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The article attempts to identify environmental conditions for the development of cogeneration companies in Poland. The article systematizes knowledge about environmental regulations which concern this issue. Within the framework of identified environmental conditions, the authors characterize issues related to national legislation that regulates the operation of cogeneration companies, as well as the requirements resulting from European Union and national regulations in this matter. These regulations, directly and indirectly, affect the long-term future of cogeneration companies and the energy sector as a whole. Undoubtedly, in the current state of environmental regulations in force, the key change for a power company such as a cogeneration company is to meet the requirements for the emission of harmful substances. The change was introduced in 2016 as a result of more stringent emission limits and the adoption of the IED (Industrial Emissions Directive). The implementation of recommendations of the BAT (Best Available Techniques) Conclusions in 2017 additionally tightened the required limits. Undeniably, the key period for cogeneration companies will be 2021 as per the implementation of imposed harmful substances emission’s limits. The article comprehensively discusses the conditions that substantially affect the long-term growth of a cogeneration company and are crucial when making assumptions intended to address strategic development issues in the domestic fuel and power sector.

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Karol Stós
Jacek Kamiński
Marcin Malec
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During studying and mathematical description of the trends of urbanized territories development as ecological and town-planning systems there were several vague similarities founded between its major parameters change periodicity and other physical values, having undulatory nature. Obtained counterparts had predetermined interest for search of fundamental basics of urbanization. It turned out that all laws of Nature has the same basis – power permanence rule. This law is known in philosophy as principle of «change of unchangeable», in ecology – as a law of ecosystem self-regulation, in accordance to which at conditions of insufficient occupancy of the territory the population amount growths, and at conditions of over-occupancy it decreases. According to research, also development attributable to the dynamics of urbanized territories is noticeable, in which all the four types of physical interactions are expressed to a certain degree. These and other results of research have allowed to articulate the main principles of ecological space «urban physics» content, which have proven to be coordinated with the postulates of new single field physics (Bishkek version). The above-mentioned have allowed to lay down the theoretical foundation for an occurrence of a new branch in the science of townplanning i.e. wave urbanistics, as a science of management by unduly processes of territories development in order to provide a conditions of their sustainable development.
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Iryna Ustinova
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River water pollution has been reported globally. In suggestion to adapt sustainability approach, this study carry out to tests the structural equation model between sustainable development and water resources management in the Malacca River basin (Malaysia). The model consists of six latent constructs (anthropogenic activities; law, regulation and policy; land and water ecosystem; Malacca River; river water pollution; sustainability) and twenty four items based on 400 questionnaires which were completed and returned by the local residents of Malacca state. Selected study area is within Malacca River basin. The result show the Malacca River is influenced by water law-regulation-policy (β = 0.546, p < 0.001), anthropogen-ic activities (β = 0.145, p < 0.001), river water pollution (β = 0.142, p < 0.001), land and water ecosystem (β = 0.105, p < 0.01), as well as sustainable approach (β = 0.127, p < 0.5). It was found that a sustainable approach and water law-regulation-policy have a direct influence on anthropogenic activities, river water pollution, as well as the land and water ecosystem. In conclusion, this study suggests developing an earlier approach of the model involved with water resources management and sustainable development.

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Ang Kean Hua
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The article discusses issues related to improving the energy efficiency of heat supply systems. It draws attention to the need to take action not only for large objects and systems, but also for individual buildings and their boiler plants. Heat supply system monitoring allows for the diagnosis of the weakest elements and making decisions leading to the improvement of energy efficiency. In the case of the boiler room where the research was carried out, the results of such monitoring convinced to equip boilers with an additional automatic control system, with an algorithm limiting the number of burner switching cycles and shutdowns. Limiting the number of switching on the burners, as in the case of other combustion and electric devices, has a significant impact on the energy efficiency of the entire system. In addition, it also increases the durability of the devices, and thus reduces costs of servicing and repairs. The simplest control algorithms, often used in controllers installed in the boiler units, do not provide optimization in this respect. The external device used has allowed the number of burners on and off cycles to be limited while maintaining the quality of the heat supply to the heating installation and the heat treatment system.

The material also presents other ways to improve the energy efficiency of the heat supply system in existing multi-family buildings.

