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It seems that Polish IT press has its best years far behind. After its popularity skyrocketed in the 1990s, when it was the primary source of information for millions of computer owners, it has lost much of its attractiveness and usefulness. Nowadays information and advice can be found in countless websites and discussion forums, as well as YouTube channels. In effect, today, most of the magazines in that market segment are aimed at professionals.
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Cetera W., IKS — Informatyka, Komputery, Systemy 1986–1989.
Studium przypadku, Warszawa 2016. [dostęp: 6.06.2021]. [dostęp: 6.06.2021]. [dostęp: 6.06.2021]. [dostęp: 5.08.2021]. [dostęp: 5.08.2021]. [dostęp: 6.06.2021].
Kanał magazynu „IT Resseller” [dostęp: 6.06.2021].
Kolasa W.M., Prasa komputerowa w Polsce. Historia i statystyka, „Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Folia 2, Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia”, 2001, z. 1, s. 109–135.
Media Kit czasopisma „Computer Reseller News”, udostępniony przez redakcję.
Mielczarek T., Monopol, pluralizm, koncentracja. Środki komunikowania masowego w Polsce w latach 1989−2006, Warszawa 2007.
Stopka redakcyjna, „IT Reseller” 2021, nr 338 (numeracja ciągła), s. 3.
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Przemysław Ciszek

  1. Katedra Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego, ul. Uniwersytecka 17, PL 25-406 Kielce
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This is a survey of Polish-language Jewish newspapers and periodicals published in Galicia prior to 1918 taking into account the general background of multilingual Jewish press in this autonomous province of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It appears that the total amount of Jewish periodical publications in that period was 182, including 31 in Polish. This survey also attempts to establish the publication frequency and longevity of each periodical and identify the communities or sponsors that supported them.

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Sabina Kwiecień
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This article explores the beginnings of Polish press studies. The boundaries of the early history of the discipline are fixed by reference to some important events; the period itself is divided into two phases. The first, dominated by mere description, was followed by a second phase characterized by the appearance of aggregate data and more theory-oriented approach. The aim of the article is to recount the research in this field, and to refine and verify some of its elements

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Tomasz Mielczarek
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The purpose of the study is a synthetic presentation of the development of children’s magazines in Poland from their creation to the end of World War I. The main focus of interest and research are magazines for younger and older children (up to 15 years of age) published in the Polish language across the ethnic and historical Polish territories. Periodicals published in this area in other languages (German, Russian, Belorussian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Yiddish, and Hebrew), one-days and calendars, school magazines, scouting and ethical magazines, and of course youth and student press were omitted. In the course of the research, it is established that 177 titles addressed to young recipients appeared in the examined period, 25 of which were published in the years 1824–1863, and 152 in the subsequent period.

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Krzysztof Woźniakowski
Sabina Kwiecień
Władysław M. Kolasa
Michał Rogoż
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The ‘incriminated (suppressed) text’ and its removal remains the key object on the conceptual map of censorship studies. In this approach to censor ship the analysis focuses on demonstrable facts of official intervention in the media, the documentation of the process as well as the reconstruction of the effects of individual gagging orders for the author, the publisher and the editor in charge. An alternative, historical approach to censorship takes a much broader view of the subject. It looks at the institutions involved, their competences, procedures and aims (ranging from prevention to repression) as well as the tools at their disposal. The latter approach, systemic and comparative in scope, requires ‘digging up’ considerably more information than establishing the fact of a censor’s intervention.

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Grażyna Wrona
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Under the pretext of a discovery of a newspaper allegedly published in 1974 this article discusses reception selection research conducted at the Cracow Press Research Center in the second half of the 20th century.

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Agnieszka J. Cieślikowa
Ryszard Filas
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This article presents the role and thematic content of the Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej [ Yearbook of the History of Polish Press] (1998–2022), especially the period 2018–2022.
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Ewa Wójcik

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2 PL 30-084 Kraków
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This article reviews the early history of the Polish motoring magazines from the launching of the Gazeta Automobilowa in Lwów in 1911 until the outbreak of World War II in 1939. The article also tries to define the term 'motoring magazine' by examining the range and content of periodicals published in this segment in the early days of motoring.
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Adam Bańdo

