@ARTICLE{Kula_Joanna_The_2021, author={Kula, Joanna}, volume={vol. LXX}, number={No 3}, pages={523-537}, journal={Slavia Orientalis}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={One of the most important problems of contemporary humanities is the issue of memory and the discourse around the concept of trauma. The last is the experience of two North Caucasian nations, the Ingush and the Chechens, who were deported to Kazakhstan in 1944 on Stalin’s orders. The purpose of this article is to expose the way made by Chechen and Ingush literature from an arbitrarily imposed oblivion to an attempt to dismantle the institutionalized memory of these events. Books belonging to the canon of Russian literature (e.g. the novel The Inseparable Twins (1987) by Anatoly Pristavkin or the “novel‑idyll” A Gloom is Cast Upon the Ancient Steps (2000) by Alexander Chudakov) provide merely the background to the study. The main subject of the researcher’s interest are works written by less known Chechen and Ingush authors (Said Chakhkiyev, Gabatsu Lokaev, Yusup Chakhkiyev and Issa Kodzoyev). The fiction and non‑fiction both reveal a post‑traumatic syndrome and a victim narrative. The article presents a number of examples showing how the subject of deportation appeared in literature and how psychological memory was dominated by the compulsion of memory. The author’s attention is also directed to the practices of censoring the past and using memory for current political purposes.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The 1944 Deportation in Russian‑language Chechen and Ingush literature. Introduction to Research on Memory and Oblivion in Fiction and Non‑fiction}, URL={http://www.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/121258/PDF-MASTER/2021-03-SOR-04-Kula.pdf}, doi={10.24425/slo.2021.138191}, keywords={memory, history, deportation, Caucasus, trauma}, }