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As a machining technology, welding can cause serious accidents by overloading or operation mistakes. Through analyzing the causes of various welding accidents, we found that the major cause for damage imposed after welding parts are loaded is the fracture of materials. Therefore, studying the influence of welding residual stress on the fracture property of materials is of great significance. This paper applied the digital image correlation technique to study the fracture property of welding parts under the influence of welding residual stress. In addition, standard parts and welding parts were selected to carry out a contrast experiment. Room temperature tensile tests were performed on both standard parts and test pieces after residual stress measurement. Using displacement field and strain field data obtained through VIC-2D software, the stress intensity factor around the crack tip of each specimen under the conditions of small load was calculated and corresponding analysis was carried out.

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J. Bian
Zx. Ge
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The microstructures and mechanical properties of T92 martensitic steel/Super304 austenitic steel weld joints with three welding consumables were investigated. Three types of welding materials ERNiCr-3, ERNiCrCoMo-1and T-304H were utilized to obtain dissimilar welds by using gas tungsten arc weld (GTAW). The results show that heat affect zone (HAZ) of T92 steel consists of coarse-grained and fine-grained tempered martensites. The microstructures of joints produced from ERNiCrCoMo-1 consist of equiaxed dendrite and columnar dendrite grains, which are more complicated than that of ERNiCr-3. In the tensile tests, joints constructed from ERNiCrCoMo-1 and T-304H met the ASME standard. The highest fracture energy was observed in specimens with the welding material ERNiCrCoMo-1. Ni content in weld seam of ERNiCrCoMo-1 was highest, which was above 40%. In conclusion, the nickel alloy ERNiCrCoMo-1 was the most suitable welding material for joints produced from T92 martensitic steel/Super304 austenitic steel.

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Z. Liang
Y. Gui
Q. Zhao
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Use of welding technology for the repair of steel castings is particularly common in two areas. These include weld surfacing of protrusions that remained incomplete after casting, or filling the surface defects (cavities). These defects are more common for steel casting than for graphite cast iron, due to the lower fluidity of steel. This article describes a suitable technological process of repairing the defects on the casting using the welding technology. A specimen produced for this purpose was prepared by carving a groove into a cast steel plate 20 GL, which was then filled with a weld metal using MAG (135) technology. The following evaluation of the basic characteristics of the repaired site point to the suitability of the selected technological parameters of the repair procedure. Metallographic evaluation was carried out, further evaluation of mechanical properties by tensile test, bend test and Vickers hardness test. The proposed methodology for the evaluation repair of foundry defects in steel castings also meets the requirements for the approval of welding procedures in accordance with the relevant valid legislation.
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M. Mičian
J. Winczek
R. Koňár
I. Hlavatý
M. Gucwa
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Weld metal deposit (WMD) was carried out for standard MMA welding process. This welding method is still promising mainly due to the high amount of AF (acicular ferrite) and low amount of MAC (self-tempered martensite, retained austenite, carbide) phases in WMD. That structure corresponds with good impact toughness of welds at low temperature. Separate effect of these elements on the mechanical properties of welds is well known, but the combined effect of these alloy additions has not been analyzed so far. It was decided to check the total influence of nickel with a content between 1% to 3% and molybdenum with content from 0.1% up to 0.5%.

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B. Szczucka-Lasota
T. Węgrzyn
A. Kurc-Lisiecka
J. Piwnik
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In this paper, the post-weld explosive hardening of a 5 mm AA7075-T651 plate welded via FSW was performed. To investigate the possibility of increasing FSW joint mechanical properties, the welded plate was explosively treated with four various explosive materials (ammonal, emulsion explosive, FOX-7, and PBX) in two different hardening systems. As part of the investigation, the observations of the surface and macrostructure of the treated plates were described. The obtained microhardness distribution allowed us to register the increase in hardness of the SZ up to 6%, but no increase in hardness of the LHZ was reported. In most cases, the influence of explosive treatment on the mechanical properties of the welded joint was disadvantageous as ultimate tensile strength and ductility were reduced. The only positive effect which was observed is the increase in the value of yield strength up to 27% corresponding to 77 MPa, achieved by explosive materials with detonation velocity below 3000 m/s.
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Robert Kosturek
Rafał Lewczuk
Janusz Torzewski
Marcin Wachowski
Piotr Słabik
Andrzej Maranda

