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The article analyzes the language means by which the intensity of emotional processes in Polish, Russian and Ukrainian is reflected on the example of the names of emotions that are part of the “compassion” group. By the intensity of emotions, we mean a quantitative assessment of the quality of the emotional process relative to a certain norm. Verbalizers of the intensity of emotional experiences include lexemes describing the power of the emotions themselves and the impact of the emotions on a person. The characteristics of the power of the manifestation of emotions are objectified most often with the help of adjectives and adverbs. Verbalization of the power of the influence of emotional experiences on a person in Polish, Russian and Ukrainian can occur by objectifying the temperature characteristics of feelings, as well as through association with images of fluid and fire. Besides intensity on the quantitative side, a feeling is also characterized by duration – the time interval between the beginning and the end of an emotion. In terms of duration, the emotions of the “compassion” group in Polish, Russian and Ukrainian are described as sudden and short-lived states.
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Larysa Nikolayenko

  1. O.O. Potebnyа Institute of Linguistics of NAS of Ukraine
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The article examines the specificity of the manifestation of active verbal aggression in Ukrainian phraseology through the use of the phraseoideographic paradigm. The typology of aggressive behavior of A. Buss and the postulate of the theory of argumentation and verbal aggressiveness of D. Infante are the basis of the research methodology. Analyzed are the classification parameters of active verbal aggression in the various communicative theories and practices. Specifics of manifestation of active verbal aggression (shout, accusation, demand, ridicule, criticism, insult, comment, gossip, slander, complaint, teasing, curse, blasphemy, indignation, destructive wish, threat, curse) in the Ukrainian phraseology is defined. The theoretical material is illustrated by a large number of examples. The context of using of a phraseological unit is considered as a conflict episode – a situation of communicative interaction of participants, during which contradictions are expressed. The study of the semantics, pragmatics and functioning of the phraseological units of active verbal aggression in the Ukrainian language shows that active verbal aggression is a complex system of interdependent mental reactions. These phraseology do not contradict modern knowledge of psychology and communicative linguistics about the studied subject, but at the same time the phraseological units form an independent system with the following signs: a) the state of the speaker’s dissatisfaction; b) a combination of verbal and non‑verbal components; c) intensifica-tion of manifestations; d) the correlation of the varieties of verbal aggression.
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Sappa N.N., Verbalʹnaya agressiya kak obʺyekt psikhologo‑pravovogo analiza, „Vestnik po pedagogike i psikhologii Yuzhnoy Sibiri” 2016, № 4, [v:]‑1101
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Жанна Краснобаєва‑Чорна

  1. Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса
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A qualitative study was carried out to survey attitudes towards and feelings associated with verbal irony among gelotophobes and nongelotophobes (gelotophobia denoting the fear of being laughed at). Sixty-one people (13 gelotophobes) were surveyed using an open-ended online questionnaire. An inductive, manifest content analysis was carried out. The analysis distinguished that non-gelotophobes treat verbal irony as a skillful way of drawing attention to absurdity. Irony was also often seen as a personal quality rather than a linguistic form. Concerns with recognizing irony appeared very rarely. In contrast, the gelotophobes’ responses displayed a more negative and one-sided attitude towards irony, describing it mostly as a way to put down and insult. These findings, though obtained in a general exploration, present a perspective complementary to that seen in linguistic and psycholinguistic literature as they draw attention to matters of personal experience of irony use. Additionally, the study’s methodological limitations and further directions for research are discussed.
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Piotr Kałowski

  1. Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw
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Previous research reported about high comorbidity between asthma and neurodevelopmental disorders. Recently, asthma was associated also with executive functions poorness. The current study aimed to investigate the verbal and visual memory performances among fifteen asthmatic kindergarten children compared to the performances of other fifteen healthy kindergarten children. The results showed that the asthmatic group revealed poor performances in the immediate short term verbal memory and the verbal working memory tests but not in the verbal learning test as it was compared to the healthy group. In addition, the asthmatic group revealed poor performances in the visual memory tasks compared to the healthy group. The results were explained in light of the assumption that poor executive functions might be interfere the process of managing the attentional resources which are needed through the process of memory encoding and retrieval.

