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History has shown different approaches to improving productivity the way of companies do business. Since the early 1900s, the development of different production systems has played an increasingly remarkable role in global manufacturing countries. It seems, that the growth of understanding has widened the ideology of production systems used up to current ones. This article examines the development path of business development. It evaluates the suitability of the key tools used to support change in a modern business model in a customer-driven project business environment.
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Jyri Vuorela
Mikael Ollikainen
Vesa Salminen
Juha Varis

  1. Energy Systems, LUT University, Finland
  2. Smart Research Center, Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland
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Business processes are omnipresent in nowadays economy: companies operate repetitively to achieve their goals, e.g., deliver goods, complete orders. The business process model is the key to understanding, managing, controlling, and verifying the operations of a company. Modeling of business processes may be a legal requirement in some market segments, e.g., financial in the European Union, and a prerequisite for certification, e.g., of the ISO-9001 standard. However, business processes naturally evolve, and continuous model adaptation is essential for rapid spot and reaction to changes in the process. The main contribution of this work is the Continuous Inductive Miner (CIM) algorithm that discovers and continuously adapts the process tree, an established representation of the process model, using the batches of event logs of the business process. CIM joins the exclusive guarantees of its two batch predecessors, the Inductive Miner (IM) and the Inductive Miner – directlyfollows-based (IMd): perfectly fit and sound models, and single-pass event log processing, respectively. CIM offers much shorter computation times in the update scenario than IM and IMd. CIM employs statistical information to work around the need to remember event logs as IM does while ensuring the perfect fit, contrary to IMd.
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Tomasz P. Pawlak
Bartosz Górka

  1. Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
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The paper discusses two characters of speculators as shown in two 19th century novels. Zola’s Aristide Saccard incarnates fever, chaos and prodigality of a provincial who has become a millionaire pursuing his dream of fortune. Guy de Maupassant’s William Andermatt is a banker whose extraordinary capacity of making money is based on rationalism, cold calculation and exceptional intuition. Despite all the differences, they both embody three basic features of a businessman: desire, will and power.

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Anna Kaczmarek-Wiśniewska
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Due to globalized business operations, companies in different economic sectors are part of complex supply chain networks. Their value-added processes comprise product and information flows, e.g. with a focus on manufacturing, service or trade. Until the final product is delivered to the end customer, it needs to pass many different processes in cooperating organizations. As a result, there a lot of business-to-business (B2B) interactions with crossenterprise transactions, often including cross-border communications and sometimes even cross-industry trades with technological and often cultural implications. Especially the interfaces of supply chain networks are prone to inefficiencies, misunderstandings and delays due to a lack of standardized B2B transactions, which leads to waste in form of rework, errors and mistakes. In addition, new customers are hard to find for the manufacturing or trading company, since potential customers are so far limited to a regional network. The advantages of extending the customer base still need to be explored by many organizations. This paper discusses the opportunities by streamlining the communication along supply chain networks in a general fashion and then describes the application in a B2B automotive retail business. A concept of a web-based trading platform, which provides a seamless service for all steps of a convenient and efficient used vehicle remarketing business, is developed. It includes all phases, like offering and price finding in a comprehensive online platform, which also covers further activities, such as logistic services, financial transactions, and a mandatory feedback loop. The suggested B2B vehicle-trading platform enables a quick turnover of each transaction, which is analyzed and optimized based on the application of cross-enterprise Value Stream Management.
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Peter Plapper
Christof Oberhausen
Meysam Minoufekr
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We introduce consumption habits into a real-business-cycle setup augmented with a detailed government sector. We calibrate the model to Bulgarian data for the period following the introduction of the currency board arrangement (1999-2018). We investigate the quantitative importance of the presence of internal consumption habits motive for the propagation cyclical fluctuations in Bulgaria. Allowing for internal habits in household’s consumption improves the model performance against data, and in addition this extended setup dominates the standard RBC model framework without habits. Therefore, the computational experiments performed in this paper suggest that habits are a quantitatively important model ingredient, which should be taken into consideration when analysing the effects of different policies in Bulgaria. This result can be viewed as an empirical validation of the habit model, and a rejection of the model without habits in the case of Bulgaria. In addition, we also demonstrate that internal habits are quantitatively more important than external habits for the Bulgarian business cycle.
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Aleksandar Vasilev
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In order to fully adapt to market requirements, mining enterprises in recent years have implemented standardized systems for quality, safety and health at work and environmental management. The standards for individual systems define the requirements of applying specific procedures and actions to implement the adopted policy aimed at achieving the assumed goals. The combination of business procedures and practices is more effective in the case of their integration than the activities carried out under separate systems. They then function under the name of an integrated management system (IMS). Properly implemented IMSs most often contributes to a more harmonious functioning of the enterprise and the elimination of recurring activities in the areas concerning individual systems, and thus to the optimization of costs related to their implementation and maintenance. Improving the operational efficiency of the mining enterprise and mines included in it, while maintaining the requirements of work safety and environmental protection. In the conditions of a market economy, improving the efficiency of functioning and providing sources of business financing is a key necefity for mining enterprise (Bąk 2007, 2008). Mines need to be properly managed to survive. The key problem is the design and implementation of an efficient management system and its continuous improvement based on the adequacy of system solutions. This is an answer to the question whether the management system of a mining enterprise (mine) corresponds to its real needs in the process of achieving objectives. Improvement of management systems must be based on an appropriate diagnosis. The aim of the article is to present the original solution, which is a tool for improving the integrated management system in Polish mining enterprises.