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Military University of Technology, 2 gen. S. Kaliskiego St., Warsaw, Poland
  2. Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry, 6 Annopol St., Warsaw, Poland
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Plates of AZ91 magnesium alloy were butt-welded using a CO2 laser. The non-equilibrium solidification of the laser-melted metal caused fragmentation of the weld microstructure as well as the supersaturation of a solid solution of aluminium in magnesium, which enabled the T5 ageing of the weld. The weld proved to be a mechanically stable part of the joint; all the tensile-tested specimens, both as-welded and post-weld T5 aged, fractured outside it. During the ageing of the supersaturated joint, which involved heat treating it to the T6 condition, the weld was the region where discontinuous precipitation was observed and this was the location of fracture in the tensile specimens. Thus, the strength properties of welded, supersaturated and aged AZ91 were much worse than when the non-welded material was T6 tempered.
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A. Dziadoń
E. Musiał

  1. Kielce University of Technology, Metals Science and Materials Technologies, 7 Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego Av., 25-314, Kielce, Poland
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Combining a preheating source with conventional arc welding is a promising method to study the weld quality and improvement of strength for high-strength super-alloy materials. The present research used an induction preheating source with plasma arc welding (PAW) to weld Inconel 625 thick plates. The investigation was performed at a constant induction current of 600 A, welding speed of 100 mm/min and a plasma welding current of 135 A. The induction-assisted plasma arc welding (IAPAW) demonstrated that a weld joint was possible with static induction preheating and a high plasma welding current at low welding speed. The microstructural observation showed various dendritic structures in the fusion zone (FZ). The FESEM and EDX analysis confirmed the formation of Laves phase in the interdendritic structure of the FZ. The ultimate tensile strength of the IAPAW joint reached to 658 MPa. The tensile fracture surface of the welded sample revealed a lower number of dimples, indicating the reduction of ductility. The XRD analysis was carried out at various zones and it confirmed the peak shifting towards the higher 2-theta value of the FZ.
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D. Saha
S. Pal

  1. IIT Guwahati, Guwahati-781039, India
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The study was intended to determine the effect of the input condition of the 17-4PH steel on the microstructure, mechanical properties and stress state of welded joints. The steel adopted for testing was in the solution condition at 1040°C, the aged condition at 550°C/4h and the overaged condition at 760°C/2 h + 620°C/4 h. Samples of 17-4PH steel, after heat treatment processed with different parameters, were electron beam welded (EBW). The microscopic observation (LM, SEM/EDS) showed that the microstructure of the weld consisted of martensite with a δ-ferrite lattice. In the heat-affected zone (HAZ), transformed martensite was found with evidence of niobium carbides. The results of hardness testing revealed the different nature of the hardness profile with the condition the material before the EB welding process. The hardness profile of the HAZ of the welded samples in the as-solution (ES2) and overaged (ES12) condition was varied (from about 340 HV to 450 HV). However, in the aged condition specimen of 17-4PH steel (ES22) showed a similar hardness level, at around 370 HV. The solution condition (ES2) had the highest strength properties Rm 1180.6 MPa with the lowest elongation A 7.6% of all samples tested. The aged welded specimen (ES22) retained high strength Rm 1103.4 MPa with a better relative elongation A 10.1%, whereas the overaged welded specimen (ES12) saw a reduction of strength Rm 950.4 MPa with an improvement in plastic properties A 18.8%. Obtained results showed a significant effect of the input steel condition on the obtained EB welded joints.
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A. Nalborczyk-Kazanecka
1 2
Grażyna Mrówka-Nowotnik
A. Pytel
1 2

  1. Rzeszów University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineeri ng and Aeronautics, 12 Powstańców Warszawy Av., 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
  2. Pratt & Whitney Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland
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Hardfacing deposition processes were carried out using unalloyed S1-EL12 welding wire and submerged arc welding fluxes produced by agglomerated method containing 4-16 wt.% ferrochromium and 2 wt.% ferroboron to achieve wear-resistant of hardfacing deposits on common steel substrates via submerged arc welding. Typical parameters such as slag detachment behaviour, measurements of weld seam widths and heights, microstructural examinations, and hardness and wear tests of hardfacing deposits were characterized. End of the characterization processes, with the increase of chromium, carbon, and boron transition from welding fluxes to hardfacing deposits, the welding seam widths, and heights were determined to increase from 14.12 mm to 15.65 mm and 6.14 mm to 6.50 mm, respectively. Besides; carbide and boro-carbide ratios in the microstructures increased, the hardness values increased from 43 HRC to 61 HRC and the wear losses decreased from 5.79 to 4.43. (10 –7 mm 3 (N m) –1).
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M. Kaptanoglu
M. Eroglu

