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Work in unfavorable, changing environmental conditions negatively affects people working on scaffoldings used on construction sites, which may increase the risk of occurrence of dangerous situations. The purpose of this article is to show the scale of temperature changes which workers are exposed to. The paper compares examples of temperature measurements obtained from a metrological station and during tests on scaffoldings located in the Lodz and Warsaw regions. This article also presents the methodology of examining environmental parameters of the surroundings where employees work on scaffoldings. Analysis results show that high temperatures and significant temperature variations frequently occur on the scaffoldings, which leads to a lack of adaptability and consequently to tiredness or decreased alertness. Unfavorable environmental conditions can lead to behaviors which, in turn, can cause accidents.

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I. Szer
E. Błazik-Borowa
J. Szer
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The rheological properties of self-compacting concrete are closely influenced by temperature and the time. Previous studies which aim was to research the effect of temperature on self-compacting concrete workability, showed that the behaviour of fresh SCC at varying temperatures differs from that of normal vibrated concrete. The paper presents the study of rheological properties of fresh self-compacting concrete mixtures made with portland, blast furnace and component cement. Two types of superplasticizers were used. It was proven that temperature has a clear effect on workability; it can be reduced by selecting the appropriate superplasticizer and cement.

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G. Cygan
J. Gołaszewski
M. Drewniok
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To investigate the mechanical properties of tunnel lining concrete under different moderate-low strain rates after high temperatures, uniaxial compression tests in association with ultrasonic tests were performed. Test results show that the ultrasonic wave velocity and mass loss of concrete specimen begin to sharply drop after high temperatures of 600°C and 400°C, respectively, at the strain rates of 10‒5s‒1 to 10‒2s‒1. The compressive strength and elastic modulus of specimen increase with increasing strain rate after the same temperature, but it is difficult to obtain an evident change law of peak strain with increasing strain rate. The compressive strength of concrete specimen decreases first, and then increases, but decreases again in the temperatures ranging from room temperature to 800°C at the strain rates of 10‒5s‒1 to 10‒2s‒1. It can be observed that the strain-rate sensitivity of compressive strength of specimen increases with increasing temperature. In addition, the peak strain also increases but the elastic modulus decreases substantially with increasing temperature under the same strain rate.

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L.X. Xiong
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A buckling analysis of temperature-dependent embedded plates reinforced by single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) subjected to a magnetic field is investigated. The SWCNTs are distributed as uniform (UD) and three types of functionally graded nanotubes (FG), in which the material properties of the nano-composite plate are estimated based on the mixture rule. The surrounding temperature-dependent elastic medium is simulated as Pasternak foundation. Based on the orthotropic Mindlin plate theory, the governing equations are derived using Hamilton's principle. The buckling load of the structure is calculated based on an exact solution by the Navier method. The influences of elastic medium, magnetic field, temperature and distribution type, and volume fractions of SWCNT are shown on the buckling of the plate. Results indicate that CNT distribution close to the top and bottom are more efficient than that distributed near the mid-plane for increasing the stiffness of the plates.

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R. Kolahchi
M. Esmailpour
M. Safari
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The paper analyses the influence of seasonal temperature variations on fatigue strength of flexible and semi-rigid pavement structures chosen for KR4 traffic flow category. The durability of pavement determined assuming a yearly equivalent temperature of 10˚C and assuming season-dependent equivalent temperatures was compared. Durability of pavement was determined with the use of Asphalt Institute Method and French Method. Finite Element Method was applied in order to obtain the strain and stress states by the means of ANSYS Mechanical software. Obtained results indicate a considerable drop in pavement durability if seasonal temperature variations are considered (up to 64% for flexible pavements and up to 80% for semi-rigid pavements). Durability obtained by the French Method presents lower dependence on the analysed aspect.

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B. Haponiuk
A. Zbiciak
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Heating of steel or structural aluminum alloys at a speed of 2 to 50 K/min – characterizing the fire conditions – leads to a reduction in mechanical properties of the analyzed alloys. The limit of proportionality fp, real fy and proof f₀₂ yield limit, breaking strength fu and longitudinal limit of elasticity E decrease as the temperature increases. Quantitative evaluation of the thermal conversion in strengths of structural alloys is published in Eurocodes 3 and 9, in the form of dimensionless graphs depicting reduction coefficients and selected (tabulated) discrete values of mechanical properties. The author’s proposal for an analytical formulation of code curves describing thermal reduction of elasticity modulus and strengths of structural alloys recommended for an application in building structures is presented in this paper.

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M. Gwóźdź
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The article describes the methodology for the determination of ambient temperature for thermovision measurements. The adopted methodology consists in the use of the technical blackbody model. Determining the value of the ambient temperature parameter makes it possible to enhance the accuracy of temperature measurement of objects exposed to strong irradiation using a thermovision camera.

