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A web page can be a useful object of analysis in historical research on the World Wide Web, but as a historical source, it does not have to be interpreted solely by its textual and visual strata. The article proposes an inclusive definition of the web page which ignores its visual content and relies on its non‑obvious elements (HTTP headers and response type, URI identifier), which can be successfully used in historical study. The modular nature of the web page is the cause of many problems in building its chronology or accessing archival versions; on the other hand, it makes it possible to gain new information about the past reality. The de-velopment of Web historiography is a condition for building the historicity of the medium referred to as the"eternal now" Such historiography relies strongly on software as a tool for producing historical sources and sometimes needs to explore new time dimensions like the stream or liveness. The article explores these issues by referencing media theory and web archiving works as well as several research projects from the field of the digital humanities. Can a historiographical approach to sources inspire criticism on digital artefacts and data outside the field?
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Definicje techniczne za: WebMDN Web Docs (Mozilla Developer Network):
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Wilkowski

  1. Instytut Badań Literackich PAN, Warszawa
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The global zoogeographic distribution of the most widespread peracarid species occurring in three or more ocean basins below 2000 m is analysed. Basing on the published data we investigated 45 peracarid species, which have a most widespread distribution and most likely are cosmopolitan. Thirty−three species have a wide distribution in the Northern Hemisphere. Most species occur in the North Atlantic, however, 16 of these species occur also in the North Pacific, a more limited number of species occurs in the South Atlantic or South Pacific The Southern Ocean displays some special zoogeographic features and 22 widespread species occur there below 2000 m, including highly eurybathic ones. In total, 11 of the analysed species occur in all oceans. Eucopia australis (Lophogastrida), Munneurycope murrayi (Isopoda) and Eurythenes gryllus (Amphipoda) are the species with the widest distributions. Other peracarids occurring in all oceans are: the isopods Paramunnopsis oceanica and Eurycope sarsi , the mysid Caesaromysis hispida the lophogastrid Eucopia unguiculata, the amphipod Mesopleustes abyssorum and the tanaids Exspina typica, Paranarthura insignis and Pseudotanais nordenskioldi . No cumacean species has been reported with an ocean−wide distribution but Campylaspis glabra occurs in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. Among plenty of rare species in each order there are only few species with wide distribution records. There is evidence from molecular genetic studies that some of the widespread peracarids represent several cryptic species, however, some, e.g. Eucopia australis , seem to be truly cosmopolitan species. Geography of sampling is biasing our view of biogeography. The history and quality of taxonomic work as well as the reliability of geographic records (quality control of large databases) limits our investigations of widespread or cosmopolitan species as much as the limited knowledge of variation within most species causes difficulties in defining morpho−species with certainty.
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Authors and Affiliations

Angelika Brandt
Magdalena Błażewicz-Paszkowycz
Roger N. Bamber
Ute Mühlenhardt-Siegel
Marina V. Malyutina
Stefanie Kaiser
Claude De Broyer
Charlotte Havermans
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Each work of literature creates its own world of fiction and presents a series of events that bring that world to life. Such a world is initially evoked by its author, but subsequently continues to exist supported by collective memory and imagination of the readers and critics. Altogether Roman Ingarden admits four metaphysical categories: the real, the ideal, the mental and the intentional world. A puzzling question arises if we inquire how various objects are included into any of these categories. Is it necessary that they meet some qualitative criteria, or is it possible that they are placed in a suitable category by being freely ascribed to it? The author chooses the second option and argues that this is compatible with the eminent role that Ingarden assigned to works of literature.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jacek Hołówka

  1. prof. em., Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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In this paper, I will look at the functioning of space through a specific example of the practice of socially modelling past realities in the 1940 Exposition of the Portuguese World. (Exposição do Mundo Português). The perspective of the Exposition will allow us to analyse the model of the"Portuguese world" and propose the creation of an interpretative key, in order to understand the “essence” of Portuguese spatial imagery. We will look at the exhibition in the perspective of Krzysztof Pomian's semiophore theory, trying to interpret its main assumptions and the cultural patterns that fund it, as well as what kind of model of space it co‑creates. In the light of the exhibition we will try to answer the question of how space constitutes the mental foundation of the model of the"Portuguese world". And how the spatial patterns of Portuguese culture are made present through the selected semiophores of the Portuguese World Exhibition.
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Karol Kasprowicz

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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The death of a person, particularly my own death, is the most momentous occasion that happens in a lifetime. It seems to be an inevitable end of any possible experience, ceasing any relationship, the end of memories and hopes. It evokes various reactions in the living, just to mention some as: fascination, fear, stress, consent, willingness to familiarization. Each of them may be analysed, while each one shows also the death in a different aspect. In the proposed article, the author indicates another reaction - that is experiencing anxiety. It appears that this is the key experience, both when I am thinking about it as something that may afflict me at any moment, as well as when I become aware that there is a possibility of exit of the loved ones or just a popular person. Some texts by Joseph Ratzinger have inspired me to carry out such analyses.

