@ARTICLE{Birkenmajer_Krzysztof_Geological_1998, author={Birkenmajer, Krzysztof}, volume={vol. 19}, number={No 1-2}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={125-142}, howpublished={online}, year={1998}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={During the Polish Geodynamic Expeditions to West Antarctica, 1984-1991, led by A. Guterch, the scientific research of the geological group (leader K. Birkenmajer) included stratigraphic, sedimentological, petrological, tectonic, volcanological and Quaternary geology studies. They were caried out mainly in the area of Antarctic Peninsula, Palmer Archipelago and South Shetland Islands (the results from King George Island have been reviewed separately, in 1996). The major scientific archievements are: (1) introduction of formal lithostrati-graphical standards, recognition of tectonic structure, and sedimentological characteristics of the Trinity Peninsula Group (?Upper Permian-Triassic) metasediments (Antarctic Peninsula: Hope Bay and Paradise Harbour; Livingston Island: Hurd Peninsula); (2) elaboration of Late Mesozoic-TTertiary magmatic successions (Antarctic Peninsula Volcanic Group and Andean Intrusive Suite) on northern Antarctic Peninsula (Hope Bay; Arctowski Peninsula; Paradise Harbour - Gerlache Strait); (3) together with geophysical group: elaboration of lithospheric transect from South Shetland Islands to Antarctic Peninsula; (4) elaboration of Late Cenozoic evolution stages of the Bransfield Basin and Rift, as based on geological and palaeontological record; (5) introduction of a revised volcanostratigraphic standard, and reconstruction of evolution stages, of the Deception Island volcano (South Shetland Islands); (6) reconstruction of the Holocene history in some areas of Antarctic Peninsula (Hope Bay) and South Shetland Islands (King George Island). The results of palaeontological and sedimentological research on Seymour and Cockburn islands (NE Antarctic Peninsula) were presented separately.}, type={Article}, title={Geological research of the Polish Geodynamic Expeditions to West Antarctica, 1984-1991: Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent islands}, URL={http://www.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/110836/PDF/1998-1-2_125-142.pdf}, keywords={West Antarctica, metasediments, magmatic arcs, rifting, volcanism}, }