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Transportation networks respond differently to applied policies. The Tehran Metropolitan Area has one of the most complex networks with complex users, which has experienced many of these policies change within the past decades. In this study, some of these policies and their effect on air pollution is investigated. The goal is to pinpoint the variables which have the most effect on various transportation models and investigate how new policies should be focused. In order to do so, long-term variations of air pollution monitoring stations were analyzed. Results show that the most significant parameter that may affect air pollution is users' behavior due to the lack of a public transportation network and its level of comfort. The results of this study will be useful in developing new policies and evaluating their long-term consequences in appropriate models.

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Mansour Hadji Hosseinlou
Shahab Kabiri
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This article sheds light on the advent of online platforms and the way it is reshaping urban enviroment, breaking down traditional axes of both social interaction and commercial power, shifting the structure of traditional services. The platform revolution is radically transforming an array of many functional cities’ areas, like transportation, accommodations and personal services. Thus current concerns as strong urbanization, industrialization and world population growth, enable sharing economy firms to flourish as a reaction against the frictions of urban life exploiting such exacerbation, in order to fulfill demand for appropriate services. After a critical analysis of these issues, the article deepens innovative transportation services, moving on to illustrate the Italian rulemaking process as a chance to provide a solution to the ongoing problem of striking the right balance between competing priorities, such as market access and preservation of sustainable mobility. It suggests to reflect upon the best approach able to face the complexity of urban transport systems, in order to break in a new culture for urban mobility, comply to EU legislation too.

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Alessia Palladino
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Enhanced Traffic Management System (ETMS) stores all the information gathered by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) from aircraft flying in the US airspace. The data stored from each flight includes the 4D trajectory (latitude, longitude, altitude and timestamp), radar data and flight plan information. Unfortunately, there is a data quality problem in the vertical channel and the altitude component of the trajectories contains some isolated samples in which a wrong value was stored. Overall, the data is generally accurate and it was found that only 0.3% of the altitude values were incorrect, however the impact of these erroneous data in some analyses could be important, motivating the development of a filtering procedure. The approach developed for filtering ETMS altitude data includes some specific algorithms for problems found in this particular dataset, and a novel filter to correct isolated bad samples (named Despeckle filter). As a result, all altitude errors were eliminated in 99.7% of the flights affected by noise, while preserving the original values of the samples without bad data. The algorithm presented in this paper attains better results than standard filters such as the median filter, and it could be applied to any signal affected by noise in the form of spikes

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Rafael Palacios
R. John Hansman
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Transport is one of the factors influencing the development of metropolitan areas. However, for its efficient work, numerous optimizations are required. Main tasks are shortening travel time, improving service quality and increasing the number of passengers served. The author has presented current studies on the field in optimization of public transport, mainly ways to optimize the transport network construction, based on large data sets about the population and their communication behaviour. Methods of combining various types of public transport with each other are presented. In the paper also are presents authors studies on the communication accessibility within the city of Cracow. Estimated distances from buildings to various types of public transport stops. The results were presented in aggregated form. Calculated communication speed of three types of public transport functioning in Cracow has also been discussed.

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Mateusz Ilba
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Three commercially available intercooled compression strategies for compressing CO2 were studied. All of the compression concepts required a final delivery pressure of 153 bar at the inlet to the pipeline. Then, simulations were used to determine the maximum safe pipeline distance to subsequent booster stations as a function of inlet pressure, environmental temperature, thickness of the thermal insulation and ground level heat flux conditions. The results show that subcooled liquid transport increases energy efficiency and minimises the cost of CO2 transport over long distances under heat transfer conditions. The study also found that the thermal insulation layer should not be laid on the external surface of the pipe in atmospheric conditions in Poland. The most important problems from the environmental protection point of view are rigorous and robust hazard identification which indirectly affects CO2 transportation. This paper analyses ways of reducing transport risk by means of safety valves.

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Mirosław Majkut
Andrzej Witkowski
Andrzej Rusin
Katarzyna Stolecka
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In recent time, as the Chinese consumption level increases, the consumption quantity of high-value fruits, vegetables and seafood products have been increasing year by year. As a consequence, the traffic volume of refrigerated products also increases yearly and the popularization degree of the cold-chain transportation enhances. A low-temperature environment should be guaranteed during transportation, thus there is about 40% of diesel oil should be consumed by the refrigerating system and the cold-chain transportation becomes very costly. This study aimed to explore methods that could reduce the cost of transport packages of refrigerated products. On the basis of the heat transfer theory and the fluid mechanics theory, the heat exchanging process of corrugated cases during the operation of refrigerating system was analyzed, the heat transfer process of corrugated cases and refrigerator van was theoretically analyzed and the heat balance equation of corrugated cases was constructed.

