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Thermodynamic analysis of car air cooler is presented in this paper. Typical refrigerator cycles are studied. The first: with uncontrolled orifice and non controlled compressor and the second one with the thermostatic controlled expansion valve and externally controlled compressor. The influence of the refrigerant decrease and the change of the air temperature which gets to exchangers on the refrigeration efficiency of the system; was analysed. Also, its effectiveness and the power required to drive the compressor were investigated. The impact of improper refrigerant charge on the performance of air conditioning systems was also checked.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Daniel Trzebiński
Ireneusz Szczygieł


As a kind of mass transfer process as well as the basis of separating and purifying mixtures, interfacial adsorption has been widely applied to fields like chemical industry, medical industry and purification engineering in recent years. Influencing factors of interfacial adsorption, in addition to the traditional temperature, intensity of pressure, amount of substance and concentration, also include external fields, such as magnetic field, electric field and electromagnetic field, etc. Starting from the point of thermodynamics and taking the Gibbs adsorption as the model, the combination of energy axiom and the first law of thermodynamics was applied to boundary phase, and thus the theoretical expression for the volume of interface absorption under electric field as well as the mathematical relationship between surface tension and electric field intensity was obtained. In addition, according to the obtained theoretical expression, the volume of interface absorption of ethanol solution under different electric field intensities and concentrations was calculated. Moreover, the mechanism of interfacial adsorption was described from the perspective of thermodynamics and the influence of electric field on interfacial adsorption was explained reasonably, aiming to further discuss the influence of thermodynamic mechanism of interfacial adsorption on purifying air-conditioning engineering under intensification of electric field.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Yun-Yu Chen


Adsorption refrigeration systems are able to work with heat sources of temperature starting with 50°C. The aim of the article is to determine whether in terms of technical and economic issues adsorption refrigeration equipment can work as elements that produce cold using hot water from the district heating network. For this purpose, examined was the work of the adsorption air conditioning equipment cooperating with drycooler, and the opportunities offered by the district heating network in Warsaw during the summer. It turns out that the efficiency of the adsorption device from the economic perspective is not sufficient for production of cold even during the transitional period. The main problem is not the low temperature of the water supply, but the large difference between the coefficients of performance, COPs, of adsorption device and a traditional compressor air conditioning unit. When outside air temperature is 25°C, the COP of the compressor type reaches a value of 4.49, whereas that of the adsorption device in the same conditions is 0.14. The ratio of the COPs is 32. At the same time ratio between the price of 1 kWh of electric power and 1 kWh of heat is only 2.85. Adsorption refrigeration equipment to be able to compete with compressor devices, should feature COPads efficiency to be greater than 1.52. At such a low driving temperature and even changing the drycooler into the evaporative cooler it is not currently possible to achieve.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Artur Rusowicz
Andrzej Grzebielec
Maciej Jaworski
Rafał Laskowski
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The research provides a thermodynamic analysis of the theoretical model of a ventilation and air conditioning heat pump system with the ventilation air cold energy recovery depending on outside air parameters, the recovery efficiency and characteristics of a premise. A confectionery production workshop was taken as a prototype where technological conditions (temperature and humidity) must be maintained during the warm season. Calculations using the method of successive approximations to estimate air parameters at system’s nodal points were conducted. It allowed to determine theoretical refrigeration efficiency of the studied system and proved advantages of heat recuperation for smaller energy consumption. The model can be applied for design of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning units which work as a heat pump. The studied system has the highest energy efficiency in the area of relatively low environment temperatures and relative humidity which is suitable for countries with temperate continental climates characterized by low relative humidity.
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[1] Zhang J., Zhang H.-H., He Y.-L., Tao W.-Q.: A comprehensive review on advances and applications of industrial heat pumps based on the practices in China. Appl. Energ. 178(2016), 800–825.
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[3] Khrustaliov B.M.: Heat Supply and Ventilation. ASV, Moscow 2007 (in Russian).
[4] Mazzeo D.: Solar and wind assisted heat pump to meet the building air conditioning and electric energy demand in the presence of an electric vehicle charging station and battery storage. J. Clean. Prod. 213(2019), 1228–1250.
[5] Chwieduk B., Chwieduk D.: Analysis of operation and energy performance of a heat pump driven by a PV system for space heating of a single family house in Polish conditions. Renew. Energ. 165(2021), 117–126.
[6] Bezrodny M., Prytula N., Tsvietkova M.: Efficiency of heat pump systems of air conditioningfor removing excessive moisture. Arch. Thermodyn. 40(2019), 2, 151–165.
[7] Bezrodny E.K., Misiura T.O.: The heat pump system for ventilation and air conditioning inside the production area with an excessive internal moisture generation. Eurasian Phys. Tech. J. 17(2020), 118–132.
[8] Adamkiewicz A., Nikonczuk P.: Waste heat recovery from the air preparation room in a paint shop. Arch. Thermodyn. 40(2019), 3, 229–241.
[9] Szreder M.: Investigations into the influence of functional parameters of a heat pump on its thermal efficiency. Teka. Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture 13(2013), 191–196.
[10] Redko A., Redko O., DiPippo R.: Low-Temperature Energy Systems with Applications of Renewable Energy. Academic Press, Elsevier, 2020.
[11] Morozjuk T.V.: The Theory of Chillers and Heat Pumps. Studija “Negociant”, Odessa 2006 (in Russian).
[12] Jaber S., Ezzat A.W.: Investigation of energy recovery with exhaust air evaporative cooling in ventilation system. Energ. Buildings 139(2017), 439–448.
[13] Bozhenko M.F.: Heat Sources and Heat Consumers. NTUU KPI “Politehnika”, Kyiv 2004 (in Ukrainian).
[14] State Building Standards of Ukraine DBN B.2.5-67: 2013, “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”. Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing of Ukraine, Kyiv 2013 (in Ukrainian).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Myhailo Kostiantynovych Bezrodny
Tymofii Oleksiyovych Misiura

