@ARTICLE{Woyciechowski_Marcin_Selected_2018, author={Woyciechowski, Marcin}, volume={tom 187 Piękno i energia: współczesny model budowania dzielnic mieszkaniowych w Europie}, journal={Studia KPZK}, pages={228-244}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Komitet Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju}, abstract={The two chosen estates, Garnizon and Wiszace Ogrody have evolved during the last decade or so in Gdańsk. Both developed with the idea of balanced functionality and New Urbanism despite very diff erent locations. The aim was to combine apartment buildings with shops, other services, hotels, offi ce buildings and cultural venues. Numerous interesting and inviting public spaces were also high on the agenda. It was intended to create an interesting, multifunctional space, to maximise the use of the space throughout the day, also making it eco friendly by minimising the use of cars. That`s how an interesting, beautifull space impacts the energy. The centrally located Garnizon has been quite successful, whereas the more peripherally placed Wiszące Ogrody has not quite succeeded due to fi nancial restrictions and is mainly a housing estate at the moment. The hope is that it will grow into a similar entity with new development and helped by the new rail link.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Selected Aspects of Creating City-like Residential Structures, on Two Case Studies from Gdańsk: Wiszące Ogrody and Garnizon}, URL={http://www.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/110318/PDF-MASTER/15%20Woyciechowski%20-%20Studia%20187.pdf}, keywords={City-like residential and mixed use structures, energy impact, high density developments, public space quality, residential quarters, sheared use}, }