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Patrycja Bąk
Agnieszka Nowak
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In the present dynamic environment, manufacture are required to reduce product development

cycle time and enhance product quality. To meet such challenges many business

are developing closer relationships with their business partner through application of interorganisational

system. Electronic data interchange (EDI) providing a structured form of

communication and has become very popular vehicle for electronic communication. Since

the EDI concept was popularised in 1990, there is a growing recognition by practitioners

and academics. The aim of this study is to perform an analysis of EDI research, give the

current discussion regarding the trends and note the suggestions for the future directions

of EDI research in the manufacture. In this paper, we provide a wide coverage of excessively

citations on EDI from 1990 to 2017 from good references in this area. The papers are

classified into EDI implementation strategy, EDI adoption, EDI integration, EDI in supply

chain and EDI in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The study results of this literature

review are expected to assist development of EDI research especially the implementation of

EDI on production outsourcing as one of supply chain activities.

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Rika Yunitarini
Purnomo Budi Santoso
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The success of businesses depends on factors such as cost management, improving product and service quality, and satisfying customer demands. This study has been conducted to optimize the distribution of multiple product and levels of product flow under uncertain condition. This involves developing a mathematical model that minimizes supply chain costs while maximizing customer satisfaction across different scenarios. This is enabled businesses to introduce omnichannel approaches that cover all social strata, tastes, and habits, allowing organizations to take greater control over pricing and product selection and receive precise feedback from the market and customers.
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Solly Aryza
Syahril Efendi
Poltak Sihombing

  1. Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan
  2. Universitas Sumatera Utara
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The article is devoted to topical issues of energy saving management of a business organization.

The concept and essence of saving are considered. Based on the systematization of the totality of

manifestations of saving energy, the following types are distinguished: economic, ecological, ecological-

economic, reputation and social. External and internal factors of saving energy in a business

organization are identified, which reflect the conditions of its operation in the context of saving

energy. It is determined that energy efficiency barriers, which are proposed to be divided into technical-

economic, organizational-behavioral and cognitive, characterize the energy saving process in

terms of restraining factors in improving the efficiency of fuel and energy resources, reflect specific

obstacles within the energy saving process in a particular business organizations and are of an

intra-organizational nature. It is determined that to improve energy saving processes in a business

organization the use cycles of continuous development, in particular, the Deming cycle is advisable.

For the purposes of energy management, the use an appropriate business model that determines

the order of formation of the economic advantage of the entity through energy savings and reflects

a set of solutions that characterize the process of creating value for stakeholders are advisable.

