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The paper deals with the design of equipment for verification and calibration of axle and crane weighing instruments. In its introduction, it discusses the basic concepts of axle and crane weighing instruments, their calibration, and verification. The paper briefly describes the original technical design solution used in the calibration and verification of these weighing instruments. Subsequently, the article describes the legislative, technical and functional requirements for metrological equipment being developed. The paper presents two design solutions for handling calibration weights. In both solutions, the construction and individual functional parts of the equipment are described. Both of these solutions were designed and tested in practical measurements in the Laboratory for Testing ofWeighing Instruments of the Slovak Legal Metrology n.o. Finally, the paper presents the results of the development of a new measuring system at the University of Žilina.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomas Gajdosik
Lubos Kucera
Igor Gajdac
Anton Fric
Jaromir Markovic

  1. University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Design and Mechanical Elements, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia
  2. Slovak Legal Metrology, Hviezdoslavova 1124/31, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
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The paper aims at comparing forecast ability of VAR/VEC models with a non-changing covariance matrix and two classes of Bayesian Vector Error Correction – Stochastic Volatility (VEC-SV) models, which combine the VEC representation of a VAR structure with stochastic volatility, represented by the Multiplicative Stochastic Factor (MSF) process, the SBEKK form or the MSF-SBEKK specification.

Based on macro-data coming from the Polish economy (time series of unemployment, inflation and interest rates) we evaluate predictive density functions employing of such measures as log predictive density score, continuous rank probability score, energy score, probability integral transform. Each of them takes account of different feature of the obtained predictive density functions.

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Justyna Wróblewska
Anna Pajor
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A speaker recognition system based on joint factor analysis (JFA) is proposed to improve whispering speakers’ recognition rate under channel mismatch. The system estimated separately the eigenvoice and the eigenchannel before calculating the corresponding speaker and the channel factors. Finally, a channel-free speaker model was built to describe accurately a speaker using model compensation. The test results from the whispered speech databases obtained under eight different channels showed that the correct recognition rate of a recognition system based on JFA was higher than that of the Gaussian Mixture Model-Universal Background Model. In particular, the recognition rate in cellphone channel tests increased significantly.

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Gang Lv
Heming Zhao
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The article presents a zero-dimensional mathematical model of a tubular fuel cell and its verification on four experiments. Despite the fact that fuel cells are still rarely used in commercial applications, their use has become increasingly more common. Computational Flow Mechanics codes allow to predict basic parameters of a cell such as current, voltage, combustion composition, exhaust temperature, etc. Precise models are particularly important for a complex energy system, where fuel cells cooperate with gas, gas-steam cycles or ORCs and their thermodynamic parameters affect those systems. The proposed model employs extended Nernst equation to determine the fuel cell voltage and steadystate shifting reaction equilibrium to calculate the exhaust composition. Additionally, the reaction of methane reforming and the electrochemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen have been implemented into the model. The numerical simulation results were compared with available experiment results and the differences, with the exception of the Tomlin experiment, are below 5%. It has been proven that the increase in current density lowers the electrical efficiency of SOFCs, hence fuel cells typically work at low current density, with a corresponding efficiency of 45–50% and with a low emission level (zero emissions in case of hydrogen combustion).
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Janusz Badur
Marcin Lemański
Tomasz Kowalczyk
Paweł Ziółkowski
Sebastian Kornet
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Dry electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) are widely used for purification of exhaust gases in industrial applications. Maintenance of their high efficiency depends primarily on periodical cleaning of the collecting electrodes (CEs). Dust removal (regeneration of CEs) is realized by inducing periodical vibrations of the electrodes. The paper presents results of vibration modelling of a system of CEs; the results were obtained by means of the finite element method, the hybrid finite element method, the finite strip method and a model formulated using Abaqus. Numerical results are compared with those obtained from experimental measurements. Conclusions concerning numerical effectiveness and exactness of the methods are formulated and reasons for differences are discussed.

