa Wschodnia” 2014, nr 1.
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Joanna Kula

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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Energy transition is a process that affects entire regions, not only reducing the prevailing socio- -economic conditions but most importantly, creating a new framework of functioning for their inhabitants. The changes that are taking place can be described as territorial stresses, which are factors that affect not only the psychological well-being of residents but also the economic, demographic, technological and ecological conditions of the regions. The article presents the partial results of research work conducted within the EN TRAN CES project. The authors compare two carbon-intensive regions: Kraków Metropolitan Area (high air pollution area) and Silesia (coal mining area). Comparing the results of the two components and thus the research methods: - the identification and systematization of the socio-cultural stress situation (a component describing events relevant to the transformation of the regions from 1945–2022 and the sparing of its significance on the development conditions in the regions; - the assessment of the adaptive capacity of the residents based on their attachment to the place, individual adaptation strategies for resolving tensions and the level of life satisfaction (socio-psychological component).
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Wit Hubert
Wojciech Kowalik
Aleksandra Komorowska
Dominik Kryzia
Monika Pepłowska
Lidia Gawlik

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute PAS, Kraków, Poland
  2. AGH University of Krakow, Kraków, Poland
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The subject of the article is the impact that the experience of totalitarianism has on the identity of individuals and – because of the passing on of memory – on the next generations who have not been affected by political violence. As the subject of my analysis, I have chosen a novel by the Ukrainian writer Stepan Prociuk Інфекція (The Infection 2002). The issue of passing on distorted patterns of behaviour and identity to future generations was presented in this work through the metaphor of a disease that causes dysfunction of individuals and society as an entirety, and whose symptoms are visible on many levels of social and political life, as well as in the sphere of culture. The use of the disease metaphor is also characteristic of other Ukrainian authors who wrote in the first years of independence (Yuriy Izdryk, Yuriy Hudz’, Oksana Zabuzhko, Yuriy Andrukhovych).
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Bakuła B., Współczesne debaty narodowe w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej, [w:] Historie, społeczeństwa, przestrzenie dialogu. Studia postzależnościowe w perspektywie porównawczej, red. H. Gosk i D. Kołodziejczyk, Kraków Wyd. Centrum Badań Dyskursów Postzależnościowych 2014.

Boruszkowska I., Płynna cielesność. Ciało męskiego podmiotu w prozie Jurija Izdryka, [w:] Wielkie tematy w literaturach słowiańskich, „Slavica Wratislaviensia” 2011, CLIII.

Flis L., Obraz postkomunizmu Europy Wschodniej i Bałkanów w pisarstwie Slavenki Drakulić, [w:] Białe maski/szare twarze. Ciało, pamięć, performatywność w perspektywie postzależnościowej, pod red. E. Graczyk, M. Graban-Pomirskiej, M. Horodeckiej, M. Żółkoś, Centrum Badań Dyskursów Postzależnościowych. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Universitas 2015.

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Hundorova T., Postkolonialʹnyy roman heneratsiyi travmy, [v:] Postkolonializm, heneratsiyi kulʹtura, red. T. Hundorova, A. Matusiak, Kyyiv 2014. Irwaneć O., Choroba Libenkrafta, przeł. N. Bryżko, N. Zapór, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Biuro Literackie 2013.

Jakubowska-Krawczyk K., Lwów wieku XX-XXI. Dorastanie i konflikt pokoleń w dobie przemian społecznych i rewolucji (na podstawie „Domu z witrażem” Żanny Słoniowskiej), „Teka Komisji Polsko-Ukraińskich Związków Kulturowych” 2018, t. XIII.

Jakubowska-Krawczyk K., Obraz miasta Środkowoeuropejskiego w twórczości Jurija Andruchowycza, [w:] Fiatal Szlavisták Budapesti Nemzetközi Konferenciája IV. Eötvös Loránd University Bölcsészettudományi Kar Faculty of Humanities Szláv és Balti Filológiai Intézet Institute of Slavonic and Baltic Philology Budapest, Főszerkeszt A. Urkom, Budapeszt 2016.

Kharchuk R., Suchasna ukrayinsʹka proza. Postmodernyy period, Kyyiv 2008.

