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The concept of city has got broad analytical perspectives, one of them are: the structural perspective, sociological, psychological, political, cultural, industrial and also the pedagogical perspective. In opposition to the concept of city is the concept of countryside, within which the concept of nature is regarded as an idyllic place, it is the place of childhood, the place of longing, it is the lost place that has been starting to go under the knife of time since the 20s of the last century. The apotheosis of the concept of city, that is being practiced by many artists, embracing the symbolics of the concept of city by mass culture and later by popular culture, causes the necessity to take the initiative of conducting the research that would attempt to establish the identity of the concept of city in modern culture. The article attempts to specify how the concept of city functions in popular culture through the analysis of chosen texts in popular music, starting from the 50s of the XX century until the XXI century.

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Marek Ejsmont
Beata Kosmalska
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The Author discusses the communist period of Polish history as it is pictured in selected products of contemporary popular culture. The present paper is based on textual analysis of comic books on the history of PRL (the first ones which appeared after 1989) and hip-hop songs.
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Łukasz Krzyżanowski
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This text is a presentation of the project of a revisionist history of feminist art in Poland. In its first part, I draw attention to the fact that the conceptual frameworks that shape the narratives of the relationship between art and feminism, both global and local, have proved to be extremely durable. In the next two sections of the article, I present a revisionist history of feminist art in practice with brief analyses of three works: Banner-Corset and Cover for My Lover by Maria Pinińska-Bereś (both 1967) and Consumer Art by Natalia LL (1972–1975).
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Agata Jakubowska

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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In this article the Author Irys to show in what ways popular computer games influence the historical awareness in modem culture.
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Radosław Bomba
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The sketch comedy Szopki, a show staged irregularly (1927–1931) by a trio of poets who clustered round the avant-garde magazine Reflektor was a fascinating artistic project combining literary aspiration and popular culture. This article tries to position Szopki in the context of the burgeoning entertainment industry and the specific social, political and economic conditions of Lublin, a provincial centre that joined an ambitious modernization project. However, to continue the Great Lublin Project the town needed to borrow more money it could not possibly pay back. No wonder the official narrative of modernization came under an unending barrage of ridicule and derision while local satire revelled in words like crisis, credit, bankruptcy, seizure and sale.
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● J. Arnsztajn, K. Bielski, W. Gralewski, Pierwsza Szopka Reflektora, w zbiorach Muzeum Józefa Czechowicza w Lublinie, sygn. MC 143 R.
● J. Arnsztajn, K. Bielski, Druga Szopka Reflektora, w Zbiorach Specjalne Wojewódzkiej Biblioteki Publicznej im. H. Łopacińskiego w Lublinie, sygn. 2156.
● Z. Bauman, Płynna nowoczesność, przeł. T. Kunz, Kraków 2006.
● M. Berman, „Wszystko, co stałe, rozpływa się w powietrzu”. Rzecz o doświadczeniu nowoczesności, przeł. M. Szuter, Kraków 2006.
● K. Bielski, Most nad czasem, Lublin 1963.
● Ł. Biskupski, Miasto atrakcji. Narodziny kultury masowej na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Kino w systemie rozrywkowym Łodzi, Warszawa 2013.
● T. Bocheński, Szopka lubelska, „Ziemia Lubelska” 15.05.07.
● J. Cymerman, D. Gac, G. Kondrasiuk, Scena Lublin, Lublin 2017.
● J. Cymerman, A. Wójtowicz, Uwagi wydawców, [w:] Józef Czechowicz, Pisma zebrane, t. 9, Varia, oprac. Jarosław Cymerman, Aleksander Wójtowicz, Lublin 2013, s. 653–654.
● J. Czechowicz, Pisma zebrane, t. 1, Wiersze i poematy, opr. J.F. Fert, Lublin 2012.
● A. Czuchryta, Przemysł rolno-spożywczy w województwie lubelskim w latach 1918–1939, Lublin 2008.
● D. Fox, Kabarety i rewie międzywojennej Warszawy. Z prasowego archiwum dwudziesto-lecia, Katowice 2007.
● H. Gawarecki, O dawnym Lublinie, Lublin 1974.
● Historia Lublina w liczbach, A. Jakubowski, U. Bronisz, E. Łoś, Lublin 2017.
● M. Hemar, J. Lechoń, A. Słonimski, J. Tuwim, Szopki Pikadora i Cyrulika Warszawskiego, opr. T. Januszewski, Warszawa 2013.
● E. Jabłońska-Depuła, Wielkomiejski plan rozwoju Lublina z 1924 roku, [w:] Lublin w dziejach i kulturze Polski, pod red. T. Radzika i A. Witusika, Lublin 1997.
● T. Kłak, Czasopisma awangardy, cz. 1, 1919–1931, „Polska Akademia Nauk”, Wrocław 1978.
● E. Krasiński, Warszawskie sceny 1918–1939, Warszawa 1976.
● S. Kruk, Teatr Miejski w Lublinie 1918–1939, Lublin 1997.
● Kuligowska-Korzeniewska, Kabaret w złym mieście podczas Wielkiej Wojny oraz M. Szydłowska, Gwiazdy i meteory lwowskiego „Ula”, [w:] Kabaret – poważna sprawa, pod red. D. Fox i J. Mikołajczyka, Katowice 2015.
● Z. Landau, Pożyczki ulenowskie, „Najnowsze Dzieje Polski: Materiały i Studia z Okresu 1914–1939” 1958, t. 1.
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Aleksander Wójtowicz

  1. Instytut Filologii Polskiej, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
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Jonas Hassen Khemiri, born in 1978, is one of the most interesting contemporary Swedish and European writers with a Tunisian immigrant background. His second novel Montecore: en unik tiger ( Montecore: The Silence of the Tiger), published in 2006, has got an epistolary form deducted from the exchange of letters between Kadir and Jonas. However, the main character of the novel is Abbas Khemiri – the disappearing, estranged father of Jonas – a figure close to the real writer. Khemiri’s book has got an innovative linguistic form and contains many erudite references to the phenomena of popular culture. It is also a complex portrayal of the different generations of (mainly Arab-based) immigrant and post-immigrant communities in Sweden coupled with a nuanced look on bright and dark sides of the Swedish state, model of identity and integration. This material is enriched by the examples taken from Khemiri’s novel Everything I Don’t Remember and short story As You Would Have Told It To Me (Sort Of) If We Had Known Each Other Before You Died.

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Michał Moch

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