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The essence of the methane fermentation course is the phase nature of changes taking place during the process. The biodegradation degree of sewage sludge is determined by the effectiveness of the hydrolysis phase. Excess sludge, in the form of a flocculent suspension of microorganisms, subjected to the methane fermentation process show limited susceptibility to the biodegradation. Excess sludge is characterized by a significant content of volatile suspended solids equal about 65 ÷ 75%. Promising technological solution in terms of increasing the efficiency of fermentation process is the application of thermal modification of sludge with the use of dry ice. As a result of excess sludge disintegration by dry ice, denaturation of microbial cells with a mechanical support occurs. The crystallization process takes place and microorganisms of excess sludge undergo the so-called “thermal shock”. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of dry ice disintegration on the course of the methane fermentation process of the modified excess sludge. In the case of dry ice modification reagent in a granular form with a grain diameter of 0.6 mm was used. Dry ice was mixed with excess sludge in a volume ratio of 0.15/1, 0.25/1, 0.35/1, 0.45/1, 0.55/1, 0.65/1, 0.75/1, respectively. The methane fermentation process lasting for 8 and 28 days, respectively, was carried out in mesophilic conditions at 37°C. In the first series untreated sludge was used, and for the second and third series the following treatment parameters were applied: the dose of dry ice in a volume ratio to excess sludge equal 0.55/1, pretreatment time 12 hours. The increase of the excess sludge disintegration degree, as well as the increase of the digestion degree and biogas yield, was a confirmation of the supporting operation of the applied modification. The mixture of reactant and excess sludge in a volume ratio of 0.55/1 was considered the most favorable combination. In relation to not prepared sludge for the selected most favorable conditions of excess sludge modification, about 2.7 and 3-fold increase of TOC and SCOD values and a 2.8-fold increase in VFAs concentration were obtained respectively. In relation to the effects of the methane fermentation of non-prepared sludge, for modified sludge, about 33 percentage increase of the sludge digestion degree and about 31 percentage increase of the biogas yield was noticed.

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Iwona Ewa Zawieja
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Previously, the reasons behind spatial chaos were seen primarily as stemming from the use of planning permits in introducing new development, whereas spatial development plans were generally proposed as a remedy. After over a decade of the functioning of new plans, it turned out that they introduce new threats and often do not implement desired spatial structuring mechanisms. Methods of obtaining long-term positive spatial effects were proposed, especially in areas undergoing urbanisation, where negative phenomena display greater intensity.
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Andrzejewski, P. i in. (2018), Polska Polityka Architektoniczna. Polityka jakości krajobrazu, przestrzeni publicznej, architektury, Warszawa: Narodowe Centrum Kultury.
Arnheim, R. (2004), Sztuka i percepcja wzrokowa, psychologia twórczego oka, Łódź: Officyna s.c.
Arnheim, R. (2011), Myślenie wzrokowe, Gdańsk: Wyd. słowo/obraz terytoria.
Gage, J. (2010), Kolor i znaczenie, Kraków: Universitas.
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Kowalewski, A. (2014), ‘Skutki i źródła chaosu urbanizacyjnego’ [w:] O ekonomicznych stratach i społecznych kosztach niekontrolowanej urbanizacji w Polsce, Warszawa: Kongres Budownictwa Fundacja Rozwoju Demokracji Lokalnej.
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Marcin Petelenz

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Spatial Planning, Urban and Rural Design
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We talk to Prof. Stanisław Filipowicz, Vice-President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, about the significance of truth, the role of fiction, the consequences of living in a culture of excess, and the crisis of democracy.

