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The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that was conceived in 1999. The key components of the IoT are intelligent sensors, which represent objects of interest. The adjective ‘intelligent’ is used here in the information gathering sense, not the psychological sense. Some 30 billion sensors that ‘know’ the current status of objects they represent are already connected to the Internet. Various studies indicate that the number of installed sensors will reach 212 billion by 2020. Various scenarios of IoT projects show sensors being able to exchange data with the network as well as between themselves. In this contribution, we discuss the possibility of deploying the IoT in cartography for real-time mapping. A real-time map is prepared using data harvested through querying sensors representing geographical objects, and the concept of a virtual sensor for abstract objects, such as a land parcel, is presented. A virtual sensor may exist as a data record in the cloud. Sensors are identifi ed by an Internet Protocol address (IP address), which implies that geographical objects through their sensors would also have an IP address. This contribution is an updated version of a conference paper presented by the author during the International Federation of Surveyors 2014 Congress in Kuala Lumpur. The author hopes that the use of the IoT for real-time mapping will be considered by the mapmaking community.

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Kazimierz Bęcek
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This paper presents an experimental system for remote communication between road users and traffic signs. Implemented solution consists of two modules: a transmitter (traffic sign), including novel system for remote waking-up by the passing vehicle with use of the quasi-passive (biased) diode detector circuit, and a receiver (vehicle), which is responsible for wake-up signaling and interpreting received messages. Both modules use Wi-Fi protocol operating in 2.4 GHz ISM band for sending data, and OOK signaling in 868 MHZ ISM band for sending wake-up signals. The paper provides theoretical analysis, description of design challenges and chosen solutions, and finally, laboratory measurements as well as the results of tests conducted in the systems’ target environment with a moving vehicle, confirming correct operation of the system.
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Konrad Janisz
Jacek Stępień
Szczepan Odrobina
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Nowadays, the Internet connects people, multimedia and physical objects leading to a new-wave of services. This includes learning applications, which require to manage huge and mixed volumes of information coming from Web and social media, smart-cities and Internet of Things nodes. Unfortunately, designing smart e-learning systems able to take advantage of such a complex technological space raises different challenges. In this perspective, this paper introduces a reference architecture for the development of future and big-data-capable e-learning platforms. Also, it showcases how data can be used to enrich the learning process.

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Luca Caviglione
Mauro Coccoli
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Internet of Things (IoT) will play an important role in modern communication systems. Thousands of devices will talk to each other at the same time. Clearly, smart and efficient hardware will play a vital role in the development of IoT. In this context, the importance of antennas increases due to them being essential parts of communication networks. For IoT applications, a small size with good matching and over a wide frequency range is preferred to ensure reduced size of communication devices. In this paper, we propose a structure and discuss design optimization of a wideband antenna for IoT applications. The antenna consists of a stepped-impedance feed line, a rectangular radiator and a ground plane. The objective is to minimize the antenna footprint by simultaneously adjusting all geometry parameters and to maintain the electrical characteristic of antenna at an acceptable level. The obtained design exhibits dimensions of only 3.7 mm × 11.8 mm and a footprint of 44 mm2, an omnidirectional radiation pattern, and an excellent pattern stability. The proposed antenna can be easily handled within compact communication devices. The simulation results are validated through measurements of the fabricated antenna prototype.

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Muhammad Aziz ul Haq
Sławomir Kozieł
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With the increasing demand of customisation and high-quality products, it is necessary for

the industries to digitize the processes. Introduction of computers and Internet of things

(IoT) devices, the processes are getting evolved and real time monitoring is got easier.

With better monitoring of the processes, accurate results are being produced and accurate

losses are being identified which in turn helps increasing the productivity. This introduction

of computers and interaction as machines and computers is the latest industrial revolution

known as Industry 4.0, where the organisation has the total control over the entire value chain

of the life cycle of products. But it still remains a mere idea but an achievable one where IoT,

big data, smart manufacturing and cloud-based manufacturing plays an important role. The

difference between 3rd industrial revolution and 4th industrial revolution is that, Industry

4.0 also integrates human in the manufacturing process. The paper discusses about the

different ways to implement the concept and the tools to be used to do the same.

