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Tanguy Viel’s novels are peculiar variations on well-known novelistic genres: they creatively re-work familiar plot configurations, narrative strategies and thematic concerns. It would appear that this subversive re-activation of the genre can be related to this contemporary literary aesthetics which foregrounds blurring of generic boundaries and mixing of traditional forms. In this context the ambiguous generic status of Viel’s fiction deserves close scrutiny, which is precisely the aim of the present paper: it analyses his last novel Paris-Brest (2009) within the framework of selected contemporary theories of genre.
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Anna Maziarczyk
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In his book, Ajuar funerario (2004), Fernando Iwasaki presents a range of scary stories. In some cases, the horror results from the gap between the terrible story told or suggested and the tone of the narrator. Although the presence of intertextual references to canonical authors of the genre often leads to parody, laughter, or smile never last long in Iwasaki’s literature. The reader soon realizes that even if horror has ceased to be embodied in the traditional motifs of the genre, it is still there, alive and kicking, ready to put our certainties in crisis and give us new chills.
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Roberta Previtera

  1. Université de Lille, Institut des Amériques
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Critical Genre Analysis (CGA) is a theory of interdiscursive performance taking a multi-perspective approach to account for professional practice, demystify the interdiscursive nature of professional genres, account for professional identities, understand professional communication as interdiscursive performance, and provide evidence-based pedagogical insights. The present paper capitalizes upon CGA to analyze the genre of Principal’s Remarks, which originate from a speech delivered by the school principal on the anniversary and annual speech day of a school to report the development of the school. A total of 12 Principal’s Remarks of an aided Christian secondary school in Hong Kong, China released in 12 consecutive years were incorporated into the corpus for analysis. The genre was analyzed at four levels, which conceptualize discourse as text, genre, professional practice, and social practice respectively. The study exemplifies how CGA can be capitalized upon to analyze an unfamiliar genre in a multi‑perspective fashion.
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Chi Wui Ng

  1. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Contemporary Arabic literature is slowly approaching a local production of the “fantasy” genre through attempts that can be considered an important starting point for this new genre still being defined in the Arab world. During the last decades the influence exerted by Western countries on the production of this literary genre, that reaches the Arab world around the twentieth century, has been evident mainly through the translations of Western fantasy novels. Among the various genres of fantasy novels which still enjoy international fame and have been translated into Arabic we find: The Lord of the Rings (1954–55) by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien; A Song of Ice and Fire (1996–2005) by Raymond Richard Martin and Harry Potter (1997–2007) by Joanne Kathleen Rowling. The delay in the introduction of the fantasy genre in the Arab countries has begun to be overcome in recent years, in fact many Arab authors have tried to write new fantasy novels. The fantastic tradition of Arab Islamic civilization is also an important part of drawing on the creation of original fantasy works. The study shows a general propensity of the contemporary Arab world to create a local fantasy, in which the Arab authors try to put the accent on the characteristic elements of Middle Eastern culture, though also drawing on the Western fantasy tradition.

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Emanuela De Blasio
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The article is an overview of chosen elements of press media discourse, treated here as a kind of broadly understood media discourse. Press discourse is examined as the oldest medium with well-developed tools and tradition, but tendencies redefining classic journalism and press are also highlighted. The author discusses the Internetization of press discourse, clear sender-recipient differentiation, “citizen journalism”, fake news, tabloidization and genological changes.


Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy, jest szerokim spojrzeniem na wybrane elementy, aspekty medialnego dyskursu prasowego, który traktuję jako rodzaj szeroko rozumianych dyskursów medialnych. Na dyskurs prasowy spoglądam jako na najstarsze medium z wykształconym własnym instrumentarium i tradycją, ale równocześnie wskazuję na tendencje, które redefiniują klasyczne dziennikarstwo i tradycyjną prasę. Wskazuję na internetyzację dyskursu prasowego, wyraźną dyferencjację nadawczo-odbiorczą, zjawiska „dziennikarstwa obywatelskiego” i fake- newsów oraz na tabloidyzację i przemiany genologiczne.

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Bogusław Skowronek
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This is a critical profile of Wiadomości Bibliograficzne Warszawskie [Warsaw Bibliographical News], a learned journal with a mission to keep a systematic record of current Polish publications and provide bibliographic information about their contents, published in 1882–1886 Teodor Paprocki, a leading Warsaw bookseller. The article outlines the history of the journal; analyzes its structure, layout, contents, editorial techniques, and its functioning in the bookselling trade and the academic community; and, finally, assesses its role in the development of professional bibliography writing in Poland.

