@ARTICLE{Sołtys_Jacek_Determinants_2018, author={Sołtys, Jacek}, volume={tom 187 Piękno i energia: współczesny model budowania dzielnic mieszkaniowych w Europie}, journal={Studia KPZK}, pages={40-50}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Komitet Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju}, abstract={The article refers to the urban sprawl in Poland. Its objectives are: (1) analysis of relations between negative eff ects, (2) presentation negative effects on transport and energy consumption and on spatial order, (3) analysis of ways of counteracting negative processes including conditions (especially restrictions) on the use of this ways and their effectiveness. The methods used were: observation, literature analysis and logical analysis. Driving forces are heading towards further suburbanization, stopping of which is considered impossible. Orientation of the processes more closely to spatial order is very difficult. There are proper and legal solutions for this, but there are barriers to their use, such as: the lack of awareness and motivation of local authorities and the political conditions that discourage more restrictive regulation.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Determinants and Effects of Urban Sprawl in Poland. Is It Possible to Control this Process?}, URL={http://www.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/110308/PDF-MASTER/05%20So%C5%82tys%20-%20Studia%20187.pdf}, keywords={Poland, spatial order, spatial planning, suburbanization, urban sprawl}, }