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Until the early 1990s, the domestic power industry was a natural monopoly. This was caused by the specificity of the operation of the electricity transmission and distribution sub sectors, technical challenges of coordinating the operation of generating units and transmission networks, requirements regarding long-term forecasting of the industry development, and returns to scale. In view of the above, the objective of the presented paper is to assess the economic situation of energy companies operating in a competitive electricity market. The article analyses the main areas of activity of the energy companies, i.e.: the areas of production, transmission, distribution, and sales. In addition, the market shares of the various energy companies, in terms of generating capacity and the amount of the energy produced, were analyzed. Furthermore, the technical and economic situation of enterprises operating in the power sector was also subjected to analysis. The mentioned analysis has revealed that the profit received from the main activity of the enterprises (i.e. the sale of electricity) has decreased in recent years. What is more, the energy sector must adapt to legal and regulatory changes related to the intensification of the decarbonization policy pursued by the European Commission. Therefore, national energy should focus on developing skills in the areas of innovation, such as: electro mobility, energy storage, energy management, etc.
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Krzysztof Zamasz
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Coal in Poland is an available conventional fuel providing energy security and independence of the country. Therefore, conventional energy generation should be based on coal with the optimal development of renewable energy sources. Such a solution secures the energy supply based on coal and the independence of political and economic turmoil of global markets. Polish coal reserves can secure the energy supply for decades. Coal will surely be important for energy security in the future despite the growing share of oil and gas in energy mix. The development of renewable power generation will be possible with the conventional energy generation offsetting volatile renewable power generation as Poland’s climate doesn’t allow for the stable and effective use of renewable energy sources. Considering the policy of the European Union with respect to emission reductions of greenhouse gasses and general trends as reflected in the Paris agreement in 2016, as a country we will be forced to increase renewable energy production in our energy mix. However, this process cannot impact the energy security of the country and stability and the uninterrupted supply of energy to consumers. Therefore seeking the compromise with the current energy mix in Poland is the best way to its gradual change with the simultaneous conservation of each of the sources of energy. It’s obvious that Poland can not be lonely energy island in Europe and in the world, which increasingly develops distributed energy and/ renewable technologies as well as energy storage ones. One can notice that without renewable generation and the reduction of coal’s share in country’s energy mix we will become the importer of electricity with raising energy dependence.

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Anna Kielerz
Waldemar Beuch
Robert Marzec
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At present, electromobility is a very dynamically developing segment and at the same time has many unknowns that enterprises that want to develop this area in their structures have to face. This article aims is to show the difficulties of electromobility development from the perspective of Polish energy groups which are closely related to this area, especially considering the obligations imposed on energy companies by the legislator. The electrification of transport has become a reality and in order to use its potential to develop new services or implement innovations and new technologies, it is necessary to identify development barriers and prepare a response plan. The authors of the article decided to show the formal and legal implications for the development of electromobility in Poland in first order, and then examine the development strategies of Polish energy groups in terms of electromobility and indicate explored areas related to it. The next section focuses on identifying the main barriers to the implementation of business models, classifying them according to the following factors: economic, operational, technical, social and legal. This presentation of the problem allows for an in-depth recognition of the issue and realizing that in order to achieve the goals set by the Legislator, close cooperation of all stakeholders is necessary both at the national and local level, while engaging energy groups, financial companies, electric vehicle manufacturers, and above all local government units in these activities.

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Wojciech Drożdż
Paulina Szczerba
Dawid Kruszyński
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The paper discusses a variety of serious challenges facing the Polish energy sector until 2040. These challenging tasks largely result from intensive works in the European Union on the finalisation of measures implementing a zero-carbon economy, as well as social (Covid-19), political and military events, both global and regional (war in Ukraine). After analysing the present condition of the energy sector, the authors proposed a modification of Poland’s energy policy, pointing out that the transformation of the national electricity system towards zero-carbon energy requires, on the one hand, speeding up investments in renewable sources, but on the other hand, insuring this process by own controllable generation sources. The paper also defines the conditions that should be met to achieve the highest possible share of non-carbon energy in the national energy mix by 2040.
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Stanisław Tokarski
Antoni Tajduś

