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On how the norms arising from the provisions of Poland’s Constitution on the freedom of scientific research and the publication of its results, and on the autonomy of higher education institutions, compare with the legal provisions currently in force, in particular those of the Act of 20 July 2018 – the Higher Education and Science Law.
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Hubert Izdebski

  1. Faculty of Law, SWPS University
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One of the direct results of the collapse of the former USSR was the emergence of centrifugal ethnic minority nationalisms, which posed a threat to the stability of the then newly-established (or restored in the case of the Baltic democracies) states. In this context, one of the mechanisms introduced by the leading elites in several countries (e.g. Latvia, Ukraine, Estonia, the Russian Federation) in order to address the minority diversity issue, ensure stability, and gain international support (in the case of the Baltic states) was a cultural autonomy scheme, which has its origins in the ideas of the late 19th century Austro-Marxist school of thought. This model was successfully implemented once in the past, in inter-war Estonia. However, its modern application, even in cases when it does not just remain on paper (such as in Latvia and Ukraine), seems to serve other motives (e.g. a restitutional framework in Estonia, control of the non-titular minority elites in Russia) rather than the satisfaction of minority cultural needs, thus making cultural autonomy a dead letter.
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Athanasios Yupsanis
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The aim of the study is to compare the development of self-esteem and identity integration over time among people with disability and without it (data from norm groups), including people with a spinal cord injury as well as with disabilities caused by other reasons. The research examined self-esteem and identity integration of individuals with disability with regard to disability duration, gender, age, correlation analysis of self-esteem and identity integration. The sample consisted of 133 individuals with acquired disabilities. The study used the Polish adaptations of Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Multidimensional Self-Assessment Inventory. Additionally, the respondents with disability completed a form with questions about their age, gender, disability duration and its cause. The outcomes of SES and MSEI modules were checked against the norm groups. The results demonstrated that self-esteem and identity integration do not vary with regard to gender, age or acquired disability conditions. The differences between subjects with disability and the normalized group have proven to be negligible. However, the factor that turned out to be highly significant was the disability duration. Differences have been observed among groups with disability lasting up to 4 months, from 4 months to 2 years, from 2 to 6 years and over 6 years. To sum up, self-esteem and identity integration correlation proved to be high and positive. These findings suggested that the higher the self-esteem, the more integrated the identity, regardless of either the disability type or its degree. The level of self-esteem is subject to differentiation primarily due to disability duration.
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Magda Lejzerowicz
Dariusz Tomczyk
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The University Reform of 1918 was a renewal movement for universities, aimed at their democratization and modernization, initiated by student activities at the National University of Cordoba. Student movements took on a continental dimension and led to many changes in Latin American universities, especially in the field of autonomy and representation of students in university bodies. The introduction of university autonomy has had a profound impact not only on the functioning of the higher education system in Latin America, but also on other areas of social and political life in the region in the following decades. The article presents the Cordoba University Reform from a historical perspective and attempts to evaluate achievements in the implementation of its ideas in the today’s system of higher education in Latin America.

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Joanna Gocłowska-Bolek
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Job crafting is an employees activity aimed to change and improve own work which serves to find the meaning in job. Activities related to job crafting usually occur beyond the superiors’ knowledge so the feeling of autonomy of a worker may hinder or encourage them to craft job. The study aimed to determine the correlations between organizational rank and job crafting with respect to a mediating role of autonomy and organizational tenure as a moderator. Study 1 (N = 102) showed that people having managerial positions undertake task crafting more often than non-managers. Managers and non-managers are no different with regards to cognitive and relational crafting. Autonomy mediated the relationship between organizational rank and task crafting. Most of the results in study 2 (N = 99) was a replication of the results of study 1. The differences are probably related to a various length of organizational tenure for a current organization. The results of the presented studies indicate the role of autonomy in undertaking job crafting, what is being discussed in the literature worldwide and Polish studies.