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Ks. Mirosław Pawliszyn CssR
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Professor T. Szafer was an excellent academic, scholar, writer, organiser of numerous conferences devoted to the Polish contemporary architecture, author of ca. 300 scientific papers. Professor Szafer was a distinguished expert on the most recent architecture, and his publications on the Polish architecture after the World War II from the 1970s and 1980s have been cited during many scientific conferences and constitute the fundamental critical literature from that period, especially today, when the issue of the protection of the Polish architecture erected in that period has become essential.

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Ewa Węcławowicz-Gyurkovich
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In father’s footsteps or a problematic filiation. Dominique Jamet’s case – There is a phenomenon to be observed in contemporary French literature, namely the renewal of the novel through writing about self and the day-to-day reality in the context of family history. Writers reach into the past, often traumatic and painful, in order to rebuild their own broken identity, scarred by the memory of their parents’ troubled past. This is the case with Dominique Jamet. He returns to history with a capital H (the interwar period, World War Two, the Vichy regime and the subsequent issues of accounting for collaboration), so as to draw the figure of his father, Claude, an “intellectual” turncoat. The questionable filiation is the point of departure for writing two autobiographical texts. Also, it had undoubtedly been an inspiration for Un traître, a novel published in 2008, which is a fictitious reconstruction of the biography of Jacques Vasseur, an infamous French collaborator.
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Joanna Teklik
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The aim of the article is an attempt to reconstruct a description of the image of Arab World on the basis of selected (yet representative) writings from the second half of the 18th century. In that period, due to the trending Enlightenment orientalism understood as a fascination with the Orient and references made to it in the culture, the Arab world appeared among Polish representatives of the Age of Reason. These trends were expressed in art, customs, literature and – in the form of various concepts and images – in social consciousness. These images differed between each other both in terms of content and form. Some of them aimed to depict the Arab world objectively and extensively, whereas the other, on the contrary, were merely delineations focused on particular elements of the Arab world, depicting only one or a few aspects. Some of them, such as the image of Arabia Felix or utopian reminiscences refer to the tradition and update it. Some of them were created for the time being. Nevertheless, each of them reflects the topics, problems and questions which concerned the minds in Enlightenment Poland. Moreover, relatively high correlation between European archetypes and the image of the Arab world which occurs in the writings of the Polish Enlightenment confirms that Poland belongs to the Old Continent cultural group, which was crucial for the promoters of Polish Enlightenment.

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Anna Kupiszewska
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World Class Manufacturing system consists of ten technical and ten managerial pillars.

These, impacting directly and indirectly on each other, generate the flow of internal processes. Two of the mentioned pillars, Early Product Management (EPM) and Cost Deployment

(CD) play a special role in the system, because they create a future strategic management

of a company influencing design engineering, manufacturing and economy [1, 2]. Referring

to the author’s previous publications on Early Product Management methodology [3, 4], the

role of Cost Deployment pillar in the new product launch remains an important issue. Additionally, there is a noticeable lack of publications in this specific field of the WCM system.

Therefore, a proper understanding of the relationship between these two technical pillars

is the basis for effective project management for the implementation of new products. In

this article, the correlation between EPM and CD will be highlighted whereas some critical

remarks will be indicated. The main part of the article will describe: the current approach to

project management according to the standards set by the WCM system and recommended

improvements originated from EPM and CD pillars. The quality scientific methods used in

this article are based on a case study of internal processes in an international plant specializing in agriculture machinery production and include elements of direct observation and

theoretical analysis and synthesis. This paper refers to the presented issues in practical terms

on the example of the methodology of managing of new launch product projects in terms of

cost management. The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the problem of the cost

factor generated during the design phase and early implementation of the new product into

production, which will enable effective cost management of new implementation projects.