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Devansh Sanghavi
Sahil Parikh
S. Aravind Raj
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In this paper, we describe secure gateway for Internet of Things (IoT) devices with internal AAA mechanism, implemented to connect IoT sensors with Internet users. Secure gateway described in this paper allows to (1) authenticate each connected device, (2) authorise connection or reconguration performed by the device and (3) account each action. The same applies to Internet users who want to connect, download data from or upload data to an IoT device. Secure Gateway with internal AAA mechanism could be used in Smart Cities environments and in other IoT deployments where security is a critical concern. The mechanism presented in this paper is a new concept and has been practically validated in Polish national research network PL-LAB2020.

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Dominik Samociuk
Błażej Adamczyk
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Recent rapid developments in information and network technology have profoundly influenced manufacturing research and its application. However, the product’s functionality and complexity of the manufacturing environments are intensifying, and organizations need to sustain the advantage of huge competitiveness in the markets. Hence, collaborative manufacturing, along with computer-based distributed management, is essential to enable effective decisions and to increase the market. A comprehensive literature review of recent and state-of-the-art papers is vital to draw a framework and to shed light on the future research avenues. In this review paper, the use of technology and management by means of collaborative and cloud manufacturing process and big data in networked manufacturing system have been discussed. A systematic review of research papers is done to draw conclusion and moreover, future research opportunities for collaborative manufacturing system were highlighted and discussed so that manufacturing enterprises can take maximum benefit.
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Maria L.R. Varela
José Machado
Goran D. Putnik
Vijay K. Manupati
Gadhamsetty Rajyalakshmi
Justyna Trojanowska
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In this article, a monitoring system based on IoT technologies of the substation electrical system in the Republic of Kazakhstan was developed. At the moment, the operation of power systems is extremely important to maintain the frequency of electric current over time. For management and monitoring applications, it is necessary to take into account communication within acceptable limits. IoT technologies are considered the main functions in applications for monitoring and managing energy systems in real time, as well as making effective decisions on both technical and financial issues of the system, for monitoring the main form of data registration on an electric power substation in the city of Shymkent of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for consistent effective decision-making by system operators. In this work, an Internet of Things-based monitoring system was implemented and implemented for the substation of the power system using a specialized device built into the FPGA controller for fast integrated digitalization of transformer substations of real-time distribution electrical networks. The IoT platform also provides complete remote observability and will increase reliability for power system operators in real time. This article is mainly aimed at providing a practical application that has been implemented and tested.
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Maksat Kalimoldayev
Waldemar Wójcik
Zhazira Shermantayeva

  1. Institute ofInformation and Computing Technologies of the KN of the Ministry ofInternal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  2. Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland
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This article discusses the traffic types typically used in industrial networks. The authors propose a number of methods of generating traffic that can be used in modeling traffic sources in the networks under consideration. The proposed traffic model have been developed on the basis of the ON/OFF model. The proposed solutions can be applied to model typical traffic types that are used in industrial systems, such as Time-Triggered (TT) traffic, Audio-Video Bridging (AVB) traffic or Best Effort traffic. The article discusses four traffic models with modifications and shows how the proposed models can be used in modeling different traffic types used in industrial networks.

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M. Głąbowski
S. Hanczewski
M. Stasiak
M. Weissenberg
P. Zwierzykowski
V. Bai
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Persistent air pollution (SMOG) in large cities in countries based on energy and coal heating is a serious and growing problem. Improving air quality is currently the main challenge for the metropolises of Central and Eastern Europe. Despite intensive efforts, the average annual concentration of PM2.5 in this area exceeds the standard recommended by the World Health Organization (recommended standard – 25 μg). Data from environmental institutions show that, for example, in Kraków (Poland), the number of days with PM 2.5 concentrations drastically exceeding the permissible standards in the last year was 96. The article describes the method of controlling air purification in the apartment using automation devices, control software and applications available for smartphones, tablets and personal computers. The presented solution uses technologies that can use free (alternative) software, extending the functionality of devices and increasing the flexibility of the control system. The main goal is to maximize the comfort of home users and to minimize the cost of electricity consumption. Additionally, the existing air cleaning devices are adapted to the needs of the air cleaning control system.
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Wojciech Drozd
Marcin Kowalik

