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Turkey has 19.3 billion tons of lignite reserves and the vast majority of these Neogene lignite deposits are preferred for use in thermal power plants due to their low calorific value. The calorific value of lignite used in thermal power plants for electricity generation must be kept under constant control. In the control of calorific value, the estimation of the lower and higher heating values (LHV and HHV) of lignite is of great importance. In the literature, there are many studies that establish a relationship between the heating values of coal and proximate and ultimate analysis variables. In the studies dealing with proximate analysis data, it is observed that although the coefficients of the obtained multiple linear regression models (MRM) are statistically insignificant, these models are used to predict heating values because of the meaningful correlation coefficient. In this study, it is investigated whether moderator variables are effective on LHV estimation with proximate analysis data collected from forty-one lignite basins in different regions of Turkey, and a moderator variable analysis (MVA) model is developed to be used for the prediction of LHV. As a result of the study, it is found that the proposed MVA model is in accordance with observation values (coefficient of determination R 2 = 0.951), and absolute and standard errors are also small. Therefore, it is concluded that the use of MVA to estimate the LHV of Turkey’s lignite is found to be more statistically meaningful.
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Mehmet Aksoy

  1. Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Turkey
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The main goal of this study is to check if the relationship between the perceived stress and life satisfaction or the general health is mediated by health behaviors and whether this mediated relationship is moderated by temperament structures: sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic and choleric. A total of 254 people from local community sample, aged 18-93, took part in the study and filled a set of questionnaires. The results show that there are significant differences in the level of perceived stress, life satisfaction and the level of general health between different temperament structures. The relationship between perceived stress and life satisfaction is partially mediated by health behaviors only in the group of people with melancholic temperament structure. The higher level of stress turned out to be only directly and negatively related to the life satisfaction in all other structures. Among all temperament structures the perceived stress is only directly related to general health, and health behaviors do not serve as a mediator for this relationship. The obtained results suggest that incorporating more health behaviors may have a specifically beneficial effect on people with a melancholic temperament structure. Subsequent studies of experimental design are needed to directly test this hypothesis.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maria Cyniak-Cieciura

  1. SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Institute of Psychology, Advanced Clinical Studies and Therapy Excellence Centre, Poland
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This study analysis is aimed at examining the relationship between logical thinking, metacognitive skills, and problem-solving abilities. To accomplish the research purpose, 100 senior secondary school students were surveyed. A descriptive survey method was adopted to examine the study results. Logical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and metacognitive skills scales were used to assess students' skills. These three scales have been pretested and have good reliability and validity. The collected data was analysed using correlation and multiple regression techniques. Pearson product-moment correlation results show a significant relationship between study variables. Further, results of the comparison show that problem-solving abilities differ significantly on the basis of gender and stream of the students. Mediation analysis revealed that logical thinking fully mediates the relationship between metacognition and problem-solving abilities. In the present study, logical thinking accounts for 52.4% of the total effect. Moreover, the result of the interaction of metacognition and logical thinking skills on problem-solving abilities is significant, which leads to the conclusion that logical thinking also works as a moderator between the predictor and outcome variable.
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Authors and Affiliations

Poonam Punia
Ritu Malik
Manju Bala
Manju Phor
Yogesh Chander

  1. BPSMV, Khanpur Kalan, India

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