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Conventional membranes used in the process of premix membrane emulsification are prone to fouling, especially when biopolymers are employed as surfactants. An alternative to conventional membranes are dynamic membranes consisting of an unconsolidated porous medium. Dynamic membranes have the advantage of enabling easy cleaning of the inside of the pores. Experimental research carried out to date has focused on the application of hydrophilic dynamic membranes composed of glass microbeads for producing o/w emulsions. The aims of this study were to determine the efficiency of droplet size reduction in a w/o emulsion when passed through a dynamic hydrophobic membrane consisting of a bed of irregular polymer particles, and to assess the effect of multiple membrane passes on the properties of the w/o emulsion. The dynamic membranes evaluated in the tests were found to reduce the diameters of premix droplets when an appropriate pressure level was reached. Higher bed porosity was associated with greater fluxes achieved across the packed bed, but the resulting emulsions were less homogeneous. Multiple passes of the emulsion through the dynamic polypropylene membrane led to a further reduction in droplet size, but it was accompanied by a decline in emulsion homogeneity.
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Authors and Affiliations

Adrianna Frankiewicz
Jacek Różański

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering, ul. Berdychowo 4, 60-965 Poznan, Poland
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A simple model of behaviour of a single particle on the bulging membrane was presented. As a result of numerical solution of a motion equation the influence of the amplitude and frequency of bulging as well as the particle size on particle behaviour, especially its downstream velocity was investigated. It was found that the bulging of a membrane may increase the mean velocity of a particle or reinforce its diffusive behaviour, dependeing on the permeation velocity. The obtained results may help to design new production methods of highly fouling-resistant membranes.

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Jakub M. Gac
Leon Gradoń
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Integrated gasification combined cycle systems (IGCC) are becoming more popular because of the characteristics, by which they are characterized, including low pollutants emissions, relatively high efficiency of electricity production and the ability to integrate the installation of carbon capture and storage (CCS). Currently, the most frequently used CO2 capture technology in IGCC systems is based on the absorption process. This method causes a significant increase of the internal load and decreases the efficiency of the entire system. It is therefore necessary to look for new methods of carbon dioxide capture. The authors of the present paper propose the use of membrane separation. The paper reviews available membranes for use in IGCC systems, indicates, inter alia, possible places of their implementation in the system and the required operation parameters. Attention is drawn to the most important parameters of membranes (among other selectivity and permeability) influencing the cost and performance of the whole installation. Numerical model of a membrane was used, among others, to analyze the influence of the basic parameters of the selected membranes on the purity and recovery ratio of the obtained permeate, as well as to determine the energetic cost of the use of membranes for the CO2 separation in IGCC systems. The calculations were made within the environment of the commercial package Aspen Plus. For the calculations both, membranes selective for carbon dioxide and membranes selective for hydrogen were used. Properly selected pressure before and after membrane module allowed for minimization of energy input on CCS installation assuring high purity and recovery ratio of separated gas.

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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Kotowicz
Anna Skorek-Osikowska
Katarzyna Janusz-Szymańska
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This study elucidates the technologies employed in membranebased water purification processes. The theoretical underpinnings of semipermeable membrane functionalities are expounded upon through the lens of Onsager’s reciprocal relations in non-equilibrium thermodynamics, delineating the fluxes and the driving forces that instigate them. Utilising a simplified Onsager matrix tailored for the ion-exchange membrane electrodialysis process, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were conducted. The computations presented herein depict the intricacies of both dialysis and electrodialysis in saline water solutions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Robert Matysko
Tomasz Ochrymiuk

  1. Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Fiszera 14, 80-231 Gdańsk, Poland
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The paper presents results of the field tests on membrane biogas enrichment performed with the application of mobile membrane installation (MMI) with the feed stream up to 10 Nm3/h. The mobile installation equipped with four hollow fibre modules with polyimide type membranes was tested at four different biogas plants. Two of them were using agricultural substrates. The third one was constructed at a municipal wastewater plant and sludge was fermented in a digester and finally in the fourth case biogas was extracted from municipal waste landfill site. Differences in the concentration of bio-methane in feed in all cases were observed and trace compounds were detected as well. High selectivity polyimide membranes, in proper module arrangements, can provide a product of high methane content in all cases. The content of other trace compounds, such as hydrogen sulphide, water vapour and oxygen on the product did not exceed the values stated by standard for a biogas as a vehicle fuel. The traces of hydrogen sulphide and water vapour penetrated faster to the waste stream enriched in carbon dioxide, which could lead to further purification of the product – methane being hold in the retentate (H2O > H2S > CO2 > O2 > CH4 > N2). In the investigated cases, when concentration of N2 was low and concentration of CH4 higher than 50%, it was possible to upgrade methane to concentration above 90% in a two-stage cascade.