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Mateusz Minda
Karolina Mudło-Głagolska
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Arbitration is based on the autonomy of the parties. In international arbitration, within the scope of the autonomy of will granted to the parties, they have the opportunity to choose, first of all, the place of arbitration in a given country, they can determine the applicable law of arbitration and contracts, as well as the procedure according to which the proceedings will be conducted. This article presents selected issues regarding arbitration based on the autonomy of the parties.
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Maria Dragun-Gertner

  1. prof. Uniwersytetu WSB Merito
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What kind of reform is the Polish Academy of Sciences in need of? An outline of the goals and tasks for the future
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Paweł M. Rowiński

  1. PAS Institute of Geophysics
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Secularity is a historical product of modern ages that signaled a diminishing role of transcendence in public as well as individual life, changing effectively the common understanding of key social institutions: economy, state, knowledge, the family, religion. It may take on the form of a neutral lack of transcendence in public life and personal orientation (secularization); it can also appear as an active ideological presence – an ambitious project to remove any reference to transcendence from public life in view of creating “a religion free zone” (secularism). In the first case secularity comes about as a result of a civilization process of subtraction, in which religion melts under the pressure of modern technology, science, economy, a new philosophical orientation, and political frameworks. In the second one, it assumes the form of a bellicose ideology which implies a specific agenda of actions against religion. Secularity came into being as an outcome of philosophical, cultural and political shifts that strived to free individuals from being subjects of the old moral order, and make them inde-pendent autonomous agents that live in the unprecedented conditions of novus ordo seculorum and secular, ordinary time.

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Ks. Marek Hułas
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Academic culture is a set of rules (norms and values) regulating the institution of the university. The central component of academic culture is autonomy both in the sense of independence from external interference and the capacity to decide on research, teaching and organization of the university. Autonomy is endangered by the interference in academic culture of other cultural complexes characteristic for modern society: corporate culture, business culture, bureaucratic culture, financial culture, consumer culture. The resulting cultural clash is the reason for current crisis of the university. The defense of autonomy is the ethical and professional duty of scholars.

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Piotr Sztompka
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The concept of the existence of the absolute being can be characterized by four criteria which correspond to four existential aspects of the ultimate reality. In volume one of the Controversy over the Existence of the World Roman Ingarden argues that the absolute being is to be characterized as self-sustained, primary, self‑activated and independent. When some general remarks are put aside, the article focuses on arguments that have been adduced by the author in support of three claims. (1) Ingarden accepts the existence of the absolute being and flanks it by additional seven kinds of relative beings. The author finds the abundance supernumerary in the material world. (2) No material (or physical) object possesses properties (or existential moments) that belong to the absolute being. (3) There are fundamental reasons which exclude the possibility that the physical world (the manifold of all material objects) can be identified with the absolute being (absolute existence).
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Marek Łagosz

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Koszarowa 3, 51-149 Wrocław
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The author tries to explain what consequences for social morality ensue from the assumption that moral attitudes are expressed not only in words but also in reactive attitudes. P.F. Strawson assumes that acts of resentment can alter attitudes of those who have triggered them by their behavior. On the other hand, we are ready to control our outbursts of short temper and anger to a certain degree if we take into account agents’ motives and their limited ability to exercise self-control. Moreover, it seems that reactive attitudes – though less precise than verbal rebuke – are more frank and straightforward. Nevertheless, why must I, when I hear a mediocre academic researcher brag over and over again about his apparently essential contribution to philosophy, curb my moral assessment of his self-importance to the level of my irritation? Why should I feel constrained to keep my moral disgust in tune with my impatience mixed with amusement? Why shouldn’t I continue to believe that I can be an amiable character and a rigorous moral person at the same time?

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Jacek Hołówka
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Hayden White did not directly examine the issue of the independence of history as a discipline of knowledge in his theoretical reflection. He did not ask about the subject of historical studies, the specificity of the methods used in it, the difference between history and other fields, or the economic and social conditions of historical discourse. In this article, I revise White’s writing and reconfigure the extant research using the concept of autonomy.
White — primarily in his works from the 1970s and 1980s — devoted much attention to exposing and describing cultural compulsions resulting in historical practices and violating their autonomy. These actions also brought unexpected results. At first, the use of structuralism in these practices, and then poststructuralist concepts of “the death of the author” and textualism, suggested claims that freed historiography from its links with an author’s biography and world-view, and with the social context in which a given work is produced. Using Foucault’s descrip-tion of the order of discourse, in turn, brought the image of a strict rigor of historical discipline, which, however, is not equal to the strong autonomy of history.
A stronger delimitation of the field of history appears in his — already in the twenty‑first century — offer to use Michael Oakeshott’s division into the practical past and the historical past. Whilst censuring academic historical writing as sterile and rejected by readers because it fails to answer contemporary existential, social and political questions, White, most likely unintentionally, described the independence of historians’ actions from the demands of the societies to which they belong. According to commentators, his remarks can be a productive inspiration for reflection upon the distinctiveness of the discipline of history.
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Jakub Muchowski