  1. Central Mining Institute, Plac Gwarków 1, 40-166 Katowice , Poland
  2. AGH University of Kraków, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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This article is devoted to an analytical review of the situation in the energy sector of Ukraine, taking into account constructive changes in the connection of the Ukrainian energy system to ENTSO-E and the destructive situation caused by industrial infrastructure failures and economic renewal. It focuses on Ukraine in the context of the principles of decentralization in the direction of significantly increasing the net cost of microgeneration, decarbonization and the transition to “green” energy. The national resource potential of energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies is systematized and the applied recommendations are provided to support state and local trends in energy sector development, namely energy storage projects, distributed generation and microgeneration based on Net Energy Metering to support small projects that solve energy problems. Included are institutional proposals for the establishment of the Agency for Decarbonization in Ukraine for the “green” transition, with broad powers of communication and the ability to make decisions on reducing carbon emissions in all areas. The possibility and expediency of using the concept of innovation is considered both from the global point of view of Ukrainian industry (with the potential prospect of using Ukraine’s industrial and logistics infrastructure as a mega-industrial park for the EU) and in the local sense of national energy, including improvements to the EU’s energy balance. It has been proven that the use of the nearshoring mechanism in Ukrainian industry in general, and in the energy sector in particular, can improve Europe’s energy balance, which has deteriorated over the past five years. Thus, the negative trend of the EU energy balance in thousands of tons of oil equivalent and in percentage terms was demonstrated. To improve the situation, the forecast of energy prices for individual EU countries was calculated taking into account Ukraine’s integration into the European energy system. The analysis and calculations revealed a potentially possible level of price reductions in some EU countries up to 20%. Recommendations are for improving energy-management efficiency at the regional level in particular, ensuring transparency in the development of renewable energy sources, using significant national potential of biofuels and increasing natural gas production, developing a business model of gas distribution center in Western Ukraine, which will be part of national gas distribution system and the European energy market.
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Oksana Borodina
Hanna Bratus
Viktoriia Udovychenko
Sylwester Kaczmarzewski
Valentyna Kostrychenko
Viktor Koval

  1. Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  2. Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine
  3. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
  4. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute Polish Akademy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  5. National University of Water and Environment Engineering, Ukraine
  6. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
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The paper analyzes the impact of potential changes in the price relation between domestic and imported coal and its influence on the volume of coal imported to Poland. The study is carried out with the application of a computable model of the Polish energy system. The model reflects fundamental relations between coal suppliers (domestic coal mines, importers) and key coal consumers (power plants, combined heat and power plants, heat plants, industrial power plants). The model is run under thirteen scenarios, differentiated by the ratio of the imported coal price versus the domestic coal price for 2020–2030. The results of the scenario in which the prices of imported and domestic coal, expressed in PLN/GJ, are equal, indicate that the volume of supplies of imported coal is in the range of 8.3–11.5 million Mg (depending on the year). In the case of an increase in prices of imported coal with respect to the domestic one, supplies of imported coal are at the level of 0.4–4.1 million Mg (depending on the year). With a decrease in the price of imported coal, there is a gradual increase in the supply of coal imports. For the scenario in which a 30% lower imported coal price is assumed, the level of imported coal almost doubles (180%), while the supply from domestic mines is reduced by around 28%, when compared to the levels observed in the reference scenario. The obtained results also allow for the development of an analysis of the range of coal imports depending on domestic versus imported coal price relations in the form of cartograms.

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Jacek Kamiński
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The Ukrainian energy sector’s crucial problems, in particular, the outmoded equipment, the power

infrastructure shortcoming and a significant backlog in the energy supply quality from the European

one, based on the SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index) indicator comparison,

has been disclosed in this article. A considerable break in the energy supply quality in both

rural and urban settlements has been also revealed. The current state of the alternative energy development

has been described, the energy generation structure, as well as the rates of development

of the renewable energy sources’ usage have been analyzed. Some challenges in the imbalance of

the renewable energy sources’ usage and their analyzed consequences have been identified, among

others, the generation volume abruptness by both SPP and WPP, requiring maneuvering with the

traditional sources’ employer. The negative effect of the “green” tariff as the main priming stimulus

for the renewable energy facilities’ construction has been proven. Generally and particularly, the

financial influence level on the state has been analyzed, being manifested in the debts’ accumulation

to energy producers. The residual capability of solving the problems of alternative energy

development has been considered, in particular, the “green” auctions announced by the state, the

formation of the optimal predicted level of energy generation by SPP and WPP in order to prevent

sharp disparities in both electricity demand and supply. The biogas plants’ facilities as a ponderable

choice to both solar and wind generation have been analyzed.