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Andrzej Mróz
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The aim of this paper is defined in the two title questions related to Roman Ingarden’s research: (1) What constitutes the specificity and uniqueness of human cognitive system? (2) Is Roman Ingarden’s answer defensible in the light of today’s naturalistic tendencies? In response to the first question, the multidimensional structure of human being is indicated, thanks to which man has access to the sphere of values. In the axiological and ontological aspect the power of man to create new realities is emphasized. In the epistemological and ontological aspect three dimensions of this structure are shown, which are correlated, complex and relatively isolated systems of body, soul and consciousness. Next, in response to the second question, Ingarden’s nonreductive approach is discussed against the background of information processes and the issue of self-knowledge. However, his strong ontological assumptions are shown as well. In conclusion, the author emphasizes that Ingarden’s main research strategy remains consistently grounded in ontology (and in this sense it is anti‑naturalistic), but in some aspects it is compatible with today’s naturalist approaches favored in neurocognitive studies.
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Urszula Żegleń

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Instytut Badań Informacji i Komunikacji, ul. Bojarskiego 1, 87-100 Toruń
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The plebiscite in Upper Silesia from the year 1921 was one of the most important moments in the history of the region. The establishment of the independent Polish state after 1918 resulted in creating a frontier which divided the region before the plebiscite itself. Therefore, various kinds of travel documents emerged and played an important role. Basing on decision of the Allies, starting from 1st of July 1920, all persons who wanted to enter the plebiscite area were obliged to have a special passport or identity card, issued by the French consulate in Breslau (Wrocław). Also the inhabitants of Upper Silesia, travelling in the area of plebiscite territory, were obliged to possess special travel cards. The author in her article analyses different types of documents as well as mechanisms of dealing with problems of people, who after the final division of Upper Silesia decided to move from one side of the border to the other.

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Maren Hachmeister
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The paper is a part of the war diary of Aurelia Wyleżyńska (1881-1944), in which she described the political and social life in Warsaw (and not only there) from September 1939 until June 1944. Aurelia Wyleżyńska, a scion of Polish gentry, was a writer and journalist, the author of over a dozen of novels and hundreds of articles in Polish and French-language press, concerning mainly literature, feminism, pacifism (and civilizational progress, which she identified with the latter). She investigates the mood of the civilians and the views of Polish soldiers she met. She analyses social conditions, including her Jewish friends. She shows the dreadful German invasion and the accompanying changes to life and death. She also comments on the Soviet invasion. In her diary she shows how quickly the bustling Polish capital turns into a ruined cage for individuals struggling for survival.

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Grażyna Pawlak
Marcin Urynowicz
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This paper aims to open the discussion about historian’s emotions during the research process that has mostly been covered up. It does not pretend to be a thorough account of the topic but a modest essay that might encourage other researcher to reflect on their experiences. Firstly, we briefly describe the current situation in a few neighboring disciplines. Secondly, we explain how we understand emotions and use the terms emotion, feeling and sentiment. Thirdly, we discuss the reasons why most historians keep silent about their feelings. Fourthly, with two examples, we illustrate how historians have written about their emotions. Fifthly, we present a model of emotional phases of research by the Danish social psychologist Steinar Kvale and evaluate its relevance to historical research. Then we look at the causes and/or objects of feelings of students or beginning scholars in cultural history. Finally, we suggest some ways we historians could make our scholarly community emotionally a more supportive one. It might be good to remember that our discussion concerns primarily the Finnish academic world, and the situation in other countries might be slightly different.

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Leena Rossi
Tuija Aarnio
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This article is an attempt to represent the aspirations of the Polish aristocracy during the First World War by imagining the dreams of Maria Lubomirska – wife of Prince Zdzisław Lubomirski, arguably the most important Polish politician in Warsaw at the time. Lubomirska and her circle attended séances led by a popular medium, and they saw what they wanted to see, just as they perceived the changing political tides in the same way. Though aristocrats were in some sense already anachronistic at this time, they still wished to maintain their superior social and political position into the future. Lubomirska in particular envisioned an independent Poland led by a king. The idea of Poland becoming a monarchy may seem absurd in hindsight, but as the article shows, if we return to this moment in history without teleological presumptions it was a likely outcome until the last days of the war. Text in italics comes directly from Lubomirska’s diary.