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
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Judging by his private diaries, which he kept for 34 years, the press as such was hardly a major concern for Michał Römer (1880–1945), a Polish-Lithuanian aca-demic and politician who occasionally took on the role of editor and journalist. Nonetheless the diaries are an important contemporary source and a veritable mine of information about the multilingual press published in Wilno between 1911 and 1915. In the second part of that decade Römer ceased to be an active player in that scene, but he kept a watchful eye over it and continued to analyze and comment on the dramatic shifts in Poland's and Lithuania's multilingual press market, a process driven by the changing fortunes of war and its political consequences.
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Römer M., Dzienniki, t. I –VI, Warszawa 2017–2018.
Bibliografia historii Polski XIX i XX wieku, t. III: 1865–1918, wol. I, Warszawa 2000, wol. III, Warszawa 2017.
Jurkowski R., „Gazeta Wileńska” i „Głos Kijowski”. (Z dziejów polskiej prasy radykalno-‑liberalnej na Litwie i Ukrainie w 1906 roku), „Kwartalnik Historii Prasy Polskiej” 1987, nr 4, s. 59–84.
Paczkowski A., Prasa polska w latach 1918–1939, Warszawa 1980.
Sawicki J., Michał Römer a problemy narodowościowe na ziemiach byłego Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego, Toruń 1998.
Sawicki J., „Przegląd Wileński” w latach 1911–1915, cz. 1–2, „Zapiski Historyczne” 1994, z. 4, s. 41–56; 1995, z. 1, s. 30–62.
Smalianczuk A., W poszukiwaniu idei narodowej. „Krajowość” początku XX w. jako próba ideologii „Polaków litewskich”, „Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria Nowa” nr 49 (2017), s. 1–11.
Solak Z., Między Polską a Litwą. Życie i działalność Michała Römera 1880–1920, Kraków 2004.
Zienkiewicz T., Informacje o litewskim życiu kulturalnym w „Gazecie Wileńskiej” (1906), [w:] W kręgu kultury litewskiej, red. nauk. W. Piłat, Olsztyn 1991, s. 117–127.
Žurnalistikos enciklopedija, Vilnius 1997.
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Krzysztof Woźniakowski

  1. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN ul. Podchorążych 2, PL 30-084 Kraków (Prof. em.)
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This article looks back at the history and themes of the Yearbook of the History of Polish Press in 1998–2017, when Jerzy Jarowiecki was its editor-in-chief.

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Ewa Wójcik
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The Thornische Nachrichten von gelehrten Sachen, published in Toruń in 1762–1766, was a learned review journal, the first periodical of this kind in Poland. As one of its editors' priorities was to keep track of current Polish writing, the magazine regularly published reviews of the most notable books of Polish Enlightenment (among its reviewers were Stanisław Konarski, Wacław Rzewuski, Franciszek Bohomolec, Józef Minasowicz).

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Katarzyna Chlewicka
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W pracy podejmuje się próbę omówienia problematyki związanej z językiem specjalistycznym dotyczącym ekonomii prezentowanym na łamach włoskich gazet codziennych podczas kampanii przedreferendalnej oraz po ogłoszeniu wyników głosowania, w okresie od 4 czerwca 2016 do 3 czerwca 2017. Artykuł rozpoczyna się od wskazania charakterystyki języka specjalistycznego. Zauważa się, że cechą dystynktywną są metafory i to zagadnienie staje się centralnym problemem rozważań. W analizie dokonuje się odwołań do badań nad metaforą przeprowadzonych przez George’a Lakoffa i Marka Johnsona. Autorka proponuje wyróżnienie 7 głównych kategorii tematycznych metafor: ciało, zwierzęta, historia, gry i zabawy, turystyka, pogoda oraz woda. Korpus stanowią cytaty z artykułów prasowych opublikowanych w dziennikach Corriere della Sera oraz Il sole 24 ore.
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BALBONI P. (2000): Le microlingue scientifico- professionali: natura e insegnamento, UTET Università, Torino.
BECCARIA G.L. (1973): “I linguaggi settoriali in Italia”, in: BECCARIA G.L. (a cura di), Linguaggi settoriali e lingua comune, Bompiani, Milano.
ID. (1988): Italiano. Antico e nuovo, Garzanti, Milano. ID. (1989): “Parole della politica”, in: JACOBELLI J. (a cura di), La comunicazione politica in Italia, Laterza, Bari.
ID. (2004): Dizionario di linguistica, Einaudi, Torino. BERRUTO G. (1976): Sociolinguistica dell'italiano contemporaneo, Il Mulino, Bologna.
ID. (1993): L’introduzione all’italiano contemporaneo. La varietà e gli usi, Laterza, Roma- Bari.
CAMBIAGHI B. (1988): “La ricerca nell’insegnamento delle microlingue. Stato attuale”, in: Centro Di Linguistica Dell’Università Cattolica, C. D. L. D. C., Le lingue di specializzazione e il loro insegnamento nella scuola secondaria e nell’università, La Scuola, Brescia.
CILIBERTI A. (a cura di), (1981): L’insegnamento linguistico per scopi speciali, Zanichelli, Bologna.
CORTELAZZO M. (1990): Le lingue speciali, Unipress Padova.
EDELMAN M. (1992): Costruire lo spettacolo politico, Nuova ERI- Edizioni RAI, Torino.
KALISKA M. (2011): Il linguaggio della crisi economica nei giornali italiani online nel 2009 un’analisi lessicale, “Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny”, LVIII, I/2011.
LAKOFF G., JOHNSON M. (2005): Metafora e la vita quotidiana, Bompiani, Milano.
MENGALDO P.V. (1994): Il Novecento, Il Mulino, Bologna.
RISTAIANO P.C., DI TERMINI D. (1998): Politica e comunicazione: schemi lessicali e analisi del linguaggio, Name, Firenze.
SOBRERO A., MAGLIETTA A. (2006): Introduzione alla linguistica italiana, Laterza, Bari- Roma.