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Stanisław Filipowicz
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Ultrasonic disintegration, as a method of sludge pre-treatment (before the stabilization process), causes changes in their physicochemical characteristics. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of ultrasonic disintegration conditions (sonication) on the changes in the physicochemical characteristics of sonicated sludge, i.e. an increase in the content of organic substances in the supernatant, sludge dewaterability and flocs structure. Thickened and non-thickened excess sludge from the municipal wastewater treatment plant in Gliwice was disintegrated. The process was conducted, using a high-power disintegrator equipped with a lenticular horn. In order to determine the most favorable conditions, the sewage sludge was sonicated at a wave frequency of f=25 kHz (as a function of time), with a different samples volume (V1=0.5 and V2=1 L) and emitter position of 1 and the 2.5 cm from the bottom of the chamber in which the process was conducted. The disintegration of sewage sludge was carried out with a specific energy density (EV) in the range from 10 to 30 kWh/m3. The evaluation of the disintegration effects was based on changes in the physicochemical characteristics of the sludge and/or supernatant at the end of the process, expressed by commonly used and author’s disintegration indicators. The best results were obtained for the sludge disintegrated with a volume of V2=1 L and the emitter position of 2.5 cm from the bottom of the chamber. The study confirms that in various operating conditions of ultrasonic disintegration, there is a possibility for obtaining different effects which may influence the course of anaerobic stabilization and quality of the final products of the process.

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Malwina Tytła
Ewa Zielewicz
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The scope of this work is to investigate the precipitation of two Al-Mg-Si alloys with and without Cu and excess Si by using the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), transmission electron microscopic (TEM), Vickers hardness measurement and X-ray diffraction. The analysis of the DSC curves found that the excess Si accelerate the precipitation and the alloy contain the excess Si and small addition of copper has higher aging-hardness than that of free alloy (without excess Si and Cu) at the same heat treatment condition. The sufficient holding time for the precipitation of the β'' phase was estimated to be 6 hours for the alloy aged at 100°C and 10 hours for the alloy aged at 180°C. The low Copper containing Al-Mg-Si alloy gives rise to the forming a finer distribution of β (Mg2Si) precipitates which increases the hardness of the alloy. In order to know more about the precipitation reactions, concern the peaks on the DSC curve transmission electron microscopy observation were made on samples annealed at temperatures (250°C, 290°C and 400°C) just above the corresponding peaks of the three phases β'', β' and β respectively.

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Hanna Belghit
Hichem Farh
Toufik Ziar
Mosbah Zidani
Meryem Guemini
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The paper presents a general concept of geodetic observations adjustment based on application of the Edgeworth' series and the principle of an alternative choice. The Edgeworth' series approximates the empirical distribution of measurement errors and gives an opportunity to modify the empirical characteristics of errors distribution. The method of estimation used is based on the principle of the alternative choice. Its natural robustness for outliers was the basis for newly created method called PAC-E. The paper presents the algorithm and some numerical tests that were carried out to compare the results of the proposed method with the results of the classical LS adjustment. Special attention was paid on the effect of non-zero excess and robustness of the proposed method.
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Andrzej Dumalski
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The level of wheat grain contamination with lead and cadmium was determined using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman background correction (ETAAS) after microwave digestion. The obtained limits of quantification were 0.001 mg∙kg–1, for both metals. A total of 300 samples of wheat grain from agricultural regions of Poland were examined, 150 each from the two consecutive harvest years 2017 and 2018.
None of the tested samples exceeded the maximum level of these metals, as specified in the European regulations. The contents of lead and cadmium in wheat grain from both years of harvest ranged from <0.001 to 0.098 mg∙kg –1 and from 0.006 to 0.098 mg∙kg –1, respectively. Despite similar ranges of these metals, the highest lead contents were two times lower than the maximum limit value, while the highest cadmium contents were close to it.
As for lead, a significantly higher (p < 0.05) mean content of this metal was found in wheat grain from the 2018 harvest compared to 2017 and in the western compared to eastern regions of the country. However, the cadmium contents did not differ significantly between the two harvest years, but were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in wheat grain from the southern regions compared to northern regions of Poland. Additionally, the highest contents of cadmium, close to the maximum limit, were found in the South-West region and in the both years of harvest.
The risk analysis of the occurrence of the excessive contents of toxic metals in wheat grain showed a low risk level for lead in all investigated regions, and a medium level for cadmium, in general.
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Authors and Affiliations