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Zachary Mazur
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This article focuses on the question of the relation between the subject of The Modern World-System by Immanuel Wallerstein and the theoretical object of worldsystem analysis as a multidisciplinary approach that he proposed for history and the social sciences. The importance of this approach as well as its theoretical deficiencies are shown by examining two unanswered critiques of the first volume of The Modern World-System — one coming from Robert Brenner and the second from Fernand Braudel.

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Jan Swianiewicz
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This paper aims to open the discussion about historian's emotions during the research process that has mostly been covered up. It does not pretend to be a thorough account of the topic but a modest essay that might encourage other researcher to reflect on their experiences. Firstly, we briefly describe the current situation in a few neighboring disciplines. Secondly, we explain how we understand emotions and use the terms emotion, feeling and sentiment. Thirdly, we discuss the reasons why most historians keep silent about their feelings. Fourthly, with two examples, we illustrate how historians have written about their emotions. Fifthly, we present a model of emotional phases of research by the Danish social psychologist Steinar Kvale and evaluate its relevance to historical research. Then we look at the causes and/or objects offeelings of students or beginning scholars incultural history. Finally, we suggest some ways we historians could make our scholarly community emotionally a more supportive one. - It might be good to remember that our discussion concerns primarily the Finnish academic world, and the situation in other countries might be slightly different
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Leena Rossi
Tuija Aarnio
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The onymic image of the world in a translation through an intermediary language as exemplified by the anthroponyms in a collection of short stories “Baummoos pflücken” (lit. “The Lichen Collector”) by Zhang Wei.

The article addresses the issue of the linguistic image of the world — reflected in proper names — and of its translation. Chinese onyms and their related forms of address contain information about mutual relations between the speaker and the named object, thus offering a better insight into social relations in small language and cultural communities. The challenge for the translator is not only to translate these onyms, but also to preserve their social function in the text. This has been exemplified in the article by a translation of a collection of short stories from Chinese to Polish through German, where the intermediary language adds another coherence layer. The theory of the linguistic image of the world and proper names per se are a starting point for a critical analysis of this specific translation in view of the translation of onyms and of their potential for conveying the image of the world. Emphasis is placed on the transfer of the social functions of onyms into the target language. The influence of onyms and of their consistent treatment in the translation on the coherence of the studied text has also been taken into account.

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Edyta Grotek
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The significance of American expos in the history of world’s fairs, as well as in the history of planning, urban design, architecture and landscape architecture, is extraordinary. In the article, which constitutes a supplement to the first part of a report on the carrying out of the research project entitled “Urban and architectural heritage, as well as the impact of American world expos on city planning and development”, a retrospective outlook on American fairs has been presented on the examples of Philadelphia, Buffalo, Saint Louis and Cleveland, with a particular focus on traces of expos left in the cityscape and their long-term heritage, which affects the development of host-cities.
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Izabela Sykta

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Landscape Architecture
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The article is devoted to the identification of mechanisms of influence of the value picture of the world on the semantic development of phraseological units. Considered is the structure of the components of the value picture of the world. We consider the concept and image, as segments of value components, to be the basic ones based on which the objects of extra linguistic reality within a national culture are evaluated. Image / presupposition are the basis of phraseological semiosis. We consider the onomasiological basis of phrase formation not to be a holistic image / presupposition, but only their isolated features, those which have been stereotyped. Evaluated is the image in the system of cultural values. The result of the assessment depends on the location of the image on the value scale of the ethnic group. In the course of stereotyping, the distinctive features of the image are distinguished. The selected features of the image have an evaluative component and can broadcast binary evaluations. During the development of language, phraseological semantics undergoes modifications, which are associated with changes in the value picture of the world of speakers. The reasons for such changes are recognized as out‑of‑order factors. Because of extra lingual influence, transformations of the components of the value picture of the world take place, which is reflected in the structure of phraseological meaning. Semantic changes are caused by image modifications, the features of which serve as an onomasiological basis. Due to the change of the components of the value picture of the world, there is a reassessment of the whole image, or only its already categorized features, which leads to a modification of the semantics of phrases. The reflection of value in the phraseological sense provides a significant denotative component, which associatively correlates with the referent, recording and maintaining the assessment of its features. The isolated feature is the onomasiological basis of the internal form, which reflects the assessment of the object of stereotyping within the connotative component.
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Iryna Orel

