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The following article is devoted to the process of adapting loanwords into the Russian language in the first half of 17th century. The material which was subject to analysis was extracted from the first, handwritten editions of Russian opinion journalism, written from 1600 to 1650. The purpose of the article is to present the process of absorbing loanwords on the phonetic and morphological level, and to record changes in word genders and resonance variants in the words internalized into Russian either originating directly from another language or passed on through one from other languages

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Dorota Głuszak
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The aim of this article is to discuss the main features of the new media paradigm known as solutions journalism. The author used the content analysis method in order to analyse journalistic texts, written in keeping with the guidelines of solution journalism, published in 2020 on the Outriders website. Research has shown that the digital media environment has room for the creation of original, audience-engaging projects of exceptional visual appeal and simultaneously in line with the paradigm of quality journalism.
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Edyta Żyrek-Horodyska

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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The direct motivation for this article is the publication of two updates of the Polish Journal Rankings on 9 and 18 February 2021, which were prepared by the Minister of Education and Science and bypassed the Research Evaluation Commission. This article aims to characterize the changes made by the minister in relation to the draft ranking prepared by the commission. For providing a complete picture of the changes, I describe the main principles for building the ranking according to the new model implemented in 2018. Then, I characterize the minister's changes in terms of added journals and changing the points assigned to the journals. The analysis is provided through the lens of the universities publishing these journals and the disciplines assigned to the journals. The article concludes by identifying four main recommendations that should be implemented to restore the usefulness of the ranking as an instrument of science policy.
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Emanuel Kulczycki
1 2

  1. Pracownia Komunikacji Naukowej na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
  2. Komisja Ewaluacji Nauki
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This article discusses the challenges and problems caused by predatory journals in scholarly communication. By focusing on the editorial practices, I describe the case of Dr. Anna Fraud (Anna O. Szust in Polish): a bogus scientist created by four Polish scholars. Dr. Fraud became a member of editorial boards in over 40 scientific journals although she is a fake person and, obviously has no experience in journal editing. The present paper aims to show that scientist always have to care about a quality control and a peer review system. The article concludes with a presentation of the ‘Think. Check. Submit’ Initiative which provides useful and helpful tools for analysing journals by potential contributors.

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Emanuel Kulczycki
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This article presents the role and thematic content of the Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej [ Yearbook of the History of Polish Press] (1998–2022), especially the period 2018–2022.
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Ewa Wójcik

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2 PL 30-084 Kraków
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The paper formulates several critical observations about the official (established by Polish legal statutes) rules of evaluation scientific publications. These rules are based on so-called parameterization, that is, ascription of points to papers and books published by scientists. The criticism is made from the point of view of the humanities and social sciences, although some assertions have a more general character. Although the author shares the opinion that evaluation of science is necessary, he points out several disadvantages of parameterization. One of them consists in the fact that the ascription of points to publications uses a relatively weak scale, that is, based on the ordering relation. This feature essentially limits the range of mathematical operations admissible to results of measuring in such a way. This situation results in conventional character of parameterization, contrary to expectations that it successfully display the real value of scientific achievements. The paper illustrates this problem by concrete examples as well as shows that parameterization makes possible pathological cases stemming from political and world-view preferences.
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Jan Woleński

  1. Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie
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This article examines the process of opening datasets accumulated by public institutions, and its impact on the rise of new types of journalism, in particular data journalism.