  1. University of Firat, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Elazig, 23000, Turkey
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Fusion welding of Ti-Cu is difficult because of big difference of melting points and formation of brittle intermetallic compounds. Friction stir welding is carried out by solid-state joining, thermo-mechanical stirring, and friction heat. Ti-Cu FSW dissimilar welding can supply a very sound joint area with a few intermetallic compounds. Optimized welding process conditions are essential to obtain suitable microstructure and mechanical properties of welded zones. Different welding speeds affect the evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties due to changes of input heat and internal stored deformation energy. The correlation of microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-Cu welded zone according to welding speeds were investigated and analyzed. As the higher the welding speed, the lower the heat input and the lower the temperature rise. Ti-Cu 75 has the smallest grain size at 13.9 μm, but the optimum mechanical properties and the integrity of welding were shown in Ti-Cu 50.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yong-Jae Lee
Won-Ki Jeong
Seung-Jun Lee
Hidetoshi Fujii
Se Eun Shin
Dong-Geun Lee

  1. Sunchon National University, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering, Suncheon, 57922, Republic of Korea
  2. Korea Polytechnic University, Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Siheung, 15073, Republic of Korea
  3. Osaka University, Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka 567-0047, Japan
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The rebuilding technologies are used to develop surface of ladle. Among many welding methods currently used to obtain surface layer

without defects one of the most effective way of rebuilding is using metal arc welding. This additional material gives more possibilities to

make expected quality of rebuild surface.

Chemical composition, property and economic factors allow to use metal wire. Because of these reasons, solid wire gives opportunity to be

wildly used as material to rebuild or repair the surface in different sectors of industry.

The paper shows a few ways to rebuild the surface in the massive cast with the use of metal active gas welding for repair. The work

presents studies of defect in the massive cast. It contains the pictures of microstructures and defects. The method of removing defects and

the results of checking by visual and penetrant testing methods are shown. The paper describes the methodology of repair the ladle with

metal active gas welding, preheating process and standards nondestructive testing method.

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R. Bęczkowski
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In this contribution an optical method of controlling the state of soft biological tissues in real time, exposed to laser radiation is discussed. The method is based on the assumption that the change dynamics of the amplitude of the scattered diagnostic radiation (λ = 635 nm) is compatible with the change dynamics of the tissue inner structure exposed to the Nd:YAG laser radiation (λ = 1064 nm). In this method the measurement of the tissue temperature is omitted. Exemplary results of the laboratory research on this method and an interpretation of the results are presented.

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A. Zając
D. Podniesiński
D. Kęcik
M. Kęcik
J. Kasprzak
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The aim of the study was to analyse mechanical properties and microstructure of joints obtained using friction stir welding (FSW) technology. The focus of the study was on overlap linear FSW joints made of 1.4541 DIN 17441 steel sheets with thickness of 1.2 mm. Tools used during friction stir welding of steel joints were made of W-Re alloy. The joints were subjected to visual inspection and their load bearing capacity was evaluated by means of the tensile strength test with analysis of joint breaking mechanism. Furthermore, the joints were also tested during metallographic examinations. The analysis performed in the study revealed that all the samples of the FSW joints were broken outside the joint area in the base material of the upper sheet metal, which confirms its high tensile strength. Mean load capacity of the joints was 15.8 kN. Macroscopic and microscopic examinations of the joints did not reveal significant defects on the joint surface and in the cross-sections.

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W. Więckowski
P. Lacki
J. Adamus
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Multilayered materials give a range of possibilities with regard to control of their properties through selection of layers’ materials, their thickness and the layout of layers. This research is focused on examining the behaviour of three-layer material with perforated sheet as the inner layer during the stretching and drawing process. Four remove tests were carried out: Erichsen, Engelhardt-Gross, Fukui and cup drawing test. Mechanical properties and weld quality were also determined. Sheets with four perforations were used: Po2s3, Po2s4, Po2s10 and Po2s30, which corresponds to the open area values of 34.9%, 19.6%, 3.1% and 0.35%.