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Ying Yu
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A commercially available ASPEN PLUS simulation using a pipe model was employed to determine the maximum safe pipeline distances to subsequent booster stations as a function of carbon dioxide (CO2) inlet pressure, ambient temperature and ground level heat flux parameters under three conditions: isothermal, adiabatic and with account of heat transfer. In the paper, the CO2working area was assumed to be either in the liquid or in the supercritical state and results for these two states were compared. The following power station data were used: a 900 MW pulverized coal-fired power plant with 90% of CO2recovered (156.43 kg/s) and the monothanolamine absorption method for separating CO2from flue gases. The results show that a subcooled liquid transport maximizes energy efficiency and minimizes the cost of CO2transport over long distances under isothermal, adiabatic and heat transfer conditions. After CO2is compressed and boosted to above 9 MPa, its temperature is usually higher than ambient temperature. The thermal insulation layer slows down the CO2temperature decrease process, increasing the pressure drop in the pipeline. Therefore in Poland, considering the atmospheric conditions, the thermal insulation layer should not be laid on the external surface of the pipeline.

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Andrzej Witkowski
Mirosław Majkut
Sebastian Rulik
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Someday soon, autonomous vehicles could greatly improve our safety. But once we turn decision-making over to machines, will our cities still be ours? – wonders Dr. Rafal Kucharski from the Group of Machine Learning, Jagiellonian University in Kraków.
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Rafał Kucharski

  1. Group of Machine Learning, Jagiellonian University in Kraków
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The article presents a method for assessing emissions of harmful substances and noise from road and air transport, as well as a combined assessment of the emissions of these transport pollutants. The original analytical dependencies reflecting the emissions of harmful substances from road transport, developed as part of the EMITRANSYS project implemented at the Faculty of Transport of the Warsaw University of Technology, were taken into consideration, in which the unit values of the actual road emissions of harmful substances are a function of, among other things, route length or speed of the vehicles. However, the dependencies associated with noise emissions were taken from the applicable international guidelines for assessing environmental pollution by traffic noise.

The article also describes a case study in which the impact of Warsaw Chopin Airport on noise along the Warsaw road network and the entire Warsaw agglomeration was assessed. Analyses and discussions were carried out in the scope of the change in transport noise due to air operations carried out in the analysed area. As agreed, the combined impact of road and aircraft noise in the area under study is far more unfavourable than street noise alone. Thus, it can be seen that the assessment of noise levels carried out separately for individual modes of transport (in accordance with applicable regulations) should be supplemented with the assessment of traffic noise from all modes of transport – especially in the case of simulation tests of ecologically friendly changes in the area of transport.

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Mariusz Jacek Wasiak
Adrian Ioan Niculescu
Mirosław Kowalski
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Traps to catch microfauna transported by wind were installed on already colonised by plants area, in the vicinity of the glacier. After 6-week-exposition 859 individuals of microfauna were caught, of which Nematoda constituted 71%, Tardigrada 22% and Rotifcra 7%. Number of microfauna individuals caught depended on distance from the already colonised areas and presence of plant parts, together with which animals can be transported more easily. Microfauna connected with vegetation, which is transferred together with plant parts, was transported in higher numbers. Probably these taxa (i.e. Diphascon within tardigrades and Dorylaimidae within nematodes) colonise new habitats at first, but other species dominate later in freshwater bodies.

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Katarzyna Janiec
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In the 1985 ablation season studies were made of the dynamics and size of the transport of suspended and dissolved material in a glaciated drainage basin (the Ebbaelva) and an unglaciated one (the Dynamiskbekken) in the central part of West Spitsbergen island. The dynamics of runoff, the exhaustion of sources of transportable suspended material, hysteretic effects during floods, the share of genetic type of water differing in the mineralisation level and chemical content, as well as the role of rain waters in mobilising soluble salts, are the principal factors of transport dynamics. The extremaly warm ablation season caused the extent of denudation to exceed the estimates made so far.

