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The object of the study presented in the paper are Yiddish proverbs. The aim of the paper is a linguistic analysis of selected proverbs and their connections with the Polish-language context. The Yiddish language namely has developed in contact with other languages, and one of the languages highly relevant for the Yiddish language, influencing its development, was the Polish language. The richness of Yiddish proverbs has also left its mark on the Polish language, as is evidenced by the presence of Jewish proverbs in Polish. The focus here lies on lexical and structural phenomena characteristic for both languages. Under examination is the extent to which the structure of Yiddish proverbs corresponds with the structure of the Polish language and what lexemes are the result of an interaction at the language level and the sociocultural level.

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Anna Pilarski
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The present paper aims at conducting a short French-Polish contrastive investigation of the verbs prefixed by entre-. At the beginning, the author proposes to perceive prefixation as a purely semantic phenomenon and advances a hypothesis that different meanings (i.e. semantic values) of the preverb in the source language should manifest in the translation of the prefixed verbs into the target language. The second part focuses on the results of the postulated semantic-translation analysis of 62 French verbs found in two dictionaries: Great French-Polish Dictionary and Lexicon 5. The verbs are divided into 4 categories depending on their translation into Polish (verbs expressing reciprocity, spatial verbs, low intensity verbs, and lexicalized verbs) which, in accordance with the adopted hypothesis, allows to distinguish 3 different semantic values of entre-: reciprocity, spatiality and low intensity. Furthermore, the results of the analysis are compared with the those obtained by other linguists. Due to the fact that the conclusions of the investigation conducted in this paper and in similar studies do not differ significantly and considering the added contrastive value of semantic-translation analysis, the author suggests extending the research in this stream to other preverbs in order to reach the complete description of the French prefixation seen “through” the Polish language.
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Michał Hrabia

  1. Université de Silésie
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This article describes monitoring results of raw wastewater from one Polish municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The residues of 30 pharmaceutics belonging to particular drugs classes such as contrast media. antibiotics, lipids regulators, antiphologisties, psychiatric and anticpilcptic agents, drug's metabolites and 2 musk compounds have been investigated. The investigation showed occurrence of 20 out of 32 selected compounds above their limit of detection. Iopromide, a compound belonging to contrast media, was noticed at the highest concentration. The concentration of this compound in WWTP-influent was equaled to 27.0 μg/dm3• Other drugs, such as, like iopamidol, iomeprol, diatrizoat, iohexol, sulfomethoxazole, carbamazepine, ibuprofen, ibuprofen-OH, naproxen, diclofenac, bczafibrate, ketoprofen, and musk compound - galaxolide were detected at maximum concentration between I .O μg/dm3 (bezafibratc) and 13.0 μg/dm3 (iomcprol). The acidic compounds such as gemfibrozil and indomethacin were determined above their limit of detection, with concentration up to 0.22 μg/dm3 and 0.42 ug/dm', respectively. Based on the literature data, the above-mentioned drugs arc not completely removed from sewage during treatment processes and with effluent from WWTP they are introduced to receiving waters. Due to their chemical properties, residues of pharmaceutics may persist in the environment and the present knowledge about their ccotoxicological effects is insufficient.
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Ewa Felis
Korneliusz Miksch
Joanna Surmacz-Górska
Thomas Ternes
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Optical coherence tomography (OCT) – a kind of optical counterpart of ultrasound imaging – is continually being improved as image contrast boosting techniques are developed.

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Karol Karnowski
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The following analysis investigates selected properties of the language of the tweets used in the interaction with consumers on English and Polish brand profiles. The analysis examines the structure of tweets, word frequency, as well as the frequency of informal and non-standard language items, language mistakes, the use of emoticons and hashtags. The study contrasts the language used by English and Polish representatives and reveals a number of similarities and differences between the corpora. What the corpora share is a high frequency of conventional politeness acts and language structures reflecting a customer-oriented tone of the interaction. Differences are observed in the frequency and use of informal and non-standard structures, emoticons and hashtags, as well as in the structure and complexity of the tweets. The study indicates a lower formulaicity and a greater individualization of the interaction on the Polish profiles.

