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This text contains an analysis of the ways in which men and women engage in selected hospitality practices, including such questions as the feminine transmis sion of hospitality patterns, the division of responsibilities in preparing for guests, and places for meeting socially (at home and outside the home). On the basis of material gathered by the team of the Archive of Research on Everyday Life, the author finds numerous paradoxes and inconsistencies between women’s beliefs and their behaviors. In attempting a theoretical explanation, reference is made to the ideas of Pierre Bourdieu, Jean-Claude Kaufmann, Harriet Bjerrum Nielsen, and Monica Rudberg. Analysis leads to the conclusion that the multiple and time-con suming responsibilities associated with receiving guests mostly fall to women and thus contribute to their ability to sustain symbolic power over the home space. Consequently, hospitality perpetuates the traditional division into what is public and considered “masculine” and what is private or “feminine.”
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Bogumiła Mateja-Jaworska

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza


Przestrzenie sakralne w szpitalach – kaplice lub ogrody sakralne, jako miejsca spokoju, odnoszą się do duchowych potrzeb pacjentów i ich rodzin. W artykule przeanalizowano elementy tworzące zjawisko sacrum w kompozycji historycznego szpitala Strummera w miejscowości Topoľčany. Obecnie historyczny kompleks szpitalny nie jest wykorzystywany do swoich dawnych funkcji, przez co pojawia się pytanie – jak zachować zjawisko sacrum w kontekście jego przyszłych zastosowań.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Katarína Kristiánová


This article concerns “living zones of the imagination”—areas of social life in which intensive “interpretive labor” is underway. Thanks to these zones, it is possible to engage in universally accepted exercises that enable a person to “see the world through the eyes of another person” and that yet do not disturb the current socio-cultural order. They provide an important basis for understanding among people, for harmonizing meanings in the sphere of social realities, and for integration that goes beyond certain permanent boundaries and hierarchies. The basic aim of the article is to prove that hospitality, understood as a value in Polish culture, could contribute to a considerable degree to the creation of such zones. The author analyzes the zones’ character, function, and meaning, paying attention to how they resist the expansion of bureaucratic ways of organizing social life. He also draws attention to the influence that an axio-normative pattern could have within specific models of behavior and cultural practices. Key words: hospitality, resistance practices, social imagination, interpretive labor
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Adam Pisarek

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


This article looks at hospitality practices in the process of recreating and modifying social structure. The author seeks the general regularities and behavioral patterns that appear when people visit others and are visited, as well as how they speak of these visits, or, in Pierre Bourdieu’s language, the principles that organize practices that are part of the class habitus. For the purposes of the analysis, two comparative groups were selected: people with the highest and lowest levels of economic, social, and cultural capital. The analysis allowed several conclusions to be drawn. First, in addition to the class factor, the age or generational factor should be taken into account as it has proven to be relevant in terms of the diversity of practices. Second, the research showed that several of the practices studied were not differentiated between the groups; they turned out to be intense in the case of people with high and low levels of capital. Such patterns involved informality and freedom, the striving for agreement and group solidarity, and an aversion to aesthetics and decoration. Third, there were sometimes differentiating nuances—the general principle could be the same, but the justification or motivation behind it was different. For people with a high level of both types of capital, naturalness/honesty was an important justification and was contrasted to falsehood, artificiality, and pretentiousness. This justification seemed to be a meta-principle that permeated many other patterns of behavior.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marta Skowrońska

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza


This article looks at hospitality practices in the process of recreating and modifying social structure. The author seeks the general regularities and behavioral patterns that appear when people visit others and are visited, as well as how they speak of these visits, or, in Pierre Bourdieu’s language, the principles that organize practices that are part of the class habitus. For the purposes of the analysis, two comparative groups were selected: people with the highest and lowest levels of economic, social, and cultural capital. The analysis allowed several conclusions to be drawn. First, in addition to the class factor, the age or generational factor should be taken into account as it has proven to be relevant in terms of the diversity of practices. Second, the research showed that several of the practices studied were not differentiated between the groups; they turned out to be intense in the case of people with high and low levels of capital. Such patterns involved informality and freedom, the striving for agreement and group solidarity, and an aversion to aesthetics and decoration. Third, there were sometimes differentiating nuances—the general principle could be the same, but the justification or motivation behind it was different. For people with a high level of both types of capital, naturalness/honesty was an important justification and was contrasted to falsehood, artificiality, and pretentiousness. This justification seemed to be a meta-principle that permeated many other patterns of behavior.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marta Skowrońska

