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This paper presents the current stage of the development of EA-MOSGWA – a tool for identifying causal genes in Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS). The main goal of GWAS is to identify chromosomal regions which are associated with a particular disease (e.g. diabetes, cancer) or with some quantitative trait (e.g height or blood pressure). To this end hundreds of thousands of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) are genotyped. One is then interested to identify as many SNPs as possible which are associated with the trait in question, while at the same time minimizing the number of false detections.

The software package MOSGWA allows to detect SNPs via variable selection using the criterion mBIC2, a modified version of the Schwarz Bayesian Information Criterion. MOSGWA tries to minimize mBIC2 using some stepwise selection methods, whereas EA-MOSGWA applies some advanced evolutionary algorithms to achieve the same goal. We present results from an extensive simulation study where we compare the performance of EA-MOSGWA when using different parameter settings. We also consider using a clustering procedure to relax the multiple testing correction in mBIC2. Finally we compare results from EA-MOSGWA with the original stepwise search from MOSGWA, and show that the newly proposed algorithm has good properties in terms of minimizing the mBIC2 criterion, as well as in minimizing the misclassification rate of detected SNPs.

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Artur Gola
Małgorzata Bogdan
Florian Frommlet
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Air core solenoids, possibly single layer and with significant spacing between turns, are often used to ensure low stray capacitance, as they are used as part of many sensors and instruments. The problem of the correct estimation of the stray capacitance is relevant both during design and to validate measurement results; the expected value is so low to be influenced by any stray capacitance of the external measurement instrument. A simplified method is proposed that does not perturb the stray capacitance of the solenoid under test; the method is based on resonance with an external capacitor and on the use of a linear regression technique.

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A. Mariscotti
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In this paper, the results of correlations between air temperature and electricity demand by linear regression and Wavelet Coherence (WTC) approach for three different European countries are presented. The results show a very close relationship between air temperature and electricity demand for the selected power systems, however, the WTC approach presents interesting dynamics of correlations between air temperature and electricity demand at different time-frequency space and provide useful information for a more complete understanding of the related consumption.

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Samir Avdakovic
Alma Ademovic
Amir Nuhanovic
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High concentrations of nitrogen dioxide in the air, particularly in heavily urbanized areas, have an adverse eff ect on many aspects of residents’ health. A method is proposed for modelling daily average, minimal and maximal atmospheric NO 2 concentrations in a conurbation, using two types of modelling: multiple linear regression (LR) an advanced data mining technique – Random Forest (RF). It was shown that Random Forest technique can be successfully applied to predict daily NO 2 concentration based on data from 2015–2017 years and gives better fit than linear models. The best results were obtained for predicting daily average NO 2 values with R 2 =0.69 and RMSE=7.47 μg/m . The cost of receiving an explicit, interpretable function is a much worse fit (R 2 from 0.32 to 0.57). Verification of models on independent material from the first half of 2018 showed the correctness of the models with the mean average percentage error equal to 16.5% for RF and 28% for LR modelling daily average concentration. The most important factors were wind conditions and traffic flow. In prediction of maximal daily concentration, air temperature and air humidity take on greater importance. Prevailing westerly and south-westerly winds in Wrocław effectively implement the idea of ventilating the city within the studied intersection. Summarizing: when modeling natural phenomena, a compromise should be sought between the accuracy of the model and its interpretability.
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Joanna Amelia Kamińska
Tomasz Turek

  1. Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
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Light sources and luminaires made in the LED technology are nowadays widely used in industry and at home. The use of these devices affects the operation of the power grid and energy efficiency. To estimate this impact, it is important to know the electrical parameters of light sources and luminaires, especially with the possibility of dimming. The article presents the results of measurements of electrical parameters as well as luminous flux of dimmable LED luminaires as a function of dimming and RMS supply voltage. On the basis of the performed measurements, a model of LED luminaire was developed for prediction of electrical parameters at set dimming values and RMS values of the supply voltage. The developed model of LED luminaire has 2 inputs and 26 outputs. This model is made based on 26 single models of electrical parameters, whose input signals are supply and control voltages. The linear regression method was used to develop the models. An example of the application of the developed model for the prediction of electrical parameters simulating the operation of an LED luminaire in an environment most similar to real working conditions is also presented.
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Roman Sikora
Przemysław Markiewicz
Paweł Rózga