  1. National Technical University of Ukraine, Igor Sikorsky, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Prosp. Peremohy 37, 03056 Kyiv, Ukraine


The flat horizontal polymer loop thermosyphon with flexible transport lines is suggested and tested. The thermosyphon envelope consists of a polyamide composite with carbon based high thermal conductive micro-, nanofilaments and nanoparticles to increase its effective thermal conductivity up to 11 W/(m°C). Rectangular capillary mini grooves inside the evaporator and condenser of thermosyphon are used as a mean of heat transfer enhancement. The tested working fluid is R600. Thermosyphon evaporator and condenser are similar in design, have a long service life. In this paper three different methods (transient, quasi-stationary, and stationary) have been used to determine the thermophysical properties of polymer composites used as an envelope of thermosyphon, which make it possible to design a wide range of new heat transfer equipment. The results obtained contribute to establish the viability of using polymer thermosyphons for ground heat sinks (solar energy storage), gas-liquid heat exchanger applications involving seawater and other corrosive fluids, efficient cooling of superconductive magnets impregnated with epoxy/carbon composites to prevent wire movement, enhance stability, and diminish heat generation.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Alexander Zhuravlyov
Leonard Vasiliev
Leonid Grakovich
Mikhail Rabetsky


The conditions of efficient use of heat pumps in air conditioning systems are considered in order to ensure the established temperature and relative humidity of air in premises with the removal of excess moisture in the warm or hot periods of the year. For this purpose, a thermodynamic analysis of heat pump air conditioning schemes with exhaust air recirculation through a condenser and through a heat pump evaporator has been carried out. To determine the potential capabilities of such schemes to maintain comfortable conditions in the production room, a numerical analysis of their operating parameters, depending on the temperature and relative humidity of external atmospheric air, was performed. It has been shown that recirculation of exhaust air through the heat pump evaporator allows to maintain the given conditions in the room in a wider range of parameters of external atmospheric air. In addition, it has been shown that such a scheme requires less specific energy consumption for the operation of heat pump, which means that it is more efficient.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mikhail Bezrodny
Natalia Prytula
Maria Tsvietkova


