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Main aim of submitted work is evaluation and experimental verification of inoculation effect on Al alloys hot-tear sensitivity. Submitted work consists of two parts. The first part introduces the reader to the hot tearing in general and provides theoretical analysis of hot tearing phenomenon. The second part describes strontium effect on hot tearing susceptibility, and gives the results on hot tearing for various aluminium alloys. During the test, the effect of alloy chemical composition on hot tearing susceptibility was also analyzed. Two different Al-based alloys were examined. Conclusions deals with effect of strontium on hot tearing susceptibility and confirms that main objective was achieved.

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Authors and Affiliations

D. Bolibruchová
M. Bruna
R. Pastirčák
K. Major-Gabryś
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Submitted work deals with the analysis of reoxidation processes for aluminium alloys. Due to the aluminium high affinity to the oxygen, the oxidation and consequently reoxidation will occur. Paper focuses on the gating system design in order to suppress and minimize reoxidation processes. Design of the gating system is considered as one of the most important aspect, which can reduce the presence of reoxidation products - bifilms. The main reason for the reoxidation occurrence is turbulence during filling of the mold. By correctly designing the individual parts of gating system, it is possible to minimize turbulence and to ensure a smooth process of the mold filling. The aim of the work is an innovative approach in the construction of gating system by using unconventional elements, such as a naturally pressurized system or vortex elements. The aim is also to clarify the phenomenon during the gating system filling by visualization with the aid of ProCAST numerical simulation software. ProCAST can calculate different indicators which allow to better quantify the filling pattern.

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Remišová
M. Brůna
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The presented work discusses the influence of material of foundry mould on the effect of modification of AlSi11 alloy. For this purpose castings were produced in moulds made of four various materials. Castings of the first type were cast in a metal die, the second ones in the conventional mould of bentonite-bound sand, those of the third type in the sand mould with oil binder, the last ones in a shell mould where phenol-formaldehyde resin was applied as a binder. All the castings were made of AlSi11 alloy modified with strontium. For a purpose of comparison also castings made of the non-modified alloy were produced. The castings were examined with regard to their microstructures. The performed investigations point out that the addition of strontium master alloy results in refining of the alloy structure, particularly of the α-phase, causes some morphological changes in the alloy and the refinement of eutectics. The advantageous influence of modifier on the structure of the examined silumin was observed particularly in the case of alloy cast either in the conventional oil-bound sand mould or in the shell mould. The non-modified alloy cast into a metal die exhibits a structure similar to those of modified alloy solidifying in the other moulds. The improvement in both tensile strength and unit elongation suggests that the modification was carried out correctly. The best mechanical properties were found for the alloy cast in a metal die, both with and without modification treatment.

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Authors and Affiliations

Z. Konopka
M. Łągiewka
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This paper presents a study of the effect of the modification and cooling rate on the grain count α(Al) in the Al-5Cu alloy. Research was

performed on castings with walls thickness between 3 mm and 25 mm. Cooling curves were recorded to determine the cooling rate and the

degree of undercooling at the beginning of solidification. It has been shown that cooling rate increases exponentially as the wall thickness

of casting decreases. Moreover it has been demonstrated that the cooling rate of castings changes within a wide range (21ºC/s - 1ºC/s)

when the wall thickness changes from 3 up to 25 mm. Metallographic examinations revealed primary grains (primary α(Al) grains). The

paper show that the relationship between the grain count and the degree of undercooling (for non-modified and modified alloys) can be

represented by the equation N = Nv = np·exp(-b/ΔTα), based on the Weibull's distribution of the size of nucleation sites.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Górny
G. Sikora
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The results of examinations of the influence of titanium-boron inoculant on the solidification, the microstructure, and the mechanical

properties of AlZn20 alloy are presented. The examinations were carried out for specimens cast both of the non-modified and the

inoculated alloy. There were assessed changes in the alloy overcooling during the first stage of solidification due to the nuclei-forming

influence of the inoculant. The results of quantitative metallographic measurements concerning the refinement of the grain structure of

casting produced in sand moulds are presented. The cooling rate sensitivity of the alloy was proved by revealing changes in morphology of

the α-phase primary crystals. Differences in mechanical properties resulting from the applied casting method and optional inoculation were


