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Generally, gross errors exist in observations, and they affect the accuracy of results. We review methods to detect the gross errors by Robust estimation method based on L1-estimation theory and their validity in adjustment of geodetic networks with different condition. In order to detect the gross errors, we transform the weight of accidental model into equivalent one using not standardized residual but residual of observation, and apply this method to adjustment computation of triangulation network, traverse network, satellite geodetic network and so on. In triangulation network, we use a method of transforming into equivalent weight by residual and detect gross error in parameter adjustment without and with condition. The result from proposed method is compared with the one from using standardized residual as equivalent weight. In traverse network, we decide the weight by Helmert variance component estimation, and then detect gross errors and compare by the same way with triangulation network In satellite geodetic network in which observations are correlated, we detect gross errors transforming into equivalent correlation matrix by residual and variance inflation factor and the result is also compared with the result from using standardized residual. The results of detection are shown that it is more convenient and effective to detect gross errors by residual in geodetic network adjustment of various forms than detection by standardized residual.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jung-Hyang Kim
Chol-Jin Kim
Ryong-Jin Li
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The adjustment problem of the so-called combined (hybrid, integrated) network created with GNSS vectors and terrestrial observations has been the subject of many theoretical and applied works. The network adjustment in various mathematical spaces was considered: in the Cartesian geocentric system on a reference ellipsoid and on a mapping plane. For practical reasons, it often takes a geodetic coordinate system associated with the reference ellipsoid. In this case, the Cartesian GNSS vectors are converted, for example, into geodesic parameters (azimuth and length) on the ellipsoid, but the simple form of converted pseudo-observations are the direct differences of the geodetic coordinates. Unfortunately, such an approach may be essentially distorted by a systematic error resulting from the position error of the GNSS vector, before its projection on the ellipsoid surface. In this paper, an analysis of the impact of this error on the determined measures of geometric ellipsoid elements, including the differences of geodetic coordinates or geodesic parameters is presented. Assuming that the adjustment of a combined network on the ellipsoid shows that the optimal functional approach in relation to the satellite observation, is to create the observational equations directly for the original GNSS Cartesian vector components, writing them directly as a function of the geodetic coordinates (in numerical applications, we use the linearized forms of observational equations with explicitly specified coefficients). While retaining the original character of the Cartesian vector, one avoids any systematic errors that may occur in the conversion of the original GNSS vectors to ellipsoid elements, for example the vector of the geodesic parameters. The problem is theoretically developed and numerically tested. An example of the adjustment of a subnet loaded from the database of reference stations of the ASG-EUPOS system was considered for the preferred functional model of the GNSS observations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Roman Kadaj
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The paper presents an empirical comparison of performance of three well known M – estimators (i.e. Huber, Tukey and Hampel’s M – estimators) and also some new ones. The new M – estimators were motivated by weighting functions applied in orthogonal polynomials theory, kernel density estimation as well as one derived from Wigner semicircle probability distribution. M – estimators were used to detect outlying observations in contaminated datasets. Calculations were performed using iteratively reweighted least-squares (IRLS). Since the residual variance (used in covariance matrices construction) is not a robust measure of scale the tests employed also robust measures i.e. interquartile range and normalized median absolute deviation. The methods were tested on a simple leveling network in a large number of variants showing bad and good sides of M – estimation. The new M – estimators have been equipped with theoretical tuning constants to obtain 95% efficiency with respect to the standard normal distribution. The need for data – dependent tuning constants rather than those established theoretically is also pointed out.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Banaś
Marcin Ligas
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Generally, Least Squares (LS) Method treats only random errors of observation vector in adjustment function models. However, both observation vector and elements of coefficient matrix of adjustment function model contain random errors. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the result of adjustment by LS method is the global optimal solution. Total Least Square (TLS) method is a primary estimation method that treats random errors of observation vector and coefficient matrix in adjustment functional models. Since TLS method take into account both random errors of observation vector and coefficient matrix based on errors-in-variables model, it is possible to improve the accuracy compared with the result of LS method. So TLS method has been applied to different fields of science and technology including signal and image processing, computer vision,communication engineering and geodesy. However, weighted total least square (WTLS) method has been not applied in geodetic network adjustment problem compared with other fields widely. So the purpose of this paper is to summarize the algorithm of WTLS briefly and to propose an application method in adjustment of triangulation network. Key problem in application of WTLS to adjustment of geodetic network is to determine the weight matrix (or cofactor matrix) for elements of coefficient matrix in adjustment function model. In this paper proposed a method to determine cofactor matrix for errors of coefficient matrix in triangulation network, and verifies the effectiveness of suggested method through example applied to triangulation network.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jung-Hyang Kim
Chol-Jin Kim
Myong-Hak Ri

  1. Kim Chaek University of Technology, Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
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The European reference frame ETRF2000 was introduced on the territory of Poland on 1 July 2013, named PL-ETRF2000, as a result of the appropriate measurement campaign 2008-2011. The new PL-ETRF2000 reference frame has replaced the previously used PL-ETRF89 frame, which had more than 10 years of history in Poland until 2013, implemented in almost all geodetic and cartographic “products”, in geodetic networks, economic map systems and databases. The relationship of the new reference frame with the previously used PL-ETRF89 frame has become an important practical issue. Currently, all position services of the ASG-EUPOS (Active Geodetic Network – EUPOS) system use only the PL-ETRF2000 reference frame, which also results from the relevant legal and technical regulations. The relationships between the frames was considered in two aspects: “theoretical”, expressed by conformal (Helmert, 7-parameter) transformation, and “empirical”, based on an interpolation grid that allows to take into account local distortions of the PL-ETRF89 frame. The estimation of the parameters of the conformal transformation model was based on 330 points of the POLREF network, while to create an interpolation grid approximately 6500 points of the old triangulation network were additionally used, after new adjustment in PL-ETRF200 reference frame. Basic algorithms for the transformation between two frames and mapping systems are implemented in the new version of the TRANSPOL program, which is available on the web (
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Authors and Affiliations

Roman Kadaj

  1. Rzeszów University of Technology, Rzeszów, Poland

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