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Photovoltaic panels have a non-linear current-voltage characteristics to produce the maximum power at only one point called the maximum power point. In the case of the uniform illumination a single solar panel shows only one maximum power, which is also the global maximum power point. In the case an irregularly illuminated photovoltaic panel many local maxima on the power-voltage curve can be observed and only one of them is the global maximum. The proposed algorithm detects whether a solar panel is in the uniform insolation conditions. Then an appropriate strategy of tracking the maximum power point is taken using a decision algorithm. The proposed method is simulated in the environment created by the authors, which allows to stimulate photovoltaic panels in real conditions of lighting, temperature and shading.

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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Mroczka
Mariusz Ostrowski
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Photovoltaic (PV) cells are very costly because of the silicon element which is not cheaply available. Usually, PV cells are preferred to be used at maximum efficiency. Therefore, PV plants are emphasized to extract maximum power from PVcells. When inertia free PV plants are integrated into the grid in large numbers, the problem of maintaining system stability subjected to load perturbation is quite difficult. In response to this, a control topology is being an approach to make available the PV cells in maintaining system stability by utilizing the system frequency deviation as feedback to the controller. To implement this, the PVs are operated at Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). This allows the PV to operate at Pseudo Maximum Power Point tracking (PMPPT) which makes it possible to run the PV with reserve power capacity without employing a battery for storage. The control strategy has been implemented over a two-stage power conversion model of the PV system. The simulation results showed that the proposed control PMPPT topology is effective in frequency regulation capability as compared to the MPPT technique.

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Ritesh Kumar
Balakrushna Sahu
Chandan Kumar Shiva
B. Rajender
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The solar photovoltaic output power fluctuates according to solar irradiation, temperature, and load impedance variations. Due to the operating point fluctuations, extracting maximum power from the PV generator, already having a low power conversion ratio, becomes very complicated. To reach a maximum power operating point, a maximum power point tracking technique (MPPT) should be used. Under partial shading condition, the nonlinear PV output power curve contains multiple maximum power points with only one global maximum power point (GMPP). Consequently, identifying this global maximum power point is a difficult task and one of the biggest challenges of partially shaded PV systems. The conventional MPPT techniques can easily be trapped in a local maximum instead of detecting the global one. The artificial neural network techniques used to track the GMPP have a major drawback of using huge amount of data covering all operating points of PV system, including different uniform and non-uniform irradiance cases, different temperatures and load impedances. The biological intelligence techniques used to track GMPP, such as grey wolf algorithm and cuckoo search algorithm (CSA), have two main drawbacks; to be trapped in a local MPP if they have not been well tuned and the precision-transient tracking time complex paradox. To deal with these drawbacks, a Distributive Cuckoo Search Algorithm (DCSA) is developed, in this paper, as GMPP tracking technique. Simulation results of the system for different partial shading patterns demonstrated the high precision and rapidity, besides the good reliability of the proposed DCSAGMPPT technique, compared to the conventional CSA-GMPPT.
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Authors and Affiliations

Khadidja Bentata
Ahmed Mohammedi
2 3
Tarak Benslimane
4 5

  1. Laboratory Materials and Sustainable Development (LMDD), Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Science and Applied Sciences, University of Bouira, Algeria
  2. Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Science and Applied Sciences, University of Bouira, Algeria
  3. LTII Laboratory, University of Bejaia, Algeria
  4. Electrical Engineering Department, University of M’sila, Algeria
  5. SGRE Laboratory, University of Béchar, Algeria
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A single photovoltaic panel under uniform illumination has only one global maximum power point, but the same panel in irregularly illuminated conditions can have more maxima on its power-voltage curve. The irregularly illuminated conditions in most cases are results of partial shading. In the work a single short pulse of load is used to extract information about partial shading. This information can be useful and can help to make some improvements in existing MPPT algorithms. In the paper the intrinsic capacitance of a photovoltaic system is used to retrieve occurrence of partial shading.

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Mateusz Bartczak
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A sliding mode controller for the photovoltaic pumping system has been proposed in this paper. This system is composed of a photovoltaic generator supplying a three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor coupled to a centrifugal pump through a three-phase voltage inverter. The objective of this study is to minimise the number of regulators and apply the sliding mode control by exploiting the specification of the field oriented control scheme (FOC). The first regulator is used to force the photovoltaic generator to operate at the maximum power point, while the second is used to provide the field oriented control to improve the system performance.The whole system is analysed and its mathematical model is done. Matlab is used to validate the performance and robustness of the proposed control strategy.