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Anna Tereszkiewicz
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The paper gives an evidence that construction of contemporary objects at the interface with the historic urban space, may be a way to renew and revitalize areas which require it. Such action may be a strong and valuable catalyst for the functional and visual transformation of a given fragment of urban space. It can also contribute to the increase of social activity within it. Research shows that public facilities from the turn of the 20th and 21st century, which were built using innovative architectural technologies and constructional solutions, are the buildings which provide great opportunities to contrast with historical architecture. This can be achieved due to their significant scale and rank in the urban space. The analyzes show that design based on the principle of contrast is the right solution for the degraded historic urban space. The replenishment of the old tissue should be carried out with the emphasis on the identity of the times in which we live, without creating architecture which could literally imitate historical objects or compete with them. Because of this contrast and diversity, new fragments of the city can become a counterweight or a valuable background to the existing historical tissue. Contemporary buildings located in a historical context are not only enhancing the values of cultural heritage but can also become a grateful element of the urban space and a strong accent of modernity and innovation in the city.

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Agnieszka Malinowska
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Acoustical Driving Forces (ADF), induced by propagating waves in a homogeneous and inhomogeneous lossy fluid (suspension), are determined and compared depending on the concentration of suspended particles. Using integral equations of the scattering theory, the single particle (inclusion) ADF was calculated as the integral of the flux of the momentum density tensor components over the heterogeneity surface. The possibility of negative ADF was indicated. Originally derived, the total ADF acting on inclusions only, stochastically distributed in ambient fluid, was determined as a function of its concentration. The formula for the relative increase in ADF, resulting from increased concentration was derived. Numerical ADF calculations are presented. In experiments the streaming velocities in a blood-mimicking starch suspension (2 μm radius) in water and Bracco BR14 contrast agent (SF6 gas capsules, 1 μm radius) were measured as the function of different inclusions concentration. The source of the streaming and ADF was a plane 2 mm diameter 20 MHz ultrasonic transducer. Velocity was estimated from the averaged Doppler spectrum obtained from originally developed pulsed Doppler flowmeter. Numerical calculations of the theoretically derived formula showed very good agreement with the experimental results.

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Janusz Wójcik
Wojciech Secomski
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Previous research has utilized the duration ratio and occasionally the duration difference as single-value metrics to measure and compare the temporal acoustics of durationally contrastive vocalics (short vs. long vowels), which allow researchers to reduce two values (short and long) to one, but express a relationship instead of representing the vocalic duration values directly. The duration ratio may even be misleading when comparing two languages or dialects, as it is possible to exhibit a similar ratio but differ in durational acoustics, or vice versa. The current study proposes two alternative statistical metrics: a duration metric and a difference metric. The duration metric is an intermediate (mean-like) value between the duration of the short and long vocalics, and the difference metric is a ± value that can be added to or subtracted from the duration metric to obtain the duration of long or short vocalics. We conduct a production experiment on Arabic and Japanese vocalics and analyze the data using both traditional measures and the proposed metrics. The findings show that the proposed metrics better predict the language from which the vocalic duration values were obtained. Such results suggest that the proposed metrics are better candidates for measuring and comparing the temporal acoustics of vocalics.
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Yahya Aldholmi

  1. Department of Linguistics, College of Language Sciences King Saud University
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This publication begins a series of works devoted to the analysis of the semantic derivation of selected Proto-Slavic roots in Macedonian and Polish. The aim of this work is to capture the parallels and differences in the evolution of the two confronted – though rather distant – languages. We obtain Macedonian and Polish visualizations of the world.

