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Keywords kultura cywilizacja
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Nikt z nas nie żyje w świecie takim, jakim on po prostu jest. Wszyscy żyjemy wewnątrz szczególnych obrazów świata, które nie są naszym własnym dziełem i które zwykle bierzemy za sam świat.
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Krzysztof Moraczewski

  1. Instytut Kulturoznawstwa, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The paper presents two competing perceptions of the modern university: the economic and the humanistic. While the economic approach has numerous and potent advocates in the modern, rationalized world, those opting for the humanist approach have to struggle for attention and understanding. The author aims to highlight the conflict between the two seemingly contradictory visions of the university in her sociological commentary about the debate over the importance of the humanities in Poland and worldwide. There exists, however, a kind of ontological meta-frame which allows the rhetoric of a ‘factory of knowledge’ and a ‘temple of knowledge’ to be accommodated. It consists in thinking of universities in universalistic categories, which should be the concern of the state as it seeks Poland’s civilizational advance—in the full meaning of the phrase.

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Agnieszka Dziedziczak-Foltyn
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In the broad spectrum of Bertrand Russell’s interests the socio‑political issues had a special role. The possibility of peaceful global co‑existence was most important to him. Occasionally he took part in the disputes between West and East accepting the role of a mediator. He saw a chance for peace in the creation of a world government. Kant had proposed a similar project of a supranational community and hoped it could result in the emergence of a global society, embracing all nations. With this achievement in place, the project of ‘eternal peace’ could be completed, he hoped. In this way, relying on ethical and legal principles, Kant designed a permanent international peace alliance.
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Grażyna Szumera

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Bankowa 11, 40‑007 Katowice
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Od świtu ludzkości, czasów organizowania się i gromadzenia wspólnot osadniczych, poprzez czasy formowania się pierwszych miast, towarzyszyła człowiekowi wiara w różnorodne bóstwa1. Wraz z rozwojem kulturowym i społecznym także systemy wierzeń ulegały ujednolicaniu, kodyfikacji i przyciągały coraz większą liczbę wiernych, stając się czynnikiem społeczno-politycznym wpływającym istotnie na kształt i kierunki rozwoju młodych cywilizacji. Wraz ze wzrostem znaczenia nowych idei, organizacji przez nie przestrzeni sacrum i formalizacji zachowań, zaczęto kult "przekuwać w kamień"2. Analizując architekturę sakralną każdej epoki i studiując jej historię, można zaobserwować jak zmieniała się sinusoida stosunków społecznych pomiędzy tolerancją i religijnym współistnieniem z jednej strony, a nienawiścią i dążeniem do dominacji z drugiej. We współczesnym, bardzo zróżnicowanym, pełnym mnogości wyznań i różnic kulturowych świecie, architekci stają przed wyzwaniem w jaki sposób kształtować architekturę sakralną aby służyła pokojowej koegzystencji, akceptowaniu różnic, nie będąc jednocześnie zarzewiem konfliktów, wzajemnych roszczeń i pretensji.
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Michał Dmitruk
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The article shows folk nicknames operating in geographically diverse rural communities (administratively belonging to the municipality Muszyna). As unofficial anthroponyms, existing only in the spoken form, they represent a living local language — dialect. Analysis of the collected material shows that all the most important features of the language characteristic of this part of Lesser Poland (Małopolska) dialect are performed in it. Folk nicknames, despite numerous hazards caused by civilization, are still an important factor supporting the local dialect — they operate rather vividly in the ana lysed microcommunity (almost every adult has his nickname), and are constantly being created and passed down from generation to generation.

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Elżbieta Rudnicka-Fira
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The paper discusses political philosophy of Bogusław Wolniewicz. The leading idea of his general philosophy was rationalism of a specific type that he called ‘tychistic’ (meaning ‘based on fate’), or ‘transcendental’ (meaning ‘transgressing the limits of nature by reliance on human reason’). This self-description presents Wolniewicz as an author respecting his Christian background, though personally he did not espouse the complete body of precepts postulated by the Church. As a nonconfessional catholic he spoke in favor of Christian civilization which he identified with Western culture. This led him to the reject of liberalism, libertarianism and leftist ideologies. He wanted to be perceived as a democrat who supported civil and republican democracy based on the virtue of patriotism. He emphasized the essentiality of the possession of its own political state by each independent nation, and the most important circle of loyalty was for him a national community. Thus he undertook to defend a conception of cautious xenophobia that was expurgated of hate but dedicated to the defense of a national territory.