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Authors and Affiliations

L. Zarour
K. Abed
M. Hacil
A. Borni
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In the last decade, there has been a substantial surge in the advancement of research into the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller. The MPPT approaches, on the other hand, continue to be in high demand due to the ease and simplicity with which tracking techniques can be implemented on the maximum power point (MPP). Diverse MPPT approaches and their modifications from various literature are categorized and thoroughly explored in this work, which is divided into two sections. The discussions are centered on the primary goal of attaining the most extraordinary feasible MPPT technique that produces the best results at the lowest possible expense. In order to determine which MPPT approaches to use, evaluations from earlier literature are used to guide the decision. In this section, we will examine the evaluation of the MPPT technique in two sections. Previously, in Part I, we explored the MPPT techniques based on constant parameters and trial-and- error. Part II of this article will examine the MPPT technique, which is based on mathematical computation, measurement, and comparison, and the algorithm development that has occurred in recent years. Furthermore, this section’s assessment for selecting MPPT approaches is based on previous literature reviews. To aid with this selection, the following criteria for the MPPT approach are proposed: sensors and analog/digital requirements, costeffectiveness, simplicity, stability, efficiency, and tracking speed. This enables the reader to select the MPPT technique that is most appropriate for their application.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tole Sutikno
Arsyad Cahya Subrata
Giovanni Pau
Awang Jusoh
Kashif Ishaque

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  2. Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Kore University of Enna, Italy
  3. School of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
  4. Capital University of Science & Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
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The development of research on the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller has increased significantly in this decade. The MPPT technique, however, is still demanding because of the ease and simplicity of implementing tracking technique on the maximum power point (MPP). In this paper, MPPT techniques and their modifications from various literature are classified and examined in detail. The discussions are focused on the main objective of obtaining the best possible MPPT technique with the best results at a low cost. The assessment for the selection of MPPT techniques is based on assessments from the previous literature. The discussion of the MPPT technique assessment is divided into two parts. In Part I, the MPPT technique based on constant parameters, and trial-and-error will be discussed in detail, along with its algorithm development in recent times.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tole Sutikno
Arsyad Cahya Subrata
Giovanni Pau
Awang Jusoh
Kashif Ishaque

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  2. Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Kore University of Enna, Italy
  3. School of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
  4. Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
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The occurrence of partial shading in solar power systems presents a substantial challenge with widespread implications, sparking extensive research, notably in the field of maximum power point tracking (MPPT). This study emphasizes the critical process of accurately tracking the maximum power points with the characteristic curves of photovoltaic (PV) modules under real-time, diverse partial shading patterns. It explores the various stages of the tracking process and the methodologies employed for optimization. While conventional methods show effectiveness, they often fall short in swiftly and accurately tracking maximum power points with minimal errors. To address this limitation, this research introduces a novel machine learning approach known as adaptive reinforcement learning with neural network architecture (ARL-NNA) for MPPT. The results obtained from ARL-NNA are compared with existing algorithms using the same experimental data. Furthermore, the outcomes are validated through different factors and processing time measurements. The findings conclusively demonstrate the efficacy and superiority of the proposed algorithm in effectively tracking maximum power points in PV characteristic curves, providing a promising solution for optimizing solar energy generation in partial shading patterns. This study significantly impacts various realms of electrical engineering including power engineering, power electronics, industrial electronics, solid-state electronics, energy technology, and other related field of engineering and technology.
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Leelavathi M.
Suresh Kumar V.

  1. Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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This research presents a comparative study for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) methodologies for a photovoltaic (PV) system. A novel hybrid algorithm golden section search assisted perturb and observe (GSS-PO) is proposed to solve the problems of the conventional PO (CPO). The aim of this new methodology is to boost the efficiency of the CPO. The new algorithm has a very low convergence time and a very high efficiency. GSS-PO is compared with the intelligent nature-inspired multi-verse optimization (MVO) algorithm by a simulation validation. The simulation study reveals that the novel GSS-PO outperforms MVO under uniform irradiance conditions and under a sudden change in irradiance.

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Hazem H. Mostafa
Amr M. Ibrahim
Wagdi R. Anis
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One of the most critical systems of any satellite is the Electrical Power System (EPS) and without any available energy, the satellite would simply stop to function. Therefore, the presented research within this paper investigates the areas relating to the satellite EPS with the main focus towards the CubeSat platform. In this paper, an appropriate EPS architecture with the suitable control policy for CubeSat missions is proposed. The suggested control strategy combines two methods, the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) and the Battery Charge Regulation (BCR), in one power converter circuit, in order to extract the maximum power of the Photovoltaic (PV) system and regulate the battery voltage from overcharging. This proposed combined control technique is using a Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) strategy serving two main purposes, the MPPT and BCR. Without an additional battery charger circuit and without switching technique between the two controllers, there are no switching losses and the efficiency of the charging characteristic can be increased by selecting this proposed combined FLC. By testing a space-based PV model with the proposed EPS architecture, some simulation results are compared to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed control strategy over the conventional strategies such as Perturb and Observe (P&O) and FLC with a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller.

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Abderrahmane Seddjar
Kamel Djamel Eddine Kerrouche
Lina Wang
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In this paper a comparison of different types of maximum power point search methods for the photovoltaic panels is presented. The methods that represent each group of maximum power point techniques will be implemented in the software that allows to test the behaviour of photovoltaic panels in different environment conditions including partial shading. In this paper each implemented method was compared including time of convergence with the maximum power point, tracking error and differences in the energy obtained from photovoltaics during the simulation time. The algorithms were compared under both uniform lighting and partial shade conditions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mariusz Ostrowski
Janusz Mroczka
Kamil Płachta

  1. Wroclaw University of Technology, Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics, Chair of Electronic and Photonic Metrology, Bolesława Prusa 53/55, 50-317 Wroclaw, Poland

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