  1. Institute of Electrical Power Engineering, Łódz University of Technology, 90-924 Lodz, Poland
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Unlike many other countries, tropical regions such as Indonesia still lack publications on pedotransfer functions (PTFs), particularly ones dedicated to the predicting of soil bulk density. Soil bulk density affects soil density, porosity, water holding capacity, drainage, and the stock and flux of nutrients in the soil. However, obtaining access to a laboratory is difficult, time-consuming, and costly. Therefore, it is necessary to utilise PTFs to estimate soil bulk density. This study aims to define soil properties related to soil bulk density, develop new PTFs using multiple linear regression (MLR), and evaluate the performance and accuracy of PTFs (new and existing). Seven existing PTFs were applied in this study. For the purposes of evaluation, Pearson’s correlation (r), mean error (ME), root mean square error (RMSE), and modelling efficiency (EF) were used. The study was conducted in five soil types on Bintan Island, Indonesia. Soil depth and organic carbon (SOC) are soil properties potentially relevant for soil bulk density prediction. The ME, RMSE, and EF values were lower for the newly developed PTFs than for existing PTFs. In summary, we concluded that the newly developed PTFs have higher accuracy than existing PTFs derived from literature. The prediction of soil bulk density will be more accurate if PTFs are applied directly in the area that is to be studied.
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Authors and Affiliations

Evi Dwi Yanti
Asep Mulyono
Muhamad Rahman Djuwansah
Ida Narulita
Risandi Dwirama Putra
Dewi Surinati

  1. Research Center for Geotechnology, Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency, Bandung, Indonesia
  2. Maritim Raja Ali Haji University, Tanjung Pinang, Indonesia
  3. Research Center for Oceanography, Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta, Indonesia
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Infiltration process plays important role in water balance concept particularly in runoff analysis, groundwater re-charged, and water conservation. Hence, increasing knowledge concerning infiltration process becomes essential for water manager to gain an effective solution to water resources problems. This study employed multiple linear regression for esti-mating infiltration rate where the soil properties used as the predictor variable and measured infiltration rate as the response variable. Field measurement was conducted at sixteen points to obtain infiltration rate using double ring infiltrometer and soil properties namely soil porosity, silt, clay, sand content, degree of saturation, and water content. The result showed that measured infiltration rate had an average initial infiltration rate (f0) of 6.92 mm∙min–1 and final infiltration rate (fc) of 1.49 mm∙min–1. Soil porosity and sand content showed a positive correlation with infiltration rate by 0.842, 0.639, respectively, while silt, clay, water content, and degree of saturation exhibited a negative correlation by –0.631, –0.743, –0.66 and –0.49, respectively. Three types of regression equations were established based on type of soil properties used as predictor varia-bles. The model performance analysis was conducted for each equation and the result shows that the equation with five predictor variables fMLR_3 = – 62.014 + 1.142 soil porosity – 0.205 clay, – 0.063 sand – 0.301, silt + 0.07 soil water content with R2 (0.87) and Nash–Sutcliffe (0.998) gave the best result for estimating infiltration rate. The study found that soil po-rosity contributes mostly to the regression equation that indicates great influence in controlling soil infiltration behavior.