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Bogdan Fischer
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Squeeze film dampers (SFDs) are commonly used in turbomachinery in order to introduce external damping, thereby reducing rotor vibrations and acoustic emissions. Since SFDs are of similar geometry as hydrodynamic bearings, the REYNOLDS equation of lubrication can be utilised to predict their dynamic behaviour. However, under certain operating conditions, SFDs can experience significant fluid inertia effects, which are neglected in the usual REYNOLDS analysis. An algorithm for the prediction of these effects on the pressure build up inside a finite-length SFD is therefore presented. For this purpose, the REYNOLDS equation is extended with a first-order perturbation in the fluid velocities to account for the local and convective inertia terms of the NAVIER-STOKES equations. Cavitation is taken into account by means of a mass conserving two-phase model. The resulting equation is then discretized using the finite volume method and solved with an LU factorization. The developed algorithm is capable of calculating the pressure field, and thereby the damping force, inside an SFD for arbitrary operating points in a time-efficient manner. It is therefore suited for integration into transient simulations of turbo machinery without the need for bearing force coefficient maps, which are usually restricted to circular centralized orbits. The capabilities of the method are demonstrated on a transient run-up simulation of a turbocharger rotor with two semi-floating bearings. It can be shown that the consideration of fluid inertia effects introduces a significant shift of the pressure field inside the SFDs, and therefore the resulting damper force vector, at high oil temperatures and high rotational speeds. The effect of fluid inertia on the kinematic behaviour of the whole system on the other hand is rather limited for the examined rotor.
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  1.  M.B. Banerjee, R. Shandil, S. Katyal, G. Dube, T. Pal, and K. Banerjee, “A nonlinear theory of hydrodynamic lubrication,” J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 117, no. 1, pp. 48–56, 1986.
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Authors and Affiliations

Thomas Drapatow
Oliver Alber
Elmar Woschke

  1. Institute of Mechanics, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, 39106 Magdeburg, Germany
  2. MAN Energy Solutions SE, 86153 Augsburg, Germany
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The history of literature and art history were not included in the programme of my historical studies (1960–1965). Naturally, all history professors would usually include something about art and literature in their lectures on “their” historical period, but not as a key element. Efforts were made to separate history and belles‑lettres (in its various manifestations). A strongly positivist vision of research and transferring its results to the general public was cultivated – which had its advantages in the face of ideological pressure on science in the People's Republic of Poland. Today, the function of both historical sources and statements on history are frequently taken on by literature, which I define very broadly: literary texts (sometimes even of clearly inferior quality), political texts, diaries and journals, journalistic reports, petitions, defence speeches, sometimes letters. Also interesting for the historian is the route these texts take to the reading or listening public, as well as their reception, sometimes their renaissance after many years. There is no need to add that with such an approach, the people who are the authors of even outstanding historical works are not necessarily those who are professional historians.
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Marcin Kula

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski (emeritus)
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What were the beginnings of modern communication infrastructure? What is ’artificial intelli-gence’ and what it imitates in ’natural intelli-gence’? Does its accuracy, reliability and objectivity make AI the journalists’ friend or is it in fact an enemy due to the ongoing automation of editori-al and publishing work? This two-part introduction to the problem of AI in journalism discusses all those questions and the hopes and fears that are connected with the new technology
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Authors and Affiliations

Bogdan Fischer

  1. Instytut Prawa i Ekonomii Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN ul. Podchorążych 2, PL 30-084 Kraków
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The article is an overview of chosen elements of press media discourse, treated here as a kind of broadly understood media discourse. Press discourse is examined as the oldest medium with well-developed tools and tradition, but tendencies redefining classic journalism and press are also highlighted. The author discusses the Internetization of press discourse, clear sender-recipient differentiation, “citizen journalism”, fake news, tabloidization and genological changes.


Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy, jest szerokim spojrzeniem na wybrane elementy, aspekty medialnego dyskursu prasowego, który traktuję jako rodzaj szeroko rozumianych dyskursów medialnych. Na dyskurs prasowy spoglądam jako na najstarsze medium z wykształconym własnym instrumentarium i tradycją, ale równocześnie wskazuję na tendencje, które redefiniują klasyczne dziennikarstwo i tradycyjną prasę. Wskazuję na internetyzację dyskursu prasowego, wyraźną dyferencjację nadawczo-odbiorczą, zjawiska „dziennikarstwa obywatelskiego” i fake- newsów oraz na tabloidyzację i przemiany genologiczne.