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Andrzej Kostrzewski
Alfred Kaniecki
Janusz Kapuściński
Ryszard Klimczak
Alfred Stach
Zbigniew Zwoliński
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The paper refers to planning deliveries of food products (especially those available in certain seasons) to the recipients: supermarket networks. The paper presents two approaches to solving problems of simultaneous selection of suppliers and transportation modes and construction of product flow schedules with these transportation modes. Linear mathematical models have been built for the presented solution approaches. The cost criterion has been taken into consideration in them. The following costs have been taken into account: purchase of products by individual recipients, transport services, storing of products supplied before the planned deadlines and penalties for delays in supply of products. Two solution approaches (used for transportation planning and selection of suppliers and selection of transportation modes) have been compared. The monolithic approach calls for simultaneous solutions for the problems of supplier selection and selection of transportation modes. In the alternative (hierarchical) solution approach, suppliers are selected first, and then transportation companies and their relevant transportation modes are selected. The results of computational experiments are used for comparison of the hierarchical and monolithic solution approaches.

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Marek Magiera
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In intra-enterprise logistics and automation of manufacturing processes general a rising productivity by high flexibility is required. Existing transportation systems exclusively use two-dimensional track sections, because they can be served with standard drives. Because of these simple structures the transport speed is limited and thereby also the throughput. In this paper now a modular transportation system is presented which could reach higher speeds with a direct drive and the use of centrifugal force compensating curves. Simultaneously the system also can change the altitude. All this succeeds with the integration of three-dimensional track sections. Therefore a two piped guiding system with a long stator linear motor was designed. To combine the linear motor with the three dimensional track special stator elements were developed which allow a bending of the stator to follow the route course. The current work deals with the implementation of a mechanical passive switch, which is operated by the electromagnetic forces of the linear motor. So no additional mechanical actors or a separate electromagnetic system are necessary.
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Christoph Löffler
Wolf-Rüdiger Canders
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The implementation of milk-run in Indonesia has been started since 2005. As a developing

country, there is a challenge to operate milk-run smoothly especially in urban area due to

severe traffic congestion and unfavourable road condition in some areas. This research aimed

to analyze the practice of milk-run operation in one of the biggest Japanese automotive

companies in Indonesia. Transportation Value Stream Mapping (TVSM) is applied in order

to perform just-in-time delivery in the supply chain before operating milk-run. It is discussed

that this company still need to continue in improving milk-run operation. The operation

system needs control and integration from manufacturer, supplier and logistics partner.

The advantage of milk-run operation is cost reduction and also support green logistics in

decreasing emission of carbondioxide (CO2) by reducing the number of trucks used.

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Humiras Hardi Purba
Adi Fitra
Aina Nindiani
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In homeostasis, which plays an important role in the proper functioning and maintenance of the internal functioning of the body, kidneys play a key role in being responsible for the proper homeostasis of glucose. Among glucose transporters, sodium-dependent glucose co-transporters (SGLTs) have a major role in the kidney‘s ability to reabsorb glucose. Although the localization of these transporters has been extensively studied in mammals, there are still gaps in knowledge of the localization of SGLTs in birds of different age groups. The aim of this study was to immunolocalize in kidneys of hen chickens of different ages the sodium-dependent glucose co-transporters SGLT1 and SGLT2, comparing the localization between different age groups. The kidneys derived from 32 hen chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) were devided equally into four age groups: 3, 7, 14, and 20 day old broilers, 8 indivuals in each group. The polyclonal primary antibodies Rabbit anti- SGLT1 and Rabbit anti-SGLT2 (Abcam, UK) were used together with the corresponding IHC kit (Abcam, UK). The results were visualized photographically using an AxioCam HRc camera (Germany) connected to a Zeiss Axioplan-2 Imaging microscope (Germany). The study revealed similar immunolocalization of SGLT1 and SGLT2 in the apical part of cells of proximal renal tubules in hen chickens’ kidneys in all age groups. Strong staining of SGLT2 was noted also in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells of the proximal straight and convoluted tubules. Based on our study, the kidney tissue of newly hatched chickens is ready immediately after hatching for glucose reabsorption and transport, similarily to that of three-week-old chicks.
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Authors and Affiliations