Renata Jędrzejczak
Wiesława Ręczajska

  1. Prof. Waclaw Dabrowski Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology – State Research Institute, Rakowiecka 36, 02-532, Warsaw, Poland
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The presence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in blood induces an inflammatory response which leads to multiple organ dysfunction and numerous metabolic disorders. Uncontrolled, improper or late intervention may lead to tissue hypoxia, anaerobic glycolysis and a disturbance in the acid -base balance. The effects of LPS-induced toxemia on biological and immunological markers were well studied. However, parameters such as base excess, ions, and acid-base balance were not fully investigated. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine these blood parameters collectively in LPS-induced inflammatory toxemia in rat’s model. After induction of toxemia by injecting LPS at a rate of 5 mg/kg body weight intravenously, blood was collected from the tail vein of twenty rats and immediately analyzed. After 24 hours, the animals were sacrificed and the blood was collected from the caudal vena cava. The results revealed that the levels of pH, bicarbonate, partial pressure of oxygen, oxygen saturation, Alveolar oxygen, hemoglobin, hematocrit, magnesium (Mg2+), and calcium (Ca2+) were significantly decreased. On the other side, the levels of Base excess blood, Base excess extracellular fluid, partial pressure of carbon dioxide, lactate, Ca2+/Mg2+, potassium, and chloride were significantly increased compared to those found pre toxemia induction. However, sodium level showed no significant change. In conclusion, Acute LPS-toxemia model disturbs acid-base balance, blood gases, and ions. These parameters can be used to monitor human and animal toxemic inflammatory response induced by bacterial LPS conditions to assist in the management of the diagnosed cases.

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G.O. Adam
H.R. Lee
S.J. Lee
S.J. Kim
G.B. Kim
H.S. Kang
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The pattern of pore water pressure dissipation from the one-dimensional consolidation test significantly affects the calculated value of the coefficient of consolidation. This paper discusses the interpretation methodology for laboratory dissipation data from the oedometer test with the pore water pressure measurements or Rowe cell test. In the analysis, the gradient-based algorithm for finding the optimal value of the coefficient of consolidation is used against experimental results, obtained for various fine-grained soils. The appropriate value of coefficient of consolidation is considered as one with the lowest associated error function, which evaluates fitness between the experimental and theoretical dissipation curves. Based on the experimental results, two different patterns of the pore water pressure dissipation are identified, and the saturation of the specimen was found to be the key factor in describing the change in the patterns. For the monotonically decreasing dissipation curve, an inflection point is identified. The values of degree of dissipation at the inflection point are close to the theoretical value of 53.4%.
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Bartłomiej Szczepan Olek

  1. Krakow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Warszawska 24, 31-155 Kraków, Poland
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Boiler combustion air is generally controlled by the excess air content measured at the boiler economiser outlet using oxygen (O2) analysers. Due to duct geometry and dimensions, areas of high and low O2 concentrations in the flue gas duct occur, which poses a problem in obtaining a representative measurement of O2 in the flue gas stream. Multipoint systems as opposed to single point systems are more favourable to achieve representative readings. However, ash blockages and air leakages influence the accuracy of O2 measurement. The design of multipoint system varies across ESKOMs’ Power Stations. This research was aimed at evaluating the accuracy of the multipoint oxygen measurement system installed at Power Station A and to determine the systematic errors associated with different multipoint systems designs installed at Power Stations' A and B. Using flow simulation software, FloEFDTM and Flownex®, studies were conducted on two types of multipoint system designs This study established that significantly large errors, as high as 50%, were noted between the actual and measured flue gas O2. The design of the multipoint system extraction pipes also introduces significant errors, as high as 23%, in the O2 measured. The results indicated that the sampling errors introduced with Power Station A’s system can be significantly reduced by adopting the sampling pipe design installed at Power Station B.

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Charlene Ramsunkar
Chris Van Tonder
Walter Schmitz
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The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (Bull.Pol. Ac.: Tech.) is published bimonthly by the Division IV Engineering Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, since the beginning of the existence of the PAS in 1952. The journal is peer‐reviewed and is published both in printed and electronic form. It is established for the publication of original high quality papers from multidisciplinary Engineering sciences with the following topics preferred: Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Control, Informatics and Robotics, Electronics, Telecommunication and Optoelectronics, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Thermodynamics, Material Science and Nanotechnology, Power Systems and Power Electronics.