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Iwona Adamiec-Wójcik
Andrzej Nowak
Stanisław Wojciech
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The paper discusses the methods for calculating the power parameters of a line start permanent magnet synchronous motor (LSPMSM). The calculations have been performed using the author’s specialized FEM software and professional FEM packages, ANSYS Maxwell and COMSOL Multiphysics. The author’s algorithm for solving equations of the electromagnetic field based on the FEM has been presented. The in-house software developed on this algorithm and professional software have been used to analyse the power parameters of the LSPMS motor. In addition, both calculation time and accuracy were analysed. The calculation results were compared to the measurement results.
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Mariusz Barański

  1. Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Faculty of Control, Robotics and Electrical Engineering, Poznan University of Technology, Piotrowo 3A, 60-965 Poznan
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A testbench is built to verify a functionality of a shift register IC (Integrated Circuit) from stuck-at-faults, stuck-at-1 as well as stuck-at-0. The testbench is supported by components, i.e., generator, interface, driver, monitor, scoreboard, environment, test, and testbench top. The IC consists of sequential logic circuits of D-type flip-flops. The faults may occur at interconnects between the circuits inside the IC. In order to examine the functionality from the faults, both the testbench and the IC are designed using SystemVerilog and simulated using Questasim simulator. Simulation results show the faults may be detected by the testbench. Moreover, the detected faults may be indicated by error statements in transcript results of the simulator.
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H.M. Chasrun
Robert Lis

  1. University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indonesia
  2. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
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Angle calibrations are widely used in various fields of science and technology, while in the high-precision angle calibrations, a complete closure method which is complex and time-consuming is common. Therefore, in order to improve the measurement efficiency and maintain the accuracy of the complete closure method, an improved calibration method was proposed and verified by the calibration of a high-precision angle comparator with sub-arc-second level. Firstly, a basic principle and algorithm of angle calibration based on complete closure and symmetry connection theory was studied. Then, depending on the pre-established calibration system, the comparator was respectively calibrated by two calibration methods. Finally, by comparing En values of two calibration results, the effectiveness of the improved method was verified. The calibration results show that the angle comparator has a stable angle position error of 0:1700 and a measurement uncertainty of 0:0500 (k = 2). Through method comparisons, it was shown that the improved calibration method can greatly reduce calibration time and improve the calibration efficiency while ensuring the calibration accuracy, and with the decrease of measurement interval, the improvement of calibration efficiency was more obvious.
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Yangqiu Xia
1 2 3
Zhilin Wu
Ming Huang
Xingbao Liu
2 3
Liang Mi
2 3
Qiang Tang
2 3

  1. Nanjing University of Science & Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing, China
  2. Institute of Machinery Manufacturing Technology, CAEP, Mianyang, China
  3. National Machine Tool Production Quality Supervision Testing Center (Sichuan), Chengdu, China
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The article presents developed method and general principles of creating ladder diagrams, which are commonly used for systems with programmable logic controllers (PLC). Ladder diagrams are created for sequential control systems of technological processes, which are described by a connection pattern, time diagrams of the executive elements` operation. The executive elements are double-acting pneumatic or hydraulic actuators controlled by bistable electrovalves. A method of designing sequential systems enabling the creation of a ladder electro-pneumatic system is presented. The ladder diagram consists of two parts. One is responsible for controlling the valve coils, the other for the implementation of the memory block. The signals that control the transition to the next state are the signals described on the boundaries of the graph division. The synthesis of control systems and their verification was carried out using the computer aided program FluidSim by Festo.
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Adam Szcześniak
Zbigniew Szcześniak

  1. University of Technology in Kielce, Department of Mechatronics and Machine Building, Poland
  2. University of Technology in Kielce, Department of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Computer Science, Poland
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Buildings consume half of all energy use and are also responsible for a similar proportion of carbon dioxide emission. The heat transfer across the building envelope - the shell of a house that separates the inside and outside - should generally be minimized. In the paper validation and verification based on Building Energy Simulation Test (BESTEST) of Energy3D computer code is presented. Next, computations performed by means of Energy 3D and Energy Plus for BESTEST building are compared. In the last part of the paper results for computations for real building are presented. Program Energy 3D proved to be an excellent tool for qualitative and quantitative analysis of buildings with respect to energy consumption.