To performsimulation ofCH4 andCO2 permeation through polyimide membrane,MATLABwas used. Simulation program has included permeation gaseous mixture with methane contents as observed at field tests in the range of 50 and 60% vol. The mass transport process was estimated for a concurrent hollow fibre membrane module for given pressure and temperature conditions and different values of stage cut. The obtained results show good agreement with the experimental data. The highest degree of methane recovery was obtained with gas concentrating in a cascade with recycling of the retentate.

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Andrzej Grzegorz Chmielewski
Agata Urbaniak
Jacek Palige
Otton Roubinek
Katarzyna Wawryniuk
Andrzej Dobrowolski
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Production of sanitary safe water of high quality with membrane technology is an alternative for conventional disinfection methods, as UF and MF membranes are found to be an effective barrier for pathogenic protozoa cysts, bacteria, and partially, viruses. The application of membranes in water treatment enables the reduction of chlorine consumption during final disinfection, what is especially recommended for long water distribution systems, in which microbiological quality of water needs to be effectively maintained. Membrane filtration, especially ultrafiltration and microfiltration, can be applied to enhance and improve disinfection of water and biologically treated wastewater, as ultrafiltration act as a barrier for viruses, bacteria and protozoa, but microfiltration does not remove viruses. As an example of direct application of UF/MF to wastewater treatment, including disinfection, membrane bioreactors can be mentioned. Additionally, membrane techniques are used in removal of disinfection byproducts from water. For this purpose, high pressure driven membrane processes, i.e. reverse osmosis and nanofiltration are mainly applied, however, in the case of inorganic DBPs, electrodialysis or Donnan dialysis can also be considered.

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Michał Bodzek
Krystyna Konieczny
Mariola Rajca
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This paper presents an experimental study on chicken egg white solution ultrafiltration, where membrane fouling has been the main point of concern. Separation process has been performed with a 150 kDa tubular ceramic TiO2/Al2O3 membrane. The operating parameters have been set as follows: transmembrane pressure 105–310 kPa, cross-flow velocity 2.73–4.55 m/s, pH 5 and constant temperature of 293 K. Resistance-in-series model has been used to calculate total resistance and its components. The experimental data have been described with four pore blocking models (complete blocking, intermediate blocking, standard blocking and cake filtration). The results obtained show that the dominant fouling mechanism is represented by cake filtration model.

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Martyna Borysiak
Elżbieta Gabruś
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Biological regeneration of water and organic sorbents used in the absorption of hydrophilic and hydrophobic pollutants, respectively, was studied. In both cases biodegradation takes place in a membrane bioreactor. In the case of organic sorbents regeneration of the biodegradation process is integrated with the extraction of a given pollutant to water phase. In experiments carried out in this work, the proposed systems were tested using a strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens. For hydrophilic compounds experiments were performed using alcohols (1-butanol and 2-propanol) as model substrates. Applying the mathematical model of a membrane bioreactor elaborated previously, the values of pollutant concentration were determined and positively verified in the experiments. This system of water sorbent regeneration is fully satisfying. The process of biodegradation integrated with extraction was analysed on the basis of model compounds such as benzene and toluene. The study confirmed a possibility of organic sorbent (silicone oil) regeneration. However, due to a very high partition coefficient of benzene or toluene between the organic and aqueous phases, the process could be considered only for the case of their high concentrations in the gas directed to absorption.