Based on the formalization of the business model of energy efficiency of the business organization,

the use of an saving energy program aimed at removing barriers to energy efficiency and the impact

on internal energy saving factors, as they are the levers that a business organization can influence to

improve energy efficiency, is proposed.

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Olena Shatilova
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CSR on Mazovia – Institutional Dimension. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is defined as the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society. For the effective implementation of this concept are very important institutions, understood as a permanent (legal, organizational and customary) determinants of repetitive human behaviour and peopleto- people interaction. Institutions can therefore be both organisations that promotes this concept and CSR projects or strategies. The aim of the article is to review the thesis that the Mazovia is the driving force of the development of CSR in Poland, carried out on the basis of desk and web research. By evaluating the degree of institutionalisation of CSR in Mazovia, based on an analysis of the activities of the various sectors in this field, it was found that most activities for the implementation of this concept is undertaken in Mazovia, and many of them have coverage nationwide.
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Ewa Jastrzębska
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In this article, authors analyze methods of the analysis of data integrity, security and availability loss results for business processes. Assessing those results, one can judge the importance of a process in organization; thus, determine which business process requires more attention. The importance of those processes can be determined with Business Impact Analysis (BIA). In article, first phase of BIA is presented – in specific, a construction of Business Impact Category Tables, Loss Levels and process weight calculation methods. A variety of weight calculating methods is presented. Authors also present their proposed method – square sum percentage – as a solution eliminating problems of other weight calculation methods in business impact analysis.
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Jacek Bagiński
Maciej Rostański
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This article aims at constructing a new method for testing the statistical significance of seasonal fluctuations for non-stationary processes. The constructed test is based on a method of subsampling and on the spectral theory of Almost Periodically Correlated (APC) time series. In the article we consider an equation of a nonstationary process, containing a component which includes seasonal fluctuations and business cycle fluctuations, both described by an almost periodic function. We build subsampling test justifying the significance of frequencies obtained from the Fourier representation of the unconditional expectation of the process.

The empirical usefulness of the constructed test is examined for selected macroeconomic data. The article studies survey indicators of economic climate in industry, retail trade and consumption for European countries.

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Łukasz Lenart
Mateusz Pipień
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Recently, business protocol discovery has taken more attention in the field of web services. This activity permits a better description of the web service by giving information about its dynamics. The latter is not supported by theWSDL language which concerns only the static part. The problem is that the only information available to construct the dynamic part is the set of log files saving the runtime interaction of the web service with its clients. In this paper, a new approach based on the Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT) is proposed to discover the business protocol of web services. The DWT allows reducing the problem space while preserving essential information. It also overcomes the problem of noise in the log files. The proposed approach has been validated using artificially-generated log files.

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A. Moudjari
I. Kezzouli
H. Talbi
A. Draa
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One of the important issues concerning development of spatial data infrastructures (SDIs) is the carrying out of economic and financial analysis. It is essential to determine expenses and also assess effects resulting from the development and use of infrastructures. Costs and benefits assessment could be associated with assessment of the infrastructure effectiveness and efficiency as well as the infrastructure value, understood as the infrastructure impact on economic aspects of an organisational performance, both of an organisation which realises an SDI project and all users of the infrastructure. The aim of this paper is an overview of various assessment methods of investment as well as an analysis of different types of costs and benefits used for information technology (IT) projects. Based on the literature, the analysis of the examples of the use of these methods in the area of spatial data infrastructures is also presented. Furthermore, the issues of SDI projects and investments are outlined. The results of the analysis indicate usefulness of the financial methods from different fields of management in the area of SDI building, development and use. The author proposes, in addition to the financial methods, the adaptation of the various techniques used for IT investments and their development, taking into consideration the SDI specificity for the purpose of assessment of different types of costs and benefits and integration of financial aspects with non- financial ones. Among the challenges are identification and quantification of costs and benefits, as well as establishing measures which would fit the characteristics of the SDI project and artefacts resulting from the project realisation. Moreover, aspects of subjectivity and variability in time should be taken into account as the consequences of definite goals and policies as well as business context of organisation undertaking the project or using its artefacts and also investors.
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Agnieszka Zwirowicz-Rutkowska
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The aim of the paper is to present an overview of the theoretical basis and stages of the process of opportunities exploration and exploitation in the development of innovativeness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and its preliminary empirical verification on the basis of experience derived from economic practice. The aim of the paper is realized based on the author’s own empirical research carried out in the form of a case study conducted among 5 innovative SME companies in Poland. The results indicate that the analyzed companies associate opportunities directly with entrepreneurship and the development of innovative activity. They take various actions that are part of theoretical principles of effective opportunities exploration and exploitation, which allows them to obtain a number of pro-innovative benefits and which supports the creation of competitive advantage.
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Marek Matejun
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The industry transformation to the digital model 4.0 will be a significant change from