Journal Metrics: JCR Impact Factor 2018: 1.361, 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.323, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2017: 0.319, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2017: 1.005, CiteScore 2017: 1.27, The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2017: 25 points.

Abbreviations/Acronym: Journal citation: Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech., ISO: Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci.-Tech. Sci., JCR Abbrev: B POL ACAD SCI-TECH Acronym in the Editorial System: BPASTS.

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Mikhail Bezrodny
Natalia Prytula
Maria Tsvietkova
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The article presents the results of non-destructive testing and analyses carried out for a brick masonry building from the 19th century, which has many irregularities that involve a lack of inspections and tests of its technical condition for many years, as well as a failure to carry out necessary repairs. The conducted organoleptic tests enabled the most significant building damage to be indicated, and its causes were determined on the basis of the results of non-destructive tests and analyses. These causes include mainly wall cracks, ceiling deflections and excessive dampness. It also contains the relationships, which were developed using non-destructive dielectric and resistive methods when testing the moisture content of the brick walls. These results may be useful for other researchers dealing with brick masonry buildings from a similar period of time. The authors' intention was to present the existing poor technical condition of the brick masonry building and indicate its causes, as well as to present that a lack of appropriate maintenance can lead to a situation in which the life or health of residents is threatened.

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Anna Hoła
Łukasz Sadowski
Jacek Szymanowski
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The dual-band avalanche photodiode (APD) detector based on a HgCdTe material system was designed and analysed in detail numerically. A theoretical analysis of the two-colour APD intended for the mid wavelength infrared (MWIR) and long wavelength infrared (LWIR) ranges was conducted. The main purpose of the work was to indicate an approach to select APD structure parameters to achieve the best performance at high operating temperatures (HOT). The numerical simulations were performed by Crosslight numerical APSYS platform which is designed to simulate semiconductor optoelectronic devices. The current-voltage characteristics, current gain, and excess noise analysis at temperature T = 230 K vs. applied voltage for MWIR (U = 15 V) and LWIR (U = –6 V) ranges were performed. The influence of low and high doping in both active layers and barrier on the current gain and excess noise is shown. It was presented that an increase of the APD active layer doping leads to an increase in the photocurrent gain in the LWIR detector and a decrease in the MWIR device. The dark current and photocurrent gains were compared. Photocurrent gain is higher in both spectral ranges.
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Tetiana Manyk
Kinga Majkowycz
Jarosław Rutkowski
Piotr Martyniuk

  1. Institute of Applied Physics, Military University of Technology, gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
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The factor which essentially affects sludge biodegradation rate is the degree of fluidization of insoluble organic polymers to the solved form, which is a precondition for availability of nutrients for microorganisms. The phases which substantially limit the rate of anaerobic decomposition include hydrolytic and methanogenic phase.

Subjecting excess sludge to the process of initial disintegration substantially affects the effectiveness of the process of anaerobic stabilization. As a result of intensification of the process of hydrolysis, which manifests itself in the increase in the value and rate of generating volatile fatty acids (VFA), elongation of methanogenic phase of the process and increase in the degree of fermentation of modified sludge can be observed. Use of initial treatment of sewage sludge i.e. thermal disintegration is aimed at breaking microorganisms' cells and release of intracellular organic matter to the liquid phase. As a result of thermal hydrolysis in the sludge, the volatile fatty acids (VFA) are generated as early as at the stage of the process of conditioning. The obtained value of VFA determines the course of biological hydrolysis which is the first phase of anaerobic stabilization.