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Rafał Wyczółkowski
Dorota Musiał
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The paper presents the trends of air temperature of the Antarctic. In its elaboration 21 stations were taken into consideration carrying out temperature measurements in the years 1958–2000, and 34 stations in the years 1981–2000. After checking the homogeneity of the series by the Alexandersson’s (1986) test we found that at 16 stations the homogeneity has been broken. On the basis of the corrected measurement series we have determined the trends in air temperature. In the period 1958–2000 statistically significant (on 0.95 significance level) temperature increases occurred on the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula (for example Faraday 0.67°C/10 years) and at the Belgrano and McMurdo stations. The greatest temperature rise was noted on the Antarctic Peninsula during the autumn-winter period. On the South Pole a negative trend in air temperature (–0.21°C) occurred, especially in the summer season. During recent years (1981-2000) significant changes took place in the air temperature tendencies in the Antarctic. In many regions of the Antarctic cooling began and on the cost of East Antarctica the temperature decreased by –0.82°C/10 years (Casey). In the interior of the continent also lower and lower temperatures occurred (Amundsen-Scott –0.42°C/10 years, Dome C –0.71°C/10 years). The coast of the Weddell Sea is getting colder (Halley –1.13°C/10 years, Larsen Ice –0.89°C/10 years). An increase in temperature was observed in the interior of West Antarctica (Byrd 0.37°C/10 years). The warming rate of the climate became weaker on the Antarctic Peninsula (Faraday 0.56°C/10 years). The largest temperature changes occurred in the autumn-winter season when in the Antarctic Peninsula region the temperature increased, while in the interior and at the coast of East Antarctica temperatures fell considerably.

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Marek Kejna
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Average duration of a thermal winter in Hornsund has been determined for 216 days. Average soil temperature at depth of 5 cm in winter is equal —9.8°C. During a spring that lasts 35 days only, soil temperatures at depth of 5 cm indicate distribution nearest to a normal one. Soil temperature distribution in winter substantially differs from the one in spring.

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Mirosław Miętus
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On the ground of continuous records of air and soil temperature at standard levels, changes of soil temperature against changes of air temperature have been analyzed at thick and without snow cover. The first example concerns a six-day winter thaw, and the second one a four-day autumn cooling. A particular influence of energy advection has been noted. A delay of changes of soil temperature was found to increase with depth in relation to air temperature. A hypothesis on correlation between air temperature at a height of 5 cm and soil temperature at a depth of 5 cm has been verified.

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Mirosław Miętus
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Monthly and dekadal mean soil temperatures were evaluated with a use of measurements at depths of 5, 10, 20 and 50 cm, collected during the expeditions 1978—1986 and additionally at depths of 80 and 100 cm during the expeditions 1980—1986. Fourier analysis revealed a phase shift of 1 to 2 dekads between neighboring measurement depths.

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Mirosław Miętus
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The paper presents the method of on-line diagnostics of the bed temperature controller for the fluidized bed boiler. Proposed solution is based on the methods of statistical process control. Detected decrease of the bed temperature control quality is used to activate the controller self-tuning procedure. The algorithm that provides optimal tuning of the bed temperature controller is also proposed. The results of experimental verification of the presented method is attached. Experimental studies were carried out using the 2 MW bubbling fluidized bed boiler.

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Jan Porzuczek
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The oxygen and thermal conditions in Lake Ińsko were examined in years 1999-2000. Lake Ińsko is one of a dynamictic type and its waters are mixed twice a year. This lake has a strong thermal and oxygen stratification. The oxygen conditions in the lake are very good because the total deficiency of oxygen appears only in summer, on the depth below 30 m, and only in the areas where the influence of town of Ińsko is the strongest. During autumn and winter circulation the concentration of oxygen near the bottom reaches 5 mg O2 dm-3. The concentration of oxygen in the water reflects favorable conditions of biomass production, including primary production of phytoplankton in epilimnion of Lake Ińsko. The intensive development of algas has considerably influenced the transparency of water. On the background of vertical thermal and oxygen differences during the summer there were also differences in the reactions of water.
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Jan Trojanowski
Agnieszka Parzych
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The theoretical aspects of a new type of piezo-resistive pressure sensors for environments with rapidly changing temperatures are presented. The idea is that the sensor has two identical diaphragms which have different coefficients of linear thermal expansion. Therefore, when measuring pressure in environments with variable temperature, the diaphragms will have different deflection. This difference can be used to make appropriate correction of the sensor output signal and, thus, to increase accuracy of measurement. Since physical principles of sensors operation enable fast correction of the output signal, the sensor can be used in environments with rapidly changing temperature, which is its essential advantage. The paper presents practical implementation of the proposed theoretical aspects and the results of testing the developed sensor.

