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This paper presents the results of research regarding measurements of the values of pressure drops during horizontal flow of gas-liquid and gas-liquid-liquid mixture through 180o pipe bends. The conducted insightful analysis and assessment during multi-phase flow in pipe bends has enabled to develop a new method for determination of their values. This new method for determining pressure drops ensures higher precision of calculation in comparison to other methods presented in literature and can be applied for calculation of these parameters during multi-phase flows in pipe bends with various geometries.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Stanisław Witczak
Marcin Pietrzak


The topic of incompressible fluid flow in rough channels is of practical interest in many diverse applications. It also forms the basis of our understanding of fluid-wall interactions, turbulent eddy generation, and their effect on the frictional pressure losses. Although this topic is also of fundamental interest, the work in this area is entirely guided by the experimental work of earlier investigators [1–6]. The works by Nikuradse [4] and Colebrook [5] constitute a major milestone from which useful empirical models are derived. As we approach the microscale, Nikuradse’s experimental work again is brought to focus, perhaps this time to gain an insight into the mechanisms affecting fluid-wall interaction in rough channels. In this paper, Nikuradse’s work is revisited in light of the recent experimental work on roughness effects in microscale flow geometries.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

S.G. Kandlikar


This study is concerned with liquid flow induced by a disk which rotates steadily around its axis and touches the free surface of liquid contained in a cylindrical vessel. It is a simplified model of the flow in the inlet part of a vertical cooling crystallizer where a rotary distributor of inflowing solution is situated above the free surface of solution contained in the crystalliser. Numerical simulations of flow phenomena were conducted and the simulation results were interpreted assuming an analogy with Kármán’s theoretical equations. In a cylindrical coordinate system, the components of flow velocity were identified as functions of distance from the surface of the rotating disk. The experimental setup was developed to measure velocity fields, using digital particle velocimetry and optical flow. Conclusions concerning the influence of disc rotation on liquid velocity fields were presented and the experimental results were found to confirm the results of numerical simulation. On the basis of simulation data, an approximation function was determined to describe the relationship between the circumferential component of flow velocity and the distance from the disk.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Witold Suchecki


Arid and semi-arid areas are characterised by differentiation in meteorological conditions. Sometimes the rains are rare and not very intense and at other times they are dense and very intense, resulting in torrents that often lead to strong soil erosion. Most of the time, the losses occur at the solids level because the erosion effect is too high. In this study, we want to evaluate the transfer of solid sediments as a function of liquid transport in the basin of Wadi Zeddine at Ain Defla in Algeria. To understand this phenomenon, we used the data of liquid flows ( Ql, m 3∙s –1) and concentration of suspended sediments ( C, g∙dm –3), transported in the river, the data collected by the NWRA (National Water Resources Agency), over 24 years have been used to find a relationship between these two quantities, to estimate the quantity of solid transport Qs (kg∙s –1) in the watercourse of the catchment area studied. The results obtained show a good correlation between solid and liquid flows, with a correlation coefficient estimated at 90%, and the average annual sediment supply recorded at the outlet of the Wadi Zeddine watershed is estimated at around 88,048 Mg, which corresponds to 202 Mg∙km –2∙y –1/ erosion rate. This value is comparable to those found in other regions with similar hydrological regimes.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zohir Bouleknafet
Omar Elahcene

  1. Ziane Achour University Djelfa, Sciences of Natural and Life Faculty, BP 3117, City Ain Chih, Djelfa, 17000, Algeria


Gas-liquid flows abound in a great variety of industrial processes. Correct recognition of the regimes of a gasliquid flow is one of the most formidable challenges in multiphase flow measurement. Here we put forward a novel approach to the classification of gas-liquid flow patterns. In this method a flow-pattern map is constructed based on the average energy of intrinsic mode function and the volumetric void fraction of gas-liquid mixture. The intrinsic mode function is extracted from the pressure fluctuation across a bluff body using the empirical mode decomposition technique. Experiments adopting air and water as the working fluids are conducted in the bubble, plug, slug, and annular flow patterns at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure. Verification tests indicate that the identification rate of the flow-pattern map developed exceeds 90%. This approach is appropriate for the gas-liquid flow pattern identification in practical applications.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sun Zhiqiang
Gong Hui

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