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza


The author of the text focuses on the economics of everyday life as defined by a contextual and qualitative measuring of various aspects of hospitality through the use of terms such as “more,” “less,” and “just right.” He analyzes the presence of food, alcohol, and coffee during the visit of guests. Each of these three material components of hospitality is regulated according to specific principles: “too much is better than too little” in regard to food, “too little is better than too much” for alcohol, and there has to be “at least” coffee. A detailed analysis of these principles leads to the conclusion that Polish hospitality is today oriented toward moderation. The popular belief in the abundance of Polish hospitality as a national feature is thus called into question.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ariel Modrzyk

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza


A separate, cat-specific hospitalization room away from dogs is recommended to reduce stress in cats; however, this can be difficult for some hospitals to provide. In such cases, measures are undertaken to reduce the cat’s stress by providing a place to hide. However, inability to observe the cat’s condition may be an obstacle to providing veterinary care. The use of a one-way mirror to create a sheltered environment while allowing observation of the cats was assessed. Five healthy cats were assessed using the Cat Stress Score (CSS) while in a cage with either a transparent panel or a one-way mirror. No significant differences in the CSS between the transparent panel and one-way mirror were observed. Variations in the CSS scores depended on the cat’s personality, with friendlier and more sociable cats showing a lower CSS with the one-way mirror. A one-way mirror may be useful to reduce stress in hospitalized cats.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

T. Miyata
R. Higuchi
K. Yokobori
S. Seki
K. Ishioka

  1. School of Veterinary Nursing and Technology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University, 1-7-1 Kyonan-cho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-8602, Japan


In order to describe the features of Polish hospitality, autobiographical records containing memories of hospitality from various historical periods were compiled. The research material included about 300 episodes from 30 published sources. A targeted selection was made according to a combination of three criteria: a di versity of social positions among the authors, the biographies of the authors, and the detail of description. An analysis of the material was conducted in order to contribute to a better understanding of the social significance of hospitality. The oretical assumptions about hospitality in conditions of stability and social crisis were advanced. The analysis showed that in times of relative stability, hospital ity was biographically important when it allowed a person to transition between positions in the social structure (usually between close levels) and involved some form of promotion. On the other hand, in conditions of intensified change and crises, the order was disturbed: on the one hand, visits to the homes of persons occupying more distant positions in the hierarchy (both up and down the social ladder) became more common, but on the other hand, there could be a challenge to or rejection of traditional requirements of hospitality. The first situation occurs especially at the beginning of a crisis, and with the depletion of resources, the increase in the number of negative experiences, and socialization to a long-term threat, a survival strategy begins to take shape in which only the closest circles prevail. Such findings suggest that a more cautious look should be taken at both the theoretical concepts in which hospitality is considered a useful social invention especially in times of increased need and at the Polish self-stereotype as a nation with a culture based on hospitality, invariable generosity, and an inclination to selflessness.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dorota Rancew-Sikora

  1. Uniwersytet Gdański


The subject of this article falls within the sociology of art. By analyzing selected aspects of a novel (Bolesław Prus’s The Doll) and a film (the Oscar-winning Green Book directed by Peter Farrelly), the author raises the problem of what he calls “ambiguous hospitality.” His point of departure and theoretical basis are George Ritzer’s concept of “inhospitality” and Jacques Derrida’s idea of “hostipitality.” The author treats each artistic depiction of reality as a source of situations to be read in light of elements of Erving Goffman’s reflections. He uses the ideas of symbolic interactionism, the interactive ritual, and the metaphor of the performance as tools for interpreting a film or literary situation that illustrates cultural attitudes and practices. In conclusion, he states that hosting someone could result from something other than a sincere desire to react to another human being in a friendly manner. However, this does necessarily undermine the sincerity of openness toward strangers. Realization of the maxim to “have dignity and respect others,” even if enforced by social sanction, can be a way to maintain or build relationships between those who are “one’s own” and “other,” “one’s own” and “strangers,” and finally, between a guest and host.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Paweł Ćwikła