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Myroslav Tykhan
Orest Ivakhiv
Vasyl Teslyuk
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Pulse electrochemical machining (PECM) provides an economical and e.ective method for machining high strength, heat-resistantmaterials into complex shapes such as turbine blades, die, molds and micro cavities. Pulse Electrochemical Machining involves the application of a voltage pulse at high current density in the anodic dissolution process. Small interelectrode gap, low electrolyte .ow rate, gap state recovery during the pulse o.-times lead to improved machining accuracy and surface .nish when compared with ECM using continuous current. This paper presents a mathematical model for PECM and employs this model in a computer simulation of the PECM process for determination of the thermal limitation and energy consumption in PECM. The experimental results and discussion of the characteristics PECM are presented.

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J. Kozak
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Candona rectangulata is an ostracod species common in cold (<15 ° C ) shallow freshwater Arctic water bodies. This species is useful in palaeolimnological studies because only few known autecological data can be applied in reconstructions of palaeoclimate. Particular attention was paid to the temperature, which is the basic factor determining the geo− graphic range of a species. In this study a wide tolerance of C. rectangulata to the temperature was demonstrated for the first time. Its high tolerance to the temperature changes seems to be based on induction of set of proteins belonging to the family of heat shock proteins. Using PAGE−SDS electrophoresis variation in the protein profile of non−model organism undergoing stress in the field (South Spitsbergen, near Stanisław Siedlecki Polish Polar Station) and in laboratory cultures was presented. These results could explain the eurythermic range of C. rectangulata and its good adaptation to the environmental conditions which normally do not exist in Arctic freshwater ponds.
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Barbara Wojtasik
Dorota Kuczyńska-Wiśnik
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Many Antarctic marine benthic invertebrates are adapted to specific environ− mental conditions (e.g. low stable temperatures, high salinity and oxygen content). Changes caused by global climatic shifts can be expected to have significant impact on their physiol− ogy and distribution. Odontaster validus, an ubiquitous, omnivorous sea star is one of the “keystone species” in the Antarctic benthic communities. Laboratory experiments were car− ried out to study the effect of temperature rise (from 0 to 5°C) on some vital biological func− tions that sea stars must perform in order to survive in their environment. Parameters such as behavioural reaction of sea stars to food and food odour, locomotory performance and abil− ity to right were measured. Temperature increase significantly impaired the ability of O. validus to perform these functions (e.g. lowering the number of sea stars able to right, in− creasing time−to−right, reducing locomotory activity, weakening chemosensory reaction to food and food odour). At temperatures of 4 and 5°C a loss of motor coordination was ob− served, although at all tested temperatures up to 5°C there were single individuals perform− ing successfully.
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Tomasz Janecki
Anna Kidawa
Marta Potocka
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Hot tearing is a casting defect responsible for external and internal cracks on casting products. This irregular undesired formation is often observed during solidification and freezing. The solidification of molten metal also causes thermal contraction and shrinkage, indicating the occurrence of hot tearing when the alloy is restrained by the mould design. The parameters affecting this process include the pouring and mould temperatures, the chemical composition of the alloy, and the mould shape. Also, the factors affecting hot tearing susceptibility include pouring and mould temperatures, the grain refiner, as well as pouring speed. There are many methods of measuring the level of susceptibility to hot tearing, one of which is the thermal contraction evaluation during metal solidification, observed in cast products through several mould types. This paper discusses the hot tearing overview, the effect of pouring temperature, mould temperature, grain refiner, pouring speed on hot tearing, the type of mould, and criterion for hot tear observation.
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  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Univeritas Syiah Kuala, Jl. Syech Aburrauf No.7, Darussalam, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia
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Different temperature sensors show different measurement values when excited by the same dynamic temperature source. Therefore, a method is needed to determine the difference between dynamic temperature measurements. This paper proposes a novelty approach to treating dynamic temperature measurements over a period of time as a temperature time series, and derives the formula for the distance between the measurement values using uniformsampling within the time series analysis. The similarity is defined in terms of distance to measure the difference. The distance measures were studied on the analog measurement datasets. The results show that the discrete Fréchet distance has stronger robustness and higher sensitivity. The two methods have also been applied to an experimental dataset. The experimental results also confirm that the discrete Fréchet distance performs better.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zhiwen Cui
Wenjun Li
Sisi Yu
Minjun Jin