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Authors and Affiliations

Viktoriia Dergachova
Zhanna Zhygalkevych
Yevhen Derhachov
Yana Koleshnia
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The following paper presents the process of decarbonization of the energy sector in Greece and points out to different methods the Greek authorities are adopting in order to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases generated by electricity production. Greece is a country which is modernizing its energy sector gradually, yet dynamically. One of the prime aims is to reduce the level of energy produced in coal-fired power plants by focusing on the renewable energy and the gas sector. In 2010 still more than half of the electrical energy was generated by lignite-fired power plants. Almost ten years later the ratio has dropped to only slightly more than 30%. A significant reduction in coal consumption was possible thanks to investments in renewable energy sources, especially in the wind and solar energy sectors. Both sectors have seen a large increase in production, making renewable energy sources already accounting for over 20% of Greek electricity production. Capital-intensive investments were also made in the country’s gas supply through the expansion of gas-fired power plants and gas transmission networks. As a result, natural gas remains the main source of energy for Greece next to coal. Unfortunately, a big challenge in terms of decarbonization is the need for increased imports of electricity from abroad, due to the insufficient capacity of the Greek energy sector. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to define a Greek model of decarbonization and to point out to its benefits and dangers. Greek strategy might serve as an example of how to successfully solve the energy issues in the countries with similar energy profile.
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Wiktor Hebda

  1. Faculty of International and Political Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
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Bangladesh is the seventh climate risky country in the world located in South Asia. Progressive economic growth, rapid industrialization and other development efforts are transforming Bangladesh towards a middle-income country. To cope up with the rapid economic growth, the energy supply needs to match energy demand. On the other hand, energy is at the heart of the solution to climate challenge as two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions come from the energy sector. At present, around 62% of total electricity depends on gas-fired power generation but its stock is depleting fast due to the increased rate of extraction and use. Considering the shortage of natural resources and being a country worst hit by climate change, the existing state, future prospects, renewable energy policies in Bangladesh are needed to be evaluated to make the existing energy sector more sustainable and modern. A thorough description from secondary sources of the energy sector in Bangladesh is provided in this paper with a special emphasis on the current scenario and future prospects of electricity generation, existing policy issues by using various renewable energy sources. Moreover, a comparison is made regarding the progress in renewable energy sector of Bangladesh with the countries most affected by global climate change. This comparison provides a perspective of how Bangladesh is progressing towards sustainable energy transition while facing problems due to climate change. Finally, recommendations are provided to advance the development of the existing energy sector of Bangladesh to turn it into a sustainable energy sector.
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Authors and Affiliations

Md Moynul Ahsan
Showrov Rahman
Md. Sakib Hossain
Soad Shajid

  1. Department of Real Estate Development and Management, Ankara University, Turkey
  2. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Gazi University, Turkey
  3. Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Bangladesh
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This article is devoted to topical issues of gender equality in the energy sector. It is a retrospective analysis of the problem of gender equality over the past 50 years in various countries and sectors of the economy. The situation with the improvement of the gender balance in general is changing, but unevenly, which increases the relevance of attention to the gender factor in policy development, particularly in the energy sector. It has been established that in the energy sector, there remain so-called “glass walls” and “glass ceilings” for the development of women’s professional careers, which leads to horizontal and vertical segregation. The main barriers to gender balance in the energy sector are highlighted. The institutional conditions for ensuring gender equality in the energy sector have allowed for a more comprehensive view of the problem of gender occupational segregation. A number of institutional problems of gender equality in the energy sector are highlighted and characterized. These include: inconsistency of formal norms of gender equality and existing economic practices; lack of gender mainstreaming in energy policy making due to insufficient attention to social relations; the creation of additional tensions in industrial relations to ensure gender equality; unemployment of able-bodied women due to segregation in the labor market in the energy sector., Using a number of practical proposals for ensuring gender equality at the industrial and company levels, the authors propose a conceptual model of institutional support for gender equality in the energy sector. The implementation of these proposals would help eliminate gender imbalances in the energy sector and promote the development of energy companies on a sustainable basis.
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Authors and Affiliations

Olena Shatilova
Tetiana Sobolieva
Oleksandr Vostryakov

  1. Management, SHEE “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”, Kyiv, Ukraine
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The structural economic problems of Turkey have led to the significant challenges for the development of the country, especially in the postcoronavirus economy. One of such challenges is the achievement of the sustainable development imperatives in combination with the preservation of the competitive advantages of the Turkish economy. The loss of the major drivers of the economy of the country, including tourism and logistics, in complex with the economic deterioration of the monetary system of the country are the major components of the current crisis. This controversy is analyzed in the paper along with the search for the best options of the energy sphere development in Turkey. This search covers economic aspects of the current situation in the country. The authors put forward and prove a hypothesis that Turkey energy system can be more influential on its economic development. This proof is based on the energy mix analysis and on the thorough review of the potential of the country for the green energy development and its economic effectiveness for the country. The key findings of the article include the proof that the sustainable development and the green energy development in Turkey are quite different processes, which are on intention divided by political measures, the proof that Turkey has serious issues in development of the energy sector due to its low influence on the economic development in its current state, the developed recommendations for the better structuring of the energy sector development.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ibragim Pashaev