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Ł. Kuczek
W. Muzykiewicz
M. Mroczkowski
J. Wiktorowicz
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The broad range applications of Ultra-Fine Grained metals is substantially limited by the lack of a welding method that allows them to be joined without losing the strong refinement of structure. From this point of view, the solid state welding processes are privileged. Friction welding tests were carried out on UFG 316L stainless steel. A joining process at high temperature activates the recrystallization, therefore the friction welding parameters were selected according to the criterion of the lowest degree of weakness due to recrystallization in the heat affected zone. In order to characterize the structure of basic material and selected areas of the obtained joint, were performed SEM, TEM and metallographic examinations in terms of hardness and range of softening of the material and tensile test. Despite the short time and relatively low welding temperature, results of the test by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy confirmed the loss of the primary ultrafine structure in the Heat Affected Zone of welded joint.

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B. Skowrońska
T. Chmielewski
W. Pachla
M. Kulczyk
J. Skiba
W. Presz
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In this work, experiments were carried out to quantify the behaviour of friction stir welded (FSW) AA5082-AA7075 butt joints under tensile loading and completely reversed fatigue loading. Different samples were prepared to identify optimum tool rotational and travel speeds to produce FSW AA5082-AA7075 butt joints with the maximum fatigue life. ANOVA was performed, which confirmed that both tool speed and tool rotational speed affect the tensile strength of the weld. The samples exhibit a considerable difference in their fatigue life and tensile strength. This difference can be accounted to the presence of welding defects such as surface defects and porosity. S-N curve plotted for the sample shows a significantly high fatigue life at the lower stress ranges. Fracture surfaces were also analysed under scanning electron microscope (SEM). Study of the fracture surface of the sample that failed under fatigue loading showed that the surface was mainly divided in two zones. The first zone was the area of fatigue crack growth where each stress cycle, slowly and gradually, helped in the growth of the crack. The second zone was the region of fast fracture where the crack growth resulted in the failure of the joint instantaneously. The fracture surface study of the sample that failed under tensile loading showed that the mode of failure was ductile in nature.

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Gaurav Kumar
Rajeev Kumar
Ratnesh Kumar
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Over the years laser welding has evolved as a fabrication process capable of overcoming the limitations of conventional joining methodologies. It facilitates the welding of diverse range of materials like metals, non-metals, polymers etc. Laser transmission welding is a technique employed for fabricating intricate shapes/contours in polymers with better precision compared to the other conventional processes. Nylon6, a synthetic semi-crystalline polymer is utilized as an engineering thermoplastic due to its high strength and temperature resistant properties. In the earlier researches, various welding techniques were employed for the fabrication of polymers and metals keeping the laser beam stagnant, and much emphasis was given only to temperature distribution along the different axes and limited attention was given to residual stress analysis. Therefore, in this research work, a three-dimensional time-dependent model using a moving laser beam is used to fabricate unreinforced Nylon6 specimens.

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Santosh Kumar Gupta
Pradip Kumar Pal
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One of important resistance parameters introduced into engineering calculations for selection of materials and evaluation of their operating properties is material crack resistance. Contrary to the stationary fracture toughness K1c, J," the dynamic fracture toughness K,d, J,d, ~ is also an important parameter. In this paper, the authors have evaluated the relation between the parameters of the dynamical fractures toughness and the structure as well as impact resistance in chosen frictionally welded joints. The above-mentioned joints are made of the following steel parts: N9E-45, 18G2A-St3S, St3S-45, 40H-45, 18G2A-40H. In this experiment, the instrumented bending impact test was used.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Sadowski
Tadeusz Szykowny
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The paper deals with the possibility of the renovation of permanent steel molds for casting using electric arc welding technology. When casting liquid metal into permanent steel molds, there is chemical-thermo-mechanical wear of the surface of the mold cavity and the inlet system, which causes a deterioration of the surface quality and dimensional accuracy of the casting. For this reason, it is necessary to renovate the steel mold after a certain casting interval - mold life. In this case, the technology of manual electric arc welding with a coated electrode was used for the renovation. The welding renovation aims to increase the service life of the mold using carbide hardfacing welds, which after welding achieve high mechanical properties of the renovated mold parts. Two types of hardfacing coated electrodes were used for welding, namely the OK Weartrode 55HD electrode and the OK Weartrode 50T electrode. Macroscopic analysis, tribological tests as well as the measurement of the hardness of the welded layers were performed to evaluate the quality and the friction coefficients of the additional materials used. The properties of hardfacing welds were compared with the properties of the basic material of the high-alloy steel mold. The main advantage is in addition to increasing the durability and longevity of the mold, also reducing the cost of mold renovation compared to other renovation technologies.
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Authors and Affiliations