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Authors and Affiliations

Z. Konopka
M. Łągiewka
A. Zyska
M. Nadolski
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Pouring of liquid aluminium is typically accompanied by disturbance of the free surface. During these disturbances, the free surface oxide

films can be entrained in the bulk of liquid, also pockets of air can be accidentally trapped in this oxide films. The resultant scattering of

porosity in castings seems nearly always to originate from the pockets of entrained air in oxide films. Latest version of ProCast software

allows to identify the amount of oxides formed at the free surface and where they are most likely to end-up in casts. During a filling

calculation, ProCast can calculate different indicators which allow to better quantify the filling pattern. The fluid front tracking indicator “

Free surface time exposure” has the units [cm2*s]. At each point of the free surface, the free surface area is multiplied by the time. This

value is cumulated with the value of the previous timestep. In addition, this value is transported with the free surface and with the fluid

flow.Experiments to validate this new functions were executed.

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Authors and Affiliations

D. Bolibruchová
R. Pastirčák
M. Brůna
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The paper presents changes in the production volume of castings made of non-ferrous alloys on the background of changes in total production of casting over the 2000-2019 period, both on a global scale and in Poland. It was found that the dynamics of increase in the production volume of castings made of non-ferrous alloys was distinctly greater than the dynamics of increase in the total production volume of castings over the considered period of time. Insofar as the share of production of the non-ferrous castings in the total production of castings was less than 16% during the first two years of the considered period, it reached the level of 20% in the last four years analysed. This share, when it comes to Poland, increased even to the greater degree; it grew from about 10% of domestic production of castings to over 33% within the regarded 2000-2019 period. The greatest average annual growth rate of production, both on a global scale and in Poland, was recorded for aluminium alloys as compared with other basic non-ferrous alloys. This growth rate for all the world was 4.08%, and for Poland 10.6% over the 2000-2019 period. The value of the average annual growth rate of the production of aluminium castings in Poland was close to the results achieved by China (12%), India (10.3%) and the South Korea (15.4%) over the same period of time. In 2019, the total production of castings in the world was equal to about 109 million tonnes, including over 21 million tonnes of castings made of non-ferrous alloys. The corresponding data with respect to Poland are about 1 million tonnes and about 350 thousand tonnes, respectively. In the same year, the production of castings made of aluminium alloys was equal to about 17.2 million tonnes in the world, and about 340 thousand tonnes in Poland.
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Authors and Affiliations

M.S. Soiński
A. Jakubus

  1. The Jacob of Paradies University in Gorzów Wielkopolski, ul. Teatralna 25, 66-400 Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland
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This paper presents the results of a study on the use of infrared thermography to assess the quality of liquid metal, a basic semi-finished product used in foundry production. EN AC-46000 alloy with the designation AlSi9Cu3(Fe) was used for the study. The crystallization process of the alloy was investigated using the TDA method with a Crystaldigraph device and Optris PI thermal imaging camera. The research describes how to use a thermal imaging camera to assess the quality of aluminium alloys. These alloys, due to their propensity in the liquid state to oxidise and absorb hydrogen, a refining procedure in the melting process. The effects of alloy refining are evaluated during technological tests of hydrogen solubility, density and casting shrinkage. The results presented in this paper showed that there is a statistical correlation between the density of the metal and the temperature values from the thermogram of the sample, obtained during its solidification. The existing correlation makes it possible to develop a thermographic inspection algorithm that allows a fast and non-contact assessment of aluminium alloy quality.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ryszard Władysiak

  1. Lodz University of Technology, Department of Materials Engineering and Production Systems, Łódź, Poland
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Submitted work deals with the possibilities of reducing reoxidation by improved gating system design. The result of the reoxidation is the of furled oxide layers – bifilms. During experimental works, non-pressurized and naturally pressurized gating systems designs were introduced and evaluated. Mechanical properties, fracture area, hot tearing index, bifilm index and EDX analysis were used during evaluation. Paper aim is also to clarify the reoxidation phenomenon by visualization with the aid of ProCAST numerical simulation software. Achieved results clearly confirmed the positive effect of the naturally pressurized gating system, main emphasis needs to focus on finding the proper way to reduce the melt velocity. By using vortex element extension at the end of the runner was achieved positive results in term of reoxidation suppression.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Brůna
M. Galčík
A. Sládek
D. Martinec

  1. University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Technological Engineering, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia
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This paper deals with the evaluation of the corrosion resistance of the Al-Si alloys alloyed with the different amount of antimony.

