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This paper summarizes the activity of the chosen Polish geodetic research teams in 2015–2018 in the fields of Earth: rotation, dynamics as well as magnetic field. It has been prepared for the needs of the presentation on the 27th International Union of Geodesy and Geodynamics General Assembly, Montreal, Canada. The part concerning Earth rotation is mostly focused on the use of modelling of diurnal and subdiurnal components of Earth rotation by including low frequency components of polar motion and UT1 in the analysis, study of free oscillations in Earth rotation derived from both space-geodetic observations of polar motion and the time variation of the second degree gravitational field coefficients derived from Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) and Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) observations, new methods of monitoring of Earth rotation, as well as studies on applications of the Ring Laser Gyroscope (RLG) for direct and continuous measurements of changes in Earth rotation and investigations of the hydrological excitation of polar motion. Much attention was devoted to the GRACE-derived gravity for explaining the influence of surface mass redistributions on polar motion. Monitoring of the geodynamical phenomena is divided into study on local and regional dynamics using permanent observations, investigation on tidal phenomena, as well as research on hydrological processes and sea level variation parts. Finally, the recent research conducted by Polish scientists on the Earth’s magnetic field is described.

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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Bogusz
Aleksander Brzezinski
Jolanta Nastula
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The paper presents the result of hydrogeological studies of Lublin Coal Basin (LCB), particularly at Jurassic level. It is arranged in several parts: I) stratigraphy, tectonics and lithology of Jurassic system at LCB territory, 2) groundwater dynamics, 3) chemical composition of waters, 4) hyclrogeochemical stability conditions. The paper also suggests a few main directions of using the Jurassic waters in prophylaxis and therapy of many diseases. The waters, containing considerably elevated quantities of fluorine compounds come from Jurassic formation lying at the considerable depth. Coal mine joins them with saline Carboniferous waters. After pretreatment, they are discharged to the surface ancl to the river. Jurassic waters belong to the group of low mineralised waters. They contain 6-1 I mg F/dm3 fluorides. Thus they can be usefu I in prophylactics of teeth ancl paradental illnesses, particularly in risk groups. Thanks to, fluorides contained in these waters they can be used during and after treatment and to support surgical operations or rehabilitation effects.
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Małgorzata Ciosmak
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We propose a spit bar setting as the possible palaeoenvironment of the basal Late Cretaceous transgressive sequence in NW Bohemia. A new Cenomanian transgression model for the Bohemian Basin is also proposed. The uppermost Devět Křížů Sandstone, which has been conventionally referred to the Bohdašín Formation, probably represents the middle or lower upper Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous), not the Triassic as previously supposed. We assume that this controversial unit was deposited before the main latest Cenomanian–early Turonian transgression. The spit bars were likely overgrown by vascular plants during their emergence in the late Cenomanian, and then inundated during the latest Cenomanian and early Turonian transgressive phases. The studied deposits had been intensively bioturbated, and the cf. Taenidium suite was recognized for the first time in them alongside the Thalassinoides assemblage (T. paradoxicus, T. suevicus, Thalassinoides isp., cf. Thalassinoides), which are characteristic of the Scoyenia and Glossifungites ichnofacies, respectively. The bioturbated, rhizolith-bearing horizon was presumably a paleosol.
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Authors and Affiliations

