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In our digitally driven era, safeguarding information has become paramount. Encrypting data is essential for keeping it safe and secure.
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Bartosz Naskręcki

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University in PoznańPAS Institute of Mathematics in Warsaw
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Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) attempts to find cryptographic protocols resistant to attacks by means of for instance Shor's polynomial time algorithm for numerical field problems like integer factorization (IFP) or the discrete logarithm (DLP). Other aspects are the backdoors discovered in deterministic random generators or recent advances in solving some instances of DLP. The use of alternative algebraic structures like non-commutative or non-associative partial groupoids, magmas, monoids, semigroups, quasigroups or groups, are valid choices for these new kinds of protocols. In this paper, we focus in an asymmetric cipher based on a generalized ElGamal non-arbitrated protocol using a non-commutative general linear group. The developed protocol forces a hard subgroup membership search problem into a non-commutative structure. The protocol involves at first a generalized Diffie-Hellman key interchange and further on the private and public parameters are recursively updated each time a new cipher session is launched. Security is based on a hard variation of the Generalized Symmetric Decomposition Problem (GSDP). Working with GF(2518) a 64-bits security is achieved, and if GF(25116) is chosen, the security rises to 127-bits. An appealing feature is that there is no need for big number libraries as all arithmetic if performed in Z251 and therefore the new protocol is particularly useful for computational platforms with very limited capabilities like smartphones or smartcards.

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P. Hecht
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Currently, the Republic of Kazakhstan is developing a new standard for symmetric data encryption. One of the candidates for the role of the standard is the Qamal encryption algorithm developed by the Institute of Information and Computer Technologies (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan). The article describes the algorithm. Differential properties of the main operations that make up the Qamal cypher are considered in the questions of stability. We have shown that for a version with a 128-bit data block and the same secret key size for three rounds of encryption it is difficult to find the right pairs of texts with a probability of 2–120, which makes differential cryptanalysis not applicable to the Qamal cypher.

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Kunbolat T. Algazy
Ludmila K. Babenko
Rustem G. Biyashev
Evgeniya A. Ishchukova
Ryszard Romaniuk
Nursulu A. Kapalova
Saule E. Nysynbaeva
Andrzej Smolarz
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In this article we present a procedure that allows to synthesize optimal circuit representing any reversible function within reasonable size limits. The procedure allows to choose either the NCT or the MCT gate set and specify any number of ancillary qubits to be used in the circuit. We will explore efficacy of this procedure by synthesizing various sources of nonlinearity used in contemporary symmetric ciphers and draw conclusions about properties of those transformations in quantum setting. In particular we will try to synthesize optimal circuit representing ASCON cipher SBOX which recently won NIST competition for Lightweight Cryptography standard.
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Adam Jagielski

  1. Military University of Technology in Warsaw, Poland
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In this article we describe the SHA-3 algorithm and its internal permutation in which potential weaknesses are hidden. The hash algorithm can be used for different purposes, such aspseudo-random bit sequences generator, key wrapping or one pass authentication, especially in weak devices (WSN, IoT, etc.). Analysis of the function showed that successful preimage attacksare possible for low round hashes, protection from which only works with increasing the number of rounds inside the function.When the hash function is used for building lightweight applications, it is necessary to apply a small number of rounds,which requires additional security measures. This article proposes a variant improved hash function protecting against preimage attacks, which occur on SHA-3. We suggest using an additional external randomness sources obtained from a lightweight PRNG or from application of the source data permutation.
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Serhii Onopa
Zbigniew Kotulski
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Confidential algorithm for the approximate graph vertex covering problem is presented in this article. It can preserve privacy of data at every stage of the computation, which is very important in context of cloud computing. Security of our solution is based on fully homomorphic encryption scheme. The time complexity and the security aspects of considered algorithm are described.
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Daniel Waszkiewicz
Aleksandra Horubała
Piotr Sapiecha
Michał Andrzejczak
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Many researchers have contributed to creating Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) since the first protocol BB84 was proposed in 1984. One of the crucial problems in QKD is to guarantee its security with finite-key lengths by Privacy Amplification (PA). However, finite-key analyses show a trade-off between the security of BB84 and the secure key rates. This study analyses two examples to show concrete trade-offs. Furthermore, even though the QKD keys have been perceived to be arbitrarily secure, this study shows a fundamental limitation in the security of the keys by connecting Leftover Hash Lemma and Guessing Secrecy on the QKD keys.