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


As the Thai people have been more aware of the importance of volunteering, the structure of volunteer activities in the country’s hospitals has become more complicated. As a result, medical personnel and volunteer organizations have faced challenges in connecting people with the activities most relevant to concerns and needs. In order to assist the host parties as well as individual volunteers, a system that can match the personal characteristics of volunteers to the demands of the activities needs to be developed. As a starting point, multidimensional scaling was used in this study to reveal a working structure for volunteer activities by exploring major dimensions underlying the similarity and dissimilarity between these activities. Twenty-three volunteer activities proposed by a panel of experts and stakeholders were subject to an ordinal (non-metric) multidimensional scaling. All but one volunteer activity can be grouped along three dimensions: hospital-related, lecturing versus group leading, and empathic communication. These three dimensions can serve as a blueprint for identifying personal characteristics that may be essential to each activity and for designing a system for volunteer recruitment and placement.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jirapattara Raveepatarakul
Sakkaphat T. Ngamake
Chichaya Srichaisawat
Witsinee Bovornusvakool
Panrapee Suttiwan
Nattanan Monkong
Poonsub Areekit

  1. Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University


Co istotnego ma do powiedzenia Dostojewski, gdy nie pisze o wielkich metafizycznych ideach? Zaprasza do namysłu nad zagadką bycia człowiekiem, nad tym, jak trudną, niemożliwą wręcz rzeczą jest ostateczne wyjaśnienie jego tajemnicy, a wreszcie, jak bardzo sam gest zgłębiania, oceniania, sądzenia drugiego człowieka jest gestem ambiwalentnym, przed którym ludzka psyche próbuje się bronić. W tym konsekwent- nym uchylaniu się przed poznawczym wyczerpaniem znajduje ona sprzymierzeńca w postaci artystycznego słowa rosyjskiego pisarza. Psychologiczno-filozoficzny pogląd Dostojewskiego na jednostkę uzyskuje odzwierciedlenie w poetyce jego dzieł. Niniejszy tekst bada i naświetla ten związek w drodze analizy zazwyczaj mniej znanego czytelnikom opowiadania Wieczny mąż.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Michał Kruszelnicki

  1. Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa, Wydział Studiów Stosowanych, ul. Strzegomska 55, 53‑611 Wrocław


Ilość aktualnie działających szpitali w Polsce szacuje się na ponad 750 (publicznych i prywatnych). Mimo, że projektowanie, realizacja i wyposażenie szpitali jest określone szeregiem aktów prawnych, permanentne problemy finan-sowe publicznej służby zdrowia i niedoinwestowanie powoduje, że nasze szpitale odbiegają od stanu pożądanego i standardu reprezentowanego przez jednostki w krajach wysoko rozwiniętych. Wieloletnia praktyka w projektowaniu i realizacji pozwala na sformułowanie szeregu uwag o najczęściej występujących nieprawidłowościach, wpływających na zwiększenie ryzyka występowania błędów medycznych i zdarzeń niepożądanych.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jacek Orłowski
Andrzej Walkowski
Maciej Złowodzki