C. Allmang
P. Hussar
1 2
I. Dūrītis
T. Järveots

  1. Chair of Veterinary Biomedicine and Food Hygiene, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Kreutzwaldi Str.62, Tartu 51006, Estonia
  2. Department of Anatomy, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu, Ravila 19, Tartu 50411, Estonia
  3. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Latvian University of Agriculture, Kristapa Helmaņa 8, Jelgava LV-3004, Latvia
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Electromobility and electric cars are the words that began to gain significance in the social discourse in Poland especially intensively since 2017. Then, along with the announcement of the „Plan for the Development of the Electromobility Market in Poland”, government declarations appeared regarding one million electric cars that are to be used on Polish roads by 2025. It is already known today that such a result in Poland is impossible to achieve in the assumed time. According to the report of the Polish Alternative Fuels Association-PSPA (Polish EV Outlook 2020), in the event of introducing subsidies for the purchase of cars or subsidies, such as the possibility of 100% VAT deduction by buyers of such vehicles, the number of electric cars in Poland in 2025 could be over 280 thousand pcs. Without such government support, the Polish electric car park will be twice smaller. High prices of electric cars are one of the key barriers limiting Poles in making decisions related to the purchase of a vehicle. The aim of this article is to analyse the current state of the social environment in relation to the topic of ecological, electric cars. To what extent is it beneficial for the potential car owner to change from a traditional (petrol or diesel) car to an electric car due to purely financial benefits and other aspects? The article consists of an overview – presenting aspects related to the socio-economic benefits of buying an electric car. It also contains specific calculations regarding the profitability of using such a car in Polish conditions.
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Krystian Majchrzak
Piotr Olczak
Dominika Matuszewska
Magdalena Wdowin

  1. Foundation Instaway Institute, Warszawa, Poland
  2. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  3. AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
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At present, electromobility is a very dynamically developing segment and at the same time has many unknowns that enterprises that want to develop this area in their structures have to face. This article aims is to show the difficulties of electromobility development from the perspective of Polish energy groups which are closely related to this area, especially considering the obligations imposed on energy companies by the legislator. The electrification of transport has become a reality and in order to use its potential to develop new services or implement innovations and new technologies, it is necessary to identify development barriers and prepare a response plan. The authors of the article decided to show the formal and legal implications for the development of electromobility in Poland in first order, and then examine the development strategies of Polish energy groups in terms of electromobility and indicate explored areas related to it. The next section focuses on identifying the main barriers to the implementation of business models, classifying them according to the following factors: economic, operational, technical, social and legal. This presentation of the problem allows for an in-depth recognition of the issue and realizing that in order to achieve the goals set by the Legislator, close cooperation of all stakeholders is necessary both at the national and local level, while engaging energy groups, financial companies, electric vehicle manufacturers, and above all local government units in these activities.

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Wojciech Drożdż
Paulina Szczerba
Dawid Kruszyński
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The short outlook at main problems related to pollutant migration modelling in the granular layer is critically discussed in the paper. The general model of pollutant migration in granular was transposed into dimensionless form. The general model was adapted to describe the examined decontamination technology and two operational models were differentiated due to the dominant mass transfer resistances in the system. The verification validated the functional effectiveness of the suggested model and its numerical implementation under different conditions. It approves the possibility of the practical application of the proposed method. The problem of influence of irregular distribution of negative mass sources (sorptivc agglomerates) on mass transport in the granular layer was underlined.
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Anna Adach
Stanisław Wroński
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The aim of this work was to evaluate the use of the naphthalic anhydride safener on the protection of common bean cultivars BRS-Estilo (carioca) and BRS-Esplendor (black) from negative effects of herbicides. Two experiments were conducted, one for each cultivar in a complete randomized design with five replications, in a 6 × 3 factorial scheme, with six herbicide treatments: bentazon, fluazifop-P + fomesafen, bentazon + imazamox, fomesafen, cloransulam, and control without application, and three naphthalic anhydride treatments: without application, foliar application, and application via seed treatment. Visible injuries at 7, 14 and 21 days after application, photosystem II electron transport rate, and plant dry weight were evaluated. The naphthalic anhydride applied via foliar, and seed treatment reduced significantly the visible injuries in relation to the control when using the herbicides bentazon, fluazifop-P + fomesafen, bentazon + imazamox, and cloransulam. The photosystem II electron transport rate was protected by anhydride applied via foliar and seed treatment when using the herbicides bentazon, fluazifop-P + fomesafen and bentazon + + imazamox. The application of naphthalic anhydride via seed treatment protected the BRS-Estilo and BRS-Esplendor common bean cultivars, with no reductions in the plant dry weight when using the herbicides fluazifop-P + fomesafen, and fomesafen. The use of naphthalic anhydride via seed treatment and foliar application protected BRS-Estilo and BRSEsplendor common bean cultivars, from the negative effects of fluazifop-P + fomesafen and fomesafen herbicides. Thus, this practice has potential to be used in common beans.

