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he paper contains results of a in situ research main task of which was to detect objects buried, partially or completely, in the sea bottom. Object detecting technologies employing acoustic wave sources based on nonlinear interaction of elastic waves require application of parametric sound sources. Detection of objects buried in the sea bottom with the use of classic hydroacoustic devices such as the sidescan sonar or multibeam echosounder proves ineffective. Wave frequencies used in such devices are generally larger than tens of kHz. This results in the fact that almost the whole acoustic energy is reflected from the bottom. On the other hand, parametric echosounders radiate waves with low frequency and narrow beam patterns which ensure high spatial resolution and allows to penetrate the sea bottom to depths of the order of tens of meters. This allows to detect objects that can be interesting, among other things, from archaeological or military point of view.
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Eugeniusz Kozaczka
Grażyna Grelowska
Sławomir Kozaczka
Wojciech Szymczak
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The increment in the number of automobiles and the densification of the city has increased noise pollution rates. In addition, the lack of regulation in Chile regarding the acoustic insulation of façades is a problem of a growing concern. The main objective of the present study was to obtain a model of the Sound Insulation of housing, façades, stratified in Santiago, Chile, based on constructive variables. It is expected to serve as a basis for one future regulation for acoustic façades of houses. In the present study, tests based on the international ISO 140-5 standard were carried out in situ. An estimation model of the Standardized Level Difference Dls,2m,nT,w + C, was obtained based on the opening/façade proportion, and the type of glass used for the windows.

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Leonardo Meza
Jaime Delannoy
Antonio Marzzano
Mauricio Fuentes
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Cytostatic drugs have become one of the greatest environmental hazards. They exhibit toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic effects on flora and fauna, including people. They are poorly eliminated in conventional wastewater treatment plants and their mixtures could possess higher ecotoxicity than individual drugs. Fungi are organisms with enormous potential for biodegradation of a variety of toxic chemical pollutants. The aim of this work was to estimate tolerance of five fungal strains to selected anticancer drugs, which will be useful to determine the potential for their possible use in cytostatics removal and may be significant in the context of wastewater treatment application. Test was conducted on Fomes fomentarius (CB13), Hypholoma fasciculare (CB15), Phyllotopsis nidulans (CB14), Pleurotus ostreatus (BWPH) and Trametes versicolor (CB8) and the chosen drugs were bleomycin and vincristine. Their ability to grow in the presence of selected cytostatics was evaluated in cultures conducted on two solid media which differed in the richness of nutrient compounds. Fungal strains tolerance was expressed as a half maximal effective concentration. Results showed that fungi display better tolerance to high cytostatics’ concentrations in the medium rich in carbon source. Regardless of the medium used, the differences in growth ability were lower for bleomycin (the tolerance was higher). The greatest tolerance for bleomycin was shown by Pleurotus ostreatus. Results suggest that more efficient elimination of bleomycin would be possible to obtain, strain BWPH seems to be the best fungal candidate for this drug degradation assay and, probably, in wastewater treatment application tests in a longer perspective.

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Authors and Affiliations

Marcelina Jureczko
Wioletta Przystaś
Monika Urbaniak
Anna Banach-Wiśniewska
Łukasz Stępień

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Poland
  2. Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences
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Localization is one of the oldest mathematical and technical problems that have been at the forefront of research and development for decades. In a wireless sensor network (WSN), nodes are not able to recognize their position. To solve this problem, studies have been done on algorithms to achieve accurate estimation of nodes in WSNs. In this paper, we present an improvement of a localization algorithm namely Gaussian mixture semi-definite programming (GM-SDP-2). GMSDP is based on the received signal strength (RSS) to achieve a maximum likelihood location estimator. The improvement lies in the placement of anchors through the Fuzzy C-Means clustering method where the cluster centers represent the anchors’ positions. The simulation of the algorithm is done in Matlab and is based on two evaluation metrics, namely normalized root-mean-squared error (RMSE) and cumulative distribution function (CDF). Simulation results show that our improved algorithm achieves better performance compared to those using a predetermined placement of anchors.
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Sidi Mohammed Hadj Irid
Mourad Hadjila
Mohammed Hicham Hachemi
Sihem Souiki
Reda Mosteghanemi
Chaima Mostefai

  1. Dept. of Telecommunications, Faculty of Technology, University of Abou Bekr Belkaid, Tlemcen, Algeria
  2. Dept. of Electronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Science and Technology of Oran - Mohamed Boudiaf (USTO-MB), Oran, Algeria
  3. Dept. of Telecom, Faculty of Technology, University of Belhadj Bouchaib, Ain Temouchent, Algeria
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The article presents the results of research concerning to AlCu4MgSi alloy ingots produced using horizontal continuous casting process. The presented research was focused on the precise determination of phase composition of the precipitates formed during the solidification of ingots and the analysis of their thermal stability. In order to assess the morphology of precipitates in the AlCu4MgSi alloy, data obtained by using a computer simulation of thermodynamic phenomena were compiled with results obtained using advanced research techniques, i.e. High-temperature X-ray diffraction (HT-XRD), SEM-EDS, Thermal and derivative analysis (TDA) and Glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GD OES). SEM observations and analysis of chemical composition in micro-areas showed that the precipitates are mainly intermetallic θ-Al2Cu and β-Mg2Si phases, and also presence of Al19Fe4MnSi2 intermetallic phase was confirmed by X-ray diffraction studies. Based on the prepared Thermo-Calc simulation data, high-temperature X-ray diffraction measurements were conducted.

