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The paper, which is a textlinguistic-codicological analysis, presents an attempt to show the specific features of the Russian administrative language in the registrations in the parish register from Busko-Zdrój of the 19th century. The aim of the exploration is to answer the question whether the examined annotations can be regarded as a pattern of the registration in a parish register and so as a text type. The author focuses on the structure and characteristics of the different registrations. The background for such defined research area is the outlining of structure and function of the parish registers and their notes.
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Piotr A. Owsiński
Michał Mordań

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
  2. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
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The aim of this article is to analyze the role of phraseological units (PhUs) in discourse and to investigate their co(n)textual dependency. The paper presents a typology of the lexical and phraseological units, labelled as co(n)textual supports and developed by Olza y Losada (2011): expressions that paraphrase the initial phraseological meaning; expressions that highlight a specific component of this meaning; lexical and phraseological units that are synonymous with the ‘central’ phraseological expression they co-occur with; and lexical and phraseological units that are antonymous with the ‘central’ expression. These units orient and specify the use and interpretation of PhUs. The analysis also focuses on the so-called markers of phraseological units that function as (quasi) PhUs that serve to introduce phraseology within discourse in a (more or less) explicit way and have pragmatic discursive value (cfr. Olza 2013). The last part of the article examines some PhUs whose implicatures can be affected by contextual circumstances and characterized by greater dependence on the general context of the statement despite showing some degree of conventionalization.

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Agnieszka Gwiazdowska
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Hayden White did not directly examine the issue of the independence of history as a discipline of knowledge in his theoretical reflection. He did not ask about the subject of historical studies, the specificity of the methods used in it, the difference between history and other fields, or the economic and social conditions of historical discourse. In this article, I revise White’s writing and reconfigure the extant research using the concept of autonomy.
White — primarily in his works from the 1970s and 1980s — devoted much attention to exposing and describing cultural compulsions resulting in historical practices and violating their autonomy. These actions also brought unexpected results. At first, the use of structuralism in these practices, and then poststructuralist concepts of “the death of the author” and textualism, suggested claims that freed historiography from its links with an author’s biography and world-view, and with the social context in which a given work is produced. Using Foucault’s descrip-tion of the order of discourse, in turn, brought the image of a strict rigor of historical discipline, which, however, is not equal to the strong autonomy of history.
A stronger delimitation of the field of history appears in his — already in the twenty‑first century — offer to use Michael Oakeshott’s division into the practical past and the historical past. Whilst censuring academic historical writing as sterile and rejected by readers because it fails to answer contemporary existential, social and political questions, White, most likely unintentionally, described the independence of historians’ actions from the demands of the societies to which they belong. According to commentators, his remarks can be a productive inspiration for reflection upon the distinctiveness of the discipline of history.
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Jakub Muchowski

  1. Jagiellonian University, Kraków
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Post-truth and parody in old and new media – This paper presents a description of a few issues of the satirical magazine Il Male, published in Italy in the second half of the 1970s. These special issues – somewhat parodies – copied the typographic format of the main Italian newspapers of that period and were filled with odd and invented news. In some respects these publications anticipate parody and falsification in the digital era. In particular, some Internet sites that play on the slight distinction between false and true reports, and make us reflect upon the reliability of the information, can be considered as heirs to this experiment.

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Massimo Palermo
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“A school of virtues, kindness, love”: Salani series of romances as modelling text for “New Italy” women – The woman, seen as a children /citizens educator, in United Italy’s nation-building becomes target of an educational action entrusted to publishing industry. The Salani Collection, which is here pragmatically and linguistically analyzed, represents an emblematic example of serial narrative: the author hides himself in the texts as well that the publishing house is the addresser; the novel becomes a model with a unique moral and behavioral message, spread by an accessible language shaped on Tuscan.