Specifically it goes about the alloy AlSi7Mg0,3 which is antimony alloyed in the concentrations 0; 0,001; 0,005; 0,01 a 0,05 wt. % of

antimony. The introduction of the paper is dedicated to the theory of the aluminium alloys corrosion resistance, testing and evaluation of

the corrosion resistance. The influence of the antimony to the Al-Si alloys properties is described further in the introduction. The

experimental part describes the experimental samples which were prepared for the experiment and further they were exposed to the

loading in the atmospheric conditions for a period of the 3 months. The experimental samples were evaluated macroscopically and

microscopically. The results of the experiment were documented and the conclusions in terms of the antimony impact to the corrosion

resistance of the Al-Si alloy were concluded. There was compared the corrosion resistance of the Al-Si alloy antimony alloyed (with the

different antimony content) with the results of the Al-Si alloy without the alloying after the corrosion load in the atmospheric conditions in

the experiment.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Svobodova
J. Cais
V. Weiss
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At thermal junctions of aluminium alloy castings and at points where risering proves to be difficult there appear internal or external

shrinkages, which are both functionally and aesthetically inadmissible. Applying the Probat Fluss Mikro 100 agent, which is based on

nano-oxides of aluminium, results in the appearance of a large amount of fine microscopic pores, which compensate for the shrinking of

metal. Experimental tests with gravity die casting of AlSi8Cu3 and AlSi10Mg alloys have confirmed that the effect of the agent can be of

advantage in foundry practice, leading to the production of castings without local concentrations of defects and without the appearance of

shrinkages and macroscopic gas pores. Also, beneficial effect on the mechanical properties of the metal has been observed.

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J. Roučka
J. Hotař
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The paper presents relationships between the degree of structure fineness and feeding quality of the Al – 20 wt.% Zn (Al-20 Zn) alloy cast into a mould made from sand containing silica quartz as a matrix and bentonite as a binder, and its damping coefficient of the ultrasound wave at frequency of 1 MHz. The structure of the examined alloy was grain refined by the addition of the refining Al-3 wt.% Ti – 0.15 wt.%C (TiCAl) master alloy. The macrostructure analysis of the initial alloy without the addition of Ti and the alloy doped with 50-100 ppm Ti as well as results of damping experiments showed that the structure of the modified alloy is significantly refined. At the same time, its damping coefficient decreases by about 20-25%; however, it still belongs to the so called high-damping alloys. Additionally, it was found that despite of using high purity metals Al and Zn (minimum 99,99% purity), differences in the damping coefficient for samples cut from upper and bottom parts of the vertically cast rolls were observed. These differences are connected with the insufficient feeding process leading to shrinkage porosity as well as gases present in metal charges which are responsible for bubbles of gas-porosity.
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Authors and Affiliations

W.K. Krajewski
Faerber K.
P.K. Krajewski
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The paper presents research on the effects of soft annealing parameters on a change of the impact strength KC and Brinell hardness (HB)

of the EN AC-AlSi11 alloy. The research has been performed according to the trivalent testing plan for two input parameters –

temperature in the range between 280°C and 370°C and time in the range between 2 and 8 hours. The application of such heat treatment

improves the plasticity of the investigated alloy. The improvement of the impact strength KC by 71% and the decrease of the hardness HB

by 20% was achieved for the soft annealing treatment conducted at a temperature 370°C for 8 hours, compared to the alloy without the

heat treatment. A change of the form of eutectic silicon precipitations which underwent refinement, coagulation and partial rounding, had

a direct effect on the hardness HB and impact strength KC. The results obtained were used to prepare space plots enabling the temperature

and time for soft annealing treatment to be selected with reference to the obtained impact strength KC and hardness HB of the alloy with

the heat treatment.