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Division of Management in Civil Engineering, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Kraków, Poland
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The Internet of Things is a network of connected devices that can communicate and share data over the Internet. These devices often have sensors that collect data for various purposes, such as usage statistics, data processing, or performing specific actions based on the collected data. Also, medical Internet of Things devices are crucial in monitoring critical functions, measuring blood glucose levels, indicating when patients require medicine, and ensuring timely medication delivery. Communication in the Internet of Things is demanding, requiring diverse protocols that address communication security concerns. These protocols must be robust and secure, considering technical factors such as the network objective, energy requirements, and the nature of the communication because they can be exploited. This paper proposes an innovative system with a security protocol that supports and improves communication security in modern Internet of Things networks. The protocol aims to enhance communication safety between interconnected devices for information exchange in medicine or healthcare, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sent data and devices. The proposed protocol, tested through formal and automated verification, meets all security goals, including identity verification, anonymity protection, and access revokement. It also protects against man-in-the-middle, modification, replay, and impersonation attacks.
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Sabina Szymoniak

  1. Department of Computer Science, Cz˛estochowa University of Technology, Poland
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By reviewing the current state of the art, this paper opens a Special Section titled “The Internet of Things and AI-driven optimization in the Industry 4.0 paradigm”. The topics of this section are part of the broader issues of integration of IoT devices, cloud computing, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence to optimize industrial processes and increase efficiency. It also focuses on how to use modern methods (i.e. computerization, robotization, automation, machine learning, new business models, etc.) to integrate the entire manufacturing industry around current and future economic and social goals. The article presents the state of knowledge on the use of the Internet of Things and optimization based on artificial intelligence within the Industry 4.0 paradigm. The authors review the previous and current state of knowledge in this field and describe known opportunities, limitations, directions for further research, and industrial applications of the most promising ideas and technologies, considering technological, economic, and social opportunities.
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Dariusz Mikołajewski
Jacek M. Czerniak
Maciej Piechowiak
Katarzyna Węgrzyn-Wolska
Janusz Kacprzyk

  1. Faculty of Computer Science, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland
  2. EFREI Paris Pantheon Assas University, Paris, France
  3. Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland
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The paper presents a circuit structure that can be used for powering an IoT (Internet of Things) sensor node and that can use energy just from its surroundings. The main advantage of the presented solution is its very low cost that allows mass applicability e.g. in the IoT smart grids and ubiquitous sensors. It is intended for energy sources that can provide enough voltage but that can provide only low currents such as piezoelectric transducers or small photovoltaic panels (PV) under indoor light conditions. The circuit is able to accumulate energy in a capacitor until a certain level and then to pass it to the load. The presented circuit exhibits similar functionality to a commercially available EH300 energy harvester (EH). The paper compares electrical properties of the presented circuit and the EH300 device, their form factors and costs. The EH circuit’s performance is tested together with an LTC3531 buck-boost DC/DC converter which can provide constant voltage for the following electronics. The paper provides guidelines for selecting an optimal capacity of the storage capacitor. The functionality of the solution presented is demonstrated in a sensor node that periodically transmits measured data to the base station using just the power from the PV panel or the piezoelectric generator. The presented harvester and powering circuit are compact part of the sensor node’s electronics but they can be also realized as an external powering module to be added to existing solutions.