  1. International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy, MGIMO University, Russia
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Accelerating the transition of the energy sector to ecologically clean energetics using renewable energy technologies will ensure the security of the energy sector of the European Union based on highly energy-efficient and cost-effective technologies for generating heat and electricity. The aim of the study is to assess the economic and ecological aspects of the implementation of renewable energy technologies in Ukraine based on the analysis of trends in the transformation of both the global and the European energy sector. The approach proposed in this article makes it possible to reasonably determine the prospects for the use of environmentally safe energy-saving technologies using renewable energy sources. The analysis of the economic and environmental aspects of energy production based on renewable energy technologies, the condition of development and directions of transformation of the European energy sector is illustrated on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the efficiency of the use of energy- and resource-saving, environmentally safe and cost-effective innovative technologies of non-traditional and renewable energy sources. This is achieved through the use of a comprehensive generalized dimensionless criterion of energy- ecological-economic efficiency of innovative technologies with the aim of increasing the level of energy-economic efficiency and environmental safety of the energy sector. According to this approach, it is determined that the effective integration of a certain energy- and resource-saving, environmentally safe and economically efficient innovative technology using renewable sources in Ukraine is possible.
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Authors and Affiliations

Viktor Koval
Olga Ostapenko
Olha Halushchak
Piotr Olczak
Kateryna Dobrovolska
Sergey Kaptalan

  1. Izmail State of University of Humanities, Ukraine
  2. Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine
  3. Ternopil Ivan Puluj National University, Ukraine
  4. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
  5. National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Ukraine
  6. Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine
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The subject of this article is the problem of payment gridlocks and their significance for the enterprise sector and the risks they cause. The authors’ attention is focused here on presenting the essence of payment gridlocks, their consequences, as well as the causes on the sides of both the debtor and the creditor. In the empirical part of the article, the authors focused on assessing the problem of payment backlogs in selected mining and energy-production companies in Poland. A study on selected companies from this industry was conducted, the purpose of which was to show the scale of delayed payments with the particular identification of those that are payment backlogs (i.e. a delay of at least 60 days). Five major companies from the energy industry in Poland were selected for the study, representing both the mining and energy production sectors. These companies are Polska Grupa Górnicza SA, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa SA, ENEA SA, Energa SA and TAURON Polska Energia SA According to the available data, payment terms in this sector are the longest in the European Union compared to other sectors of the economy. In Poland, the situation is no different in this respect. This is especially visible in the mining industry, which is perceived as very risky when it comes to timely payments. Undoubtedly, reducing payment gridlocks in this industry is a difficult task, which results from its specificity and the number of problems it is struggling with, which have been additionally reinforced by the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Łukasz Szewczyk
Grażyna Szustak

  1. University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
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The paper presents the results or the integrated assessment or environmental and human health impacts or emissions released from different sectors in Poland. The analysis was performed with the use or the curelian emissions transport model POLAIR 31) and the Regional Air Pollution Information and Simulation model RAINS. The models arc briefly described. At present, this hybrid system can operate in a simulation mode and enables estimation or the emission and concentration/deposition levels or main air pollutants, emission control costs, environmental impacts and external costs associated with different energy scenarios. Emission levels or main air pollutants in 2005, 20 I O and 2020 arc presented lor the selected energy scenario. Associated external costs and impacts on acidification have been estimated.
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Artur Wyrwa
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In paper we present a case study of the radio dispatching communications for providing the voice service during mass events of the “Lednica 2000” Youth Meetings. The presentation is supported by over 20-year experience in organization of this event every year. We also describe a FM radio system deployed during this meeting for broadcasting the English translation.

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Authors and Affiliations

Henryk Gierszal
Jacek Jarzina
Sławomir Fryska
Sylwia Fryska
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The volatility of raw material prices and the rising prices of CO2 emission allowances when using fossil fuels to produce electricity and heat are still relevant problems for owners of generating units. The decision-making tools are used in the fuel purchase process. However, these tools should also consider environmental issues.
The article’s main objective is a quantitative analysis of the potential for reducing costs associated with supplying and using hard coal in public power plants as a result of considering the costs of environmental protection and CO2 emission allowances in the process of planning this fuel supply. A mathematical model was developed to optimize the supply of hard coal for the power industry. The tool and elaborated research scenarios made it possible to calculate and analyze the impact of considering the costs of emissions of harmful substances into the environment and CO2 emission allowances on the planning of coal supplies and the reduction of costs related to acquiring and using coal by public power plants. The calculation results were presented on the example of the Polish power sector.
The model’s results confirm that the appropriate selection of coals, taking into account the quality parameters determining the amount of emissions of harmful substances, reduces the amount of these emissions and the total costs of acquiring and using coal in electricity production. However, depending on the considered scenario, the scale of this impact varies. The results of the optimization of coal supplies to power plants and their proper interpretation may constitute an important contribution to making management decisions in energy companies.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Malec