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Alicja Matczuk
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The research material in this article is V. Nabokov’s short story A Nursery Tale (1926), which, by virtue of the literary genre signalled in the title, disposes us to consider the author’s communicative intention. The methodological inspiration for the research is M. Bakhtin’s genological reflection and his concept of the genre as “a representative of creative memory in the process of literature development”; W. Propp’s study and J. Derrida’s idea about fairy tales has also proved helpful. Analysis and interpretation of the short story A Fairy Tale has allowed one to distinguish particular elements and devices aimed at the short story genre transformation with special regard to the titular (fairy-tale) form of expression. The special status of the work’s protagonist is demonstrated, his creative activity understood as a kind of game, whose creator and actor is the protagonist himself, while the realisation of his erotic desire is treated as a way of regarding Femininity and of opening to “the other”, precisely connected in Nabokov’s short story with the female figure. On the parabolic/fabulous level the hero’s dream (collecting “a harem of women”) is interpreted as a literary device – an expression of romantic irony revealing the opposing forces governing human existence, a conflict between everyday reality and the world of creative fantasy/imagination. In consequence, Nabokov’s A Nursery Tale is read as an example of a narrative parabolic fairy tale.
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Małgorzata Ułanek

  1. Lublin, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
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The article is an attempted analysis of the literary genre of fable as a case study of a selection of fables by Lyudmila Petrushevskaya. In particular, the analysis focuses on the fable cycles: The New Adventures of Helen the Beautiful, Adventures of Barbie and Wild Animal Fables. The perspective adopted in the article focuses mainly on the axiological aspect of the fables and the reconstruction of their moral message. The moral sense in Petrushevskaya’s fables is veiled under their overt sense. Even the overt sense is hidden deeply under the multiple levels of “intertextual irony” (Eco). The analysis also explores the links between Petrushevskaya’s works, folk magical fairy tales and the prototypical genre of the classical Russian fable. The innovative fables created by Petrushevskaya de-conventionalize the classical schemata of the genre, and as such they constitute an ironic, mocking and sometimes a bitter commentary on the contemporary world. The fables exhibit a high degree of “poetics of everyday life” – a merger of popular and high culture. They both recreate and at the same time mock the schemata and rituals of pop culture, also displaying noticeable feminist tones. In their poetics, the fables employ cyclic and serial arrangement, and are completed with “words of wisdom” that are far from naïve moral judgements.

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Anna Woźniak
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The figure of a woman in folk songs is understood from the point of view of philosophical, moral and ethical, aesthetical criteria. The article analyses the ethnic image in different folk genres – calendar and ritual (carols, spring songs, Petrivka songs, Kusta songs, harvest songs) and the family and ritual (wedding and baptizing). The main methods of representation revealed are those by artistic parallelism, comparative expression, and metaphorical comprehension. A very important role in the architectonics of folk lyrics is played by floral, astral and other images‐symbols. Special attention is paid to the main attributes of a girl (the braid, the wreath) which distinguished her in daily life from a married woman and singled out is also the concept of the creation and perception of the traditional female image. Ukrainian ritual songs are imbued and have brought to our times the aesthetic characteristics of a young maiden. The psychology of the ethnos, its emotionality, its attentive attitude to the woman as an equal partner in the family is traced in folk songs. The conclusion drawn is one about the important role of a Ukrainian woman in the upbringing and directing of youth to marriage, sticking to the moral and ethical norms in the family, community and society.
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Hanna Sokil

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The article is a presentation of the subject of a lawyer in the Russian literature of two eras – the second half of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century. The object of comparative analysis are two literary texts: the first is the story by Leo Tolstoy – “Father Sergius” (1911), the second is a novel by the modern Russian writer – Evgeny Vodolazkin, which entitled “Laurus” (2012). The author of the article concludes that the multifariousness of the life of lawyers in both writers underlines their life experience on the way to holiness. An important element of the characters’ description is their sinfulness, in particular the fi ght against their own pride and human passion. In the case of Leo Tolstoy, the image of his literary right-wing was influenced by the writer’s views on the essence of holiness and the complex human-God relationship. In their portraits of heroes striving for spiritual perfection, both Tolstoy and Vodolazkin show a connection with the genre of hagiography.

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Magdalena Wojciechowska
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The paper examines two mid-18th century poems, Sujān vilās and Dīrghnagarvarṇan, composed in Brajbhasha (Braj Bhasha) by Somnāth, at the then recently established court of the Jat rulers. It focuses on the description of the city, i.e. nagaravarṇana convention rooted in Sanskrit poetics and common in Sanskrit kāvya literature, further adopted by the authors belonging to the courtly ornate poetry of the Hindi literary tradition. In Somnāth’s works which offer three instances of the nagaravarṇana, this convention sees its transformation into a fully-fledged literary genre. The poetics of the Brajbhasha literary production have been by then enriched to a considerable extent by Persian literary practices, with both courtly literary cultures, the Persian and the Brajbhasha, enjoying patronage of the Mughal center of power leading thus to diffusion of its various cultural practices, including the literary, to many neighboring states and dominions. The present inquiry situates Somnāth’s works in this historico-literary settings with a view to define features of the nagaravarṇanas and thus trace the development of this literary genre and map its changing functions. Those functions, as argued here, point to disparate forms of patronage that underlie both compositions – probably a single, composite literary project.
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Piotr Borek