J. Šutka
R. Koňar
J. Moravec
L. Petričko

  1. Department of Technological Engineering, University of Zilina, Univerzitna 1, 010 26 Zilina, Slovakia
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Development of a reliable numerical model capturing major physical mechanisms controlling explosive welding and considering properties of all process components i.e. base plate and flyer plate is the goal of the paper. To properly replicate materials behavior under these severe conditions a meshfree approach, namely Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), was used to discretize the computational domain. The model is based on the Mie-Gruneisen shock equation of state applied to the Ti/Cu system as a case study. Examples of results in the form of velocity, equivalent stress, equivalent strain, and pressure fields are presented within the paper.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Mojżeszko
K. Perzyński
M. Sionkowski
H. Paul
Ł. Madej
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Using colloid water as a covering for explosives can improve the energy efficiency for explosive welding, while its effects on bonding properties remain unclear. Here, by employing titanium/steel as a model system, the effect of covering thickness on microstructures and mechanical properties of the bonding interface was systematically investigated. It was found that all the welds displayed wavy interfaces, and the wave size increased with increasing covering thickness. Vortices characterized by solidified melt zones surrounded by strongly deformed parent materials, were only formed for the welds performed with a covering. Moreover, with increasing covering thickness, both the tensile strength and the elongation of the titanium/steel plate decreased, and the failure mode changed from ductile to cleavage fracture, gradually. In the tensile-shear tests, all the fractures took place in titanium matrix without separation at interface, indicating that the titanium/steel interfaces had an excellent bonding strength. The micro-hardness decreased with increasing distance from the interface, and this trend was more remarkable for a thicker covering. The micro-hardness inside the solidified melt zones was far higher than that observed in strain-hardened layers of the parent metal, due to formation of hard intermetallic compounds.
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Fei Wang
Ming Yang

  1. Anhui University of Science and Technology State Key Laboratory of Mining Response and Disaster Prevention and Control in Deep Coal Mines,Huainan, Anhui Province, China
  2. Nanjing University of Science and Technology, National Key Laboratory of Transient Physics, Nanjing, 210094, China
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This paper outlines issues associated with gas-shielded braze welding of CU-ETP copper with austenitic steel X5CrNi18-10 (1.4301) using a consumable electrode. The possibilities for producing joints of this type using innovative low-energy welding methods are discussed. The paper provides an overview of the results of metallographic and mechanical (static shear test, microhardness) tests for braze welded joints made on an automated station using the Cold Metal Transfer (CMT) method. Significant differences in the structure and mechanical properties are indicated, resulting from the joint configuration and the type of shielding gas (argon, helium).

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Authors and Affiliations

T. Wojdat
P. Kustroń
A. Margielewska
M. Stachowicz
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The results of experimental study of solid state joining of tungsten heavy alloy (THA) with AlMg3Mn alloy are presented. The aim of

these investigations was to study the mechanism of joining two extremely different materials used for military applications. The

continuous rotary friction welding method was used in the experiment. The parameters of friction welding process i.e. friction load and

friction time in whole studies were changed in the range 10 to 30kN and 0,5 to 10s respectively while forging load and time were constant

and equals 50kN and 5s. The results presented here concerns only a small part whole studies which were described elsewhere. These are

focused on the mechanism of joining which can be adhesive or diffusion controlled. The experiment included macro- and microstructure

observations which were supplemented with SEM investigations. The goal of the last one was to reveal the character of fracture surface

after tensile test and to looking for anticipated diffusion of aluminum into THA matrix. The results showed that joining of THA with

AlMg2Mn alloy has mainly adhesive character, although the diffusion cannot be excluded.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Kaczorowski
O. Goroch
A. Krzyńska

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