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A. Jarco
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Presented in this paper are results of an experimental investigation on the rivet flexibility and load transmission in a riveted lap joint representative for the aircraft fuselage. The test specimens consisted of two aluminium alloy Alclad sheets joined with 3 rows of rivets. Two different squeeze forces were applied to install the rivets. Rivet flexibility measurements have been performed under constant amplitude fatigue loading using several methods including two original optical techniques developed by the present authors. The axial tractions in the sheets required to determine the rivet flexibility have been derived from strain gauge measurements. In order to eliminate the effect of secondary bending the strain gauges have been bonded at the same locations on the outside and faying surface of the sheet. The experiments enabled an evaluation of the usefulness of various techniques to determine the rivet flexibility. It was observed that, although the measured flexibility was identical for both end rivet rows, the load transfer through either of these rows was different. Previous experimental results by the present authors suggest that behind the non-symmetrical load transfer distribution through the joint are large differences between the rivet hole expansion in the sheet adjacent to the driven rivet head and the sheet under the manufactured head [1]. It has been concluded that commonly used computation procedures according to which the load transfer is only related to the rivet flexibility may lead to erroneous results.

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Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Skorupa
Tomasz Machniewicz
Adam Korbel
Andrzej Skorupa
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Aluminium metal matrix composites (AMMCs) are the fastest developing materials for structural applications. Friction Stir Processing (FSP) has evolved as a promising surface composite fabrication technique mainly because it is an eco-friendly and solid-state process. A spurt in the interest of research community and a resulting huge research output makes it difficult to find relevant information to further the research with objectivity. To facilitate this, the present article addresses the current state of the art and development in surface metal matrix fabrication through FSP with a specific focus on ex-situ routes. The available literature has been carefully read and categorized to present effects of particle size, morphology and elemental composition. The effect of various reinforcements on development of different functional characteristics is also discussed. Effect of main FSP parameters on various responses is presented with objectivity. Based on the studied literature concluding summary is presented in a manner in which the literature becomes useful to the researchers working on this important technology.
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Authors and Affiliations

N. Gangil
Noor Siddiquee A.
S. Maheshwari
A.M. Al-Ahmari
M.H. Abidi
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Twist extrusion is a processing method involving the extrusion of a sample with a prismatic cross-section using a tool composed of four prismatic parts bisected by a screw component. A beneficial change in mechanical durability is one of the main factors enabling the use of highly durable Al-Mg-Mn-Sc-Zr alloys to construct functional components of non-stationary robots. As part of the present research, ANSYS® software was used to simulate a twist extrusion process. An analysis of a sample entering and passing through the entire twisting area was performed, up to the point of full twisting of the base of the sample. The stress conditions in the sample were analysed as it passed through the twisting area. The highest stress values (reaching up to 600 MPa) were detected at the tips of the sample face as the sample exited the twisting area. The lowest stress values, at around 170 MPa, were detected at the side edges of the sample.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Sawicki
J. Świniarski
M. Stegliński
P. Byczkowska
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The influence of rapid solidification from the liquid state on the structure of Al71Ni24Fe5 alloy was studied. The samples were prepared by induction melting (ingots) and high pressure die casting into a copper mold (plates). The structure was examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), light microscopy and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The mechanism of crystallization was described on the basis of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) heating and cooling curves, XRD patterns, isothermal section of Al-Ni-Fe alloys at 850°C and binary phase diagram of Al-Ni alloys. The fragmentation of the structure was observed for rapidly solidified alloy in a form of plates. Additionally, the presence of decagonal quasicrystalline phase D-Al70.83Fe9.83Ni19.34 was confirmed by phase analysis of XRD patterns, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) of transmission electron microscopy images. The metastable character of D-Al70.83Fe9.83Ni19.34 phase was observed because of the lack of thermal effects on the DSC curves. The article indicates the differences with other research works and bring up to date the knowledge about Al71Ni24Fe5 alloys produced by two different cooling rates.
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Authors and Affiliations