Matusiak A., Świetlicki M., Kategoria pokolenia we współczesnych badaniach społeczno-kulturowych, [w:] Posttotalitarny syndrom pokoleniowy w literaturach słowiańskich Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej i Południowo-Wschodniej końca XX-początku XXI wieku w świetle studiów postkolonialnych, pod red. A. Matusiak, Poznań – Wrocław: Wyd. Bonami 2016.

Matusiak A., Pokolenie jako miejsce pamięci w prozie Serhija Żadana, [w:] Posttotalitarny syndrom pokoleniowy w literaturach słowiańskich Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej i Południowo-Wschodniej końca XX-początku XXI wieku w świetle studiów postkolonialnych, pod red. A. Matusiak, Poznań – Wrocław: Wyd. Bonami 2016.

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Marta Zambrzycka

  1. Warszawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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On the example of selected works by Oksana Zabuzhko, Volodymyr Lys, and Vasyl Shklar, I discuss the narrations of memory and ways of writing about history in Ukrainian contemporary prose. Historical topics concerning the traumatic experiences of the twentieth century appear in Ukrainian prose along with the regaining of independence and develop after 2000. The authors refer primarily to those issues which in the Soviet era were silenced, erased, censored. An important place in literary narratives of memory is occupied by the threads of OUN-UPA fi ghts, the Ukrainian-Bolshevik war, UNR times, Soviet terror, Great Hunger, the demythologization of World War II is also important, as well as an uncensored description of post-war Soviet reality. In the text, I do not carry out a detailed analysis of selected novels, but only highlight the main problems and ways in which authors write about history.

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Marta Zambrzycka
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Artykuł podejmuje problem pamięci zbiorowej o czasach II wojny światowej wśród mieszkańców śląskiej wsi Bojszowy. Odwołując się do koncepcji traumy kulturowej Jeffreya C. Alexandra zadano pytanie: czy w przypadku pamięci mieszkańców badanej wsi o czasach wojny mamy do czynienia z wystąpieniem traumy kulturowej? Do analizy wybrano dwa problemy: pamięć o służbie mężczyzn w Wehrmachcie oraz pamięć o sąsiedztwie nazistowskiego obozu zagłady w Auschwitz-Birkenau (wieś znajduje się w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie Oświęcimia). Odpowiedź na pytanie badawcze uzyskano dzięki analizie trzydziestu relacji zebranych techniką wywiadu pogłębionego. Badanie odtworzonych treści pamięci zbiorowej pokazało, że pamięć o służbie bojszowian w Wehrmachcie ma charakter traumy kulturowej. Pamięć o tych dramatycznych doświadczeniach przetworzona została na narrację, która odmieniła tożsamość mieszkańców wsi. Taki proces nie zaszedł w przypadku pamięci o obozie Zagłady, dlatego równie trudnych wydarzeń związanych z tym sąsiedztwem nie można ujmować w kategoriach traumy kulturowej.

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Tomasz Nawrocki
Krzysztof Bierwiaczonek
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This article examines a cycle of poems by Maria Kurecka, the acclaimed writer and translator, in which she mourns the loss of her husband, Witold Wirpsza, who died in 1985. Held by the archives of the Pomeranian Library in Szczecin, these unpublished poems were written in the final years of her life. In this article they are positioned and read against the background of Polish funerary poetry and its traditions. Apart from having single poems published in literary magazines, Maria Kurecka produced just one volume of poetry, Trzydzieści wierszy ( Thirty Poems, 1987). In fact, though, there may be quite a lot of poems that she chose to keep private. Remembered as an outstanding translator of German literature, Maria Kurecka the poet is virtually unknown. It is hoped that by drawing attention to her poetic work this article will contribute to a better appreciation of her achievement.
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Mariusz Strzeżek