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R.R. Gajewski
T. Kułakowski
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Reduced activity in all life areas due to the coronavirus pandemic is a good moment to reflect on the unfavorable trends in the redevelopment and expansion of Polish cities, especially Krakow. The article draws attention to the fact that the tourist and business attractiveness of Krakow is the cause of excessive densification of the urban fabric with new investments. The subordination of the historic downtown to the tourist function, in turn, violates some of the timeless values of Krakow and limits the participation of residents in the use of the historic downtown. In conclusion, attention was drawn to the need for correction of the current spatial activities in favor of sustainable principles of shaping the urban environment.
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Bartkowicz, B. (1974), Wypoczynek codzienny mieszkańców nowych osiedli — na przykładzie Krakowa, Warszawa: PWN.
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Bartkowicz, B. ‘Przyczyny braku kompozycji i piękna w przekształceniach i rozwoju miast’ Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Oddziału PAN w Krakowie, T. XXXIII/2001, pp. 59–65.
Bartkowicz, B. (2004), ‘Obiekty biurowe w urbanistyce i planowaniu przestrzennym’ [w:] Złowodzki, M. i in. (red.) Ergonomia pracy biurowej, Kraków: Komitet Ergonomii Polskiej Akademii Nauk.
Bartkowicz, B. (2018), ‘Kraków — miasto-ogród z naturalnego rozwoju’ [w:] Mańkowska-Grin, E. (red.) Drzewa, Kraków: EMG.
Borkowski, K. (2018) ‘Identyfikacja segmentu turystyki religijnej na podstawie analizy danych z badań ankietowych ruchu turystycznego w latach 2008–2017 w Krakowie’ [w:] Bogacz-Wojtanowska E., Góral A. (red) Fenomen turystyki religijnej i pielgrzymek w Krakowie i Małopolsce, Kraków: Stowarzyszenie Gmin i Powiatów Małopolski.
La Défense, a dictionary — architecture/politics, history/territory (2013), Chabard, P., Picon Lefebvre, V. (editorship), Marseille: Editions Parenthèses.
Raport o stanie Miasta 2019 (2020), Kraków: UM Kraków.
Rocznik statystyczny Krakowa 2000 (2000), Kraków: Urząd Statystyczny w Krakowie.
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Ustawa o samorządzie terytorialnym z dnia 8 marca 1990 roku.
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Barbara Bartkowicz

  1. Katowice School of Technology
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Despite the growing importance of packet switching systems, there is still a shortage of thorough analyses of VoIP transmission effect on speech and speaker recognition performance. Voice over IP transmission systems use packet switching. There is no guarantee of delivery. The main disadvantage of VoIP is a packet loss which has a major impact on the performance experienced by the users of the network. There are several techniques to mask the effects of a packet loss, referred to as packet loss concealment. In this study, the effect of voice transmission over IP on automatic speaker verification system performance was investigated. The analyzed system was based on MAP-EM-GMM modelling methods. Four various speech codecs of H.323 standard were investigated with special emphasis placed on the packet loss phenomenon and various packet loss concealment techniques.
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Waldemar Maciejko
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According to metrological guidelines and specific legal requirements, every smart electronic electricity meter has to be constantly verified after pre-defined regular time intervals. The problem is that in most cases these pre-defined time intervals are based on some previous experience or empirical knowledge and rarely on scientifically sound data. Since the verification itself is a costly procedure it would be advantageous to put more effort into defining the required verification periods. Therefore, a fixed verification interval, recommended by various internal documents, standardised evaluation procedures and national legislation, could be technically and scientifically more justified and consequently more appropriate and trustworthy for the end user. This paper describes an experiment to determine the effect of alternating temperature and humidity and constant high current on a smart electronic electricity meter’s measurement accuracy. Based on an analysis of these effects it is proposed that the current fixed verification interval could be revised, taking into account also different climatic influence. The findings of this work could influence a new standardized procedure in respect of a meter’s verification interval.

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Blaž Radej
Janko Drnovšek
Gaber Begeš
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The paper deals with multiple soft fault diagnosis of analogue circuits. A method for diagnosis of linear circuits is developed, belonging to the class of the fault verification techniques. The method employs a measurement test performed in the frequency domain, leading to the nonlinear least squares problem. To solve this problem the Powell minimization method is applied. The diagnostic method is adapted to real circumstances, taking into account deviations of fault-free parameters and measurement uncertainty. Two examples of electronic circuits encountered in practice demonstrate that the method is efficient for diagnosis of middle-sized circuits. Although the method is dedicated to linear circuits it can be adapted to multiple soft fault diagnosis of nonlinear ones. It is illustrated by an example of a CMOS circuit designed in a sub-micrometre technology.
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Michał Tadeusiewicz
Stanisław Hałgas
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Numerical simulation is an economical and effective method in the field of marine engineering. The dynamics of mooring cables has been analysed by a numerical simulation code that was created on a basis of a new element frame. This paper aims at verifying the accuracy of the numerical simulation code through comparisons with both the real experiments and a commercial simulation code. The real experiments are carried out with a catenary chain mooring in a water tank. The experimental results match the simulation results by the numerical simulation code well. Additionally, a virtual simulation of a large size chain mooring in ocean is carried out by both the numerical simulation code and a commercial simulation code. The simulation results by the numerical simulation code match those by the commercial simulation code well. Thus, the accuracy of the numerical simulation code for underwater chain mooring is verified by both the real experiments and commercial simulation code.