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Kazimiera Maria Solecka
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The article focuses on the relationship between predicate‑argument (semantic) structure of verbs and their syntactic properties. This investigation concentrates on the semantic structure of the Polish verb rozmyślić się (‘to change one’s mind’) as a predicate of higer order (Px, q) and its syntactic characteristic. The analisys demonstrates that the content of the propositional argument q is expressed mainly in the context of the sentence and this fact makes the verb rozmyślić się an exceptional unit of the higer order preditcate set. The verb rozmyślić się is compared with the Polish and Bulgarian possible equivalents: zrezygnować and откажа се.
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Sources of examples

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Korytkowska M., 1994, Modèle de la structure sémantique de la phrase dans une approche contrastive, “Révue des études slaves”, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 557–565.
Zintegrowany opis semantyczno‑syntaktyczny czasowników bułgarskich, polskich i rosyj-skich 2019 = Kiklewicz A., Korytkowska M., Mazurkiewicz‑Sułkowska J., Zatorska A., Zintegrowany opis semantyczno‑syntaktyczny czasowników bułgarskich, polskich i rosyjskich (verba cogitandi i verba sentiendi), cz. I–II; red. M. Korytkowska, Warszawa: Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk Fundacja Slawistyczna. [; dostęp 21.05.2021].

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Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Korytkowska

  1. Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa
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Incidence of colonic atresia in living infants ranges from 1:5,000 to 1:60,000 (average 1:20,000). It constitutes 1.8 to 15% of all cases of atresia of the gastrointestinal tract. In 58.56–75% of all cases is right-sided. We aim, through the presentation of two cases of colonic atresia which we encountered and after systematic research of the current literature, at addressing three major issues: diagnostic approach, operative strategy and management of the prognostic parameters of the colonic atresia. The common parameter in these two cases was the early diagnosis, which played a significant role in the uncomplicated postoperative course. The first case was a type I sigmoid atresia. Contrast’s escape during contrast enema examination due to accidental rupture of the distal part of the colon led to diagnosis. Side-to-side anastomosis, restoration of the rupture and a central loop sigmoidostomy were urgently performed. The second case was a type III atresia at the level of the ascending colon, which was early diagnosed via pregenital ultrasonography, in which colonic dilation was depicted. Restoration of the intestinal continuity early after birth was performed at a time. In conclusion, we believe that early diagnosis, selection of the appropriate operative strategy and prompt recognition of potential post-operative complications, especially rupture of the anastomosis, contribute to the optimization of the prognosis in patients with colonic atresia.

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Ioannis Patoulias
Thomas Feidantsis
Charalampos Doitsidis
Magdalini Mitroudi
Maria-Styliani Kalogirou
Dimitrios Patoulias
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In this article, we propose the realization of XNOR logic function by using all-optical XOR and NOT logic gates. Initially, both XOR and NOT gates are designed, simulated and optimized for high contrast outputs. T-shaped waveguides are created on the photonic crystal platform to realize these logic gates. An extra input is used to perform the inversion operation in the NOT gate. Inputs in both the gates are applied with out of phase so as to have a destructive interference between them and produce negligible intensity for logic ‘0'. The XOR and NOT gates are simulated using Finite Difference Time Domain method which results with a high contrast ratio of 55.23 dB and 54.83 dB, respectively at a response time of 0.136 ps and 0.1256 ps. Later, both the gates are cascaded by superimposing the output branch of the waveguide of XOR gate with the input branch of the waveguide of NOT gate so that it can be resulted with compact size for XNOR logic function. The resultant structure of XNOR logic came out with the contrast ratio of 12.27 dB at a response time of 0.1588 ps. Finally, it can be concluded that the proposed structures with fair output performance can suitably be applied in the design of photonic integrated circuits for high speed computing and telecommunication systems.

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E.H. Shaik
N. Rangaswamy
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The article presents the analysis of the rules of punctuation concentrated on the use of a comma in Spanish language. Nevertheless, in the introduction the author cite several exemples to show the differences and similarities between the use of a comma in Spanish, Polish, Russian, Czech, French, English and German languages in order to emphasize the conventional nature of the comma. The main part of the work presents the use of a comma in Spanish in five syntactic contexts. The article ends with conclusions that reveal the obligatory, distinctive and optional nature of the comma in the Spanish orthography.