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P.M. Nuckowski
M. Kondracki
T. Wróbel
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The paper presents the results of research on the wire drawing process of wire brass using different deformation degree and using selected lubricants of different viscosity. The material used for the study was CuZn39Pb3 wire, which was obtained under laboratory horizontal continuous casting process using graphite crystallizer. A cast brass rod with a diameter of 9.4 mm was drawn in laboratory conditions to a diameter of 3 mm and then drawn in one operation to a diameter of 2.9 mm, 2.65 mm or 2.4 mm. Before the final deformation process, the wire surfaces were properly prepared. Based on the results obtained, the drawing tension was used to draw conclusions. The oxide surface has been shown to increase drawing tension and decrease quality of wires, while the surface that has been etched prior to deformation has a beneficial effect both on the reduction of the strength parameters of the drawing process as well as on the improvement of its quality. In addition, it has been shown that despite the emulsion has lowest dynamic viscosity that’s protect wire surface well, decrease the drawing force at high unit loads.
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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Jabłoński

  1. AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Non-Ferrous Metals, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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The microstructure of Al-Si alloy has coarse silicon and this structure is known dangerous for mechanical properties due to its crack effect. Sr addition is preferred to modify the coarse silica during solidification. Additionally, bifilms (oxide structure) are known as a more dangerous defect which is frequently seen in light alloys. It is aimed at that negative effect of bifilms on the properties of the alloys tried to be removed by the degassing process and to regulate the microstructure of the alloy. In this study, the effect of degassing and Sr modification on the mechanical properties of AlSi12Fe alloy was investigated, extensively. Four different parameters (as-received, as-received + degassing, Sr addition, Sr addition + degassing) were studied under the same conditions environmentally. The microstructural analyses and mechanical tests were done on cast parts. All data obtained from the experimental study were analyzed statistically by using statistical analysis software. It was concluded from the results that Sr addition is very dangerous for AlSi12Fe alloy. It can be suggested that to reach high mechanical properties and low casting defects, the degassing process must be applied to all castings whereas Sr addition should not be preferred.

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M. Uludağ
M. Gurtaran
D. Dispinar
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During a Polish Antarctic Expedition to Dobrowolski Station the astronomic co-ordinates of a main geodetic point have been determined. The observations were performed by Kavrajski's method. In result 26 pairs of bright stars were observed. Longitude and latitude were defined with an estimated accuracy about ± 1".

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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Cisak
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The process of sorption of chromium(III) ions with a stationary sorbent layer of bentonite clays was investigated. The main advantages of using bentonites in water purification technologies are described: powerful geological reserves, cheap process of rock extraction, easy preparation for transportation and use, possibility of using waste sorbents in other technol-ogies that is why there is no need in costly regeneration. The influence of various factors (process duration, an adsorbent layer) on the degree of wastewater purification from chromium ions, the effect of pumping speed on the dynamic capacity of the sorbent was studied and the effective volume was determined. The adsorption efficacy increases with the increase of the adsorbent layer, what can be explained by the development of the active sorption surface. As the initial concentration of chromium ions increases, the time of appearance of the first traces of the contaminant at the exit of the column increases, as well as the total time to channeling. The results of the studies indicate a higher adsorption capacity of modified bentonite with respect to Cr3+ ions compared to its natural formula. The cleaning efficacy of the solution with a concentration of chromium ions of 0.5 g∙dm–3 is increased by 5% when using 15 g of modified bentonite and 6,5% in the case one uses 20 g compared to the natural form.
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Authors and Affiliations

Christina Soloviy
Myroslav Malovanyy
Olga Palamarchuk
Iryna Trach
Halyna Petruk
Halyna Sakalova
Tamara Vasylinych
Nataliya Vronska

  1. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Viacheslav Chornovil Institute of Sustainable Development, Department of Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management, Lviv, Ukraine
  2. Vinnytsia Mykhajlo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Educational and Scientific Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology, Department of Psychology and Social Work, Vinnitsa, Ukraine
  3. Vinnytsia National Technical University, Institute for Environmental Safety and Environmental Monitoring, Department of Ecology and Environmental Safety, Vinnitsa, Ukraine
  4. Vinnytsia Mykhajlo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Natural and Geography, Department of Chemistry, Vinnitsa, Ukraine

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