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Xiangqian Zhu
Wansuk Yoo
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The rigid finite element method (RFEM) has been used mainly for modelling systems with beam-like links. This paper deals with modelling of a single set of electrodes consisting of an upper beam with electrodes, which are shells with complicated shapes, and an anvil beam. Discretisation of the whole system, both the beams and the electrodes, is carried out by means of the rigid finite element method. The results of calculations concerned with free vibrations of the plates are compared with those obtained from a commercial package of the finite element method (FEM), while forced vibrations of the set of electrodes are compared with those obtained by means of the hybrid finite element method (HFEM) and experimental measurements obtained on a special test stand.

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Authors and Affiliations

Iwona Adamiec-Wójcik
Andrzej Nowak
Stanisław Wojciech

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In the paper, the author analyses a model of a ring pack motion on an oil film. The local thickness of the oil film can be compared to the height of the combined surface roughness of a cylinder liner and piston rings. Equations describing the mixed lubrication problem based on the empirical mathematical model formulated in works by Patir, Cheng [6, 7] and Greenwood, Tripp [3] have been combined [13] and used in this paper. A model of a gas flow through the labyrinth seal of piston rings has been developed [14,16]. In addition, models of ring twist effects and axial ring motion in piston grooves have been applied [15,16].

In contrast to the previous papers of the author, an experimental verification of the main parts of developed mathematical model and software has been presented. A relatively good compatibility between the experimental measurements and calculated results has been achieved.

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Andrzej Wolff
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In this work, the author presents experimental verification of numerical simulation of projectile impact on constructional shields. The experimental tests were performed at a unified test stand to investigate ballistic resistance of materials in field conditions. The stand was developed at the Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia, and then patented. The design of this test stand was based on construction of a ballistic pendulum, fitted to measure: impact force, turn angle of the ballistic pendulum χ, impact velocity and residual velocity of the projectile. All the measurement data were transmitted to a digital oscilloscope and a personal computer. The ballistic velocity of

the shield of VBL[R] – defined according to Recht’s and Ipson’s method, was compared with VBL[Z] and VBL[Z1] – determined according to the author’s method. Verification of numerically simulated ballistic velocity VRO versus the before-mentioned velocity

was carried out at the 10GHMBA-E620T steel shields impacted by 12.7 mm type B-32 projectiles. The introduced method can be used for determining ballistic thickness hBL and ballistic velocity VBL for both homogeneous plates as well as multi-layered constructional shields.

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Zdzisław Zatorski
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Biometrics provide an alternative to passwords and pins for authentication. The emergence of machine learning algorithms provides an easy and economical solution to authentication problems. The phases of speaker verification protocol are training, enrollment of speakers and evaluation of unknown voice. In this paper, we addressed text independent speaker verification using Siamese convolutional network. Siamese networks are twin networks with shared weights. Feature space can be learnt easily by training these networks even if similar observations are placed in proximity. Extracted features from Siamese then can be classified using difference or correlation measures. We have implemented a customized scoring scheme that utilizes Siamese’ capability of applying distance measures with the convolutional learning. Experiments made on cross language audios of multi-lingual speakers confirm the capability of our architecture to handle gender, age and language independent speaker verification. Moreover, our designed Siamese network, SpeakerNet, provided better results than the existing speaker verification approaches by decreasing the equal error rate to 0.02.