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Bogusław Skowronek
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This is a critical profile of Wiadomości Bibliograficzne Warszawskie [Warsaw Bibliographical News], a learned journal with a mission to keep a systematic record of current Polish publications and provide bibliographic information about their contents, published in 1882–1886 Teodor Paprocki, a leading Warsaw bookseller. The article outlines the history of the journal; analyzes its structure, layout, contents, editorial techniques, and its functioning in the bookselling trade and the academic community; and, finally, assesses its role in the development of professional bibliography writing in Poland.

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Alicja Matczuk
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Different configurations of journal bearings have been extensively used in turbomachinery and power generating equipment. Three-lobe bearing is used due to its lower film temperature and stable operation. In this study, static performance of such a bearing has been investigated at different eccentricity ratios considering lubricant compressibility and variable viscosity. The effect of variable viscosity was considered by taking the viscosity as a function of the oil film thickness while Dowson model is used to consider the effect of lubricant compressibility. The effect of such parameters was considered to compute the oil film pressure, load-carrying capacity, attitude angle and oil side leakage for a bearing working at (ε from 0.6 to 0.8) and (viscosity coefficient from 0 to 1). The mathematical model as well as the computer program prepared to solve the governing equations were validated by comparing the pressure distribution obtained in the present work with that obtained by EL-Said et al. A good agreement between the results has been observed with maximum deviation of 3%. The obtained results indicate a decrease in oil film pressure and load-carrying capacity with the higher values of viscosity coefficient while the oil compressibility has a little effect on such parameters.
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Mushrek A. Mahdi
Basim Ajeel Abbas

  1. University of Babylon, College of Engineering/Al-Musayab, Automobile Engineering Department, Babylon, Iraq
  2. University of Babylon, College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Babylon, Iraq
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The paper concerns efficiency of active magnetic stabilization in damping of selfexcited vibration of an asymmetric rotor supported on 5-lobe journal bearings with 5 oil gaps. The dependencies describing the pressure distribution in the oil film are presented. The components of the hydrodynamic uplift forces in the bearings are described. Equations of motion are derived using a numerical simulation method. It was found that active magnetic stabilization was effective for symmetric and non-symmetric systems. Exemplary trajectories of the journal bearing motion as well as the time histories are presented.
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Zbigniew Starczewski
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The author of the article deals with the subject of the Russian period of Tadeusz Miciński’s work (1873‑1918). The rationale here being the discovery of many ‘new’, previously unpublished articles by the writer. In turn, the context was published by G. Bobilewicz years ago: Tadeusz Miciński i Rosja. Szkic do tematu (2008). The author presents the state of research, discusses the previously unknown texts by the author of Nietota, and finally gives new facts about Miciński’s stay in Russia (from 1915‑1918). The author discusses the literary activity of Miciński from the First World War onwards. This encompasses largely journalistic texts: articles, manifestos, open letters, travel reports from the front and from the life of Polish soldiers fighting on the Eastern Front.
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Marcin Bajko

  1. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
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Many millions of people around the world engage in science, so tools are necessary to support decisions about the directions of funding streams. In many countries bibliometric indicators are used for this purpose, which have become a practical "currency", enabling a simple and convenient valuation of a scientist or a scientific institution. Poland has a complicated system for evaluating, with weaknesses galore. Particular reservations concern the ranking list of scientific journals, which has been arbitrarily changed in 2021–2023 towards promoting domestic periodicals that do not stand international competition. Since December 2023 awareness of the cardinal weaknesses of the existing system of evaluating scientists has become widespread. A quick emergency solution was implemented to enable evaluation for the period 2022–2025 (as a result of mid-game rule modifications). However, rethinking of the future evaluation system is necessary. The author presents a roster of ideas related to the evaluation system and objective journal ranking (via bibliometric indices) in particular. A systematic measure reducing the probability of pathological development is badly needed.
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Zbigniew Kundzewicz