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Adam Bouřa
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing many areas of technology in the public and private spheres, including the economy. This report reviews issues related to machine modelling and simulations concerning further development of mechanical devices and their control systems as part of novel projects under the Industry 4.0 paradigm. The challenges faced by the industry have generated novel technologies used in the construction of dynamic, intelligent, flexible and open applications, capable of working in real time environments. Thus, in an Industry 4.0 environment, the data generated by sensor networks requires AI/CI to apply close-to-real-time data analysis techniques. In this way industry can face both fresh opportunities and challenges, including predictive analysis using computer tools capable of detecting patterns in the data based on the same rules that can be used to formulate the prediction.
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Authors and Affiliations

Izabela Rojek
Marek Macko
Dariusz Mikołajewski
Milan Sága
Tadeusz Burczyński

  1. Institute of Computer Science, Kazimierz Wielki University, Chodkiewicza 30, 85-064 Bydgoszcz, Poland
  2. Faculty of Mechatronics, Kazimierz Wielki University, Chodkiewicza 30, 85-064 Bydgoszcz, Poland
  3. Department of Applied Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zilina, 010 26 Zilina, Slovakia
  4. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Pawińskiego 5B; 02-106 Warsaw, Poland
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Sodium silicate, known for its low cost and non-toxicity, has been considered as a promising option for green foundry in terms of mould sands. However, the utilization of used sodium silicate sands has posed significant challenges. To address the issues of high energy consumption and secondary pollution associated with wet and dry regeneration of sodium silicate used sands, this paper proposes a novel unattended biological regeneration system. The system involves culturing diatoms in an incubator with a solution of sodium silicate used sands. The incubator is equipped with built-in sensors that continuously monitor temperature, illuminance, pH, and water level. The monitoring data is transmitted in real-time to the Yeelink Internet of Things platform via the controller using the TCP/IP protocol. By logging onto the corresponding web page, the experimenter can remotely observe the monitoring data. The results of the experiment indicate that diatoms bloomed five times, and the water pH decreased from 10.2 to 8.2 after 40 days of cultivation. Additionally, the film removal rate of the used sands reached 90.26%.
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Authors and Affiliations

Huafang Wang
Zhaoxian Jing
Ao Xue
Yuhan Tang
Lei Yang
Jijun Lu

  1. School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan Textile University, China
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Nowaday, many manufacturing companies are integrating Industry 4.0 technology into their operational processes, particularly those aiming to enhance production operations. However, business decision-makers must remain vigilant about potential risks associated with adopting this technology. These risks include initial financial investments for testing and system installation, managing human resources to operate the new system, and concerns regarding data security. This study proposes designing an Industry 4.0 technology system to augment machining machine operations, leveraging Internet of Things (IoT) devices to facilitate connectivity and data transmission. Additionally, it aims to improve production process monitoring through visual management techniques. The machines under study are semi-automatic and lack operational digitization or expansion capacity. Through research on integrating low-cost Industry 4.0 technology into the production process, this study has achieved an annual reduction in production costs by $9593. Moreover, the defect rate for product length dimensions has plummeted from 54.90% per month to zero defects. The study employs the DMAIC method (Define-Measure-Analysis-Improve-Control) cycle within the Six Sigma methodology to investigate and apply low-cost Industry 4.0 technology to production process enhancement. This combined approach can be customized and applied to various business process improvement models, further enhancing the operation of machining machines originally equipped with Industry 3.0 technology.
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Authors and Affiliations

Do Ngoc Hien
Minh Ly DUC
Tran Duc Tuan
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This study proposes the LoRa-Based Mesh Sensor Network without relying on LoRaWAN connection sending the communication data in the form of Star-to-Star, it can be sends the data in the form of peer-to-peer without the gateway. In the case that a longer distance is needed, the system is connected by a means of multi-hop presenting the hardware and software model through the use of low voltage power. Then, the testing is done using point to point and the received signal is measured by a gauge and compared with the model in accordance with the theoretical principle.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jarun Khonrang
Mingkwan Somphruek
Pairoj Duangnakhorn
Atikhom Siri
Kamol Boonlom

  1. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Thailand
  2. University of Leeds, United of Kingdom
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Internet of Things (IoT) is the new research paradigm which has gained a great significance due to its widespread applicability in diverse fields. Due to the open nature of communication and control, the IoT network is more susceptible to several security threats. Hence the IoT network requires a trust aware mechanism which can identify and isolate the malicious nodes. Trust Sensing has been playing a significant role in dealing with security issue in IoT. A novel a Light Weight Clustered Trust Sensing (LWCTS) model is developed which ensures a secured and qualitative data transmission in the IoT network. Simulation experiments are conducted over the proposed model and the performance is compared with existing models. The obtained results prove the effectiveness when compared with existing approaches.
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Authors and Affiliations

