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Sinice (Cyanophyta), wchodzące w skład fitoplanktonu, należą do mikroorganizmów gramujemnych fotosyntezujących. W normalnym stanie wód ilość komórek sinicowych w I dm' wody waha się od kilkuset do kilku tysięcy, podczas gdy w okresach intensywnego zakwitu może dochodzić nawet do kilkuset tysięcy w I dm' wody. Nadają one wtedy intensywne zabarwienie wodzie, której kolor zależy od dominujących gatunków. Obecność w dużych ilościach glonów oraz sinic może też nadawać wodzie charakterystyczny nieprzyjemny zapach, którego intensywność i charakter zależą od rodzaju glonów i sinic oraz od ich i !ości w wodzie. Zakwity sinicowe są olbrzymim problemem natury higienicznej a także estetycznej, tworząc podczas intensywnych zakwitów kożuchy oraz pianę na powierzchni zbiorników wodnych. Zagrożenie zdrowotne stanowią toksyny produkowane przez wiele gatunków sinic (anatoksyna, afanatoksyna, mikrocystyna, nodularina, akutificyna, scytoficyna czy też cyanobakteryna), o toksyczności ostrej mieszczącej się w średnim przedziale szkodliwości oraz posiadających właściwości kancerogenne. Toksyny sinicowe stanowią bardzo niebezpieczną grupę związków chemicznych działających na hepatocyty wątroby jak też na system nerwowy ludzi i zwierząt. Stąd bardzo istotne jest efektywne ich usuwanie w procesie uzdatniania wody. W artykule po raz pierwszy w Polsce przedstawiono dane dotyczące zastosowania ditlenku chloru oraz ozonu do uzdatniania wody w ciągu produkcyjno-przesyłowym Sulejów - Łódź. W okresie 1998-200 I efektywność usuwania mikrocystyny-LR wahała się w przedziale 74-92%, podczas gdy dla innych izoform była w zakresie 45-94%.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej K.M. Kabziński
Helena Grabowska
Jerzy Cyran
Renata Juszczak
Józef Dziegieć
Alicja Zawadzka
Dominik Szczukocki
Konrad Szczytowski


The electric power sector is analyzed from the standpoint of well-being and a number of political priorities are considered that go beyond the traditional tasks of the so-called “energy trilemma”, namely reliable, affordable and carbon-free energy. This shows the importance of solving the problem at different levels as it can help the Government of Kazakhstan more reliably achieve synergy between actions to combat climate change and other priorities and, consequently, achieve double harmonization. The purpose of the study is to consider the cost and pricing surveys in the conditions of the functioning of the electricity market of Kazakhstan. Electricity is of key importance for human well-being. Electricity is highly necessary for many basic services, infrastructure and economic activities. Despite the increase in energy efficiency, the global electricity demand increased by 115% between 1990 and 2020, which is significantly higher than the population growth rate over the same period. This trend will undoubtedly continue conditioned upon economic growth, increased access and the electrification of end users. The assessment of electricity generation technologies from the point of view of well-being requires the use of the full cost method, which includes all applicable external costs, risks and benefits to determine the low-carbon energy balance, which in the Republic of Kazakhstan, is compatible with sustainable development. This assessment clearly needs to go beyond the plant level to consider the network infrastructure and demand to get a holistic view of the social costs of electricity. The practical significance lies in the analysis of cost and pricing in the conditions of the functioning of the electricity market of Kazakhstan.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Kuralay Sadykova
Almas Zhakupov
Timur Baymukhanov
Railash Turchekenova
Aliya Medebaeva

  1. Institute of Management, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kazakhstan
  2. Institute of Heat Power Engineering and Heat Engineering, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeev, Republic of Kazakhstan


The role and importance of energy security increases with the development of civilization, whose inherent element has become the demand for energy and its carriers. The article discusses the issue of cooperation in the field of energy security in Central Europe at the moment of finishing work on the North-South Corridor, which changes the existing gas architecture in the region. In order to better understand the situation in the region, the energy systems of the Visegrad Group countries, identical to the Central European region, have been analysed, according to the definition of the World Bank and OECD. Considering the historical and geopolitical connections of the Visegrad Group’s fate, it is important to create a common gas market. The physical interconnection of gas systems greatly increases energy security in this region. Moreover, thanks to the construction of LNG terminals in Poland and Croatia, it will be possible to diversify not only the routes, but also the sources of supply of this important raw material.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ewelina Kochanek


The present article combines some reflections on the late Prof. Janusz Symonides’ most interesting book on the concept and role of effectiveness in international law (Zasada efektywności w prawie międzynarodowym, UMK, Toruń: 1967), with reflection over the anniversaries of the most important Polish-German treaties which not only constituted the basis for bilateral relations between Poland and Germany, but were also of importance for East-West relations. The analysis that follows deals mostly with the significance of effectiveness in the context of boundaries and their recognition, as well as with nationality. The article shows that most of the concepts and ideas of Prof. Symonides still remain actual today.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Władysław Czapliński