<> [ultimo accesso: 29.10.2021].
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Ramona Mankowska

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
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Galicia’s autonomous status was in fact a doubletrack affair. On the one hand Galicia became a shining example of freedom and autonomy, embedded in the new constitutional order of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, while on the other hand it was tied down to a monarchical absolutism which offered only limited protection of individual rights. The press in particular was caught in the dilemmas produced by this situation, especially in the sensitive areas of political loyalty and religion.

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Elżbieta A. Maj
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This article examines the history of periodicals which have been published in Sandomierz, or had an ongoing interest in the town, since 1816, when the first publication of this kind went into print. Apart from the Polish segment, the article covers periodicals in Latin, German, English, Russian and Dutch. So far c. 230 items on wide range of themes have been sourced to Sandomierz.
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Izabela Krasińska

  1. Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach Instytut Mediów, Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej ul. Uniwersytecka 17 PL 25-406 Kielce
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The article outlines the history of Polish automotive magazines and, additionally, the results of the author’s latest research. The accumulation of hitherto unknown facts and new findings have made it necessary to revise the received view of the subject. So, for instance, the first Polish automotive magazine to be published was Gazeta Automobilowa. It was launched in Lwów in February 1911, five months earlier than Lotnik i Automobilista, until recently believed to be the first Polish car magazine. The article contains an updated, most comprehensive list of Polish automotive periodicals that appeared in print until 1939.

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Adam Bańdo
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The press never featured prominently in the private diaries of Michał Römer (1880–1945), a Polish-Lithuanian academic and politician (and every now and then editor and journalist). None-theless the diaries, which he kept for 34 years, are a veritable mine of information about the multilingual press scene in Wilno, especially between 1911 and 1915, when he was an important player in that field. For the following years and decades, down to 1945, his diaries re-main an important sources as he continued to watch, analyze and comment, in his own way, on the dramatic shifts in Poland’s and Lithuania’s multilingual press market, a process driven by political and military upheavals of 20th century.
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Römer M., Dzienniki, t. I –VI, Warszawa 2017–2018.
Bibliografia historii Polski XIX i XX wieku, t. III: 1865–1918, wol. I, Warszawa 2000, wol. III, Warszawa 2017.
Jurkowski R., „Gazeta Wileńska” i „Głos Kijowski” (Z dziejów polskiej prasy radykalno-‑liberalnej na Litwie i Ukrainie w 1906 roku), „Kwartalnik Historii Prasy Polskiej” 1987, nr 4, s. 59–84.
Paczkowski A., Prasa polska w latach 1918–1939, Warszawa 1980.
Sawicki J., Michał Römer a problemy narodowościowe na ziemiach byłego Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego, Toruń 1998.
Sawicki J., „Przegląd Wileński” w latach 1911–1915. Cz. 1–2, „Zapiski Historyczne” 1994, z. 4, s. 41–56; 1995, z. 1, s. 30–62.
Smalianczuk A., W poszukiwaniu idei narodowej. „Krajowość” początku XX w. jako próba ideologii „Polaków litewskich”, „Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria Nowa” 2017, nr 49, s. 1–11.
Solak Z., Między Polską a Litwą. Życie i działalność Michała Römera 1880–1920, Kraków 2004.
Zienkiewicz T., Informacje o litewskim życiu kulturalnym w „Gazecie Wileńskiej” (1906), [w:] W kręgu kultury litewskiej, red. nauk. W. Piłat, Olsztyn 1991, s. 117–127.
Žurnalistikos enciklopedija, Vilnius 1997.
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Krzysztof Woźniakowski

  1. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, PL 30-084 Kraków (Prof. em.)
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Polish scholarly magazines Biblioteka Warszawska [Warsaw Library] (1841–1914) and Ateneum (1876– 1901) devoted a quite a lot of attention to recent discoveries in the field of ancient history, cultural history and descriptions of foreign countries. This article discusses materials on the ancient Middle East published in both of these periodicals.