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Grzegorz Bartnicki
Bogdan Nowak
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The study of emotion regulation constitutes a major area of research for having a complete picture of human emotional experience, and several lines of evidence claim that poor emotion regulation skills are particularly deleterious in different aspects of life. Previous tDCS studies have suggested the beneficial role of DLPFC stimulation to improve emotion processing and regulation. The present study was therefore conducted to confirm and extend the effects of DLPFC stimulation on emotion regulation by including both positive and negative emotional material. In this between subjects study, participants were randomly assigned to receive active or sham stimulation over the left DLPFC. Participants viewed negative, positive, and neutral pictures while attempting to decrease, increase, or not modulate their emotional reactions. Subjective reactions were assessed via on-line ratings. The main results show that anodal tDCS stimulation over the left DLPFC slightly improves the ability to increase emotion perception for positive emotions. More interestingly, the results demonstrate that tDCS enhances the regulation of both positive and negative emotions when the baseline is considered. This study provides additional data on the use of tDCS as a tool to increase emotion regulation not only for negative affective material, but also for positive ones.

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Michel Hansenne
Emilie Weets
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In the years 1996-2002 evaluation of herbicides' efficacy used in low doses was tested. For investigations several herbicides recommended for weed control in cereals were selected. The results of experiments indicate on possibility of reducing of herbicides' doses by about 25 to 3 7.5%, and still obtaining good effects ofweed control without significant decrease of yielding of cultivation plants. The dose is depended upon sensitivity of weed species, growth stage of weeds and their infestation, density of crop and the weather conditions. Low doses of herbicide can be applied where weeds are in early growth stage, where there is low infestation ofweeds, and weeds show susceptibility to used herbicides, moreover under correct crop density and good weather conditions.
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Krzysztof Domaradzki
Henryka Rola
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In the years 2000-2002 the evaluation of herbicides' efficacy used in lowered doses was conducted. Six herbicides recommended for weed control in spring cereals were used for investigation. The majority of species of weeds occurring in spring wheat and spring barely reacted with a strong (above 90%) decrease of the fresh weight to the treatment with the herbicides applied in the doses reduced by 25%-50% in relation to the recommended ones. Polygonum convolvulus L., Polygonum persicaria L. and Thlaspi arvense L. were very sensitive species as they were very good controlled by tested herbicides in the doses decreased by 50%-75%. Veronica hederifolia L. and Viola arvensis Murr. were characterised by a low level of sensitivity and were controlled only by full recommended doses of tested herbicides. The significant statistical decrease on yield of spring wheat on the objects treated with the herbicides Aurora Super 61,5 SG (mecoprop-P+carfentrazone-ethyl), Granstar 75 DF (tribenuron-methyl) and Grody! 75 WG (amidosulfuron) in the doses lowered by 50% in relation to the recommended ones and Starane 250 EC (fluroxypyr) and Chwastox Trio 540 SL (mecoprop+MCPA+dicamba) in the dose lowered by 50%-7 5% was not observed. In the case of the herbicide Aminopielik D 450 SL (2,4-D+dicamba) the reduction of the dose by 25%-50% also did not cause decrease on yield of spring wheat. In the spring barley, the significant statistical decrease of yielding was not observed on all treatments with tested herbicides applied in the doses reduced by 50%-75%.
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Krzysztof Domaradzki
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The purpose of the research is to establish the total number of ponds in Ukraine and to analyse the territorial distribu-tion in the administrative areas, as well as in the river basin districts, as the main hydrographic units of water management. Cadastral data of the State Agency of Water Resources of Ukraine regional offices as of 2019 was used in the research (as to Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions we applied the data as of 2014). According the researches there are 50,793 ponds in Ukraine with a total water table area of 2,92899 ha and the volume of 3,969.4 mln m3 of water in 2019. The quantitative distribution of ponds across Ukraine is unequal. Most of them are concentrated in the central part of the country (10.5% of the total number of ponds in the country are in Vinnytsia region). Least of them are in Luhansk region (0.7%). Almost half of the ponds are located in the Dnieper River Basin (48.5%). The lowest quantity of ponds is in the Black Sea Basin (1.2%). The regulation of river basins districts (the rivers of the Sea of Azov, Crimea and Black Sea Basins) reaches 0.71–0.77. As of 2019, 28% of the ponds are rented out. In order to identify the real status of the ponds (both quantitative and qualitative), their recreational role, the environmental impact and the regulation of the hydrographic network in Ukraine, it is necessary to increase the attention to ponds monitoring.

