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The article discusses selected dialect lexis from the Polish questionnaires for the German Language Atlas from Masuria, Warmia and the Neighbouring Areas, then in Eastern Prussia. The 19th‑century records are a valuable source for the study of dialect lexis, offering a comparative basis for inquiries into the contemporary state of dialects in the area under study. The text analyses words that, according to the authors, bring interesting data to the collection of dialect lexis or confirm occurrence in the area under study. These are words meaning ‘many’, ‘peasant, man’, ‘those, others’, and ‘to crush, knead, squeeze, press, strangle’. The text is supplemented by a compilation of source material for the appended map, illustrating the equivalents of German Andern.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dorota Krystyna Rembiszewska
Janusz Siatkowski

  1. Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa
  2. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa
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The article attempts to differentiate, on the basis of selected words recorded in the Polish-East Slavic borderland, whether we are dealing with language loans or old references. The analysis takes into account e.g. ethymological, morphological and geographical criteria. The study focuses on the following words: cot ‘an even number’, czapigi, czepigi ‘plough handle’, had ‘an abominable animal’ and hydzić się ‘loathe’, ‘abhor’, ‘denigrate’, kosiec ‘scyther’, liszka ‘an odd number’, liszny/liszni ‘superfluous’, ‘supernumerary’, przewiąsło ‘a straw belt to tie sheaths siewiec ‘sower’, śloza ‘tear’, żeniec ‘harvester’, żenich, żeniuch ‘bridegroom’, ‘fiancé’, żnieja ‘female harvester’. Recognition as borrowings may be based on those word forms where phonetic elements characteristic of other languages, unknown in Polish, occur. Analysis of certain words has revealed the occurrence of Proto-Slavic and all- -Slavic words, preserved in the Polish language as relics, in peripheral areas. In some cases, it is difficult to make clear-cut decisions, because, for example, the stem of the word is a continuation of the Proto-Slavic forms, to be found in the Polish language, while the derivatives are borrowings.

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Authors and Affiliations

Dorota Krystyna Rembiszewska
Janusz Siatkowski
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The article characterises the artistic language of Vasily Shukshin, laying special emphasis on the role of dialectisms in his short stories, as well as in literature in general. However, the main focus of the article is to point out and analyse the types of equivalents that were used in the Polish renditions by the following translators: I. Bajkowska, Z. Gadzinianka, J. Landesberg, K. Latoniowa, T. G. Lipszyc, E. Niepokólczycka, J. Olszowska, I. Piotrowska, B. Reszko, D. Rymsza‑Zalewska, I. Szpak, A. Wolnicka. Translators utilise various translation equivalents but they do not fully recreate the qualities of the original units. Translators predominantly tend to convey the denotative meaning. As a result translations lose the local flavour of a Siberian village.
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Authors and Affiliations

Filip Tołkaczewski

  1. Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
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Among the highlights of Professor Janusz Siatkowski’s scholarly activity in the field of Polish and Slavic studies, there are his consistent development of the areal paradigm of linguistic research and his establishing and interpreting correlations between the areal distribution of linguistic phenomena and their chronological features, as well as between language‑internal and extralinguistic factors influencing language evolution processes.
The method of topochronographic analysis, which primarily emerged in Siatkowski’s numerous studies of Slavic dialect lexis, was then adopted and further developed by other linguists. Using exhaustive synchronic and diachronic linguistic data, and also taking into account the specificity of every linguistic item under scrutiny have resulted in the efficiency of his reconstruction and interpretation of structural, areal, and functional changes in linguistic inventories, their variation within individual Slavic languages and the common Slavonic area. Siatkowski’s analysis of a wide range of structural elements of various languages, differing in their genesis and history, testifies to the high informative value of all kinds of linguistic items, something that, while not denying the existence of general regularities of language development, brings into clearer relief their shared as well as exclusive properties. From the viewpoint of their content, Siatkowski’s works are twofold: firstly, they involve detailed analysis of linguistic items, and secondly, they employ a rigorous theoretical and methodological apparatus, which includes a set of relevant analytical procedures and is fit to be applied to other linguistic objects and in other research areas. Many studies in the 2019 volume “Prace Filologiczne” demonstrate the further proliferation and development of his ideas and methods – of what may be termed Siatkowski’s approach. Heuristically, many papers in this volume are valuable for the new material of Slavonic dialects and languages they bring, as well as the way this material is structured and interpreted. The inventories of linguistic items presented in dialect descriptions then turn into a matrix applicable in checking up other Slavonic linguistic areas, finding their common and distinctive elements, and establishing cross‑dialectal and cross‑linguistic isoglosses of various structural levels as well as exclusive features. The authors of the papers arrive at new theoretic generalizations concerning the regularities and scale of structural and functional changes in the common Slavonic dialectal area, effectively elaborating the areal paradigm of language study as an important direction in modern linguistics.
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Authors and Affiliations

Павло Гриценко

  1. Інститут української мови, Національної академії наук, України, Київ

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