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Gabriella Alfieri
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The article analyzes the interrelations between the texts of the Novgorodian‑Sophian group of the first half of the 15th century (Novgorod Karamzin, First Sophian and Forth Novgorod chronicles) on a specific section of the annalistic material. We explore the “links” to some Kievan text in the entries of the late 11th century from the First Sophian Chronicle, their context and probable sources. The compiler of this chronicle has left traces of his activity on early Rus’ history in his drafts (such remarks as “to search in Kievan” and similar) which scholars have considered as evidence of some importance to define the stages of annalistic work of the 15th century in Novgorod and Moscow. It is argued that a set of “links” of the First Sophian was used by the author of the second part of the Novgorod Karamzin Chronicle to fill the gaps in his narrative. However, detailed textual analysis demonstrates the very complicated and clearly later composition in the First Sophian. Therefore both the first and second parts of Novgorod Karamzin Chronicle precede the First Sophian. The paper also pays attention to some aspects of the relations between the Novgorodian‑Sophian group and early Kievan and Novgorod chronicles.
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Tat’yana Vilkul

  1. Kyiv Institute of History of Ukraine. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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In France, as well as in other countries of the French language, the relationship between the Bible and literature mirrors the dilemma facing the European culture, a culture founded on the Greek and Roman civilization, when it was becoming Christianized. The Christians in the French speaking Europe confront the problem of 'double-fidelity': either to the Bible as the Truth, or to the Greek and Roman culture representing Art. Two trends can be observed. Some would try to prove the artistic superiority of the Bible over pagan literature. Others would attempt to show that even in that kind of non-Christian literature it is possible to observe the presence of supernatural truth. The dilemma abates and loses its importance starting with the XVIII century when literature as such emancipates and becomes an autonomous reality of esthetic character.

Unsurprisingly, in the Middle Ages, the Bible constitutes the crucial source of inspiration for French literature. Authors compose paraphrases and long poems based on Biblical motifs. There appear mystery plays, with their performance often spread over a number of days. In the XVI century, both Catholics and Protestants produce a number of translations of the Holy Scriptures. There appear poetic pa- raphrases of psalms, and also extensive epic poems adopting various Biblical threads. In the XVII century, the genre of poetic meditation appears in addition to the genres already mentioned. On the other hand, the kind of drama based on Biblical themes is in retreat; it finds refuge in the academic theater, when it becomes superseded by works of the classicist character. In the beginning of the XVIII cen- tury, some scholars try to demonstrate the religious character of the works of Antiquity.

Together with the rationalism of Enlightenment, there appears a new attitude towards the Bible. In Voltaire, the Bible is an object of attacks and of ridicule. In Rousseau, it is a paradigm for the kind of discourse that is supposed to take its place. In Romanticism, we can observe the influence of the Bible over both Christian and non-Christian writers. In the works of the latter, the poet becomes a mystagogue interpreting the old myths. The Bible influences poetry; it serves as a stylistic and esthetic model, as a source of themes and motifs, and also as a point of reference for poems in the philosophy of history with the pantheistic or else progressist and utopic message, and for non-Christian apocrypha. In Symbolism, the Bible becomes completely despoiled of its religious value. It is being used in entirely atheistic and subjectivist ways. By the end of the XIX century, and in the first half of the XX century, we observe in France some kind of Catholic renaissance. The Bible is present in the prophetic works of Le'on Bloy. It becomes the object of the exegetical work of Claudel, of the poetry of Jouve and P. Emmanuel. In non-Christian writers in loses its function of the book of faith and becomes a book of myths.

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Jerzy Kaczorowski
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This article explores various text coding strategies in the work of Polish Futurists. Drawing on the concept of Jerome J. McGann’s bibliographic code, this analysis of the fonts, layout and typographic devices used in their texts reveals a development culminating in literary breakthrough at the beginning of the interwar period. It shows, moreover, that the Futurist revolutionists depended heavily on the material and manufacturing base which they wanted to overthrow and replace. That dependence manifests itself in the incongruous adoption of various traditional fonts, typographic and graphic designs, which remains the most striking characteristic of a Futuristic text.
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Aleksander Wójtowicz

  1. UMCS
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Tomasz Olizarowski (1811–1879) is a largely forgotten author, prolific poet and playwright, known only to a small group of specialists, who have recently started work on restoring his reputation. To do him justice is not easy task as we possess neither a complete list of his publications with basic textual and bibliographic data nor a reliable picture of the critical response they met with. While the body of materials on Olizarowski that have already been identified needs to be ordered and re-examined, the burden of work is growing as new items, also in bad need of verification, continue to surface both in Poland and abroad. This is a progress report of sorts with a number of updates, corrections and clarifications by the author of this article herself.
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Kamila Supeł

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych, Uniwersytet Warszawski

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