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Authors and Affiliations

Valentyn Khilchevskyi
Vasyl Grebin
Myroslava Zabokrytska
Viktoria Zhovnir
Hanna Bolbot
Liudmyla Plichko
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The European Water Framework Directive can have enormous consequences for agricul-ture in the Netherlands. In parts of the country agriculture should be taken out of production because the nutrient loads to the surface water system are far too high. This doom scenario is of course unde-sired and a number of source-specific and effect-specific measures are necessary. The fate of nutri-ents in the soil is strongly interrelated with its hydrology. Directly, because nutrients are transported by water and the distribution of the residence time of drainage water is a good measure for the time behaviour of the nutrient loads to the surface water system. Longer residence time in the soil means more of nutrients applied by farmers but also a longer recovery period, after applying source-specific measures. In this paper three promising effect-specific hydrological measures are described buffer strips, retention strips, and controlled drainage.

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Jan van Bakel
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The aim of the present study was to explore the role of temporal intelligence in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ self-regulation and self-efficacy. To this end, a general temporal intelligence (GTI-S) scale was designed based on the subconstructs of time in the literature. The scale, along with the learning self-regulation questionnaire (SRQ-L) and the English self-efficacy scale was administered to 520 EFL learners. To validate the GTI-S, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was run. The results of Pearson product-moment correlations demonstrated significantly positive relationships between temporal intelligence and controlled self-regulation, automatic self-regulation and self-efficacy (p<.05). Moreover, the findings of multiple regressions revealed that Linearity of Time, Economicity of Time, and Multitasking are the most important subconstructs of time with relation to these variables.

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Elham Naji Meidani
Reza Pishghadam
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This article is intended to determine the features of public management and the development process of the energy supply system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today, the sustainable development of the country’s economy depends directly on the energy sector. Modern society and industry are completely dependent on a stable power supply and today, energy is considered the most important component of the life support of the country’s population. The country’s electrical power industry needs new large-scale investments and promising development. To do this, in the near future, the state needs to consider ways to solve problems that have arisen. The purpose of the study is to consider the elements of public administration and the evolution of the energy supply system in Kazakhstan, as well as public administration systems in other countries, such as the USA, Norway, Great Britain, and the Russian Federation. In the article, with the help of SWOT analysis and scientific analysis, the factors of development of the country’s energy industry are considered.
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Beimbet Mussin
Zukhra Mussina

  1. Institute of Management, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan
  2. Almaty Technological University, Kazakhstan
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In this article, we extended the concept of controllability, traditionally used to control the final state of a system, to the exact control of its final speed. Inspired by Kalman’s theory, we have established some conditions to characterize the control that allows the system to reach a desired final speed exactly. When the assumptions ensuring speed-controllability are not met, we adopt a regulation strategy that involves determining the control law to make the system’s final speed approach as closely as possible to the predefined final speed, and this at a lower cost. The theoretical results obtained are illustrated through three examples.
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Mostafa Rachik
Issam Khaloufi
Youssef Benfatah
Hamza Boutayeb
Hassan Laarabi

  1. Laboratory of Analysis Modeling and Simulation, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences Ben M’Sik, Hassan II University Casablanca, BP 7955, Sidi Othman, Casablanca, Morocco
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Previous studies reported that mental health and emotion regulation strategies deteriorated in the refugee sample. The main goal of the study was to analyze the mediation effect of emotion regulation strategies as expressive suppression and cognitive reappraisal between resilience to helplessness – depression and flourishing. The second aim was to determine to what extent emotion regulation strategies and resilience to helplessness-depression predicted flourishing. Forty-seven Syrian refugees, aged 18-64, who were settled in Istanbul fulfilled the coping competence questionnaire (CCQ), the flourishing scale, and the emotion regulation questionnaire (ERQ). The serial mediation analysis indicated that expressive suppression and cognitive reappraisal had a significant indirect mediating effect between resilience to helplessness-depression and flourishing. Multiple regression analysis showed that expressive suppression was a negative predictor of flourishing. However, both cognitive reappraisal and resilience to helplessness – depression were positive predictors of flourishing. Moreover, ERQ, flourishing, and CCQ scales showed good internal reliability consistency scores in the refugee group. The study suggested that improvement in emotion regulation strategies may be a helpful strategy in the therapeutic setting.
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Emrullah Ecer

