@ARTICLE{Burda_Izabela_M._Public_2018, author={Burda, Izabela M.}, volume={tom 187 Piękno i energia: współczesny model budowania dzielnic mieszkaniowych w Europie}, pages={193-209}, journal={Studia KPZK}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Komitet Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju}, abstract={The article concerns problems with shaping contemporary housing estates. By analyzing housing structures designed in recent years, the aim was to demonstrate the importance of creating the continuity of public spaces in order to achieve places seen as attractive and presenting features of high quality urban space. Essential for the research is the question about the conditions which should be fulfi lled when creating the ideal residential place which then leads to a series of answers. These included indicating a good location with functional and aesthetic urban/architectural solutions. Environmental issues are important as well. Regardless of whether it is a multi-family dwelling or a single family house, a good neighborhood and its location in a well-connected place with necessary basic services within walking range are important. It is also signifi cant how the public space was shaped and whether a natural network was created. Due to factors such as the specifi city of the structure’s location in the city and diff erent surfaces of designed estates, as well as the variety of residential buildings being constructed, it is often diffi cult to assess them unambiguously. Importantly, this assessment also includes social and economic aspects as well as technical issues. However, by using multi-directional research it can be noted that the forms of public spaces within housing complexes play an important role in the creation of high-quality structures, perceived as attractive not only by the residents.}, title={Public Space Continuity Within Contemporary Housing Structures}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, URL={http://www.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/110316/PDF-MASTER/13%20Burda%20-%20Studia%20187.pdf}, keywords={Contemporary housing estates, quality of public spaces, public space continuity}, }