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
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Authors, mostly specialists on rehabilitation and orthopedic surgery prove that arthrofibrosis is a commonly overlooked phenomenon, which may lead to serious limitation in the range of movement, leading to limitation in patients quality of functioning. The main goal of this article is to emphasize the importance of understanding a such complex condition. Non typical patomechanism, lack of biomarkers dedicated to this dysfunction and general lack of under-standing in this pathology causes that risk factors and the most effective strategies remain vastly unknown. Pathophysiology of the arthrofibrosis in the joints is definitely multifactorial, but intense production of collagen seems to be the main factor. Most modern pharmacological methods concentrate on the regula-tion of collagen fiber production and reducing the inflammation. Inflammation from joint contractures stimulates the proliferation of activated cells that results in the production of extracellular matrix macromolecules to form fibrotic tissue that is deposited into the capsule, thereby resulting in fibrosis.
Lack of unified classification scale is caused by relatively high variation of the functions fulfilled by particular joints and each treatment plan should be constructed individually. Quality of surgical treatment and physical therapy play a major role in both prevention and treatment of such complex condition as arthrofibrosis.
Both iatrogenic mistakes and overly aggressive manual therapy are some of main factors increasing the risk of this pathological condition. Introducing properly conducted physical therapy treatment in the early stage is crucial to main the range of movement and preventing this significant problem.
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Andrzej Walocha
Bartosz Rutowicz
Wojciech Przybycień
Michał Zarzecki
Michał Kłosiński
Paweł Depukat
Bernard Solewski
Ewa Mizia
Anna Gil
Ewa Walocha

  1. Boom Boxing Studio, Kraków, Poland
  2. Department of Anatomy, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  3. Laboratory of Nursing Theory and Fundamentals, Institute of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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The article is research into the traumatic experience of war, based on the Volodymyr Rafieienko’s novel Petrichor – Smell of the Earth after the Rain. It’s logical to examine this text from the position of trauma studies, which have become very actual in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war and its consequences. The writer represented the prospect of overcoming collective and individual trauma in a very original way. He describes in details the painful experiences caused by the forced resettlement of people, and most of all – the feeling of guilt due to the death of close ones. Rafieienko’s novel reflects the world of imagination of a person with a disturbed psyche. In such a way, he suggests a new kind of narration where imaginarium (the world of fantasy, visions and the dreams of the characters) and the pictures of an unbearable reality, which must be recalled to understand the depth of the pain in order to continue living, are crossed in a natural way. Petrichor… represents the author’s individual vision of the cultural trauma, which causes a radical change in human identity. This new identity is the creative force and at the same time, it impresses on one the state of total danger, nationwide mobilization and solidarity. The writer raises the issue of sacred sacrifice. We mean the price that must be paid for the renunciation of the difficult past. All this leads to a persistent psychological disorder within the novel’s characters. Thus, Rafieienko carries out a mental topography of trauma, indicating its important markers and motives within a specific geocultural space.
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Zarembo K., Skhid ukrayins'koho sontsya. Istoriyi Donechchyny ta Luhanshchyny pochatku XXI stolittya, L'viv 2022.
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Jarosław Poliszczuk

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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An 11-year old boy presented with a blunt trauma in the right inguinal area after a bicycle accident. Initial clinical picture was indicative of decreased arterial blood supply to the right lower extremity and the diagnostic confirmation was made with a colour flow Doppler ultrasonography. During operative investigation, a thrombosis of the common femoral artery, 3.5 cm in length, was found. The thrombotic part of the femoral artery was removed and replaced with a venous graft taken from the major saphenous vein, before the saphenofemoral junction. Postoperative course was uneventful. Traumatic thrombosis of the common femoral artery as a result of a blunt trauma is very rare, as only 4 relevant cases have been described previously.
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1. Corneille M.G., Gallup T.M., Villa C., et al.: Pediatric vascular injuries: acute management and early outcomes. J Trauma. 2011; 70: 823–828.
2. Allison N.D., Anderson C.M., Shah S.K., et al.: Outcomes of truncal vascular injuries in children. J Pediatr Surg. 2009; 44: 1958–1964.
3. Mommsen P., Zeckey C., Hildebrand F., et al.: Traumatic extremity arterial injury in children: epidemiology, diagnostics, treatment and prognostic value of Mangled Extremity Severity Score. J Orthop Surg Res. 2010; 5: 25.
4. Sarfati M.R., Galt S.W., Treiman G.S., Kraiss L.W.: Common femoral artery injury secondary to bicycle handlebar trauma. J Vasc Surg. 2002; 35: 589–591.
5. Conrad M.F., Patton J.H. Jr., Parikshak M., Kralovich K.A.: Evaluation of vascular injury in penetrating extremity trauma: angiographers stay home. Am Surg. 2002; 68: 269–274.
6. Harris L.M., Hordines J.: Major vascular injuries in the pediatric population. Ann Vasc Surg. 2003; 17: 266–269.
7. Hossny A.: Blunt popliteal artery injury with complete lower limb ischemia: is routine use of temporary intraluminal arterial shunt justified? J Vasc Surg. 2004; 40: 61–66.
8. Milas Z.L., Dodson T.F., Ricketts R.R.: Pediatric blunt trauma resulting in major arterial injuries. Am Surg. 2004; 70: 443–447.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ioannis Patoulias
Ioannis Panopoulos
Georgios Pitoulias
Thomas Feidantsis
Dimitrios Patoulias