  1. Jagiellonian University, Kraków
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I have been asked to give a thought on the University. It is arranged in a sequence of “past – yesterday – today”, to which I will occasionally refer. It will not, however, constitute a rigid scheme governing this talk. The inspiration for these thoughts was specified by the question “what perception of the University I imbibed in my family home, how I later confronted this with my own practice or «experience» of the University, how I look at it from the perspective of the experience I have had and from observing the changes taking place.”
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Tomasz Schramm

  1. Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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In many countries, rapid secularisation exerts an ever growing control over nearly every aspect of social life, driving Christianity away from public life and substitu-ting it with an increasingly militant ideology. Christianity today faces many questions and challenges, from profound shifts in traditional values and new anthropologies to questions on the meaning of life and the place of the Church in pluralistic society. Do the Christians of today have anything to offer in the modern Areopagus of thought? Though in minority during the first few centuries of their history, Christians not only were able to claim their due place in society, but point to their contribution to its well-being and functioning. After the so-called Edict of Milan they tried to influence legislation and imbue it with the values and spirit of the Gospel. Not always was it possible, though. At times the border between the state and the Church were crossed either way. Nevertheless, in order to safeguard the autonomy of the Church in her re-lationship with the state, the former tried to adhere to the wise principle she received from her Founder to give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.

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Ks. Marek Raczkiewicz
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After having clarified the concept of secularization and outlined its problems, the author gives an overview of the different causes of secularization and points out that the forces driving the process of secularization have Christian origins. On this basis, in the third part of the article, the author describes and lays the foundation for a new attitude for the Church towards secularization, necessary both for being able to convert herself to the gospel and to evangelize people in the world today. One of the most important parts of this attitude is respect for the autonomy of every human person, intrinsically related to respect for the dignity of every person. The end of the article, looking to the future, points out the consequences of such an attitude towards the discussion of some burning questions in the Church.

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Gerhard Kruip
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For many ethicists, natural law no longer seems to be relevant as a model for the motivation of norms. At the same time, moral theology after Vatican II strives for renewal which, on the one hand, distances itself from radical autonomous thinking and, on the other hand, overcomes certain narrownesses of the past. It happens in the context of a cultural upheaval between modernity and postmodernity, in which universalistic ethical concepts are regarded critically anyway. Nevertheless, the increasing ethical challenges of the present, especially those in the bioethical field, call for universally valid solutions in the globalized world. In this context, natural law thinking can and should be used again. However, it would have to be suitably presented. An ethical understanding beyond cultural and temporal boundaries is possible, but requires an agreement on the binding character of human nature.
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Andrzej Dominik Kuciński

  1. Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre, Rom
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Roger Scruton repudiates the idea that civil liberty is a natural and unconditionally desirable state of citizenry, while subjection is something degrading and unnatural. He characterizes the conservative political system as a ‘rule by institutions’ supported by a theory of nature and a theory describing the functioning of institutions. National politics results from operations of social and political institutions which have grown out of traditional arrangements, respect raison d’État, and are governed by offices. The author argues that this is a sound interpretation of essential political arrangements, if it can solve the problem of political reconstruction after a period of decline or disintegration. As a matter of fact Scruton offers such a solution in his analysis of various forms of liberalism, one of which he seems to identify with conservatism.

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Jacek Hołówka
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This article analyses the relationship between the Court of Justice and other international jurisdictions. In particular, it addresses the following question: To what extent is the Court of Justice ready to accept that some aspects of EU law are subject to the jurisdiction of an international body? The answer to this question requires analysis of the precise scope of the principle of autonomy of EU law as this principle could potentially constitute grounds on the basis of which the Court of Justice excludes the transfer of judicial competences to external bodies. For this reason, the article refers to the most important decisions in the field: Opinions 1/91 and 1/92, Opinion 1/09, Opinion 2/13, judgment in C-146/13 Spain v. Parliament and Council and judgment in C-284/14 Achmea. It also discusses the consequences of the application of Article 344 TFEU.