Parki i ogrody przy szpitalach psychiatrycznych przełomu XIX i XX wieku to dzieła sztuki ogrodowej dowodzące terapeutycznej roli komponowanego krajobrazu. Przemiany w psychiatrii w ostatnich 100 latach skutkują zmianami zespołów służących nerwowo i psychicznie chorym, które są adaptowane do współczesnych celów. W ogrodach szpitalnych pojawiają się uzupełnienia o charakterze memorialnym. Upamiętniają one ofiary nazistowskiej eutanazji chorych psychicznie, która miała w latach II wojny światowej. Artykuł opisuje przykłady pomników akcji T4 i ich związek z historycznym krajobrazem parkowym i ogrodowym.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Staniewska
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The complex course of the COVID-19 and the distant complications of the SARS-CoV-2 infection still remain an unfaded challenge for modern medicine. The care of patients with the sympto-matic course of COVID-19 exceeds the competence of a single specialty, often requiring a multispecialist approach. The CRACoV-HHS (CRAcow in CoVid pandemic — Home, Hospital and Staff) project has been developed by a team of scientists and clinicians with the aim of optimizing medical care at hospital and ambulatory settings and treatment of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. The CRACoV project integrates 26 basic and clinical research from multiple medical disciplines, involving different populations infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus and exposed to infection.
Between January 2021 and April 2022 we plan to recruit subjects among patients diagnosed and treated in the University Hospital in Cracow, the largest public hospital in Poland, i.e. 1) patients admitted to the hospital due to COVID-19 [main module: ‘Hospital’]; 2) patients with signs of infection who have been confirmed as having SARS-CoV-2 infection and have been referred to home isolation due to their mild course (module: ‘Home isolation’); 3) patients with symptoms of infection and high exposure to SARS- CoV-2 who have a negative RT-PCR test result. In addition, survey in various professional groups of hospital employees, both medical and non-medical, and final-fifth year medical students (module: ‘Staff’) is planned.
The project carries both scientific and practical dimension and is expected to develop a multidisciplinary model of care of COVID-19 patients as well as recommendations for the management of particular groups of patients including: asymptomatic patient or with mild symptoms of COVID-19; symptomatic patients requiring hospitalization due to more severe clinical course of disease and organ complications; patient requiring surgery; patient with diabetes; patient requiring psychological support; patient with undesirable consequences of pharmacological treatment.
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1. Duszyński J., Afelt A., Ochab-Marcinek A., Owczuk R., Pyrć K., Rosińska M., Rychard A., Smiatacz T.: Zrozumieć Covid-19. 2020. Polska Akademia Nauk. https://pan.pl/images/2020/opracowanie-covid19-14-09-2020/ZrozumiecCovid19_opracowanie_PAN_interactive.pdf
2. Sydor W.: COVID-19 a zaburzenia krzepnięcia. Medical Research Reviews. ISBN 978–83–65515–97–1.
3. Hu B., Guo H., Zhou P., Zheng-Li S.: Characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2021; 19: 141–154. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41579-020-00459-7.
4. Levi M., Thachil J., Iba T., Levye J.H.: Coagulation abnormalities and thrombosis in patients with COVID-19. Lancet Haematol. 2020; 7: e438–e440.
5. Terlecki M., Wojciechowska W., Klocek M., Olszanecka A., Stolarz-Skrzypek K., Grodzicki T., et al.: Association between cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular drug therapy, and in-hospital outcomes in patients with COVID-19: data from a large single-center registry in Poland. Kardiologia Polska. 2021.
6. Undas A., Podolak-Dawidziak M., Pruszczyk P., Windyga J.: Tromboprofilaktyka i leczenie przeciwkrzepliwe u dorosłych chorych hospitalizowanych z powodu COVID-19. 30 marca 2020. https://nil.org.pl/aktualnosci/5395-tromboprofilaktyka-i-leczenie-przeciwkrzepliwe-u-doroslych- chorych-hospitalizowanych-z-powodu-covid-19.
7. Flisiak R., Horban A., Jaroszewicz J., et al.: Zalecenia postępowania w zakażeniach SARS-CoV-2 Polskiego Towarzystwa Epidemiologów i Lekarzy Chorób Zakaźnych, na dzień 26 kwietnia 2021. http://www.pteilchz.org.pl/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/REKOMENDACJE-pl-w-C19-2021-26-04- 2021b.pdf.
8. Lo Bianco G., Di Pietro S., Mazzuca E., et al.: Multidisciplinary Approach to the Diagnosis and In- Hospital Management of COVID-19 Infection: A Narrative Review. Front Pharmacol. 2020 Dec 9; 11: 572168. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2020.572168.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wojciech Sydor
1 2
Barbara Wizner
Magdalena Strach
Monika Bociąga-Jasik
4 5
Krzysztof Mydel
Agnieszka Olszanecka
Marek Sanak
8 5
Maciej Małecki
9 5
Jadwiga Wójkowska-Mach
Robert Chrzan
Aleksander Garlicki
4 5
Tomasz Gosiewski
12 5
Marcin Krzanowski
13 5
Jarosław Surowiec
14 5
Stefan Bednarz
15 5
Marcin Jędrychowski
16 5
Tomasz Grodzicki
3 5
The CraCoV-HHS Investigators

  1. Center for Innovative Therapies, Clinical Research Coordination Center, University Hospital in Cracow, Poland
  2. Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland
  3. Department of Internal Medicine and Gerontology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland
  4. Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland
  5. Steering Committee of the CRACoV-HHS
  6. Deputy Director for Coordination and Development, University Hospital in Cracow, Poland
  7. Department of Cardiology, Interventional Electrocardiology and Hypertension, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland
  8. 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland
  9. Department of Metabolic Diseases and Diabetology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland
  10. Chair of Microbiology, Medical Faculty, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland
  11. Department of Radiology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland
  12. Department of Molecular Medical Microbiology, Chair of Microbiology, Medical Faculty, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland
  13. Department of Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Jagiellonian University Medical College; Deputy Medical Director, University Hospital in Cracow, Poland
  14. Head of Quality, Hygiene and Infection Control Section at University Hospital in Cracow, Poland
  15. Head of Primary Care Unit at University Hospital in Cracow, Poland
  16. Director of University Hospital in Cracow, Poland