  1. Ural Federal University, Cognitive Neuroscience, MA
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The present study aimed to propose a conceptual model of the general effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the self-regulatory behavior of students learning online. The participants of the study included 350 students of Salman Farsi University of Kazerun who answered an electronic questionnaire from November 5 to November 24, 2020. This electronic questionnaire consisted of two tools: 1. COVID-19 General Impact Survey 2. Online Self-regulated Learning Questionnaire (OSLQ). The results of the structural equation modeling (SEM) showed that the goal orientation dimension has the highest mean (M=17.58) and the time management dimension has the lowest mean (M=10.18) among students. With the increase in negative academic outcomes and the decrease in students' psychological health during the COVID-19, their online self-regulated learning behaviors have also reduced. In addition, the COVID-19 had a negative and direct effect on online self-regulated learning behaviors in students. The results also showed that the greatest effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the self-regulatory components of online learning was related to the time management component. As for academic achievement, the three dimensions of goal setting, environmental structure, and self- evaluation showed a positive and significant relationship with the average of two semesters of students. Finally, the overall effects of the COVID-19 could explain 11% of online self-regulatory learning behaviors in students. Implicit implications of these findings for education as well as suggestions for further research are discussed.
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Moslem Abbasi
Yaser Khajavi
Leila Shameli

  1. Salman Farsi University of Kazerun, Iran
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Per- and polyfl uoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are human-invented chemicals that were created in the middle of the 20th century. They were synthesized for the fi rst time in 1949, and because of their exceptional surfactant properties, they have been widely used in many industrial applications and daily life products. The common use of PFASs resulted in their worldwide dissemination in natural environment. PFASs are reported to be ubiquitous in surface and drinking waters, but also may be present in soils, animals, milk and milk-products, plants, food. Contaminated drinking water and food are the most signifi cant exposure sources to these chemicals. Ingested PFASs are bio-accumulative and have adverse eff ect on health of humans as well as animal organisms. This paper reviews the most signifi cant information on the origin, properties, distribution, environmental fate, human exposure, health eff ects, and the environmental regulations on PFASs and summarizes the latest advances in the development of novel methods for the eff ective removal of these chemicals from the aqueous environment. Recognized (reverse osmosis, adsorption on activated carbon) and most promising developing removal methods such as adsorption on biomaterials (plant proteins, chitosan beds), mineral adsorbents (LDHs, hydrotalcite), ionexchange resins, and photocatalytic degradation have been emphasized.

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Authors and Affiliations

Mariusz Grabda
Sylwia Oleszek
Michiaki Matsumoto

  1. General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces, Wroclaw, Poland
  2. Department of Environmental Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
  3. Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
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An application of biostimulants is becoming an increasingly popular operation in agriculture because they positively affect crop performance and qualitative characteristics, and prevent stress-related losses. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of an application of the following biostimulants: PlonoStart, Aminoplant, and Agro-Sorb Folium, and the herbicide Avatar 293 ZC on total carotenoids in table potato tubers. The research material consisted of tubers of two table potato cultivars, Oberon and Malaga, which were produced in a 3-year field experiment. Chemical analyses of fresh material were conducted 4–6 days following harvest. Biostimulants applied with the herbicide significantly increased the table potato tuber content of carotenoids compared to tubers obtained from unamended control plots. The highest accumulation of carotenoids was determined following an application of the biostimulant Agro-Sorb Folium, and it was higher in the tubers of cv. Oberon versus cv. Malaga. It should be added that in the available literature there is no research on the effect of biostimulants on the content of carotenoids in potato, which is the main food in the world. Carotenoids perform many important functions in the human body. They exhibit antioxidant properties, which means that they protect cells from damage, and also have a beneficial effect on the immune system. Carotenoids are substances that show an indispensable effect on the health and appearance of the skin. Regular consumption of them in the form of vegetables and fruits ensures its firmness, elasticity, smoothness, as well as a healthy appearance. The protective function of carotenoids against free radicals simultaneously contributes to slowing down the aging process. This action, in turn, translates into preventing the development of cancer or diseases of the circulatory system.
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Authors and Affiliations