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Jacek Bartyzel
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The article reconstructs the dispute that evolved in the first decade of the 20th century between Maxim Gorky and Leo Tolstoy – who both in addition to being world‑famous fictionists, played an essential part as notable public figures in Russian philosophical and political life. The outbreak and the course of the First Russian Revolution (1905– 1908) prompted both thinkers to define their positions on the most important problems of Russian thought. In this dispute, Gorky represented the position of socialist humanism, social revolution, civilizational development, activism, the culture‑formingr ole of the intelligentsia and Western‑style modernization. Against these hopes Tolstoy advocated archaic anarchism, negation of civilization, rural primitivism, personal and moral excellence, in short a Russian Sonderwege. The author puts forward that this debate is an important extension of the famous discussion triggered by the publication of the Vekhi almanac („The Milestones”, 1909).
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Michał Bohun
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The article The Influence of the Bible on Civilization (The Bible and Natural Sciences) shows us the importance of the Holy Bible in relation to the forming of Western civilization. The Bible is at the foundation of the heritage of European civilization. Written down during the period of almost 1500 years, it contains truths that concern all fields of life, both on the individual and the social level. As a work of literature it had its role, together with the civilization of Ancient Greece, in the origins of sciences. Science and religion are two very important elements of human culture. All reflections on the subject of the genesis of the world have their roots in these two basic aspects of seeing reality. Everything that exists needs an explanation of its origin. Thus the basic question that gave the beginning to philosophy was the question of the human being about himself and about the Universe. The relation of the science of creation, originating from the biblical description showing God as giving existence to everything, came into conflict with the empirical description of the beginning of the Universe and man in it. The questions that Latin civilization took from Greek philosophy and Christianity, based on biblical foundations, were transformed during the course of history to a conflict between science and faith, which began with the Copernican revolution and the Galileo issue. It had its greatest inflammation in the 19th century, as the result of the discoveries in the field of bio- logy, mainly connected with the theory of evolution of C. Darwin. One of the basic aspects of this conflict is the question of the origin of the world, which issue is, so to say, a natural place of meeting of theology with natural sciences. This conflict began as a result of trying to discover the essence of God's message contained in the Bible, by natural sciences. This discovering was an interpretation of the inspired text in relation to the eternal truth and to cultural variables, and also to civilization frames.

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Ks. Sławomir Śledziewski
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Człowiek w każdym momencie swego życia jest równocześnie myślącą jednostką, która kieruje się wymogami kultury i cywilizacji, oraz żywym organizmem, podlegającym uwarunkowaniom biologicznym. Rozpatrując człowieka, trudno uniknąć jakiejś formy dualizmu. Samowiedza ludzi europejskiej cywilizacji naznaczona jest kartezjańskim dziedzictwem. Pokartezjański podmiot skupiony jest na ideach umysłu, na teoretycznych konstrukcjach i projektach. Traci świadomość swoich prawdziwych potrzeb, żyje niejako obok siebie, zgodnie ze swoim idealnym projektem, a nie z sobą jako osobą z krwi i kości. Popada w autoalienację, odcina się od życia, od biosfery. Wyalienowanemu z życia podmiotow i brak ontycznego zakorzenienia w bycie. Identyfikuje się z idealnym, mentalnym obrazem siebie i odrzuca swoje realne „ja”; myli swoje prawdziwe „ja” z kulturowo ukształtowanym obrazem. Rozwija narcystyczną osobowość, pozbawioną związku z życiem ciała, ze swoją wewnętrzną naturą. Obcość człowieka wobec biosfery zaczyna się od obcości wobec jego ciała i pozaracjonalnych sfer egzystencji. Ponowna integracja ze światem przyrodniczym, z samym sobą i otwarcie na pełnię doświadczenia życiowego są możliwe, gdy jednostki ludzkie ponownie doświadczą siebie jako istot żywych. Rozwiną wtedy postawę biofilną, co będzie znakiem tzw. ekologii wewnętrznej, czyli harmonii, integracji różnych sfer ludzkiej egzystencji.

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Grzegorz Francuz
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Strategic Informatics is a monograph of the field of computer science in the field of; Its strategic development waves, the challenges of technological progress in the context of the strategic role of computer science, the main strategy-oriented applications in business, healthcare, agriculture, education and private home, strategic challenges of computer science in the humanities, digital state and city, sustainable development and information ethics, morality, and rights.
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Kazimierz Kowalski

  1. Professor Emeritus, California State University, Dominguez Hills

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