K. Młynarek
T. Czeppe
R. Babilas

  1. Department of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Silesian University of Technology, Konarskiego 18a, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  2. Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences, 25 Reymonta 5 St., 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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The paper presents the application of the casting method for the production of porous composites, called syntactic foams, of the casting alloy - solid particles type. This method was used to produce composites based on Al alloys reinforced with particles of clinoptilolite, a natural mineral from the zeolite group. Before the casting process, tests were carried out on the morphology, physicochemical properties and chemical composition of the zeolite, which was obtained from a rock called zeolite tuff, mined in a quarry in Kucin, (VSK PRO-ZEO s.r.o., Slovakia). Observations of the microstructure of the produced composites were also carried out using a scanning electron microscope. Diffractometric tests of zeolite rock as delivered for research and of the produced samples reinforced with zeolite particles were also carried out. Initial studies of the density and porosity of the produced composites were performed. The usefulness of the presented method of composite production was assessed on the basis of the conducted structural tests, with particular emphasis on the particle distribution in the alloy matrix.
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Authors and Affiliations

J.M. Borowiecka-Jamrozek
M. Kargul

  1. The Kielce University of Technology, Poland
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The paper presents a microscopic analysis of the surface and fracture of aluminium castings produced using the lost-wax method for patterns made of a composite material, i.e. polyethylene with the addition of bentonite. Castings are made of AlSi7 aluminium alloy (silumin) in a plaster mould. A new type of polymer waxes enriched with bentonite was used to obtain new composites, minimizing the defects caused by the casting production process. The castings were made in the centrifugal casting process. The prepared plaster moulds were removed from the furnace and poured with liquid aluminium alloy (AlSi7) at 750°C. The surface and fracture of the castings was analysed using an optical digital microscope type VHX-7000 manufactured by KEYENCE. It has been proven that the studied castings feature surface defects (raw surface defects) in the form of high roughness and the presence of bentonite inclusions classified as casting contamination. During the tests, shape defects related to mechanical damage were also detected.
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Authors and Affiliations

D. Czarnecka-Komorowska
K. Gawdzińska
P. Popielarski

  1. Poznań University of Technology, Poland
  2. Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland
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The naturally pressurized gating system was used for reoxidation suppression during aluminium alloy casting. A naturally pressurized gating system appears to be a suitable solution to reduce reoxidation processes, which was proven by our previous works. The disadvantage of this system is that without inserting deceleration elements, the melt velocity is supercritical. Therefore, the aim of paper is to find a proper way to reduce the melt velocity, which is the main parameter affecting the scale of reoxidation processes. For the purpose of the melt velocity reduction, labyrinth filters, foam filters and flat filters effect on the melt velocity and the number of oxides were investigated by numerical simulation software in the first stage of the experiment. After simulations observation, the effect of filters on the mechanical properties was investigated by experimental casts. The simulations and experimental casts proved that filters had a positive effect on the melt velocity reduction and it was associated with increased mechanical properties of castings. The best results were achieved by the foam filter.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Bruna
M. Galčík

  1. University of Žilina, Slovakia
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Aluminum alloys have low density and good mechanical properties, making them suitable for the manufacture of mechanical structures where low weight is critical. However, when these alloys are subjected to elevated temperatures, their mechanical properties deteriorate significantly. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of temperature on the mechanical properties of aluminium alloy, EN AC-Al Si12CuNiMg. For this purpose, an experimental investigation was performed at ambient and elevated temperatures on aluminium alloy samples prepared by casting. Tensile and hardness tests were carried out to characterize the mechanical properties of this material. Additionally, an optical microscope was used to examine the microstructures of this alloy. Finally, a scanning electron microscope was used to analyze the fracture modes of this material. The results show that the mechanical properties such as tensile strength, yield strength, and Young's modulus of this alloy dramatically decrease when the temperature exceeds 250C. The microstructural investigation reveals several factors that are detrimental to the mechanical properties of this alloy. This includes coarse-grained structures, micro-pores, and several intermetallic compounds. Furthermore, fractography reveals a minor cleavage-like pattern and micro-cracks on the fracture surface of all failed samples under various temperatures, indicating semi-brittle fracture mode.
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Authors and Affiliations