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Aneta Pawlak
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This contribution presents some results from a comparison of a sample of Italian texts, specifically those produced by native Italian informants, with: 1) on one side, a parallel sample of written productions by native Polish speakers; 2) on the other side, a sample of parallel texts produced in Italian by a group of Polish native speakers learning Italian as a second language. The presence of main and secondary sequences identified according to the Quaestio model is investigated, as well as the use of faithful and unfaithful anaphoras.
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Maciej Durkiewicz

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The “fake” past tense is a linguistic phenomenon that occurs when the past tense morpheme does not refer to the past time. The paper aims to show the application of mental models in translation and translation teaching in the example of counterfactual constructions that include the past tense without temporal meaning, e.g., “If Sam knew the answer, James would know the answer”. The author illustrates fake past tense cues in different languages and applies concepts from cognitive theories.
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Ainur Kakimova

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The purpose of the present article is a contrastive analysis of the verbs and verbal forms expressing the spatial situation in the Pericope Adulterae from the point of view of their translations into Polish and French starting from the original Greek biblical text. The author presents the general context of the pericope, its controversial place in the Gospel of John as well as its construction and its linguistic specificities. Starting from the original text of this biblical passage, then are listed the Greek verbs which express a spatial situation and are subjected to the analysis from the point of view of their forms and their meaning. According to the Polish and French translations chosen from this evangelical episode, the author proceeds to the comparison of the proposed equivalents and presents the comments which ensue. The analysis of translations demonstrates that some of the equivalents are analogous for two or all of the three languages, and some are typical only to one of the three languages.

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Aleksandra Żłobińska-Nowak
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The Serbian Language as Viewed by the East and the West: Synchrony, Diachrony, and Typology, edited by Ljudmila Popović and Motoki Nomachi is a collection of papers which were originally presented at the symposium on February 5th in 2014 at the Slavic-Euroasian Research Center of Hokkaido University. The authors analyze various examples of language contact and linguistic change in the history of the Serbian language with special attention to the cultural opposition of the East and West. In the last section, the results of contrastive analyses of Serbian and Japanese, Russian as well as other Slavic languages are presented. With regard to the topics discussed and high quality of all the studies (most authors are renowned linguists) the volume has a big value for contemporary Slavic linguistics.

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Marcin Grygiel
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The volume Slavic Languages Today: Categories, Structures and Processes is a festschrift dedicated to Professor Małgorzata Korytkowska. Thematically it also partly stems from her works but encompasses a slightly wider scope of linguistic issues, including semantics, syntax, word formation, contrastive studies, lexicology and lexicography, language resources and translation studies. Separate chapters describe these issues in respect to modern Slavic languages and sometimes in comparison within the group. The volume contains twenty two interesting contributions and authored by renowned Slavists from Poland and abroad.
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Maryla Papierz

  1. Institute of Slavonic Studies, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland (em.)
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The article discusses the book Zmiana perspektywy. Gawęda nie tylko językoznawcza [Change of perspective. More than a tale of linguistics] by Zuzanna Topolińska (Cracow 2015). The author of this text emphasizes that the word gawęda [tale] in the book’s subtitle is misleading, given that, despite the style of language used in the book, Topolińska discusses important issues of a linguistic and intercultural nature. In her short essays in the fi rst part of the book Topolińska addresses the organizational structure of philology studies in Poland and Macedonia, she confronts the Polish and Macedonian approach to the dialectgeneral language relationship, she talks about language standards, about the differences between politeness in Poland and Macedonia, as well as the attitude towards women and the outlook toward religion in both countries. In the second part of the book Topolińska takes up lexical issues, giving examples of how under the infl uence of spiritual culture certain words in Polish and Macedonian that derive from the same core have taken on a different meaning. The author of the article concludes that this short and very personal book by Topolińska fulfi lls its task and subsequently alters his view on the linguistic and non-linguistic world of the Slavs.