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Leszek Zinkow
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This article examines the coverage of German themes in Polish local press by focusing on a number of newspapers and periodicals published at Siedlce in the 1930s, i.e. Gazeta Podlaska, Nowa Gazeta Podlaska, Głos Podlaski, Ziemia Siedlecka, Wiadomości Diecezjalne Podlaskie and Życie Podlasia.

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Jarosław Cabaj
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This paper describes comminution processes using the theories of limiting states, elasticity, and plasticity to explain some effects observed in the process of crushing brittle materials. It further describes the phenomena occurring during crushing in high-pressure roll presses and analyzes the effects of selected factors upon crushing results. The evaluation of the usefulness of various hypotheses for interpretation of the crushing process in the high-pressure grinding roll was carried out by means of experimental investigations. A series of laboratory crushing tests were also conducted in which limestone samples were pressed in a hydraulic piston-die press. Comminution conditions in this press are similar to those observed in the working chamber of HPGR presses. The limestone aggregate, placed in a steel cylinder, was exposed to pressure exerted by the stamp of the press. Samples had various particle size distributions, and experiments were conducted for two values of pressing force. Operating pressure was the main parameter influencing the obtained comminution effects, but the particle size distribution also has an impact on the process effects. A comparison of the results of the investigations indicated that there exists a significant potential for adjusting the operational parameters of high-pressure grinding rolls. Internal stresses are a derivate of crushing actions such as compression, impact, bending, and shearing. The result of crushing in a particular crusher depends on the strength properties of particles reacting to a specific type of crushing actions. In every crusher there are many crushing actions out of which one is dominating due to the crusher type. Impact is a dominating factor in impact or hummer crushers. Various actions of crusher elements on the crushed material are beneficiary. For example, the shape of the jaw surface in jaw crushers, cone surface in cone crushers, or roll surface in roll presses are important.

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Marian Brożek
Zdzisław Naziemiec
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The article presents the image of Napoleon Bonaparte in the Catholic press of the Second Polish Republic. Attention was paid to both his socio‑political and military achievements, as well as a general assessment of the character. The source basis is mainly the texts that appeared on this subject in periodicals dealing most often with socio‑political and historical‑political issues. They were compared with the findings of both contemporaneous and contemporary historians. The aspect of the then political propaganda in Poland, emphasising the importance of the Polish-‑French alliance, as well as the former importance of Napoleonic policy for the “Polish cause” was taken into account. The power of the solemn celebrations of the 100th anniversary of Napoleon's death, together with its patriotic connotations, as well as the issue of his religiosity, influencing the nature of the then state‑Church relations, are particularly exposed. The text is intended by the author to fit into the categories of the history of historiography and have a comparative character in relation to the historiography of the Napoleonic era in interwar Poland.
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Przemysław Sołga

  1. Kraków
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The purpose of the article is to analyze the impact of local press on social capital. A content analysis of Gazeta Lipnicka, a newspaper published between 1997 and 2016 in Bielsko-Biała by the Lipnik Association, is used to examine its communicative and integrative role in the local community.
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Joanna Wróblewska-Jachna
Katarzyna Piątek

  1. Katedra Nauk Ekonomicznych i Społecznych, Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej, ul. Willowa 2 PL 43-309 Bielsko-Biała
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Over the last three decades the German Bauer Media empire has systematically invested in the Polish media market. Due to a well-devised business strategy Bauer Media Group not only have built up a strong market position but continued to expand despite the global decline of the print industry. While successfully broadening its offer to new readers, the company managed to hold on to its key segments, i.e. women’s press, entertainment and TV magazines, teen and computer magazines. This article examines Bauer Media’s presence in Poland since 1991. It combines an outline history of its Polish operations with a close analysis of the company’s key market expansion decisions, quantitative transformations of its print offer and its response to the new, more digital and more social, media environment.

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Olga Dąbrowska-Cendrowska
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This is the second part of an article featuring the Polish philatelic magazines published by the Polish Philatelic Association, its affiliates as well as other publishers. The article also discusses various projects aimed at the digitalization of the philatelic magazines and making the back issues available online.
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Aleksandra Lubczyńska

  1. Katedra Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, ul. Uniwersytecka 17 PL 25-406 Kielce
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This article discusses the anti-Czech plebiscite propa-ganda in the press of Cieszyn Silesia (Těšínské Slezsko), focusing on the successive issues of the Republika, a local Polish-language weekly, published between January and May 1920. The analysis shows that Republika's radical language and multiple articles aimed at discrediting Czechoslovakia and the Czech nation turned it into a potent instruments of pro-Polish agitation on the eve of the plebiscite (which was eventually cancelled).
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Tomasz Landmann

  1. Wydział Logistyki i Transportu Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu we Wrocławiu ul. Sołtysowicka 19B PL 51-168 Wrocław

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