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The aim of this text is to reflect upon Polish research on the art of women. The analysis focus on syntheses, published in book form, devoted to a group of female artists working at a specific time and place. This analysis shows the shape of research on women’s art in Poland, the consequences of it and the perspectives for the future.
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Karolina Rosiejka

  1. Uniwersytet Artystyczny im. Magdaleny Abakanowicz w Poznaniu
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The text outlines a project of research on modernism in Poland, of which the key element is the heuristic model as the effect of the social reaction to the processes of modernisation. On the one hand, they caused the belief about their negative impact on European civilisation; on the other hand, they triggered the need for a comprehensive regeneration of humanity and its living space.
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Bolecki Włodzimierz, Modalności modernizmu. Studia, analizy, interpretacje, Warszawa 2012.

Griffin Roger, Modernism and Fascism. The Sense of a Beginning under Mussolini and Hitler, Basingstoke 2007.

Juszkiewicz Piotr, Cień modernizmu, Poznań 2013.

Modernism. Designing a New World. 1914–1939, red. Christopher Wilk, London 2006.

Szczerski Andrzej, Transformacja. Sztuka w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej po 1989 roku, Kraków 2018.

The Cambridge History of Modernism, red. Vincent Sherry, Cambridge 2016.
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Piotr Juszkiewicz

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
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This article considers what might have happened had the 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury lived long enough to see his planned book of art theory, Second Characters, into publication. It suggests that Second Characters would have challenged, and perhaps supplanted, Jonathan Richardson the Elder’s Theory of Painting (1715) as the first substantial and original British contribution to the theory of art. Much of the article consists of a comparison between Richardson’s Theory of Painting and the ‘Plasticks’ section of Second Characters, for which Shaftsbury’s notes survive. This comparison suggests that the theory of painting which Shaftesbury would have offered to his compatriots would have differed from that offered by Richardson in certain important respects. Primarily addressing his text to his fellow aristocratic patrons rather than to painters, Shaftesbury’s vision for the future of British art was both more high-minded and more narrow than that offered by Richardson. For Shaftesbury the moral subject matter of painting was all-important, and the artistic traits he most admired, including historical subjects, grandeur of scale and austerity of style, were those he saw as best placed to transmit that moral subject matter. Richardson, by contrast, was for more tolerant of the extant British taste for portraits and more sensual styles and offered a theory of art which was in part formalist. The article also stresses the importance of the equation Shaftesbury made between the social and political health of a society and the quality of its art, and suggests that had Second Characters been published at the time when it was written we might now consider Shaftesbury, rather than Winckelmann, as the father of the social history of art. The article ends by considering two possible outcomes had Second Characters been published in the early eighteenth century, in one of which it had a profound impact on British art and British attitudes to art, and in the other of which Shaftesbury’s refusal to compromise with current British tastes condemned his text to no more than a marginal status.
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Authors and Affiliations

Harry Mount

  1. Oxford Brookes University

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