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Hafsa Habib
Huma Tauseef
Muhammad Abuzar Fahiem
Saima Farhan
Ghousia Usman
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Radial gates are more common than vertical sluice gates for a number of reasons. They are simpler to use, cause less flow disturbance, require less lifting force, and deliver better discharge. Radial gates are commonly used in new barrages, such as the New Assuit Barrage. Prior researchers used physical investigations to study the efficiency of stilling basin downstream radial gates, but physical studies cost a lot of money and time, so numerical solutions should be investigated. The current study aimed to explore numerically the influence of stilling basin shape and baffle block arrangement on the stability of bed protection, near-bed velocity, energy dissipation, and hydraulic jump characteristics downstream of radial gates. Different 12 discharges were investigated, and their results were compared with previous physical results to verify the performance of the numerical results. The results obtained from the numerical model from all trials are almost identical to the physical model results. Five different alternative designs were carried out numerically to enhance the design of the New Assuit Barrage (NAB) spillway stilling basin. Results showed that alternatives 4 (changing the geometry of the basin by removing the end step and concrete slab) and 5 (as alternative 4 in addition to adding rounded baffle blocks presented in two rows arranged in a staggered way) gave good velocity distribution with low turbulence, low values of near-bed velocities, and stability of bed protection. Also, it is more economical because of the lower cost of concrete and excavation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mohamed Elberry
Abdelazim Ali
Fahmy Abdelhaleem
Amir Ibrahim

  1. Canadian International College (CIC), New Cairo Campus, 11835, 1 Khaled Ebn Elwaleed St, Zone (B), Cairo, Egypt
  2. Hydraulics Research Institute (HRI), National Water Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
  3. Benha University, Faculty of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department, Benha, Egypt
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Various methods are used to obtain a superior palmprint recognition system. After selecting a palmprint image filter, using Gabor orientation scale pairs is an option to support the refinement of the verification process. Many researchers use the [8×5] pair for the value of the Gabor orientation scale in the field of palmprint recognition. However, from the experiments conducted, other Gabor pairs have more impact on system improvement. The problem is to get the most suitable value pairs for palmprint applications, so in this study, a comparison of seven kinds of Gabor pairs is carried out. This Gabor pair being compared applies using original images, PCA dimension reduction, and the Euclidean method. From the research that has been done, the pair of Gabor orientation scale [8 × 7] or image expansion of 56 will have the most significant impact compared to other pairs. Suppose the result of this Gabor pair is [8×7] by using other improvement systems, namely the 3W filter instead of the original image, KPCA to replace the PCA, and the cosine method in the matching method. In that case, it will increase the verification value by 99.611%. The trial value obtained can be an alternative method of choice for improving palmprint recognition.
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Authors and Affiliations

Muhammad Kusban

  1. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Pabelan, Indonesia
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Ventilation rate is a physical index that is strictly controlled during cigarette manufacturing because an abnormal ventilation rate can affect the release of mainstream smoke, tar, and other components harmful to human health. Therefore, the standard rod is used for measuring the ventilation rate, which necessitates accurate and effective periodic inspections. In this study, we designed and built a set of special tobacco ventilation rate standard rods to assess the standard device during its verification period and used a digital thermal flowmeter as the flow standard.We determined the micro-pressure adjustment interval through fluid simulation, and conducted an experimental verification based on the simulation results. At the adjustment point where the differential pressure value was 0 Pa, the period verification device was tested under the standard values of 27.38%, 58.83%, and 71.95%. The results show that the measurement errors of the device are –0.42%, 0.55%, and –0.13% respectively, which all meet the verification regulation requirements and indicate that the device is applicable in practical situations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jiacheng Hu
Ying Sha
Jinhui Cai
Ying Liu
Suijun Liu

  1. China Jiliang University, NO.258 XueYuan Street, Hangzhou, China
  2. Nanyang Cigarette Factory of Henan China Tobacco Industry, No. 6 Xinhua East Road, Nanyang, China
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In the era of smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0, the rapid development of modelling in production processes results in the implementation of new techniques, such as additive manufacturing (AM) technologies. However, large invest-ments in the devices in the field of AM technologies require prior analysis to identify the possibilities of improving the production process flow. This paper proposes a new approach to determine and optimize the production process flow with improvements made by the AM technologies through the application of the Petri net theory. The existing produc-tion process is specified by a Petri net model and optimized by AM technology. The modified version of the system is verified and validated by the set of analytic methods safeguarding against the formal errors, deadlocks, or unreachable states. The proposed idea is illustrated by an example of a real-life production process.
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Authors and Affiliations

Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska
Remigiusz Wiśniewski
Marcin Topczak
Marcin Wojnakowski

  1. Institute of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zielona Góra, Szafrana 4, 65-516 Zielona Góra, Poland
  2. Institute of Control & Computation Engineering, University of Zielona Góra, Szafrana 2, 65-516 Zielona Góra, Poland

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