@ARTICLE{Dylak_Stanisław_The_2015, author={Dylak, Stanisław}, volume={tom LXVIII}, journal={Studia Pedagogiczne}, pages={159-175}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={Komitet Nauk Pedagogicznych PAN i Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku}, abstract={In education, information and Communications Technologies mostly play the role of a medium of communication, as well as a means of imparting knowledge. ICT, however, is used less as a subject for student activity, i.e. a subject for students to learn, where they can operate the technology, as in robotics or mechantronics. Information technologies are also very rarely implemented in education as a way for students to build their identity and shape their attitudes towards their outside and inside worlds. In spite of this, in the history of educational technology there have been a number of researchers and educators who have promoted interesting ideas for implementing technologies as tools for human cognitive, affective, psychomotor and moral empowerment. Today such people are also present in education, however, they play unimportant roles on the periphery of formal education. This paper is a reminder of a number of ideas by theorists and researchers concerning the implementation of ICT, but mainly highlights the empowerment it gives students and its humanizing/humanitarian role.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The abandoned potential of technology in education – a roam around the edges of education with TIK}, URL={http://www.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/109681/PDF/STANIS%C2%A5AW%20DYLAK%20Studia%20pedagogiczne%202015%20LXVIII-12.pdf}, keywords={information technology and communication, building students identity, empowering students humanity, Skinner’s ideas about the role of technology in education for independence, Ivan Illich’s idea of learning webs which could be built outside and across schools, Papert’s thoughts about attracting parents to the process of education through technology}, }