Alina Chrząstek
Jurand Wojewoda

  1. Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Wrocław, Maksa Borna 9, 50-204 Wrocław, Poland
  2. Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology, Wrocław University of Science and Technology,Na Grobli 15, 50-421 Wrocław, Poland
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Sea level monitoring at tide gauges plays an important role in geodesy, geodynamics research and oceanography. It provides data for referencing vertical datum, for modelling geoid in coastal regions, for determination of vertical land movements and for studying ocean dynamics. Investigation of Baltic Sea level variations ·is considered an important component of geodynamics research in Central and Northern Europe. The analysis of tide gauge records from Baltic sites was conducted in the framework of the project on a cm geoid in Poland. Those records showed strong common features that were further used for deriving the model of Baltic Sea level variations. High level of correlations of the model with individual site data proved its adequacy. Regional characteristics of the model were investigated using regression and correlation analysis. It was shown that the model represents very well both global and regional features of Baltic Sea level variations. The use of the model as reference to investigate local features of tide gauge records that reflect site-specific variations of sea level was also discussed. Spectral analysis of the model of Baltic Sea level variations indicates the existence of distinguished term of Chandler period besides two major terms of annual and semi-annual periods. The existence of polar motion component in Baltic Sea level variations was investigated using correlation analysis. Also the land vertical movement derived from Baltic tide gauge data was determined and compared with literature data.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Kryński
Yevgen M. Zanimonskiy
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This paper summarizes the activity of the chosen Polish geodetic research teams in 2019–2022 in the fields of the Earth rotation and geodynamics. This publication has been prepared for the needs of the presentation of Polish scientists’ activities on the 28th International Union of Geodesy and Geodynamics General Assembly, Berlin, Germany. The part concerning Earth rotation is mostly focused on the estimation of the geophysical excitation of polar motion using data from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and its follow-on (GRACE-FO) missions, and on the improvement of the determination of Earth rotation parameters based on the Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS), and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) satellite techniques. The part concerning geodynamics is focused on geodetic time series analysis for geodynamical purposes and monitoring of the vertical ground movements induced by mass transport within the Earth’s system, monitoring of the crustal movements using GNSS and newly applied Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), discussing the changes of the landslides and its monitoring using geodetic methods as well as investigations of seismic events and sea-level changes with geodetic methods. Finally, the recent research activities carried out by Polish scientists in the international projects is presented.
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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Bogusz
Aleksander Brzeziński
2 3
Walyeldeen Godah
Jolanta Nastula

  1. Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
  3. Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
  4. Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Centre of Geodesy and Geodynamics, Warsaw, Poland
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The analysis of natural hazards, including gas-geodynamic phenomena, requires study of the basic physical processes that take place at each stage of an event. This paper focuses on analysing the transport of fragmented rock material during rock and gas outbursts. Our theoretical considerations and experiments have allowed us to specify and verify the significant forces acting on fragmented rock during its transport, thus determining the speed of grains of each grain class in the stream of expanding gas. The above study may serve as a preface to a wide-ranging quantitative and qualitative energy analysis of the movement of material ejected during Gas-geodynamic phenomena.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Kozieł
Jakub Janus

  1. Strata Mechanics Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Science, 27 Reymonta Str., 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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This article shows that the most sensitive indicator of local and regional karst activity in territories of apparent karst processes is the behaviour of karst lakes. The authors propose a hydrogeological monitoring methodology for the karst pro-cess based on the phase-measuring geoelectric control method in the coastal zone of karst lakes. The geoelectric current control of hydrogeological changes in the medium at local levels uses a multi-frequency vertical electric sounding com-bined with a phase-measuring method of registering the geoelectric signal. These proven methods permit to distinguish var-iations of spatial parameters and the electric conductivity of several layers at a time. Moreover, they significantly increase the noise resistance and sensitivity of the measuring system. An adaptive algorithm function of the measuring complex for geoelectric monitoring of karst lakes’ coastal zones was developed to control the operation of facilities and data collection systems. Based on an example of a lake where karst processes are active, the key zones of hydrogeological control were identified depending on karst manifestations. The research confirmed the possibility of local and regional monitoring of the development and forecasting of destructive karst-suffosion processes based on hydrogeological regime observations of karst lakes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Oleg R. Kuzichkin
Roman V. Romanov
Nikolay V. Dorofeev
Gleb S. Vasilyev
Anastasia V. Grecheneva

  1. Belgorod National Research University, 85 Pobedy St., 308015 Belgorod, Russia
  2. Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia

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