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Takehisa Iwakoshi
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Robert Dryło
Tomasz Kijko
Michał Wroński

  1. Institute of Mathematics and Cryptology, Faculty of Cybernetics, Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
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User authentication is an essential element of any communication system. The paper investigates the vulnerability of the recently published first semiquantum identity authentication protocol (Quantum Information Processing 18: 197, 2019) to the introduced herein multisession attacks. The impersonation of the legitimate parties by a proper combination of phishing techniques is demonstrated. The improved version that closes the identified loophole is also introduced
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Zawadzki

  1. Department of Telecommunications and Teleinformatics, Silesian University of Technology, ul. Akademicka 2A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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In this study, we introduce a procedural generation technique for Identity Templates applicable to quantum and reversible logic circuits. These templates are recognized for their significant role in enhancing the efficiency of quantum and reversible logic optimization. Our approach enables the exhaustive synthesis of all potential templates up to a specified size. Leveraging the power of SAT-solver technology, we have verified the comprehensiveness of our template collections by confirming the full exploration of the search space. Additionally, we propose an innovative concept of Suboptimality Witnesses, which we anticipate will be instrumental in streamlining the search process in formal methods, akin to SAT-solvers, for the synthesis of reversible logic circuits.
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Adam Jagielski

  1. Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
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In wireless mobile networks, a client can move between different locations while staying connected to the network and access the remote server over the mobile networks by using their mobile de- vices at anytime and anywhere. However, the wireless network is more prone to some security attacks, as it does not have the ingrained physical security like wired networks. Thus, the client authentication is required while accessing the remote server through wireless network. Based on elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC) and identity-based cryptography (IBC), Debiao et al. proposed an ID-based client authentication with key agreement scheme to reduce the computation and communication loads on the mobile devices. The scheme is suitable for mobile client-server environments, is secure against different attacks and provides mutual authentication with session key agreement between a client and the remote server as they claimed. Unfotunately, this paper demonstrates that Debiao et al.’s scheme is vulnerable some cryptographic attacks, and proposed an improved ID-based client authentication with key agreement scheme using ECC. The proposed scheme is secure based on Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) and Computational Diffie-Helmann Problem (CDHP). The detail analysis shows that our scheme overcomes the drawbacks of Debiao et al.’s scheme and achieves more functionality for the client authentication with lesser computational cost than other schemes.
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Islam S.K. Hafizul
G.P. Biswas
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We address one of the weaknesses of the RSA ciphering systems i.e. the existence of the private keys that are relatively easy to compromise by the attacker. The problem can be mitigated by the Internet services providers, but it requires some computational effort. We propose the proof of concept of the GPGPU-accelerated system that can help detect and eliminate users’ weak keys. We have proposed the algorithms and developed the GPU-optimised program code that is now publicly available and substantially outperforms the tested CPU processor. The source code of the OpenSSL library was adapted for GPGPU, and the resulting code can perform both on the GPU and CPU processors. Additionally, we present the solution how to map a triangular grid into the GPU rectangular grid – the basic dilemma in many problems that concern pair-wise analysis for the set of elements. Also, the comparison of two data caching methods on GPGPU leads to the interesting general conclusions. We present the results of the experiments of the performance analysis of the selected algorithms for the various RSA key length, configurations of GPU grid, and size of the tested key set.

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Przemysław Karbownik
Paweł Russek
Kazimierz Wiatr
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Nowadays, information security management systems are important parts of managing a system for better handling of the information security. In scenarios and situations where safety management is done by managing protection of malwares, it is important to manage security issues properly. Cryptography is an approach which makes possible for a recipient to encrypt and decrypt the information. A combination of two different strategies for encryption and decryption in the text encoding will be transformed into the used all content. The encryption and decryption key of the content decryption key is used. There are different types of information. A number, such as finding two large prime numbers with that product. The number, the size of the RSA key is large enough to make, it's hard to pinpoint these numbers. The key, known as the RSA public key, is the most prominent open encryption. Calculations were used for information exchange. In this paper, we created a program for simulation and testing of apply cryptography of Advance Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm with Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) algorithm for better performance. In this study, this program is an application of a new algorithm to be the AES&RSA principle of using a public key instead of a private key for cryptography, and the testing of encryption and decryption for the AES&RSA algorithm resulted in time is no different on the AES algorithm and more secure encryption and decryption. The results indicated that the time needed for encoding and decoding of AES&RSA algorithm has been reduced (i.e., efficiency has been improved).
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Santi Pattanavichai

  1. Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Information Technology Department, Thailand
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We examine Turing’s intriguing claim, made in the philosophy journal Mind, that he had created a short computer program of such a nature that it would be impossible “to discover by observation sufficient about it to predict its future behaviour, and this within a reasonable time, say a thousand years” (Turing, 1950, p. 457). A program like this would naturally have cryptographic applications, and we explore how the program would most likely have functioned. Importantly, a myth has recently grown up around this program of Turing’s, namely that it can be used as the basis of an argument—and was so used by Turing—to support the conclusion that it is impossible to infer a detailed mathematical description of the human brain within a practicable timescale. This alleged argument of Turing’s has been dubbed “Turing’s Wager” (Thwaites, Soltan, Wieser, Nimmo-Smith, 2017, p. 3) We demonstrate that this argument—in fact nowhere to be found in Turing’s work—is worthless, since it commits a glaring logical fallacy. “Turing’s Wager” gives no grounds for pessimism about the prospects for understanding and simulating the human brain.
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B. Jack Copeland
Diane Proudfoot

  1. Universityof Canterbury, New Zealand

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