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Maciej Szpunar
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Fin-de-siècle Central European scholarship takes on a different complexion, if it is approached from the perspective of politically responsible action. The article analyses neither scholarship involved into party politics nor apolitical scientific and scholarly activities but focuses on a specific approach: The scholars I am concerned with in this article strove for the strict division of science and politics; they nevertheless remained committed to political objectives such as improving social conditions. The approaches of Bernard Bolzano, Ernst Mach, Alois Riegl, Sigmund Freud, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Otto Neurath, Hans Kelsen are taken into account.

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Johannes Feichtinger
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Today’s world is struggling with problems of population growth, migration, communication, infrastructure, climate change, economic and pandemic crises — which create a strong uncertainty about the future. Due to these threats, concern about the aesthetic dimension of architecture is pushed to the background. Few manifestos, or rather programs, frequently concern themselves with social, ecological or economic aspects, apart from the aesthetic ones. And yet this intangible, immeasurable dimension is an inherent part within the essence of architecture as art. The following paper is an attempt to analyze the minimalist trend in the context of contemporary threats: the de-aestheticization of architecture and limiting its autonomy. The aim of the article is to show that architects working in the minimalist trend, by returning to the basics of design, searching for the essence of architecture, strive to maintain the independence of this creative field, and by searching for the value of beauty, they strive to restore architecture to its aesthetic dimension.
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Anna Mielnik
Tomasz Kozłowski

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Architectural Design
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The presented paper describes the phenomenon of secularisation and secularism in the culture of Western Europe, and attempts to identify its sources. The first point of the paper, The meaning of secularization and secularism, explains secularisation as a social process in which religion or, more strictly, religious institutes, religious behaviour, and religiously inspired conscience, are gradually losing their control over many fields of social activity such like education, arts or politics. Secularisation can be labelled as a philosophy of life “as if there were no God”, or a kind of ideology that tries to justify not only the very fact of secularisation but declares it a source and norm for human progress and demands the proclamation of man’s absolute autonomy in shaping his own destination. Among many philosophers who have influenced development of secularisation and secularism two stand out: R. Descartes (second point) and F. Nietzsche (third point). In the philosophy of Descartes one can identify at least four sources of modern secularism. These are: his concept of philosophy, theory of cognition with the resulting departure from classical concepts of truth and rationality and development of alternative ones, Cartesian metaphysics and the arguments for the existence of God and his concept of the nature of God evolving from those arguments. The last part of the article presents Nietzsche’s move away from the faith in Christian God and his turn to atheism. At least three fundamental causes for Nietzsche’s radical autosecularisation can be discerned: the emotional religion of his home, his disbelief in the authenticity of the Bible and his growing familiarity with the philosophy of Schopenhauer.

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Ks. Paweł Mazanka
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This paper presents information on printed lists of Gdansk officials, which were published in 1741–1810 under the title Das itzt-lebende Dantzig… and Das jetzt-lebende Dantzig… (as of 1764). The author’s findings indicate that they were not published in 1742, 1745, 1747, 1749–1751, 1753 and 1793–1808. Detailed studies also allowed to determine the price at which these materials were sold, although the number of copies published still remains unknown. The author briefly discusses the contents of Das itzt-lebende Dantzig…, which was each time presented on about 100 pages. Inside, the readers could find the full names of Gdansk mayors, councillors, judges, representatives of the Third Order as well as the city military, religious, and school authorities. The source in question is one of the most important publications allowing supplementation of biographical data of Gdansk citizens living in the 18th century and at the beginning of the 19th century.
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Piotr Paluchowski

  1. Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny, Zakład Historii i Filozofii Nauk Medycznych
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This paper is a presentation of a success story of building a premier, non-university research organization dedicated to basic research and to supporting and developing early career researchers. This story comes back to establishing of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society, predecessor of the Max Planck Society. Both those organizations were based upon so-called principle of Adolph von Harnack, the first president of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society. It consists in creating the research institutes around the leading – on a world scale – researchers, providing them the best possible working conditions and giving them freedom to build their research teams. This paper shows the way how the entire Max Planck Society is set up, what is its impartial position on a map of world leading research institutions and what are the reasons of the success of this organization. An outcome of research led in the Max Planck Institutes is shortly given.

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Paweł M. Rowiński
Piotr Olszówka
Michael Giersig

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