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Anna Trusek-Holownia
Andrzej Noworyta
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The results of experimental investigations on landfill gas separation on hollow fibres membranes made of poly (4 methylpentene-1) are presented. The effect of operating parameters on the performance and effectiveness of separation process has been described. Permeation process has been carried out in countercurrent flow for medium methane landfill gases. Obtained results have been analyzed in aspect to optimization process conditions.
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Barbara Białecka
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Comparative calculations with a mathematical model designed by the authors, which takes into consideration energy transfer from gas flowing through a given channel to gas which penetrates this channel from an adjacent channel, as well as a model which omits this phenomenon, respectively, were made for the process of separating gas mixtures carried out with an inert sweep gas in the fourend capillary membrane module. Calculations were made for the process of biogas separation using a PMSP polymer membrane, relative to helium as the sweep gas. It was demonstrated that omitting the energy transfer in the mathematical model might lead to obtaining results which indicate that the capacity of the process expressed by the value of feed flux subjected to separation is by several percent higher than in reality.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Szwast
Zbigniew Szwast
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In this paper a 600 MW oxy-type coal unit with a pulverized bed boiler and a membrane-cryogenic oxygen separator and carbon capture installation was analyzed. A membrane-cryogenic oxygen separation installation consists of a membrane module and two cryogenic distillation columns. In this system oxygen is produced with the purity equal to 95%. Installation of carbon capture was based on the physical separation method and allows to reduce the CO2emission by 90%. In this work the influence of the main parameter of the membrane process – the selectivity coefficient, on the efficiency of the coal unit was presented. The economic analysis with the use of the break-even point method was carried out. The economic calculations were realized in view of the break-even price of electricity depending on a coal unit availability.

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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Kotowicz
Sylwia Berdowska
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Fluorine and sodium chloride are common elements present in the water environment. According to WHO guidelines fluoride content in water cannot be not higher than 1.5 mgF-/dm3. Elevated fluoride content was observed all over the world and it leads to many health issues. It can be removed with the usage of various methods (ion exchange, membrane processes, adsorption, precipitation). In this paper fluoride removal with nanofiltration usage was described. Tests were performed with the application of Amicon 86400 filtration cells. Two types of commercial nanofiltration membranes NP010P and NP030P (Microdyn Nadir) were used. Transmembrane pressure was established as 0.3 MPa. For lower fluoride concentrations (5 mgF-/dm3) NF process allowed to decrease fluoride content under level 1.5 mgF-/dm3. Removal efficiency decreased with increasing fluoride content. Membrane NP030P showed better separation properties. Sodium chloride influenced removal efficiency as well as fluoride adsorption on/in membranes during the process. According to obtained data, better hydraulic properties exhibited membrane NP010P. For both membranes decrease in permeate flux in comparison to pure water was noticed what was observed. Relative permeability was lowered even to 0.32.
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Authors and Affiliations

Martyna Grzegorzek

  1. Wrocław University of Science and Technology,Wrocław, Poland
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Polymer mixed-matrix nanocomposite membranes were prepared by a wet-phase inversion method and used in ultrafiltration processes to treat wastewater treatment plant effluent spiked with organic micropollutants. The effects of halloysite (Hal), TiO2, and functionalized single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT-COOH) nanofillers on the treatment efficiency, permeability loss, and fouling behavior of polyethersulfone (PES) membranes were investigated and compared with those of a pristine PES membrane. The nanocomposite membranes exhibited lower porosity and stronger negative surface charge because of the added hydrophilic nanofillers. The PES-Hal membrane achieved the optimal balance of permeability and micropollutant removal owing to enhanced pollutant adsorption on the membrane surface and the creation of an easily removable cake layer (i.e., reversible fouling). The PES-SWCNT-COOH membrane demonstrated the highest treatment efficiency, but also the high permeability loss. In contrast, PES-TiO2 exhibited excellent antifouling properties, but poorer treatment capabilities.
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Authors and Affiliations

Gabriela Kamińska

  1. Institute of Water and Wastewater Engineering, Gliwice, Poland
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Electrospun membranes exhibit very promising properties, such as high surface area, high surface area-to-pore volume ratio, high pore interconnectivity, and uniform pore distribution. Nanoparticles are a promising alternative for improving the properties of the electrospun membranes. Titania nanoparticles, which are stable, resistant, and non-toxic, have various applications including water treatment, sensors, food additive and cosmetics. Due to the high hydrophilicity of titania nanoparticles, membrane fouling is reduced in titania nanoparticles doped membranes. Titania nanoparticle doped polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanocomposite electrospun membranes were prepared by electrospinning method in this work. Compared to bare PAN electrospun membranes 0.05% titania nanoparticles doped electrospun membranes have thinner nanofibers, higher hydrophilicity and almost 2 times lower bovine serum albumin adsorption, which shows lower fouling tendency.
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E. Celik Madenli
Z.I. Ciftci