  1. Professor, Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences


The structural economic problems of Turkey have led to the significant challenges for the development of the country, especially in the postcoronavirus economy. One of such challenges is the achievement of the sustainable development imperatives in combination with the preservation of the competitive advantages of the Turkish economy. The loss of the major drivers of the economy of the country, including tourism and logistics, in complex with the economic deterioration of the monetary system of the country are the major components of the current crisis. This controversy is analyzed in the paper along with the search for the best options of the energy sphere development in Turkey. This search covers economic aspects of the current situation in the country. The authors put forward and prove a hypothesis that Turkey energy system can be more influential on its economic development. This proof is based on the energy mix analysis and on the thorough review of the potential of the country for the green energy development and its economic effectiveness for the country. The key findings of the article include the proof that the sustainable development and the green energy development in Turkey are quite different processes, which are on intention divided by political measures, the proof that Turkey has serious issues in development of the energy sector due to its low influence on the economic development in its current state, the developed recommendations for the better structuring of the energy sector development.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ibragim Pashaev

  1. International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy, MGIMO University, Russia
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The stable supply of iron ore resources is not only related to energy security, but also to a country’s sustainable development. The accurate forecast of iron ore demand is of great significance to the industrialization development of a country and even the world. Researchers have not yet reached a consensus about the methods of forecasting iron ore demand. Combining different algorithms and making full use of the advantages of each algorithm is an effective way to develop a prediction model with high accuracy, reliability and generalization performance. The traditional statistical and econometric techniques of the Holt–Winters (HW) non-seasonal exponential smoothing model and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model can capture linear processes in data time series. The machine learning methods of support vector machine (SVM) and extreme learning machine (ELM) have the ability to obtain nonlinear features from data of iron ore demand. The advantages of the HW, ARIMA, SVM, and ELM methods are combined in various degrees by intelligent optimization algorithms, including the genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and simulated annealing (SA) algorithm. Then the combined forecast models are constructed. The contrastive results clearly show that how a high forecasting accuracy and an excellent robustness could be achieved by the particle swarm optimization algorithm combined model, it is more suitable for predicting data pertaining to the iron ore demand.
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4. Bikcora et al. 2018 – Bikcora, C., Verheijen, L. and Weiland, S. 2018. Density forecasting of daily electricity demand with ARMA-GARCH, CAViaR, and CARE econometric models. Sustainable Energy Grids and Networks 13, pp. 148–156.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Min Ren
Jianyong Dai
Wancheng Zhu
Feng Dai

  1. Northeastern University, Shenyang, China
  2. University of South China, Hengyang, China
  3. Northeastern University, Shenyang


W pracy sformułowano problem wyznaczania jedno- i wielokrokowej prognozy pogómiczych przemieszczeń powierzchni terenu. Zmienną opisującą jest tu skończony i uporządkowany chronologicznie wektor wyników pomiarów geodezyjnych. Dokonane pomiary wskazują, że analizowany proces można zapisać jako złożenie procesu deterministycznego i procesu osobliwego. Stąd też opis ilościowy kinetyki procesu kształtowania przemieszczeń przyporządkowano do klasy modeli stochastycznych. Formalne zdefiniowanie modelu stanowi tu odpowiednia suma szeregu gdzie argumentem jest czas a wartościami zmienne losowe. Ze względów użytkowych przeprowadzono optymalizację prognozy jednokrokowej. Aplikacyjną procedurą numeryczną jest tu algorytm Durbina-Levinsona. Utylitarny fragment pracy to weryfikacja zdefiniowanego modelu dla konkretnych warunków górniczo-geologicznych i konkretnych wyników pomiarów. Uzyskane analitycznie odwzorowanie i optymalna prognoza kinetyki przemieszczeń pionowych dobrze przystają do wyników pomiarów, co potwierdzają odpowiednie miary jakości opisu procesu.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wiesław Piwowarski


In the morphosyntactic literature, there exist two approaches to the problem of argument structure in English nominal synthetic compounds such as furniture moving or dog training. According to Borer (2012), such synthetic compounds belong to the class of referential nominals and thus lack argument structure. On the other hand, Alexiadou (2017) maintains that the external argument is present in the structure of synthetic compounds due to their ability to co-occur with by-phrases. In this paper, we present an extensive set of corpus data to show that synthetic -ing compounds do project the external argument, which is evidenced by their ability to license not only by-phrases but also agent-oriented adjectives and instrumental phrases. Importantly, the corpus data indicates that certain synthetic -ing compounds display the capacity to occur in aspectual contexts; nominal compounds fall in two classes in that regard.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sebastian Wasak