Rajendra Prasad M
Krishna Reddy D

  1. Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, India
  2. Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, India
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The Internet of Things has a set of smart objects with smart connectivity that assists in monitoring real world environment during emergency situations. It could monitor the various applications of emergency situations such as road accidents, criminal acts including physical assaults, kidnap cases, and other threats to people’s way of life. In this work, the proposed work is to afford real time services to users in emergency situations through Convolutional Neural Networks in terms of efficiency and reliable services. Finally, the proposed work has simulated with respect to the performance parameters of the proposed scheme like the probability of accuracy and processing time.
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Authors and Affiliations

Lokesh B. Bhajantri
Ramesh M. Kagalkar
Pundalik Ranjolekar

  1. Department of Information Science and Engineering, India
  2. KLE College of Engineering and Technology, Chikodi, Karnataka, India
  3. Department of CSE, KLE Society's Dr. M. S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology, Karnataka, India
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This research is developing the analog value from the NPK sensor to digital using the YL 38 comparator module to obtain detailed Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) values according to the NPK sensor datasheet. This system is a network based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and LoRa. The IoT and LoRa features installed on this device, meanwhile the measurement and fertilization data can be monitored easily through an Android application. This research using a frequency of 922.4 Mhz, 125 kHz bandwidth, 10 spreading factors, and a code rate of 5. The Network Quality of Services testing i.e. delay, packet loss, SNR, and RSSI. The QoS was measured at 6 locations. different, 1 location 0 km, 4 locations 1 km, 1 location 2.5 km from BTS LoRa. It was concluded that the parameters used are by the conditions and distances in the data collection. It is proven that all the standards in each parameter are met. In testing the LoRa network it can be concluded that the farther the distance from the LoRa BTS the data transmission quality is getting worse.
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Authors and Affiliations

Doan Perdana
Wahyu Rizal Panca Kusuma
Ibnu Alinursafa

  1. Telkom University, Indonesia
  2. PT Telkom Indonesia, Indonesia
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Localization systems are an important component of Active and Assisted Living (AAL) platforms supporting persons with cognitive impairments. The paper presents a positioning system being a part of the platform developed within the IONIS European project. The system’s main function is providing the platform with data on user mobility and localization, which would be used to analyze his/her behavior and detect dementia wandering symptoms. An additional function of the system is localization of items, which are frequently misplaced by dementia sufferers.

The paper includes a brief description of system’s architecture, design of anchor nodes and tags and exchange of data between devices. both localization algorithms for user and item positioning are also presented. Exemplary results illustrating the system’s capabilities are also included.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Kolakowski
Vitomir Djaja-Josko
Marcin Kolakowski
Jacek Cichocki
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Reviewing the current state of knowledge on sustainable production, this paper opens the Special Section entitled “Sustainability in production in the context of Industry 4.0”. The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), which embodies a vision for the future system of manufacturing (production), focuses on how to use contemporary methods (i.e. computerization, robotization, automation, new business models, etc.) to integrate all manufacturing industry systems to achieve sustainability. The idea was introduced in 2011 by the German government to promote automation in manufacturing. This paper shows the state of the art in the application of modern methods in sustainable manufacturing in the context of Industry 4.0. The authors review the past and current state of knowledge in this regard and describe the known limitations, directions for further research, and industrial applications of the most promising ideas and technologies.
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Authors and Affiliations

Izabela Rojek
Ewa Dostatni
Dariusz Mikołajewski
Lucjan Pawłowski
Katarzyna M. Węgrzyn-Wolska

  1. Institute of Computer Science, Kazimierz Wielki University, 85-064 Bydgoszcz, Poland
  2. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Poznan University of Technology, 60-965 Poznan, Poland
  3. Environmental Engineering Faculty, Lublin University of Technology, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
  4. EFREI Paris Pantheon Assas University, 30-32 Avenue de la République, 94800, Villejuif, France

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