  1. Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization Ministry, Governorship of Burdur, 15100, Burdur, Turkey
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The main goal of the present study was to examine the operating characteristics and mechanisms of membrane fouling in integrated membrane bioreactors (IMBRs) at diff erent temperatures. Two IMBRs, each with identical dimensions and confi gurations, were used in the study using synthetic domestic sewage at a low temperature (10°C) and high temperature (25°C). The results indicated that the removal effi ciency of chemical oxygen demand reached 93–96%, but the membrane contribution rate of IMBR2 (10°C) was higher than that of IMBR1 (25°C). The separation burden of the membrane on organic compounds increased at low temperature, which may have sped up the rate of membrane biofouling. The absolute rate of trans-membrane pressure build-up was faster at low temperature, leading to shorter IMBR operating times. Soluble microbial products (SMPs) and extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs) in the IMBRs signifi cantly increased at low temperature. These substances intensifi ed defl occulation, with an accompanying reduction of fl oc size and the release of EPSs at low temperature, which facilitated the formation of cake foulants on the surface, covering the entire membrane area. The protein and polysaccharide concentrations of SMPs and EPSs in the IMBRs were correlated with the concentration of C8-HSL. It was demonstrated that temperature aff ected the concentration of C8-HSL, which controlled the excretion of EPSs and SMPs and thus the membrane biofouling process.

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Yaqin Yu

  1. Department of Civil Engineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology, China
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The paper presents the experimental study of a novel unsteady-statemembrane gas separation approach for recovery of a slow-permeant component in the membrane module with periodical retentate withdrawals. The case study consisted in the separation of binary test mixtures based on the fast-permeant main component (N2O, C2H2) and the slow-permeant impurity (1%vol. of N2) using a radial countercurrent membrane module. The novel semi-batch withdrawal technique was shown to intensify the separation process and provide up to 40% increase in separation efficiency compared to a steady-state operation of the same productivity.

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Stanislav V. Battalov
Maxim M. Trubyanov
Egor S. Puzanov
Tatyana S. Sazanova
Pavel N. Drozdov
Ilya V. Vorotyntsev
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The partial solution for the growing contamination of the environment is the implementation of new technologies. The most of the currently operated systems for surface and groundwaters treatment as well as for wastewater treatment characterize with complex technological arrangements based on a number of unit operations. In water-wastewater management membrane processes are more often applied, especially those in which the difference of pressure at both membrane sites is used as a driving force. As an example of such application is the use of nanofi ltration for groundwaters treatment at Water Treatment Plant Zawada near Dębica or the treatment of municipal landfi ll leachate and industrial wastewater at Eko Dolina Waste Utilization Plant in Łężyce near Gdynia (reverse osmosis unit capacity of 120 m /d). Municipal wastewater treatment based on membrane technologies has already been implemented at domestic wastewater treatment plant. It is especially profi table, when the load of contaminant present in a wastewater varies within a year. In the case of membrane systems use, this issue can be neglected. As an example of membrane based system may serve WWTP in Rowy n/Ustka started up in 2013 and modernized in 2017. The latest trends and developments of selected suppliers of membrane systems are also presented.

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Authors and Affiliations

Krystyna H. Konieczny
Małgorzata Wszelaka-Rylik
Bartłomiej Macherzyńsk
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The paper presents the results of studies on the changes in the PAHs concentration during pre-filtration and ultrafiltration (UF) processes. In the study, biologically treated wastewater (after denitrification and nitrification processes), discharged from the biological treatment plant and used in coke plant, was used. A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used in order to qualify and quantify the PAHs. Sixteen PAHs listed by EPA were determined. The wastewater samples were collected three fold and initially characterized for the concentration of nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, COD, TOC and pH. In the first step, wastewater was filtrated on the sand bed. Total concentration of 16 PAHs in the treated wastewater before initial filtration was in the range of 44.8‒53.5 mg/L. During the process the decrease in the concentration of the most studied hydrocarbons was observed. Concentration of PAHs after initial filtration ranged from 21.9 to 38.3 μg/L. After the initial filtration process the wastewater flew to the ultrafiltration module and then was separated on the membrane (type ZW-10). The total concentration of 16 PAHs in the process of ultrafiltration was in the range of 8.9‒19.3 mg/L. The efficiency of removal of PAHs from coke wastewater in the process of ultrafiltration equaled 66.6%. Taking into account the initial filtration, the total degree of removal of PAHs reached 85%. The obtained results indicate the possibility of using the ultrafiltration process with the initial filtration as additional process in the coke wastewater treatment.