Iwona Mystkowska
Krystyna Zarzecka
Marek Gugała
Agnieszka Ginter

  1. Department of Dieteties, John Paul II University of Applied Sciences, Biała Podlaska, Poland
  2. Department of Agrobioengineering and Animal Sciences, Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Siedlce, Poland
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Brucella canis infection is one of the most important causes of infertility in dogs and is a zoonosis for which no effective treatment or vaccines exist. It is not a mandatory notifiable disease. Following an increase of cases in Europe and worldwide, an investigation was performed to evaluate how much Italian and Polish veterinarians and breeders know about canine brucellosis and understand their perceptions of this infection. For this reason, two questionnaires were prepared, in Italian and Polish. Eighteen Italian and Polish veterinarians, specialists in canine reproduction, responded to the first survey and 44.4% of them affirmed having diagnosed canine brucellosis at least once in their clinical practice, and different perceptions emerged regarding the infection in the two countries. The second survey was completed by 145 Italian and Polish breeders; the disease was completely unknown to 22.8% of them, whereas 2.1% had diagnosed infection by B. canis in their kennels. In conclusion, knowledge of B. canis infection differs between these countries, with extremes ranging from diagnosed cases to complete underestimation of the presence of the problem. However, based on international data and reporting of a recent large outbreak in Italy, awareness of this contagious infectious disease and its management must be increased.
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Brower A, Okwumabua O, Massengill C, Muenks Q, Vanderloo P, Duster M, Homb K, Kurth K (2007) Investigation of the spread of Brucella canis via the U.S. interstate dog trade. Int J Infect Dis 11: 454-458.
Buhmann G, Paul F, Herbst W, Melzer F, Wolf G, Hartmann K, Fischer A (2019) Canine Brucellosis: Insights into the Epidemiologic Situation in Europe. Front Vet Sci 6: 151.
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Cosford KL (2018) Brucella canis: un update on research and clinical management. Can Vet J 59: 74-81.
De Massis F, Sacchini F, Averaimo D, Garofolo G, Lecchini P, Ruocco L, Lomolino R, Santucci U, Sgariglia E, Crotti S, Petrini A, Migliorati G, D’Alterio N, Gavaudan S, Tittarelli M (2021) First Isolation of Brucella canis from a breeding kennel in Italy. Vet Ital 57: 215-226.
Galarce N, Escobar B, Martínez E, Alvarado N, Peralta G, Dettleff P, Dorner J, Martínez V, Borie C (2020) Prevalence and Genomic Characterization of Brucella canis Strains Isolated from Kennels, Household, and Stray Dogs in Chile. Animals (Basel) 10: 2073.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Tymczak
B. Favi
M. Beccaglia
M.C. Pisu
V. Tarducci
M.P. Franciosini
M.L. Marenzoni

  1. Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Perugia, Perugia, 06124, Italy
  2. Servizio di Sanità Animale, ASL 1 Umbria, Perugia, 06126, Italy
  3. Private practitioner, Ambulatorio Veterinario Beccaglia, Lissone, Monza-Brianza, 20851, Italy
  4. Private practitioner, Centro di Referenza Veterinario, Torino, 10138, Italy
  5. Private practitioner, Ambulatorio Veterinario Le Coccinelle, Mogliano, Macerata, 62010, Italy
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Rare and endemic plant species represent important components of plant biodiversity which require protection to ensure their sustainable conservation. Cerastium banaticum (Rochel) Heuff. is such an endemic and rare species from Romania, for which the genetic variability of two natural populations was studied by SSR markers. Shannon’s information index revealed low levels of genetic diversity in both populations (I = 0.296). As the first attempt in a conservation program a reproducible micropropagation protocol was established starting from seeds, followed by multiplication, rooting, and ex vitro acclimatization. Among the various plant growth regulators tested the highest multiplication coefficient was achieved on a culture medium with 0.5 mg L-1 6-furfurylaminopurine (K) and 1 mg L-1 α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). On this PGRs concentration a number of 26.6 shoots/individual explant with a mean length of 7.9 cm for new generated shoots was registered. The highest number of roots/individual initiated shoot was 2.6 and it was recorded on a culture medium with 0.5 mg L-1 2-isopentyl-adenine (2iP) and 0.1 mg L-1 NAA. The outdoor acclimatization was successfully performed in a specially designed rocky area in the ‘Alexandru Borza’ Botanical Garden, Cluj-Napoca (Romania).