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Fábio Henrique Krenchinski
Edicarlos Batista de Castro
Victor José Salomão Cesco
Diego Belapart
Danilo Morilha Rodrigues
Caio Antonio Carbonari
Edivaldo Domingues Velini
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The main goal of the considered work is to adjust mathematical modeling for mass transfer, to specific conditions resulting from presence of chemical surface reactions in the flow of the mixture consisting of helium and methanol. The thermocatalytic devices used for decomposition of organic compounds incorporate microchannels coupled at the ends and heated to 500 ◦C at the walls regions. The experiment data were compared with computational fluid dynamics results to calibrate the constants of the model’s user defined functions. These extensions allow to transform the calculations mechanisms and algorithms of commercial codes adapting them for the microflows cases and increased chemical reactions rate on the interphase between fluid and solid, specific for catalytic reactions. Results obtained on the way of numerical calculations have been calibrated and compared with the experimental data to receive satisfactory compliance. The model has been verified and the performance of the thermocatalytic reactor with microchannels under hydrogen production regime has been investigated.

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Janusz Badur
Michał Stajnke
Paweł Ziółkowski
Paweł Jóźwik
Zbigniew Bojar
Piotr Józef Ziółkowski
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Studies of the chemical composition of surface freshwaters of the Fugleberget drainage basin, Spitsbergen, were performed in the summer of 1979. It was found that activity of birds (little auk) is the main factor differentiating the chemical properties of waters of the drainage basin. The birds faeces cause the enrichment of waters with nutrients, fertilizing the environment. There is a dependence of the concentration of determined water chemistry parameters on the distance from the bird colony.

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Anna Krzyszowska
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Shaft steelwork is a component of critical infrastructure in underground mines. It connects the mining areas to the surface and enables the transport of personnel, equipment, and raw materials. Its failure or malfunction poses a threat to people and causes economic losses. Shaft steelwork is an exceptional engineering structure exposed to dynamic loads from large masses moving at high speeds and is subject to intensive deterioration resulting from corrosion and geological or mining-induced deformations. These issues cause shaft steelwork to be subject to high structural safety requirements, design oversizing, demanding maintenance procedures, and costly replacement of corroded members. The importance and unique working conditions of shaft steelwork create practical design and maintenance problems that are of interest to engineers and scientists. This paper reviews publications on the structural safety of rigid shaft steelwork and summarises the range of research from the detection of guide rail failures through the assessment of load effects and guide resistance, to the evaluation of structural reliability. The effects of guide rail failures on guiding forces, models of the conveyance-steelwork interaction, the load-carrying capacity of shaft steelwork under advanced corrosion, and the probabilistic assessment of structural reliability are presented. Significant advances in understanding the mechanical behaviour of shaft steelwork and assessing its properties have been reported. This review summarises the current state of research on shaft steelwork structural safety and highlights key future development directions.
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Przemysław Fiołek
Jacek Jakubowski

  1. AGH University of Krakow, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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This article presents the results of experimental studies aimed at identifying the forces and acceleration during the riding and braking action of a suspended monorail. The tests were conducted under in situ conditions, in a dip-heading “B” ZG SILTECH in Zabrze. The paper also discusses a test stand, a metering system, and presents the impact of changes in speed on forces in slings of the suspended route. The measurements of selected parameters were performed for three variants: the route, the emergency haulage braking and the braking trolley set braking. The results include waveforms of forces in route slings, and acceleration values acting on the operator and transported load.

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Jarosław Andrzej Tokarczyk
Marek Rotkegel
Andrzej Pytlik
Andrzej Niedworok
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In the projects of protection of soil-water environment there is a need to combine and process large amount of information from various disciplines to estimate parameters of phenomena and to determine the range and time table of necessary undertakings.

Due to complex assessment of processes taking place in aquifers, mathematical modeling is the best tool supporting evaluation off pollution in the ground water environment. It is also an effective method of forecasting the risk associated with the harmful impact of objects polluting grounds and grounds waters.

Significant application of mathematical modeling is the use for the enlargement of information gathered in the process of recognition and assessment of condition that prevail in soil-water environment. Results of modeling, if appropriately presented, could be an important element of decision support system in environmental management.

This paper describes procedures for developing an environmental remediation decision support system by linking CADD and GIS software with the hydro geological flow and transport models.

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Marek Ślesicki

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