  1. Kyiv National Linguistic University
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The paper is aimed at presenting policy pursued by German occupants and Norwegian fascists toward the Church in Norway during World War II. Resistance mounted by the Lutheran Church to the Nazis, in Norwegian literature referred to as “kirkekampen“ (struggle waged by the Church), is hardly addressed by Polish authors. The article is nearly completely based on Norwegian literature, and printed sources are used as primary source material. In 1940, after Norway had been invaded, the Norwegians had to face a new (occupation) reality. The authorities of the German Third Reich did not however follow a uniform policy toward the Church in the occupied Europe. In Norway, the Church was state-run, in other words the state was obliged to propagate Lutheran religion and enable Norwegian citizens to follow their religious practices. In 1940, the occupants did not immediately take action against the Church. Furthermore, both the Nazi Germany and the NS assured the invaded about their positive approach to religion. They did not intend to interfere in the matters of the Church as long as the clergy did not oppose the new political situation. Events that took place at the turn of 1940 and 1941 proved that the German Third Reich and the NS planned to connect the Norwegians to gas supply system. Nevertheless, the Church ceased to be loyal toward the occupants when the Norwegian law was being violated by the Nazis. The conflict between the Church and the Nazi authorities started at the end of January and the beginning of February 1941, yet it had its origin in political and religious developments that took place in Norway during the first year of occupation. Massive repressions against the clergy began in 1942, and bishops were the first to suffer from persecution. In February 1942, they were expelled, lost their titles and had to report to the police regularly. Very soon they lost the right to make speeches at gatherings. It is worth mentioning Bishop Beggrav who was interned between 1942 and 1945, i.e. longest of all clergy members. Since temporary expelling of priests from their parishes paralyzed their pastoral activity, in 1943 the Ministry of Church and Education began to send the “non grata“ pastors to isles situated north of Norway. Nevertheless, the internment conditions in which the clergymen lived were much better than the conditions in which Norwegian teachers were being kept. What contributed to such a difference was strong objection stated by the German Third Reich against continuing the conflict with the Church. Just as in the Nazi Germany, Hitler postponed taking final decision about the future of the Norwegian Church and planned to settle the matter after the war. In this way, he prevented Quisling from pursuing his own policy toward the Church.
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Magda Gawinecka-Woźniak
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The modern companies, which are competing on product market, need to use innovative solutions, in order to become potential leaders. One of the modernization methods is rearrangement of organizational structure and redistribution of competence. The article describes the Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Department in production plant, which is an innovative initiative in worldwide organizational management. Some aspects including AME application in plant processes are highlighted. Some advanced techniques are presented. In the article summary, perspectives for the development of AME are included.

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Andrzej Mróz
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The aim of the article is to reconstruct, analyze and compare two of Lem’s visions which concern the application of the future development of science and technology in order to construct an enhanced society. In other words, two literary concretizations of his idea concerning the technology of ethics. These are betrization— presented in the novel Return from the Stars and the ethicsphere—presented in the novel Observation on the Spot. In the “Introduction,” I discuss the specifics of Lem’s philosophizing, both in terms of its form and content, and I identify its main subject as concerning the problem of the influence of technological development on man, society and sphere of values. Then in the section “Life in an unfriendly world” I discuss the context which provides the background for the presentation of two Lem’s visions of technology of ethics, namely, the Doctrine of the Three Worlds, an integral part of the novel Observation on the Spot, but its meaning also explains Lem’s motivation to take up the idea of betrization. In the section “Life in a society devoid of aggression and risk,” I discuss a hypothetical society subjected to betrization— a procedure that eliminates aggressive tendencies. In the section “Living in a completely safe environment,” I discuss a hypothetical society living in an ethicsphere, that is, an “intelligent” environment programmed to care for the safety of its members; I also present a brief comparison of betrization and the ethicsphere. I conclude the paper by indicating where Lem’s considerations figure within the typology of utopia proposed by Bernard Suits.
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Filip Kobiela

  1. Zakład Filozofii i Socjologii, AWF im. B. Czecha w Krakowie, Al. Jana Pawła II 78, 31–571 Kraków
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The article focuses on selected problems which have now appeared and fall under the ideas “industry 4.0” and “society 5.0”, namely on anthropological issues. Changes in the relationships between man and technology based on trust lead to an increase of the role of the technological factor in these relations. Other aspects of the analyzed changes concern the new requirements of the responsibility and changes of human subjectivity and rationality. The future of man appears to be an area of uncertainty related to inter alia the conditions of functioning and living in the order of the post-digital world.

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Andrzej Kiepas

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