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Authors and Affiliations

Victoria Cristea
Enikő Besenyei
Lilianna Jarda
Anca Farkas
Delia Marcu
Doina Clapa
Adela Halmagyi
Anca Butiuc-Keul
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The genus Narcissus has several endemic, rare and/or threatened species in the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. In vitro propagation is a useful tool for threatened plants conservation used in ex situ strategies. Thus, the aim of this work was to study the propagation in vitro of bulb scale explants of five endemic, rare and/or endangered Narcissus species from the Iberian Peninsula, treated with different PGR combinations. Initiation was achieved in half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal salts and vitamins, 10 g/L sucrose, 500 mg/L casein hydrolysate, 2 mg/L adenine, 10 mg/L glutathione and 5.5 g/L plant agar. In the multiplication phase, the highest bulblet proliferation was obtained in MS medium supplemented with 30 g/L sucrose and the combination of 10 μM 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) + 5 μM α-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) in N. alcaracensis, N. eugeniae and N. hedraeanthus; 20 μM BAP + 5 μM NAA in N. jonquilla and N. yepesii. The highest rooting was obtained with 5 μM NAA + 1 μM Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for all species (>75%) and more than 80% of the produced bulblets were successfully acclimatized.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jorge Juan-Vicedo
1 2
Atanas Pavlov
3 4
Segundo Ríos
Jose Luis Casas

  1. Instituto Universitario de Investigación CIBIO, Universidad de Alicante, Carretera Sant Vicent del Raspeig, 03690 Sant Vicent del Raspeig (Alicante), Spain
  2. Current address: Instituto de Investigación en Medio Ambiente y Ciencia Marina IMEDMAR, Universidad Católica de Valencia, Carrer Guillem de Castro, 94, 46001 Valencia, Spain
  3. Laboratory of Applied Biotechnologies, Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 139 Ruski Boulevard, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  4. University of Food Technologies, 26 Maritza Boulevard, 4002 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
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The aim of our study was to verify relationships between individual difficulties in emotion regulation (ER), ER strategies (cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression), and compassion (to self and others) with the presence of depressive symptomatology in a sample of Slovak adolescents during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the sample of 140 Slovak adolescents (age between 17–19 years) was administrated The Beck Depression Inventory- II. (Beck et al., 1996), The Overall Depression Severity and Impairment Scale (Bentley et al., 2014), The Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (Gross & John, 2003), The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (Gratz & Roemer, 2004), The Sussex-Oxford Compassion for the Self Scale and The Sussex-Oxford Compassion for Others Scale (Gu et al., 2019). Results revealed that difficulties in ER (all subscales) and expressive suppression were in positive relationships with depression symptoms. Cognitive reappraisal and self-compassion were in negative relationships with depression symptoms. Lack of ER strategies and cognitive reappraisal (inversely) were the strongest predictors of depressive symptoms. These findings suggest that ER strategies (mainly cognitive reappraisal) could be assumed as protective factors in adolescent depression symptoms development in stressful circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ľubor Pilárik
Petr Mikoška
Jakub Helvich
Alica Melišíková

  1. Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic
  2. University of Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
  3. Reeducation Center, Vráble, Slovak Republic
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For a solar photovoltaic power system on a university campus, the electricity generated by the system meets the campus load, and the extra electricity is delivered to the grid. Generally, the price of the photovoltaic system is cheaper than that of the utility power system. The full use of solar electricity can reduce the electricity cost of the school. The deep belief network is used to predict solar photovoltaic generation and electricity load, and the gap is found. According to the gap, the power loads on the campus are adjusted to improve the utilization rate of solar power generation. Through the practical application of Changqing Campus of Qilu University of Technology in China, it is found that the utilization rate of solar photovoltaic power generation effectively improved from 91.24% in 2017 to 98.16% in 2019, and the annual electricity is saved by 68 610 yuan (in 2019).
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Authors and Affiliations

Guozheng Han
Shujuan Tan
Zihan Zhang

  1. School of Information and Automation Engineering, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), No. 3501, Daxue Road, Changqing District, Jinan 250353 Shandong Province, PR China

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