the perspective of the organisation and processes. In the context of the above, the research

was undertaken, the principal aim of which constituted the attempt to answer the question

concerning the technological advancement level of manufacturing companies operating in

the agricultural machinery sector. It is about identifying what adaptation projects in the

context of the fourth generation industry era should be undertaken by the Polish manufacturers operating in the agricultural machinery sector. The achievement of the main

objective required formulation and implementation of partial objectives, which, according

to the authors, include: C(1) – defining the Industry 4.0 axiom merit; C(2) – using the

subject literature reconstruction and interpretation methods – nomination of areas, on the

one hand essential from the perspective of the model 4.0, and on the other hand those that

may demonstrate the maturity in the domain of the adopted desiderata; C(3) – compilation

of the research model, in the form of an assessment sheet, being a resultant of literature

studies and research conducted among deliberately selected domain experts; C(4) – based

on the selected indicators, the technological advancement level recognition of the studied

companies; specification of a technological gap (questioning among experts).

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Bogdan Nogalski
Przemysław Niewiadomski
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The spread of digital technologies dramatically changes production processes. The fourth

industrial revolution opens up new opportunities for the introduction of technologies, having

a significant impact on the production cycle, starting with highly automated production lines

and ending with the large-scale implementation of technological solutions designed to improve

productivity, optimize costs, quality and reliability. Defining digital transformations,

primarily in the manufacturing industry, as a strategic imperative for the entire economy

based on opinions and intentions of entrepreneurs (short and medium-term), key aspects of

the digitalization process in Russian medium, high-tech and low-tech manufacturing industries

are revealed. A set of tendencies in the development of digital technologies by their main

types is presented, the level of industry participation in digital transformation is shown, as

well as many other important digital transformation processes in enterprises that are not

measured by quantitative statistics.

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Inna S. Lola
Murat Bakeev
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This paper proposes a microfounded model featuring frictional labor markets that generates procyclical R&D expenditures as a result of optimizing behavior by heterogeneous monopolistically competitive firms. This allows to show that business cycle fluctuations affect the aggregate endogenous growth rate of the economy. Consequently, transitory shocks leave lasting level effects. This mechanism is responsible for economically significant hysteresis effects that significantly increase the welfare cost of business cycles relative to the exogenous growth model. I show that this has serious policy implications and creates ample space for policy intervention. I find that several static and countercyclical subsidy schemes are welfare improving. Importantly, I find that due to labor market frictions subsidizing incumbent firms generates large and positive welfare effects.
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Marcin Bielecki

  1. University of Warsaw, Poland, Narodowy Bank Polski
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The paper features some aspects of providing information security and business continuity to public administration by means of an integrated computer-aided management system OSCAD. The system is based on international standards ISO/IEC 270001 and BS 25999 (ISO 22301). First, the significance of information security and business continuity issues in public administration was presented along with a short introduction to the applied standards. Then the possibilities of the OSCAD system were discussed together with the examples how the system can solve the problems encountered by public administration.