  1. First Department of Pediatric Surgery, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece, General Hospital “G. Gennimatas”, Greece
  2. Department of Pediatrics, General Hospital “G. Gennimatas”, Thessaloniki, Greece
  3. Department of Vascular Surgery, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece, General Hospital “G. Gennimatas”, Greece
  4. Second Propedeutic Department of Internal Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, General Hospital “Hippokration”, Greece
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This article explores the themes and imagery of ill health in Małgorzata Lebda’s poetry. In the poetic triptych Sprawy ziemi [ Matters of the Earth] (2020) she keeps return-ing to the experience of illness and grieves for the loss of both parents (first her mother, then her father) and a missing sister, whose memory was blotted out from family history. In fact, though, Granica lasu [ The Forest Border] (2013) and Matecznik [ Wildwood] (2016) can be seen as earlier attempts to come to terms with all those traumas by transforming them into the texture of her poems. Similarly, the mysterious elder sister who has haunted the poets’ dreams is conjured up in the Sny uckermärkerów [ The Uckermärkers’ Dreams] (2019). The final part of the triptych makes is clear that both sisters bear an in-delible mark of illness, which, in one way or another, is omnipresent in Lebda’s poetic world. It is a tough world where illness and death spares no man, animal or plant.
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Weronika Bukowska

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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How exactly did Adam Zagajewski, the Cracovian exile from postwar Lvov, become the “Poet of 9/11”, as Newsweek hailed him on the tenth anniversary of the infamous terrorist attack? And why has the poem lingered on in the years that follow, comforting readers in the aftermath of all kinds of disasters, private and public, natural and manmade? This essay traces the history behind the poem’s debit in English translation on the final page of the New Yorker magazine’s first issue after the attack. It follows its subsequent afterlife as one of the best-known contemporary poems in the English language, as witnessed by its countless appearances in everything from anthologies to sermons, pop songs, and personal websites in the last eighteen years.
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Clare Cavanagh

  1. prof., profesor literatur słowiańskich i komparatystyki (Frances Hooper Professor in the Arts and Humanities) na Uniwersytecie Northwestern
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While presenting a wide range of cultural, historical and political factors which have influen-ced the Polish and the American reception of Miron Białoszewski’s A Memoir of the Warsaw Uprising, this article tries to assess the role played in its reception abroad by the fact that the original text existed in several versions (censored and uncensored) and, on its way to print, got fitted out with multiple paratexts (introductions, prefaces and afterwords). Interestingly, there seems to be a connection between these fringe texts, the shaping of the translation as shown by choices made by the translators and editors, the evolving model of what is believed to be the right and proper handling of historical traumas, and the politics of remembrance in diverse historical settings and cultural imaginaries. An in-depth analysis of the details of translation and editorship opens up a series of broader questions about the status of a literary text functioning as evidence of traumatic historic events and the mechanisms of its reception by those directly affected (the family circle) and the people outside (with special attention being paid to the tension between the private and the public, and the normative versus the non-normative).
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Joanna Niżyńska
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This article discusses the problem of eating disorders in Sobibor, a Young Adult novel by the French writer Jean Molla in the light of illness narrative studies, the sick body aesthetics and physical sickness. The article goes over the narrator’s list of possible causes of her psychosomatic condition, i.e. family tensions, social pressure to conform to the prevailing beauty canon, and her own rebellion against the female identity. Emily’s narration combines two strands, a struggle with adolescent personal problems and the discovery of a nasty family secret. An analysis of her experiences and reflections reveals the connections between the anorexia/bulimia syndrome and the effects of a generational trauma. Her condition is complicated further by the revelation of her late grandfather’s Nazi past, an exemplary case of post-memory trauma. The article suggests that her anorexic vomiting is a an iconic gesture corresponding to the writing (i.e. getting something off one’s chest) of the story of her traumas (both her own and inherited from an earlier generation).
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Gabriela Kasprzyk

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Uniwersytetu Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie

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