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Authors and Affiliations

Marzena Smol
Maria Włodarczyk-Makuła
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The process of carbon dioxide removal from monoethanolamine (MEA) - water solution was investigated on Poly Di Methyl Siloxane (PDMS) hydrophobic tubular membrane with a ceramic support. The effects of feed temperature, liquid flow rate and MEA concentration on CO2 mass transfer and selectivity were examined and found to be with a reasonable deviation (±25%) with predictions based on the multilayer film model. The membrane resistance was evaluated in separate experiments. The measured CO2 mass fluxes (0.17-0.45 kg/(m2h)) were found to be independent of the MEA concentration in the feed.

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Authors and Affiliations

Roman Krupiczka
Adam Rotkegel
Zenon Ziobrowski
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The enzymatic synthesis of a highly hydrophobic product (dipeptide precursor) in which the reaction is accompanied by the mass transfer of the reaction product to the organic phase and the substrates to the water phase is considered. Equations describing both continuous and batch processes are formulated. The range of variability in the operating parameters of such a bioreactor is specified, and the correlations reported in the literature to describe mass transfer in the membrane contactor are validated. The proposed process was verified experimentally, and good agreement between the determined and calculated concentrations was obtained in both phases.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Noworyta
Anna Trusek-Holownia
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In this study, the process of membrane cleaning by supercritical fluid extraction was investigated. Polypropylene microfiltration membranes, contaminated with oils, were treated in a batch process with a supercritical fluid (SCF). As extractant, pure supercritical carbon dioxide or supercritical carbon dioxide with admixtures of methanol, ethanol and isopropanol were used. Single-stage and multi-stage extraction was carried out and process efficiency was determined. The obtained results showed that addition of organic solvents significantly enhances the cleaning performance, which increases with increase of organic solvent concentration and decreases with increasing temperature. All three solvents showed a comparable effect of efficiency enhancement. The results confirmed that supercritical fluid extraction can be applied for polypropylene membrane cleaning.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Krzysztoforski
Andrzej Krasiński
Marek Henczka
Wojciech Piątkiewicz
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In order to assess the influence of hydrodynamic effects on the recovery of n-butanol by means of pervaporation, a commercial PERVAP 4060 membrane was investigated. Laboratory pervaporation experiments were carried out providing a comparison of the permeation fluxes and enrichment factors. While the enrichment factors achieved in both modules under the same process conditions were comparable, the permeation fluxes differed from each other. In order to explain the observed differences, hydrodynamic conditions in the membrane module were examined by means of CFD simulation performed with ANSYS Fluent 14.5 software. Two different modules having membrane diameters of 80 mm and 150 mm were analyzed. As a result, different velocity profiles were obtained, which served to estimate the mass transfer coefficients of butanol, ethanol and acetone.
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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Marszałek
Michał Tylman
Paulina Rdzanek
Władysław Kamiński
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Magnetic properties of Fe nanowire arrays (NWs) electrodeposited in anodic alumina membranes have been studied. The influence of nanowire geometry (length, pore diameter) and an external magnetic field applied during electrodeposition process on the magnetic properties of nanowire arrays was investigated. With the use of the X-ray diffraction analysis the structure of iron wires was determined. The iron wires have the regular Body Centered Cubic structure. Magnetic measurements show that shape anisotropy aligns the preferential magnetization axis along the wire axis. It was found that the application of an external magnetic field in a parallel direction to the sample surface induces magnetic anisotropy with an easy axis of magnetization following the nanowire axis. The dependence of the height of Fe wires on the electrodeposition time was determined.

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Authors and Affiliations

I. Dobosz
W. Gumowska
M. Czapkiewicz
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A number of inorganic compounds, including anions such as nitrate(V), chlorate(VII), bromate (V),

arsenate(III) and (V), borate and fluoride as well as metals forming anions under certain conditions, have been

found in potentially harmful concentrations in numerous water sources. The maximum allowed levels of these

compounds in drinking water set by the WHO and a number of countries are very low (in the range of µg/l to a

few mg/l), thus the majority of them can be referred to as charged micropollutants. Several common treatment

technologies which are nowadays used for removal of inorganic contaminants from natural water supplies, represent serious exploitation problems. Membrane processes such as reverse osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF),

ultrafiltration (UF) and microfiltration (MF) in hybrid systems, Donnan dialysis (DD) and electrodialysis (ED)

as well as membrane bioreactors (MBR), if properly selected, offer the advantage of producing high quality

drinking water without inorganic anions.


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Authors and Affiliations

M. Bodzek
K. Konieczny

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