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Andrzej Białas
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In a national economy, are individual subnational regions business cycle takers or setters? We address this important regional policy question by investigating regional business cycles at NUTS-3 granularity in Poland (N = 73), using two metrics in parallel: GDP dynamics and unemployment. To extract the business cycle, we use a spatial Markov switching model that features both idiosyncratic business cycle fluctuations across regions (as a 2-state chain), as well as spatial interactions with other regions (as spatial autoregression). The posterior distribution of the parameters is simulated with a Metropolis-withinGibbs procedure. We find a clear division into business cycle setters and takers, the latter being largely (but not only) non-metropolitan regions.
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Agnieszka Rabiej
Dominika Sikora-Kruszka
Andrzej Torój

  1. Reckitt
  2. EY
  3. SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Institute of Econometrics
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The article deals with the features and characteristics of intelligent systems for modelling business processes. Their classification was made and criteria for comparison were developed. According to the comparative analysis of existing expert systems for intelligent analysis, a reasonable choice of system for modelling business processes of a particular enterprise has been carried out. In general, it was found that the introduction of intelligent systems for modelling business processes of the enterprise and forecasting its activities for future allows management of the company to obtain relevant and necessary information for the adoption of effective management decisions and the development of a strategic plan.
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Authors and Affiliations

Svetlana A. Yaremko
Elena M. Kuzmina
Nataliia B. Savina
Konrad Gromaszek
Bakhyt Yeraliyeva
Gauhar Borankulova

  1. Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine
  2. National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine
  3. Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland
  4. Taraz State University after M.Kh.Dulaty, Taraz, Kazakhstan
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Business ethics – together with other branches of applied ethics – faces a challenge of the validity of its claims. These ethical claims must be convincing for participants of economic life and meet the requirement of impartiality. Of course, philosophical ethics helps in this search. Among many ethical propositions, the emphasis is on those that have sufficient epistemological grounding (often taking the form of a meta-ethical recommendations). Considering this condition, the choice of ethical tools is significantly reduced. For this reason, the search for ethical standards applicable in social practice is continued in the sphere of culture. Meanwhile, this widening of the research field must be done with caution. It is hard to find in culture an answer to the question about the criteria for ethical behavior. Culture, of course, is founded on such criteria. However, there are more of them than would be expected by an ethicist seeking – in this area – a solution to the problem of the validity of an ethical norm. The fact that complicates this search is that the changes that have been taking place in Western culture since the mid-twentieth century are very powerful. Their multi-faceted nature means that their systematization (carried out using the principle of non-contradiction) is not possible. The hypothesis regarding the complexity and heterogeneity of normative beliefs held by Western societies is confirmed (among others) by the analysis of processes initiated by the performative turn. Hence the choice of arguments offered by performance studies. They harmonize with the leading intention of this research paper. They explain why the world of cultural values – despite the multitude of practices of giving them significance – legitimately aspires to be the normative foundation of collective life, including economic life.

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Przemysław Rotengruber
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The possibility and expediency of estimation of risk factors based on fundamental positions of information and entropy are grounded. In accordance with the principle of addiction, the possibility of using the H-criterion as an indicator of business uncertainty is shown. The algorithm of risk estimation of these investments is offered.
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Authors and Affiliations

Nataliia B. Savina
Nina V. Slyusarenko
Maryna S. Yakobchuk
Konrad Gromaszek
Saule Smailova
Kuanysh Muslimov

  1. National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine
  2. Kherson State University, Ukraine
  3. Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland
  4. East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D.Serikbayev, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
  5. Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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Business ethics is a complex issue that has been studied a lot. This paper discusses just one of its aspects and presents the assumptions of ethics of economic activity arising from Christian anthropology. They include respect for the dignity of the human person, taking into consideration the social dimension of human life and the affrmation of man’s integral development. All those are particulars of the general principle that man is the creator, the centre and the goal of the whole life and economic activity. These assumptions are in no way unrealistic and idealized expectations in relation to economic and business activity, they rather prove that the economic sphere of life is not ethically neutral, neither is it inhuman nor antisocial. As a dimension of man’s activity it is subject to a moral assessment. Since all stages of economic activity deal with man, his behaviour and needs, they involve moral implications. Even if in certain circumstances unethical behaviour may lead, though temporarily, to economic success, the economic and moral facets are intertwined. J. Messner was right when he stressed that in one’s striving for economic goals immoral means are at the same time uneconomic. The present fnancial and economic crisis proves his thesis.

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Ks. Konrad Glombik

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