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Authors and Affiliations

Donny Harisuseno
Evi N. Cahya
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The purpose of the work was to predict the selected product parameters of the dry separation process using a pneumatic sorter. From the perspective of application of coal for energy purposes, determination of process parameters of the output as: ash content, moisture content, sulfur content, calorific value is essential. Prediction was carried out using chosen machine learning algorithms that proved to be effective in forecasting output of various technological processes in which the relationships between process parameters are non-linear. The source of data used in the work were experiments of dry separation of coal samples. Multiple linear regression was used as the baseline predictive technique. The results showed that in the case of predicting moisture and sulfur content this technique was sufficient. The more complex machine learning algorithms like support vector machine (SVM) and multilayer perceptron neural network (MPL) were used and analyzed in the case of ash content and calorific value. In addition, k-means clustering technique was applied. The role of cluster analysis was to obtain additional information about coal samples used as feed material. The combination of techniques such as multilayer perceptron neural network (MPL) or support vector machine (SVM) with k-means allowed for the development of a hybrid algorithm. This approach has significantly increased the effectiveness of the predictive models and proved to be a useful tool in the modeling of the coal enrichment process.

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Alina Żogała
Maciej Rzychoń
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Turkey has 19.3 billion tons of lignite reserves and the vast majority of these Neogene lignite deposits are preferred for use in thermal power plants due to their low calorific value. The calorific value of lignite used in thermal power plants for electricity generation must be kept under constant control. In the control of calorific value, the estimation of the lower and higher heating values (LHV and HHV) of lignite is of great importance. In the literature, there are many studies that establish a relationship between the heating values of coal and proximate and ultimate analysis variables. In the studies dealing with proximate analysis data, it is observed that although the coefficients of the obtained multiple linear regression models (MRM) are statistically insignificant, these models are used to predict heating values because of the meaningful correlation coefficient. In this study, it is investigated whether moderator variables are effective on LHV estimation with proximate analysis data collected from forty-one lignite basins in different regions of Turkey, and a moderator variable analysis (MVA) model is developed to be used for the prediction of LHV. As a result of the study, it is found that the proposed MVA model is in accordance with observation values (coefficient of determination R 2 = 0.951), and absolute and standard errors are also small. Therefore, it is concluded that the use of MVA to estimate the LHV of Turkey’s lignite is found to be more statistically meaningful.
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Mehmet Aksoy

  1. Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Turkey
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In recent years, smog and poor air quality have become a growing environmental problem. There is a need to continuously monitor the quality of the air. The lack of selectivity is one of the most important problems limiting the use of gas sensors for this purpose. In this study, the selectivity of six amperometric gas sensors is investigated. First, the sensors were calibrated in order to find a correlation between the concentration level and sensor output. Afterwards, the responses of each sensor to single or multicomponent gas mixtures with concentrations from 50 ppb to 1 ppm were measured. The sensors were studied under controlled conditions, a constant gas flow rate of 100 mL/min and 50 % relative humidity. Single Gas Sensor Response Interpretation, Multiple Linear Regression, and Artificial Neural Network algorithms were used to predict the concentrations of SO2 and NO2. The main goal was to study different interactions between sensors and gases in multicomponent gas mixtures and show that it is insufficient to calibrate sensors in only a single gas.

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M. Dmitrzak
P. Jasinski
G. Jasinski
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Streamflow modelling is a very important process in the management and planning of water resources. However, com-plex processes associated with the hydro-meteorological variables, such as non-stationarity, non-linearity, and randomness, make the streamflow prediction chaotic. The study developed multi linear regression (MLR) and back propagation neural network (BPNN) models to predict the streamflow of Wadi Hounet sub-basin in north-western Algeria using monthly hy-drometric data recorded between July 1983 and May 2016. The climatological inputs data are rainfall (P) and reference evapotranspiration (ETo) on a monthly scale. The outcomes for both BPNN and MLR models were evaluated using three statistical measurements: Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NSE), the coefficient of correlation (R) and root mean square error (RMSE). Predictive results revealed that the BPNN model exhibited good performance and accuracy in the prediction of streamflow over the MLR model during both training and validation phases. The outcomes demonstrated that BPNN-4 is the best performing model with the values of 0.885, 0.941 and 0.05 for NSE, R and RMSE, respectively. The highest NSE and R values and the lowest RMSE for both training and validation are an indication of the best network. Therefore, the BPNN model provides better prediction of the Hounet streamflow due to its capability to deal with complex nonlinearity procedures.