This article provides a detailed review of the ethnosurvey, a research methodology that has been widely applied to the study of migration for almost four decades. We focus on the application of ethnosurvey methods in Mexico and Poland, drawing on studies done in the former country since the early 1980s and, in the latter, since the early 1990s (including several post-2004 examples). The second case is particularly relevant for our analysis as it refers to a number of novel migration forms that have been identified in Central and Eastern Europe in the post-1989 transition period. Drawing on these studies, we consider the advantages and disadvantages of the ethnosurvey as a research tool for studying inter-national migration. Its advantages include its multilevel design, blend of qualitative and quantitative methods, reliance on retrospective life histories and multisited data collection strategy. These features yield a rich database that has enabled researchers to capture circular, irregular, short-term and se-quential movements. Its disadvantages primarily stem from its hybrid sampling strategy, which neces-sarily places limits on estimation and generalisability and on the technical challenges of parallel sampling in communities of both origin and destination. Here we argue that the ethnosurvey was never proposed and should not be taken as a universal methodology applicable in all circumstances. Rather it represents a specialised tool which, when correctly applied under the right conditions, can be ex-tremely useful in revealing the social and economic mechanisms that underlie human mobility, thus yielding a fuller understanding of international migration’s complex causes and diverse consequences in both sending and receiving societies.

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Paweł Kaczmarczyk


Paper brings a description of free motion of particles suspended in the atmospheric air and being under action of the gravitational field together with additional accelerations caused by their relative motion. Theoretical part of the paper presents physical background of the particles motion within rotating channels together with the simplified method allowing to determine efficiency of the dust separator. Experimental part of the paper describes the test stand layout together with details of the dust separator design and its principles of action. In the closing part final conclusions and suggested practical applications of the devices under investigation are presented.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tadeusz Knap


A numerical study and simulation of breast imaging in the early detection of tumors using the photoacoustic (PA) phenomenon are presented. There have been various reports on the simulation of the PA phenomenon in the breast, which are not in the real dimensions of the tissue. Furthermore, the different layers of the breast have not been considered. Therefore, it has not been possible to rely on the values and characteristics of the resulting data and to compare it with the actual state. Here, the real dimensions of the breast at threedimensional and different constituent layers have been considered. After reviewing simulation methods and software for different stages of the PA phenomenon, a single suitable platform, which is commercially available finite element software (COMSOL), has been selected for simulating. The optical, thermal, elastic, and acoustic characteristics of different layers of breast and tumor at radiated laser wavelength (800 nm) were accurately calculated or obtained from a reliable source. Finally, by defining an array of 32 ultrasonic sensors on the breast cup at the defined arcs of the 2D slices, the PA waves can be collected and transmitted to MATLAB software to reconstruct the images. We can study the resulting PA wave and its changes in more detail using our scenarios.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maryam Ahangar Darband
Esmaeil Najafi Aghdam
Arash Gharibi

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran
  2. Institute of Modern Physics, Shanxi Normal University, Linfen, China


We talk to Dr. Ewelina Ciecierska, winner of the Maria Skłodowska-Curie award, about prize-winning nanofillers, the value of working in a group, and the presence of women in a traditionally male-dominated world
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ewelina Ciecierska


We are setting new sports records and conquering space, but are helpless against climate change and new viruses. Prof. Andrzej W. Ziemba talks about the human body’s abilities.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej W. Ziemba

  1. Mossakowski Medical Research Center, Polish Academy of Sciences
Słowa kluczowe minerals rocks geology pyrite


Earth is filled with a myriad of minerals and rocks that charm us with their beauty and diversity. They usually take the form of solids or mineral components dissolved in water.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Agnieszka Gałuszka
Zdzisław M. Migaszewski


In 1904, the Swedish mathematician Helge von Koch first described a geometrical extraordinary figure with a "self-similar" edge, which he dubbed a "snowflake:' Nowadays such "self-similar" but "rough" sets are called fractals, well-known for their exceptional beauty, and are a subject of intense research.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Feliks Przytycki


"In days of old, song was a person's friend, accompanying him in joy and sorrow;' reminisced Jan Tacina, folk historian from Cieszyn Silesia, back in the 1970s. Yet even today there remain some individuals who hold the old Silesian singing traditions dear.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Arleta Nawrocka-Wysocka
Słowa kluczowe digital humanist


Dr. Maciej Maryl, Head of the Digital Humanities Center and Deputy Director at the Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, talks about the table where innovations are born, the limits of literariness, and Polish humanities projects that can conquer the world.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maciej Maryl


Who and what makes the Polish Academy of Sciences the autonomous institution that it is? The answer: people, institutions, and ideals.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Iwona Hofman

  1. Institute of Social Communication and Media Science, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin


Visual representations in medieval poetry, drama, and iconography used art to portray things that are invisible - such as time.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Dąbrówka


When we visit caves and admire their dripstone formations, most of us do not realize how many traces of the distant past might be found in the stalagmites and stalactites, as well as in the very sediments we are walking over.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Teresa Madeyska

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