@ARTICLE{Dąbrowski_Jerzy_Fate_2000, author={Dąbrowski, Jerzy and Drożdżyński, Dariusz and Walorczyk, Stanisław}, number={No 3}, journal={Journal of Plant Protection Research}, pages={253-259}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Committee of Plant Protection PAS}, publisher={Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute}, abstract={In the period of 1993-1998 six wells known as being contaminated were monitored 3-6 times per year (a total of 143 samples) for the presence of atrazine, simazine and respective chloro-dealkyl metabolites. Samples were prepared for analysis by solid phase extraction (SPE) and determination was by HPLC/UV or GC/NPD techniques, GC/MSD and HPLC/DAD were employed as secondary (confirmatory) techniques. Residues of analysed compounds were present in more than 90% of samples with exception for DeDiA that was found in 81.6% of samples. The highest concentrations of atrazine, simazine, DeA, DiA, and DeDiA were 16.80; 18.60; 7.49; 2.98 and 3.43 μgil respectively. New inputs of atrazine and simazine were observed in ground water of three wells occasionally, probably resulting from fresh herbicide treatments. In the other wells contamination was rather stagnant at lower levels (0.X mg/I).}, type={Article}, title={Fate of atrazine and simazine residues in polluted groundwaters: results ofmonitoring investigation of Poznań voivodeship wells in 1993-1998}, URL={http://www.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/131397/PDF-MASTER/13_PLANT_40_3_4_2000_Dabrowski_FATE.pdf}, keywords={atrazine, monitoring, simazine, residues, ground water}, }