In green concept hospital work, several provisions must be obeyed so that all processes, including material selection, project implementation, and building operations, must refer to green principles. Green building planning and construction costs higher than conventional by 10–20%. By using theValue Engineering (VE) method and combined with the Lifecycle Cost Analysis (LCCA), the researcher applies the green hospital concept to a project which is a case study but is still cost-effective even lower than the original Bill of Quantity. To see the strong influence of effectiveness on the hospital project, the researcher distributed a questionnaire to stakeholders. The results of the questionnaire were processed and analyzed using the Statistics Products and Solution Services (SPSS) tool. VE is implemented after first creating a Function Analysis System Technique (FAST) diagram, before and after adding functions for certain work items. It turns out that the use of the VE and LCCA methods is very influential in improving cost performance. From the calculation of the VE method, the resulting costs are up to 2.62% of the initial cost and LCCA shows the payback period of the Solar Power Plant with time = 9:64 years 9 years 7 months. The novelty of this research is the selection materials and the green concept of working methods is still cost efficient and the installation of Photovoltaics (PV) on the roof of Hospital reaches a payback period which is feasible for new investment.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ali Imron
Albert Eddy Husin

  1. Universitas Mercu Buana, Department of Civil Engineering, Jakarta Barat 11650, Indonesia


The main purpose of the paper is to identify and analyse a state of exploratory motivating factors in terms of lean management as the instrument of a policy of human resource management in the face of COVID-19 pandemic implemented in service companies. The main question is: if the motivation system used in the companies works out up against the unpredictable situation such as COVID-19 pandemic? The secondary purpose of the paper is to recognise relations and dependencies between these factors, and the question is: what factors have the strongest or the weakest relations with Lean Staff Management (LSM) tools? This research designed based on interview was conducted due to the lack of existing studies on the current status of motivating factors in terms of lean management tools in two service companies (case studies) in the light of COVID-19. The results show that factors influencing work efficiency in a dominating manner were, primarily, financial incentives (almost 21%), communications (around 21%), and workplace atmosphere (almost 18%). The paper investigates also the benefits and concerns of implementing LSM in service companies during the pandemic. This research might help the service organization’s management to identify the employees‘ problems to implement more effective lean services.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Patrycja Żegleń
Aldona Kluczek
Daniela Matusikova

  1. University of Rzeszów, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
  3. University of Presov, Slovakia


The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly reduced the number of orthopedic surgeries world-wide. The main reason for this was an introduction of numerous restrictions in the field of mobility, which resulted in reduction of circumstances predisposing to injuries. This had a positive impact on the overall readiness of the health system to fight the pandemic, thanks to saving human and material resources that could be successfully allocated in order to fight a new, previously unknown threat. On the other hand, such aimed administration of the system was not indifferent in terms of care quality directed towards traumatized patients, often requiring immediate measures (risk of infection transmission). This study aims to evaluate in-hospital mortality in patients with COVID-19 operated on proximal femur fractures. An attempt was also made to determine predictors influencing mortality rate among patients operated over the analyzed period.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Artur Fałek
Szymon Skwarcz
Marek Paździor

  1. Department of Trauma and Orthopedic Surgery and Spine Surgery, Independent Public Healthcare, Puławy, Poland


In the present paper, the most important aspects of computer algebra systems applications in complicated calculations for classical queueing theory models and their novel modifications are discussed. We mainly present huge computational possibilities of Mathematica environment and effective methods of obtaining symbolic results connected with most important performance characteristics of queueing systems. First of all, we investigate effective solutions of computational problems appearing in queueing theory such as: finding final probabilities for Markov chains with a huge number of states, calculating derivatives of complicated rational functions of one or many variables with the use of classical and generalized L’Hospital’s rules, obtaining exact formulae of Stieltjes convolutions, calculating chosen integral transforms used often in the above-mentioned theory and possible applications of generalized density function of random variables and vectors in these computations. Some exemplary calculations for practical models belonging both to classical models and their generalizations are attached as well.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Ziółkowski

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