@ARTICLE{Orłowski_Aleksander_The_2018, author={Orłowski, Aleksander and Rosińska, Paulina}, volume={tom 184 Rozwój lokalny i regionalny. Teorie i zastosowania}, journal={Studia KPZK}, pages={102-117}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Komitet Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju}, abstract={The paper concentrates on the possibilities of checking the extent to which cities meet the smart city concept. The presented concept concentrates on one of the main smart cities characteristic: smart environment. This paper is a result of joint work of specialist from two diff erent areas: management and environmental protection. The interdisciplinary character of the paper is characteristic for smart cities.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The Smart City Concept – Smart Environment}, URL={http://www.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/109714/PDF-MASTER/09%20Or%C5%82owski,%20Rosi%C5%84ska.pdf}, keywords={City management, smart cities}, }