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Haitham Taha
Mahmood Khalil
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The present paper aims at presenting a short study of the prefixed forms of the Polish verb pić (‘to drink’) (napić, wypić, popić, przepić, opić, zapić, etc.) and their French equivalents found in two parallel corpora: Glosbe and Reverso Context. In the first part, selected theoretical approaches concerning the verbal prefixation in Polish are discussed, with particular attention to the hypothesis of “perfective hypercategory” by Włodarczyk and Włodarczyk (2001b). The second part focuses on the results of the contrastive Polish-French analysis. The research is carried out in the general framework of the Aktionsarten theory and tries to discover by which linguistic means (grammatical and/or lexical) the French language expresses different semantic values conveyed by the Polish prefixes. The results of the analysis are appropriately formalized according to the principles of the object-oriented approach by Banyś (2002a, b), i.e. described by the syntactic-semantic schemes (which, after several changes of specifi cation, can be applied in the machine translation programs). The purpose of the investigation is, therefore, twofold: theoretical, since it is the matter of discovering certain relations between two languages expressing differently a given linguistic phenomenon, and practice, which consists in formulating interlinguistic correspondence rules for the purpose of the Polish-French translation.

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Michał Hrabia
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Presented paper deals with the morphological category of aspect in Cantonese. Given the lack of a morphological category of tense in Cantonese, aspect holds a particular position in this system, as it is the sole morphological means expressing temporal relations. The aim of the paper is to present the functioning of the various aspects of Cantonese, both perfective and imperfective, based on the theoretical framework presented beforehand, which draws on the previous achievements of linguists in this field. The second section presents what specific morphological means are used to express the category of aspect in Cantonese, which is then followed by a brief discussion of the relation between resultative verb compounds and the perfective aspect. The last, and by far the largest section, presents corpus material which exemplifies the use of different aspect markers. The paper is an attempt to respond to the hitherto lack of consensus among Sinologists about the number as well as the types of aspects that occur in Cantonese.
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Adrian Kędzior

  1. Jagiellonian University in Cracow
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The author supports the thesis that the semantic derivation presents the basic mechanism enriching our lexical resources.
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Boryś W., 2005, Słownik etymologiczny języka polskiego, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie.
Murgoski Z., 2011, Tolkoven rečnik na sovremeniot makedonski jazik, vtoro prošireno i preraboteno izdanie, Skopje.
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Zuzanna Topolińska

  1. Macedońska Akademia Nauk i Sztuk, Centrum Badawcze Lingwistyki Arealnej im. Božidara Vidoeskiego, Skopje
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Since the 1970s, social psychology has investigated real human behavior to an increasingly smaller degree. The author of the article suggests that the phenomenon of cognitive revolution in psychology naturally boosted the interest of researchers in such phenomena like attitudes, values, social judgments and stereotypes; at the same time, it decreased interest in others important topics like aggression, social influence or altruism. In recent decades, we have also witnessed a growing conviction among social psychologists that explaining why people perform certain actions holds greater importance that demonstrating the conditions under which people really display particular reactions. The key question appears in this situation of whether social psychology remains of science of (real) behavior, and whether the current condiction of the discipline is desirable or rather pathological.

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Dariusz Doliński
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The paper presents an analysis of the grammatical function of the German perfect tense form by encoding the “real” times. The theoretical base provides a combination of two separate concepts, i.e. Reichenbach’s and Weinrich’s model, and is an attempt to combine them into one, prototypical model. As an additional criterion, the classification according to Vendler is introduced, because one of the goals of the paper is also to examine the use of auxiliary verbs haben-have and sein-be in verbal periphrases depending on their Aktionsart, or type of activity.