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Authors and Affiliations

Dalila Beddal
Mohammed Achite
Djelloul Baahmed
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Statistical analysis is helpful for better understanding of the processes which take place in agricultural ecosystems. Particular attention should be paid to the processes of crops’ productivity formation under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. The goal of our study was to provide new theoretical knowledge about the dependence of vegetable crops’ productivity on water supply and heat income. The study was conducted in the irrigated conditions of the semi-arid cold Steppe zone on the fields of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of NAAS, Kherson, Ukraine. We studied the historical data of productivity of three most common in the region vegetable crops: potato, tomato, onion. The crops were cultivated by using the generally accepted in the region agrotechnology. Historical yielding and meteorological data of the period 1990–2016 were used to develop the models of the vegetable crops’ productivity. We used two approaches: development of pair linear models in three categories (“yield – water use”, “yield – sum of the effective air temperatures above 10°C”); development of complex linear regression models taking into account such factors as total water use, and temperature regime during the crops’ vegetation. Pair linear models of the crops’ productivity showed that the highest effect on the yields of potato and onion has the water use index (R2 of 0.9350 and 0.9689, respectively), and on the yield of tomato – temperature regime (R2 of 0.9573). The results of pair analysis were proved by the multiple regression analysis that revealed the same tendencies in the crop yield formation depending on the studied factors.

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Raisa Vozhehova
Sergii Kokovikhin
Pavlo V. Lykhovyd
Halyna Balashova
Yuriy Lavrynenko
Iryna Biliaieva
Olena Markovska
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This study was conducted in a company that produces palm oil-based products such as cooking oil and margarine. The study aimed to encounter defects in packaging pouches. This study integrated the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) with the six sigma DMAIC method. The OEE was performed to measure the efficiency of the machine. Three factors were measured in OEE: availability, performance, and quality. These factors were calculated and compared to the OEE world-class value. Then, the Multiple Linear Regression was performed using SPSS to determine the correlation between measurement variables toward the OEE value. Lastly, the six sigma method was implemented through the DMAIC approach to find the solution and improve the packaging quality. Supposing the recommendations are implemented, the OEE is expected to increase from 82% to 85%, with availability ratio, performance ratio, and quality ratio at, 99%, 86%, and 99.8%, respectively.
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Filscha Nurprihatin
Glisina Dwinoor Rembulan
Johanes Fernandes Andry
Maulidina Lubis
Ivana Tita Bella WIDIWATI
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This study aims to evaluate the construction mode of small-scale farmland water conservancy using secondary data from the China statistical yearbook (2000–2019), which was simply and statistically computed. To put it briefly, the simple linear regression model was used to analyse the number of small-scale reservoirs and irrigated areas relative to their capacities and effectiveness. The results showed that the number of small-scale reservoirs increased by 122.2 units of their capacity and the number of small-scale irrigated areas increased by 6.8 units of their effectiveness. The present study introduces the simple linear regression model and accounts for how the number of the small-scale reservoirs and irrigated areas has increased (the total number of reservoirs was 83,260 in 2000 and 98,822 in 2018) relative to their capacity and effectiveness, respectively. Of course, the capacity of water harvesting and the effectiveness of irrigated areas have shown a linear increase over time. Between 2000 and 2019, the capacity increased from 3842 to 7117 for large-scale reservoirs, from 746 to 126 for medium-scale reservoirs, and from 594 to 710 for small-scale reservoirs and their ranges were 3.2, 380, and 116, respectively. Furthermore, the findings of this evaluation provide insights for making decisions on water conservancy interventions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Belachew D. Hambebo
Hui Li

  1. Hunan Agricultural University, College of Economics, 1 Nonda Rd, Furong District, Changsha, China

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