  1. Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
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This article provides an overview of French translations of prose and drama on the Hungarian book market between 2000 and 2020. The quantitative and qualitative analysis is based on data from the National Library of Hungary comprising 39,792 entries, of which 2,479 are translations from French. The analysis focuses on the position of French compared to other source languages, the distribution of translations according to their literary genre, and publishers actively involved in the publication of French literature. Results indicate that French ranks third after English and German, accounting for 6.2% of the records in the sample, and is rarely used as an intermediary language for translation. Novels are the genre most frequently translated, while translations of dramatic works are sporadic. The three most active publishers of French translations in Hungary comprise one publisher of classic and contemporary literature, one of digital books and one of children’s literature.
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Adrienn Gulyas

  1. Universite Du Service Public, Budapest, Hongrie
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Since modern usage of the core terms is essential in the appropriate interpretation of ancient rhetoric texts, the paper starts from a discussion of semantic differences between the concepts of advice, counselling and deliberation in the Polish language. Ancient rhetoric takes as its starting point an overarching notion of ‘deliberative genre’ which includes not only laymen and expert advice, but also the political deliberation. It offers some theoretical categories, universal enough to address these apparently incompatible contexts of advice-giving and advice- taking. Rhetorical approach points out the relation between axiology and persuasive mechanisms. It identifies also some persuasive devices likely to enhance the efficiency of advice-giving, such as the use of examples and reasoning based on probability evaluation.

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Maria Załęska
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This article discusses selected aspects of the organisation of the academic article introduction – a section of a central academic genre, recognised as both troublesome (Swales 1990) and strategically important, as it is at this stage that the reader forms the fi rst, and often lasting, impressions of the whole text. Based on Swales’ (1990) revised CARS model of article introductions and drawing on previous Polish–English contrastive studies (e.g., Duszak 1994; Golebiowski 1998, 1999), it looks into the placement, realisation, and role of the purpose statement in introductions to articles published in the years 2001-2006 in linguistics-related peer-reviewed Englishand Polish-language journals. It seeks answers to the following questions: (i) Is the statement of purpose a typical/recurrent feature of introductions to Polish-language articles? (ii) If it does occur in Polish, in which part of the introduction is it usually made by Polish authors as compared to English writers? (iii) What is the preferred way of announcing it in both groups of texts? and (iv) Can any assessment be made of its prominence in both languages on the basis of what precedes and what follows it? Contrary to what might have been expected on the basis of previous studies, the article demonstrates that the statement of purpose is in fact a stable element of the introduction to a Polish-language linguistics article, although its prominence depends on the presence of other rhetorical moves.
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Krystyna Warchał
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This article presents a study on music genre classification based on music separation into harmonic and drum components. For this purpose, audio signal separation is executed to extend the overall vector of parameters by new descriptors extracted from harmonic and/or drum music content. The study is performed using the ISMIS database of music files represented by vectors of parameters containing music features. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier and co-training method adapted for the standard SVM are involved in genre classification. Also, some additional experiments are performed using reduced feature vectors, which improved the overall result. Finally, results and conclusions drawn from the study are presented, and suggestions for further work are outlined.
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Aldona Rosner
Bożena Kostek
Bjӧrn Schuller
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The issues raised in the article focus on the ways of communicating family narratives from the perspective of reflection on this type of historical writing by the history of historiography. An expression of this reflection is the proposed classification of narrative strategies and genre types of narration within the set of family histories, and the conceptual category of family histories, which captures this set and opens the field for further discussions on the phenomenon of private family narratives.
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Violetta Julkowska

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
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Hanna Krall is an acclaimed journalist and author, whose books were translated into multiple languages. However, relatively little critical attention has been given since her rise to world fame to her early work as a journalist. This article revisits this unjustly neglected part of her biography, when she made her name by reportages portraying the realities of life in Poland in the 1970s (the Edward Gierek's decade) and registering the tensions that led to the political earthquake of 1980 and culminated in the collapse of the communist system in 1989.

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Andrzej Kaliszewski
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This article is a comparative study of the aesthetics of Cyprian Kamil Norwid and Charles Baudelaire. The analysis focuses on their use of realistic techniques and metaphors of representation in the context of critical statements about realism (especially the paintings of Gustave Courbet), in which both poets repudiate the notion of pure art as a direct imitation of reality. While they declare that this doctrine is reductive and unworkable, they do, as the article points out, make use of some of its techniques and practical suggestions (i.e. to foreground ordinary, trivial, and arguably ugly objects). Seen from this perspective, the poetry of both Norwid and Baudelaire, the harbingers of modernity, can be situated at an interface of faits divers (shocking tabloid stories) and the moral fable.
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Magdalena Siwiec

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków

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