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Henryk Duda
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Range-gated-imaging system, which can be used to eliminate backscatter in strong scattering environments, is based on two high speed technologies. It uses high power, ultra-short pulse laser as the light source. And it opens the optical gate of an ICCD camera with a micro-channel-plate image intensifier in a very short time while the laser pulses reflected by the object is coming back to the ICCD camera. Using this range-gated-imaging technology, the effect of scattered light can be reduced and a clear image is obtained.

In this paper, the test results of the range-gated-imaging system under dense aerosol environments, which simulates environments in the reactor containment building when the severe accident of the nuclear power plant occurred, are described. To evaluate the observation performance of the range-gated-imaging system under such dense fog environment, we made a test facility. Fog particles are sprayed into the test facility until fog concentration is reached to the postulated concentration level of the severe accident of the nuclear power plant. At such dense fog concentration conditions, we compared and evaluated the observation performances of the range-gated-imaging system and the CCD camera.

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J.W. Cho
Y.S. Choi
K.M. Jeong
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The paper is concerned with one of the internal forces driving the progress of lyrical discourse. Its nature consists in that initially, some linguistic and/or cognitive deviation appears in the poem, and next the author undertakes a series of attempts at its adjustment or mitigation. More often than not these attempts are increasingly successful, but at some later point they, for various reasons, stop to be rewarding. This tends to happen either at the end of the text, where the most important truth is prototypically discovered, or immediately before the final fragment. In both cases, the completion of the relevant ‘adjustment’ theme plays a significant compositional role. Discussed at some length are the implications of our analysis for the theory of discourse relations. The bulk of the instances under examination are drawn from O. Mandelstam’s verse.
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Gennadij Zeldowicz

  1. Warszawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The subject of the presented article is Bulgarian, Polish and Russian emotive verbs, treated in perspective of syntactic valence. The author examines the grammatical forms of propositional argument in the sentences with emotive verbs that represent pre- dicate-argument structure P (x, q). All forms are divided into several types: observance, compression and splitting. The author shows that in this area we have to deal with analog reflection of propositional structure, or more or less compression of proposition argument, or its dismemberment and doubling syntactic position. The author takes into account the regularity of the implementation of each grammatical form, quoting the relevant quantitative data.

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Aleksander Kiklewicz
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A self-conscious emotion of pride is viewed in the proposed article as a complex concept comprising the meanings of authentic, hubristic, and collective pride. It has been revealed that the specificity of cross-cultural expression and perception of this concept is to some extent influenced by the level of individualism serving as one of the criteria for culture classification. Different level of individualism in such related cultures as German and English-speaking cultures (ESC) served as the basis for the hypothesis that the emotion concept (EC) PRIDE in ESC (1) may be perceived more positively and (2) may contain more intensive meanings than Germ. STOLZ due to the fact that the level of individualism in the ESC is higher than German. Аs a result, their pride is more “individualistic”, i.e. it is more oriented towards an individual’s interests and needs bringing them more pleasure.
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Andrews, R., C. McGlynn and A. Mycock 2010. National pride and students’ attitudes towards history: An exploratory study. Educational Studies 36(3): 299-309.
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Kostiantyn Mizin
Oleksandr Petrov
Anastasiia Petrova

  1. Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav, Ukraine
  2. Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
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The jubilee volume “Slavica Wratislaviensia”, CLIX: Wyraz i zdanie w językach słowiańskich (8), is a collection of contributions by pupils, collegues, and friends, dedicated to Professor Jan Sokołowski slavist of Wroclaw University, on the occasion of his 70th birthday. The publication topics covered subjects connected with researches on word and sentence in Slavic languages, their description, comparative and contrastive studies, and translation. They take up important current topics, reliably and comprehensively analyze problems that have not been noticed before or have not been solved yet. Due to the selection of topics and high scientific level (most authors are renowned linguists) the volume should be considered as representative for contemporary Slavic linguistics.

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Zofia Rudnik-Karwatowa

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