Zgodnie z dyrektywą Komisji Europejskiej numer 842/2006 (a później 517/2014) od stycznia 2017 roku zakazano stosowania czynników chłodniczych we wszystkich nowych urządzeniach klimatyzacji samochodowej, dla których wskaźnik GWP, charakteryzujący potencjał tworzenia globalnego ocieplenia, wynosi więcej niż 150. Z tego względu, stosowany powszechnie czynnik R-134a zostaje stopniowo wycofywany z użytkowania. Zaczęto poszukiwania alternatywnego czynnika, który spełni wszystkie wymogi. Według międzynarodowych zaleceń, czynnik powinien posiadać przede wszystkim właściwości przyjazne środowisku oraz powinien być bezpieczny w eksploatacji, nie stanowiąc zagrożenia dla życia ludzkiego. W artykule porównano dwie alternatywne substancje, które w większym lub mniejszym stopniu mogą być zamiennikami czynnika R-134a w układach klimatyzacji pojazdów. Są to syntetycznie otrzymywany czynnik oznaczony symbolem R-1234yf z grupy HFO oraz występujący w środowisku naturalnym dwutlenek węgla CO2 o symbolu R-744. W pracy opisano ich budowę chemiczną, właściwości fizyczne oraz termodynamiczne. Zestawiono publikacje naukowe, uwzględniające wyniki badań doświadczalnych wydajności, osiąganych przez układy chłodnicze, w których stosowano porównywane czynniki. Dokonano opisu metodyki badawczej, scharakteryzowano wykorzystane narzędzia oraz przedstawiono najważniejsze, z punktu widzenia autorów artykułu, wyniki badań. Alternatywne czynniki poddano również analizie środowiskowej. Sprawdzono ich wpływ na degradację warstwy ozonowej oraz scharakteryzowano wskaźnik potencjału tworzenia globalnego ocieplenia. Ponadto przeanalizowano kwestie bezpieczeństwa, zgodnie z obowiązującym normami, pod względem palności, toksyczności, klasyfikując poszczególne czynniki do odpowiednich grup bezpieczeństwa. Omówiono negatywne działania czynników na ludzki organizm, podczas eksploatacji urządzeń napełnionych ocenianymi czynnikami oraz ich awarii. Dokonano krótkiego porównania ekonomicznego, analizując obecne ceny czynników i usług serwisowych.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Artur Bieniek
Michał Pysz
Łukasz Mika


Aerozole wewnątrz pomieszczeń generowane między innymi przez systemy klimatyzacyjne s,, szczególnie istotne w szkołach. Pomiary prowadzone w nowym. klimatyzowanym audytorium pokazały, że koncentracja aerozoli w bardzo dużym stopniu zależy od działania klimatyzacji i obecności studentów. Uzyskane wyniki pokazały, że w klimatyzowanej auli koncentracja aerozoli była około pięciokrotnie wyższa w porównaniu z sytuacją. gdy aula nic była klimatyzowana. Wynikać to może z faktu zwiększonej cyrkulacji powietrza i związanej z tym resuspcnsji cząstek aerozolowych osiadłych na powierzchniach wewnętrznych. Może to również wskazywać na nieefektywność działania systemu filtrującego powietrze. Obecność studentów w auli powodowała wzrost koncentracji grubych cząstek aerozolowych niezależnie od działania systemu klimatyzacyjnego. Dla zapewnienia pożądanej _jakości powietrza wewnętrznego wyniki monitoringu cząstek aerozolowych powinny być brane pod uwagę przy sterowaniu procesami klimatyzacji w tego typu pomieszczeniach.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Bernard Połednik
Marzenna Dudzińska
Mariusz Skwarczyński

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