  1. Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska i Inżynierii Mechanicznej, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
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This article presents the results of a search aimed at identifying the original publication details of Maria Konopnicka's reportages included in Ludzie i rzeczy ( People and Things), a book of her short stories and journalism published in 1898. It has been found that “Na kwiatowej giełdzie” (The Flower Festival [in Nice]) was published in Kurier Warszawski, 1893, No. 103–104; “Akwileja” (Aquileia [Italy]) in Kurier Warszawski, 1895, No. 103, pp. 5–6, while “Po drodze” (On the way [Admont Abbey, Austria]) was originally published in Wędrowiec, 1892 (No. 46–50), and “Chryzantemy” (Chrysanthe-mums) in Kurier Warszawski, 1894, No. 1. A discussion of the motif of flowers and flower shows is based on these and Konopnicka's other texts. In her work flowers functioned as a visual representation of thought, which enabled her to establish a connection between nature, human beings and culture (whose development was conditioned by the economy).
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Tadeusz Budrewicz

  1. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie
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This is a survey of selected publications by Stanisław Wasylewski that appeared in the Lwów Gazeta Poranna and Gazeta Wieczorna between 1911 and 1914. The analyses are based on extant copies of the two newspapers held in Poland in the collections of the Jagiellonian Univer-sity in Cracow. The material includes articles, theatre and book reviews as well as advertise-ments of novels to be published in serial installments.
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Beata Langer

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, PL 30-084 Kraków
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This article examines the editorial work of Ignacy Szydłowski, who was in charge of Wizerunki i Roztrząsania Naukowe [ Scholarly Profiles and Research], a highbrow literary and historical magazine published between 1834 and 1843 by Zawadzki Brothers, Wilno's leading publisher and bookseller company. The periodical holds an important place in the history of Polish Lithuanian learned journals in the 19th century and provides the focus of the final phase of Ignacy Szydłowski's intellectual biography. The article detects a notable parallel between the evolution of Szydłowski's aesthetic views and changes in the character of the magazine he edited.
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Paulina Podolska

  1. Instytut Polonistyki i Dziennikarstwa, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, al. Rejtana 16c, PL 35-59 Rzeszów
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Polish scholarly magazines Biblioteka Warszawska [Warsaw Library] (1841–1914) and Ateneum (1876– 1901) devoted a quite a lot of attention to recent discoveries in the field of ancient history, cultural history and descriptions of foreign countries. This article discusses materials on the ancient Middle East published in both of these periodicals.

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Leszek Zinkow
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This article is an attempt to assess the role of arts- and-culture journalism and literature published in Jerzy Giedryc's Kultura as a vehicle of the political programmes espoused by the authors who could be regarded as the magazine's inner circle. An analysis of 637 issues of the monthly, generally known as Paryska Kultura, as it was published from 1947 until 2000 by the Instytut Literacki in Paris, shows that c. 65% of its East and/versus West themed content deals with history and culture, i.e. 1174 items of this kind feature Ukraine, Lithuania and Belarus, and 663 items focus on Germany.
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Iwona Hofman

  1. Instytut Nauk o Komunikacji Społecznej i Mediach, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
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This article presents a collective portrait of the 231 deputies of the 1919 Constituent Assembly who match the broad label 'journalist politicians'. The basic source for this analysis are the minutes of the proceedings, Stenographic Reports of the Legislative Sejm (1919–1922), as well as various printed materials produced by the assembly, including questions and interpellations, urgent motions, rules of procedure, lists and inventories, etc.
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Grażyna Wrona

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji, Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
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This article looks at the history and contents of the quarterly Dawna Sztuka [Old Art] published in Lwów in (1938–1939), dedicated to the history of art and archaeology. Founded by Professor Stanisław Jan Gąsiorowski, the periodical was intended, among others, as a platform for establishing ties with researchers from abroad and presenting the work of Polish archaeologists and art historians to the academic community and readers all over the world.

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Aleksandra Lubczyńska
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The Thornische Nachrichten von gelehrten Sachen, published in Toruń in 1762–1766, was a learned review journal, the first periodical of this kind in Poland. As one of its editors' priorities was to keep track of current Polish writing, the magazine regularly published reviews of the most notable books of Polish Enlightenment (among its reviewers were Stanisław Konarski, Wacław Rzewuski, Franciszek Bohomolec, Józef Minasowicz).

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Katarzyna Chlewicka

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