G.G. Sirata
K. Wacławiak
M. Dyzia

  1. Department of Materials Technologies, Faculty of Materials Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Krasińskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland
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One of the main reason for decreased internal homogeneity of aluminium alloy castings is reoxidation. The resulting products of reoxidation are doubled oxides, so called "bifilms". Submitted paper deals with optimization of gating system design in order to reduce reoxidation processes taking place in mold cavity. Experimental work compares and evaluates three gating systems designs based on non-pressurized and naturally pressurized principles. Unconventional spin trap extension of runner was used in third design. Among the evaluated aspects were: mechanical properties, hot tearing index, visual inspection of average porosity amount, numerical simulation of velocity, turbulence and oxide amount. Paper aim is also to clarify the reoxidation phenomenon by visualization with the aid of ProCAST numerical simulation software. Results of mechanical properties and hot tear index clearly confirmed the positive effect of the naturally pressurized gating system with applied element for velocity reduction.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Bruna
M. Galčík

  1. Department of Technological Engineering, University of Zilina, Univerzitna 1, 010 26 Zilina, Slovakia
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This paper presents the results of experimental research on the fabrication of thin-walled panels with longitudinal stiffening ribs by the single point incremental sheet forming technique. The bead-stiffened panels were made of Alclad 2024-T3 aluminium alloy sheets commonly used in aircraft structures. The influence of forming parameters and tool strategy on surface quality and the possibility of obtaining stiffening ribs with the required profile and depth was tested through experimental research. Two tool path strategies, spiral with continuous sinking and multi-step z-level contouring, were considered. The results of the experiments were used to verify the finite element-based numerical simulations of the incremental forming process. It was found that the main parameter which influences the formability of test sheets is the tool path strategy; the tool path strategy with multi-step z-level contouring allowed the rib to be formed to a depth of 3.53 mm without risk of cracking. However a greater depth of rib equal of 5.56 mm was achieved with the continuous tool path. The tool path strategy was also the main parameter influencing the surface finish of the drawpiece during the single point incremental forming process.
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Authors and Affiliations

B. Krasowski
A. Kubit
T. Trzepieciński
J. Slota

  1. Carpatian State School in Krosno, Krosno, Poland
  2. Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, 12 Powstańców Warszawy Av., 35-959, Rzeszów, Poland
  3. Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia
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Friction stir welding (FSW) currently contributes a significant joining process for welding aluminium, magnesium, and other metals in which no molten or liquid state were involved. It is well known that aluminium alloys are more effective, promising for different applications light weight, strength and low cost. This study aims to determine how such tools geometry and tool speed can be related to dissimilar material in the joining process. Specifically, it investigates whether the distribution of the weld zone particularly between tool pin profile to rotational speed. In this context, the influence of tool pin profile and tool rotational speed in relation to the mechanical properties and microstructure of friction stir welded. The aim of this study is also to test the hypothesis that better mixing between dissimilar metals at higher tool rotational speed along the weld path. Three different tool profiles were configured with AA5083 and AA7075. During welding, notable presence of various types of defects such as voids and wormholes in the weld region. The results of this work showed that the tool pin profile and weld parameter are significant in determining mechanical properties at different tool rotational speed. The highest tensile strength achieved was about 263 MPa and the defectfree joint was obtained by using the threaded tapered cylindrical pin tool at a rotational speed of 800 rpm. These findings indicate that different tool profiles influence differently on the formation of defects at welds. On this basis, the tool geometry should be considered when designing experimental friction stir welded joint.
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Authors and Affiliations

M.H. Azmi
M.Z. Hasnol
M.F.A. Zaharuddin
S. Sharif
S. Rhee

  1. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, 81310 Johor Bahru Johor, Malaysia
  2. Hanyang University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 133-791, Korea

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