  1. College of Metrological Technology and Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China
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Thermal image drift is observed in prevalent industrial-level cameras because their optomechanical design is not optimised to reduce this phenomenon. In this paper, the effect of temperature on industrial-level cameras is investigated, focusing on the thermal image drift resulting from ambient temperature changes and warming-up process. Standard methods for reducing thermal image drift are reviewed, concentrating on the lack of repeatability aspect of this drift. Repeatable thermal image drift is crucial for applying a compensation model as random thermal deformations in sensors cannot be compensated. Moreover, the possible cause of this issue is explored, and novel optomechanical camera modifications are proposed that maintain the thermal degrees of freedom for the deforming sensor, limiting the lack of repeatability aspect of thermal image drift to a low level. The improvement is verified by conducting experiments using a specialised test stand equipped with an invar frame and thermal chamber. Considering the results from the application of the polynomial compensation model, the standard deviation of the central shifts of image drift is reduced by ×3.99, and the absolute range of image drift is reduced by ×2.53.
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Marcin Adamczyk
Kohei Nimura

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mechatronics, Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics, ul. Andrzeja Boboli 8,02-525 Warsaw, Poland
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A lot of heat will generate in mass concrete after pouring to form temperature cracks, which will reduce structural stiffness. This paper briefly introduces the principle of solid heat conduction and the cause of temperature crack formation and then used COMSOL software to simulate and analyze the mass concrete. The results showed that the simulation model had enough reliability to analyze the temperature change; the internal and external temperature of concrete rose first and then decreased; the formation of temperature crack was related to the internal and external temperature difference; the internal and external temperature difference was inversely proportional to the heat conductivity coefficient of concrete and directly proportional to the pouring temperature. Then, according to the analysis results, two measures were put forward to prevent temperature cracks in mass concrete: selecting concrete materials with high thermal conductivity, i.e., selecting coarse aggregate and fine aggregate with larger heat conductivity coefficient and reducing concrete pouring temperature, i.e., selecting cement with lower hydration heat, paying attention to temperature reduction in the process of concrete stirring, and reducing the amount of cement.

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L. Guo
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The paper presents the test description and results of thermal bowing of RC beams exposed to non-uniform heating at high temperature. Bending of a non-uniformly heated element is caused by free thermal elongation of the material it is made of. The higher the temperature gradient, the greater the bending. In the case when an element is exposed to load and high temperature simultaneously, apart from free bending also deformation of the RC element may occur, which is caused by the decrease of the concrete or reinforcing steel mechanical properties. In order to examine the contribution of the deflection caused by thermal bowing to the total deformation of the bent element with a heated tension zone, an experimental study of freely heated (unloaded) beams was performed. RC beams were heated: (1) on three sides of the cross-section or (2) only on the bottom side. Deflection of elements loaded by a substitute temperature gradient was calculated using the Maxwell-Mohr formula. The test results show that deflection of freely heated RC beams (caused by the thermal bowing phenomenon) can be 10 to 20% of the total deflection of loaded RC beams with a heated tension zone.

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R. Kowalski
M. Głowacki
J. Wróblewska
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The oxygen and chlorophyll a contents. pH, temperature and transparency were studied in Lake Rzuno in the period from June 1998 - September I 999. This lake has a very strong thermal stratification and weaker oxygenic stratification. The degree of surface water saturation with oxygen was rather small (max. 136%) but the oxygen conditions in the whole Lake Rzuno were good because the total lack of oxygen is noted only in summer and only below 20 m depth. Whereas during autumn and spring circulation the oxygen concentration reaches 5 mg O, drn' al the bottom. The correlation between visibility of Secchi disc and chlorophyll a concentration featured high correlation indicator (r = -0.87). The awerage water transparency, low oxygen deficit and small changes in water reaction show that this lake has moderate eutrophic character.
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Jan Trojanowski
Janusz Bruski
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Effects of temperature variation on the performance of silicon heterojunction solar cells are studied using opto-electrical simulations. It is shown that the low-temperature cell efficiency is determined by the fill factor, while at high temperatures it depends on the open-circuit voltage. Simulations revealed that the low-temperature drop in the fill factor is caused by poor tunnelling, in particular at the ITO/p-a-Si:H heterojunction. The authors link this drop in fill factor to a low maximum-power-point voltage and show how poor tunnelling is reflected in the charge redistribution determining the device voltage. The effect of the contact work function on temperature behaviour of efficiency by varying the electron affinity of ITO layers has been demonstrated. It was also demonstrated that increasing the electron affinity of ITO on the p-side minimises the work function mismatch, leading to significant improvements in efficiency, especially at low temperatures, while optimisation on the n-side results in marginal improvements over the entire temperature range. In addition to the cumulative effects of the temperature-dependent parameters, their individual contributions to the efficiency were also investigated. Moreover, it was presented that the thermal energy (kT) determines the efficiency temperature behaviour, while other parameters play only a minor role. This paper shows how temperature variations affect device performance parameters.
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Jošt Balent
Marko Topič
Janez Krč

  1. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

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