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Michail L. Kotin
Kamila Torba
Robert Wawrzynkiewicz
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The article aims to discuss the state of research on the history of two compound verbal tenses of the subjunctive mood: antepresente and antefuturo in Latin American Spanish. According to our analysis presented in the text, both forms have so far been superficially investigated from a diachronic perspective, which is caused, to some extent, by their rare usage and by their replacement with other verbal forms. However, in our opinion, a series of historical studies of these tenses should be carried out so that we could understand better the processes which take place in the subjunctive mood in contemporary varieties of Latin American Spanish.
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Witold Sobczak

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki
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This article deals with the study of Gulf Arabic. By the means of the Qatari Arabic Corpus elaborated by Elmahdy et al. (2014), the aim of this study is investigating a number of selected verbal prefixes and the active participle gāʕid ‘sitting’ as a progressive aspect marker in Qatari Arabic, a relatively under researched variety in the field of Arabic Dialectology. A descriptive and quantitative approach in the data collection was adopted and the validation process, throughout the whole corpus which consists of 15 hours of speech flow, provided over 600 manually-selected tokens of verbal prefixes and active participles as progressive aspect markers whose main forms and functions were discussed in the paper.
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Najla Kalach
Muntasir Fayez Al-Hamad

  1. UNINT University, Italy
  2. Qatar University, Qatar
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In the recent years the employees of the Research Center for Areal Linguistics at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts have been working on a new approach for the description of the word formation system in the Macedonian language. The approach consists of researching groups of lexemes derived from the same root attested in the Proto‑Slavic language. According to Markovikj and Topolińska (2019), one of the most important processes that present the systematic transfer of information from the semantic continuum to the lexicon of the language is the semantic derivation. This process allows the observation of the associative sequences, which retain the basic, initial semantic components, transmitted from the man and from the real physical world to the human mental world. In this paper, the author analyzes the formal and the semantic derivation of the Proto‑Slavic root * gor‑ in the Macedonian language, which has developed several variations since the Proto‑Slavic period. The analysis of the initial semantics of the word forms derived from the root * gor‑ and its variations, showed that they all share a common semantic concept ‘covered by fire’, which refers to the inseparable relationship between man and nature.
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Davor Jankuloski

  1. Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Research Center for Areal Linguistics „Božidar Vidoeski”, Skopje, North Macedonia
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The article carries out a linguo‑axiological analysis of the representation of empathic joy and Schadenfreude in the Ukrainian language picture of the world. Malicious joy has a positive hedonistic assessment, but a negative moral one. To designate malicious joy in the Ukrainian language, the nouns злорадство, злорадість, зловтіха, the phrases злобна ( зла, злісна) радість, зла ( злісна) втіха and the verbs зловтішатися, злорадіти, тішитися, радіти are employed. As the analysis of the material has shown, the negative nature of Schadenfreude in the Ukrainian language can be reflected by contrasting it with the constructive emotion of compassion, as well as by using anthropomorphic and zoomorphic metaphors. Empathic joy has positive moral and hedonistic evaluations. The description of the experience of empathic joy in the Ukrainian language is carried out with the help of the lexemes радість, радий, радіти, тішитися, which function in several structural and grammatical models presented in the article. The representation of the positive nature of empathic joy in the analyzed texts is carried out, in particular, by contrasting it with the destructive emotion of envy.
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Authors and Affiliations

Larysa Nikolayenko

  1. Київ, Інститут мовознавства імені Олександра Потебні НАН України
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The article presents a pragmatic analysis of precedent units in Ukrainian religious media discourse based on the publications from websites “RISU”, “Religion in Ukraine”, “The Catholic Observer” for the period 2014 to 2016. The sample comprises analytical articles and interviews focused on inter‑confessional relations, Catholic-‑Orthodox dialogue and interfaith dialogue in general. It has been found that precedent units, as verbal equivalents of precedent phenomena, play a crucial role in exerting a persuasive influence upon one’s audience, particularly in terms of verbal aggression within the communicative discrediting strategy. This type of verbal aggression is implemented via the verbal tactics of taunting, mocking, accusation, indirect insult, criticism, defamation through negatively‑marked comparison, and irony. Based on our data, references to precedent phenomena correlate with an author’s intentions of swaying the readers’ opinion on controversial issues in interfaith relations along with undermining the authority of representatives of other confessions by associating their deeds and words with negatively marked precedent names, phrases, texts and situations. It is argued that precedent units subjected to structural transformations in the text (such as truncation and extension) represent a particularly potent way of discrediting one’s opponent in the context of religious media discourse.
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Authors and Affiliations

Олександр Левко

  1. Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

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