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The aim of the paper is to discuss the concept of the Lachian literary language formulated in the I 930's by a local poet Óndra Łysohorsky. The author of the paper presents the ecological approach to the language in question and focuses on the following issues: the comparison of Łysohorsky's Lachian literary language with other Lachian dialects and related languages, native speakers of the Lachian literary language, the work on its codification, and the attitudes towards the language.
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Grażyna Balowska
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The intent of this article is to present the particular example of use of 4 tenses in the indicative mood: passe compose, imparfait, futur simple, futur anterieur. This analysis is based on various excerpts of texts dating back to 19th and 20th centuries. The author analyses the influence of a number of factors on the interpretation of particular verbal forms appearing in studied sentences. Research takes into account: category of the verb, its aspect, person, adverbs of time, modality particles, verbs of opinion, certain adverbs (e.g. jamais, rarement and those expressing opposition), type of sentence (negative, interrogative), register (written / spoken language), intonation.
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Ewa Ciszewska
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The article is an attempt to examine two linguistic trends that is pragmatics and cognitivism, the aim of which is to show complementarity of theses representing these two research directions. Taking as a starting point the phenomenon of cognition the author explains its implicit presence in chosen pragmatic theories and she discusses its primary role in cognitive theories.
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Katarzyna Kwapisz-Osadnik
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Corporate mission statement is a genre used globally by managers to motivate the employees and to create a good image of the firm. The objective of the research is to analyse, from the linguistic point of view, how Polish companies adapt the genre. In particular, the analysis focuses on how the managerial objectives influence register choices and whether the genre has developed any permanent, or recursive, structural features. The study focuses on statements of missions and vision of 81 companies Polish companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
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Piotr Memet
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The aim of this article is to present the practical application of communicative and semantic translation methods on the basis of the two available Polish versions of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl: Karol i fabryka czekolady translated in 1998 by Tomasz Wyżyński and Charlie i fabryka czekolady translated in 2004 by Jerzy Łoziński. Through an analysis of selected culture-specific words and expressions present in the original along with different solutions provided by the two translators, an attempt has been made to illustrate the point emphasized by Newmark (1988) that each text can be translated either communicatively or semantically, depending on the needs and expectations of the target readers and the decision of the translator choosing one of those two approaches.
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Joanna Czogała-Kiełboń
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The aim of the paper is to investigate language-learning beliefs of 488 ( 164 males and 324 females) Polish high school students in relation to their gender. Their responses to the Beliefs About Language Leaming Inventory by Horwitz (1988) were explored by means of the U Mann-Whitney test. The main results show that for females English is a language of medium difficulty, but they believe they have a talent for language learning. They are also strongly motivated to learn English and ready to work hard in spite of feeling self-conscious when speaking in front of others. Males believe English is an easy language, and they are not keen to practice.
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Ewa Piechurska-Kuciel
Eva Bernat
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The main concern of this paper is to investigate the relation between self evaluation of the LI and L2 linguistic competences by bilingual university students and the concepts of fossilization and attrition. The two terms refer to changes in language proficiency and imply a state of incompleteness of linguistic knowledge of both languages. Fossilization is identified as stagnation in attaining the target language proficiency whereas attrition is described as a loss of aspects of previously acquired linguistic knowledge. The former occurs at the level of active L2 development whereas the latter takes place at the state of post-active language acquisition. The paper constitutes an attempt to investigate the significance of the two concepts in the processes of bilingual development and maintenance. It considers the manifestations of fossilization and attrition as well as their indications as to the linguistic competences of bilingual users. It eventually attempts to estimate how widespread the rwo phenomena may be in the bilingual context and what their product is.
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Anna Krężałek
Marzena S. Wysocka
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This paper examines the notion of conceptual transfer within the framework of current psycholinguistic research into bilingual memory and multi-competence. In particular, it seeks to delimit the form and direction of conceptual transfer in the bilingual lexicon, as well as outlining the conditions for its occurrence. These are discussed in relation to the data collection methods employed to date, and in the light of recent findings and developments in the area of psycholinguistics and bilingualism.
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Jolanta Latkowska
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In relation to the present interest in discourse analysis this article aims to formulate a general theoretical framework for analyzing various types of discourse. The framework is based on the theory of relevance as one of the theories enabling thorough discourse analysis. The aspects of discourse taken into account range from analyzing explicatures and irnplicatures including a precise classification of the type of knowledge activated for the processes of metarepresentation and covert communication. The unified framework for discourse analysis creates an ability to compare different types of discourse including comparison with everyday speech, which is the most neutral type of discourse. With such ability, different types of discourse can be compared with one another to discover more of their unique properties as well as interesting similarities.
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Dorota Rut-Kluz
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The present paper analyses metaphor and metonymy describing God in The Old Testament. Instances of these phenomena are approached from the cognitive perspective, suggested by Lakoff and Johnson (2003). The aim of this article is to show that the metaphorical and metonymical references to God in The Old Testament do not function as merely rhetorical devices, but are conceptualizations of God, grounded in people's everyday experiences. This fact plays an important role in the process of understanding the notion of God. The discussed metaphors and metonymies are classified into personifications as instances of ontological metaphor, structural metaphors, orientational metaphors and metonymies.
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Marcin Kuczok
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The paper deals with the use of English lexical borrowings in Polish commercials and press advertisements. The author first gives a brief, general account of English loanwords used in Polish advertisements and then concentrates on concrete examples of such borrowings. Particular attention is paid to the discussion of the necessity of the use of such loans in the Polish language of advertising. The author argues, on the basis of the questionnaire described in the paper, that most of the English loans in Polish do not make the message clearer to a Polish receiver. In fact, they seem to hinder comprehensibility. However, as the questionnaire has shown, they do evoke positive connotations of a given product and/or a company.
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Marcin Zabawa
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The slogans and pictorial elements of press advertisements contain the most important elements of the message communicated to the viewers by the advertiser. They have to be formulated and composed in such a way as to ensure the most uniform reading and interpretation among potentially diverse recipients. It is interesting to what extent such an effect would be reported by relatively homogeneous respondents. The present study investigates the interpretation and recall of advertising slogans and foregrounded information by a group of 60 young people, following a short exposure to 5 press advertisements. It also attempts to compare the results to a previous research on mental processing of hidden and inconspicuous elements in press commercials (Wojtaszek 2007b).
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Adam Wojtaszek

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