@ARTICLE{Anand_Ashutosh_Bandwidth_2022, author={Anand, Ashutosh and Pal, Srikanta and Kundu, Sudip}, volume={70}, number={1}, journal={Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences}, pages={e137509}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, abstract={In this paper, the performance and frequency bandwidth of the piezoelectric energy harvester (PZEH) is improved by introducing two permanent magnets attached to the proof mass of a dual beam structure. Both magnets are in the vicinity of each other and attached in such a way to proof mass of a dual beam so that they create a magnetic field around each other. The generated magnetic field develops a repulsive force between the magnets, which improves electrical output and enhances the bandwidth of the harvester. The simple rectangular cantilever structure with and without magnetic tip mass has a frequency bandwidth of 4 Hz and 4.5 Hz, respectively. The proposed structure generates a peak voltage of 20 V at a frequency of 114.51 Hz at an excitation acceleration of 1 g (g= 9.8 m/s2 ). The peak output power of a proposed structure is 25.5 µW. The operational frequency range of a proposed dual beam cantilever with a magnetic tip mass of 30 mT is from 102.51 Hz to 120.51 Hz, i.e., 18 Hz. The operational frequency range of a dual beam cantilever without magnetic tip mass is from 104.18 Hz to 118.18 Hz, i.e., 14 Hz. There is an improvement of 22.22% in the frequency bandwidth of the proposed dual beam cantilever with a magnetic tip mass of 30 mT than the dual beam without magnetic tip mass.}, type={Article}, title={Bandwidth and power enhancement in the MEMS-based piezoelectric energy harvester using magnetic tip mass}, URL={http://www.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/119846/PDF-MASTER/2221_corr.pdf}, doi={10.24425/bpasts.2021.137509}, keywords={vibration, piezoelectric energy harvester, magnetic tip mass, bandwidth, stress}, }