The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of thermal disintegration of excess sludge on the effectiveness of the process of hydrolysis in anaerobic stabilization i.e. the rate of production of volatile fatty acids, changes in the level of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and increase in the degree of reduction in organic matter. During the first stage of the investigations, the most favourable conditions of thermal disintegration of excess sludge were identified using the temperatures of 50°C, 70°C, 90°C and heating times of 1.5 h - 6 h. The sludge was placed in laboratory flasks secured with a glass plug with liquid-column gauge and subjected to thermal treatment in water bath with shaker option. Another stage involved 8-day process of anaerobic stabilization of raw and thermally disintegrated excess sludge. Stabilization was carried out in mesophilic temperature regime i.e. at 37°C, under periodical conditions. In the case of the process of anaerobic stabilization of thermally disintegrated excess sludge at the temperature of 50°C and heating time of 6 h (mixture B) and 70°C and heating time of 4.5% (mixture C), the degree of fermentation of 30.67% and 33.63%, respectively, was obtained. For the studied sludge, i.e. mixture B and mixture C, maximal level of volatile fatty acids i.e. 874.29 mg CH3COOH/dm3 and 1131.43 mg CH3COOH/dm3 was found on the 2nd day of the process. The maximal obtained value of VFA was correlated on this day with maximal COD level, which was 1344 mg O2/dm3 for mixture B and 1778 mg O2/dm3 for mixture C.

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I. Zawieja
P. Wolski
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Lean mixture burning leads to a decrease in the temperature of the combustion process and it is one of the methods of limiting nitric oxide emissions. It also increases engine efficiency. An effective method to correct lean mixture combustion can be a two-stage system of stratified mixture combustion in an engine with a prechamber. This article presents the results of laboratory research on an SI engine (spark ignition) with a two-stage combustion system with a cylinder powered by gasoline and a prechamber powered by propane-butane gas LPG (liquefied petroleum gas). The results were compared to the results of research on a conventional engine with a one-stage combustion process. The test engine fuel mixture stratification method, with a two-stage combustion system in the engine with a prechamber, allowed to burn a lean mixture with an average excess air factor equal to 2.0 and thus led to lower emissions of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust of the engine. The test engine with a conventional, single-stage combustion process allowed to properly burn air-fuel mixtures of excess air factors λ not exceeding 1.5. If the value λ > 1.5, the non-repeatability factor COVLi increases, and the engine efficiency decreases, which makes it virtually impossible for the engine to operate. The engine with a two-stage combustion process, working with λ = 2.0, the Qin/Qtot = 2.5%, reduced the NOx content in the exhaust gases to a level of about 1.14 g/kWh. This value is significantly lower than the value obtained in a conventional engine, which worked at λ = 1.3 with comparable non-repeatability of successive cycles (about 3%) and a similar indicated efficiency (about 34%), was characterised by the emissions of NOx in the exhaust equal to 26.26 g/kWh.

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Arkadiusz Jamrozik
Wojciech Tutak
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The purpose of this article is to determine the relationship between the principles of subsidiarity and effectiveness and an effective remedy for the excessive length of proceedings within the legal order of the European Convention on Human Rights. The article assumes that these key principles of the ECHR’s legal order have an impact on such a remedy, both in the normative and practical dimensions. This assumption has helped explain many aspects of the Strasbourg case law regarding this remedy. Concerning the relationship of this remedy with the principle of subsidiarity, it raises issues such as: the “reinforcing” of Art. 6 § 1; the “close affinity” of Arts. 13 and 35 § 1; and the arguability test. In turn, through the prism of the principle of effectiveness, the reasonableness criterion and the requirement of diligence in the proceedings are presented, followed by the obligations of States to prevent lengthiness of proceedings and the obligations concerning adequate and sufficient redress for such an excessive length of proceedings. The analysis shows that an effective remedy with respect to the excessive length of proceedings is not a definitive normative item, as the Court consistently adds new elements to its complex structure, taking into account complaints regarding the law and practice of States Parties in the prevention of and compensation for proceedings of an excessive length.

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Elżbieta Morawska
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This study is an exploration of formal-aesthetic correspondences between presenta-tion strategies and techniques of transforming traditional literary and musical genre conventions in Cervantes’ Don Quixote and Alban Berg’s opera Wozzeck. It takes as its bottom line William J. Entwistle’s distinction between re-creation and recreation (he used it in his appreciation of Don Quixote and so did Erich Auerbach) and his under-standing of art as an act of reproduction (re-creation) obliged to please (recreation). Seen from that perspective, both Cervantes’ Don Quixote and Berg’s opera “suffer” from ex-cess – overmuchness and surfeit with a tangible residue of melancholy. But it is because of these surpluses that these two works are regarded as masterpieces with continuing universal appeal.
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Katarzyna Lisiecka

  1. Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań

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