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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The implementation of EU environmental regulations in the energy sector is challenging for the power industry of its member states. The main role is played by documents such as the Winter Package and, especially, the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the emission limits of certain pollutants and the implementation of BAT conclusions in order to achieve the EU’s decarbonization objectives. These regulations impose a greater need to control harmful substances emitted to the atmosphere while using fossil fuels, including hard coal, which is the main fuel for domestic units. At the same time, the decline in domestic fossil fuel production and decrease in the quality of parameters of the hard coal makes it difficult to purchase the proper fuel for power plants. As a consequence, the costs of hard coal increase. The article presents the concept of a mathematical model that can be applied for the optimization of coal supplies. The employment of this model allows one to achieve cost reductions. One of the advantages of the proposed tool, in addition to minimizing the cost of purchase and use of hard coal, is its rational management, especially for companies producing and using hard coal.

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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Malec
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The paper investigates the competitiveness of the Polish hard coal mining sector as a fuel source for heat and power generation. The main objective of the study is to make a quantitative assessment of the impact of the price relationship between domestic and imported steam coal on the consumption of domestic fine coal in the Polish heat and power generation sector. For this purpose, a long-term mathematical model of the Polish steam coal market is employed and scenarios that mimic the relationship between domestic and imported steam coal prices is developed. The following results are analysed:

- the volume of total domestic steam coal consumption under the scenarios analysed,

- the absolute difference in domestic steam coal consumption under the scenarios analysed in comparison with the scenario 0%,

- the total imported and domestic steam coal consumption in the period analysed.

In addition, the results were depicted in cartograms in order to present the distribution of domestic and imported coal consumption in the various regions of Poland.

The results of the study indicate that the supply of steam coal in Poland can be completely covered by domestic mines when the price of domestic coal is from –40% to –20% lower than that of imported coal. For the remaining scenarios, the consumption of imported coal increases and reaches its highest value in the scenario +40%, in which imported coal covered of 71% of total steam coal consumption in Poland over the period.

The conclusions presented in this paper provide valuable findings and policy insights into the competitiveness of domestic mines and management of domestic production both in Poland and other countries in which power generation systems are mostly dominated by coal.

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Authors and Affiliations

Przemysław Kaszyński
Aleksandra Komorowska
Marcin Malec
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Nowadays, fighting to stop climate change is not only possibility, it is indisputably an imperative for our future life on the Earth. The concept of climate neutrality was established at the beginning of the twenty-first century but has gained importance in the last decade. Climate neutrality can be achieved if CO2 emissions are reduced to a minimum and all remaining CO2 emissions are offset with climate protection measures. In order to limit global warming to 1.5°C – a threshold the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) suggested is safe – climate neutrality is essential by 2050. The main aim of this article is to identify activities aimed at neutralizing the impact of mining and energy companies in Poland on climate and to assess the approach of commercial banks in Poland towards financing their activities towards climate neutrality. The article verifies the research hypothesis stating that commercial banks in Poland support the financing of activities conducive to achieving climate neutrality by companies from mining and energy industries. The empirical research was carried out in three stages. It included data analysis, case study and questionnaire survey. The study shows that the mining and energy industry in Poland is aware of the need to implement quick actions to reduce their negative impact on the environment and to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Moreover, it has been proven that the banking sector in Poland is open to financing socially responsible investments (SRI) supporting activities for climate neutrality.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Nocoń

  1. University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
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The Polish political transformation of 1989 brought significant changes not only on the political and social levels but also on the economic level. The Polish economy, which until then had been a centrally planned economy, had to be rapidly changed into a free market economy. As a result of this, a lot of areas of the economy had to be transformed including the mining industry, especially hard-coal mining. In 1990, there were seventy-one mines in operation in Poland, employing nearly 400,000 people. The process of decommissioning these mines, which continues to this day, began in 1994. Walbrzych coal mines were among the first to be liquidated. Poland has long been dependent on coal for energy production, but the country is facing increasing pressure in the transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources in order to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change in order to fulfil EU climate policy assumptions. Civil society organizations in Poland were associated with the political transformation, as the changes in the system has opened the doors for the social participation in decision-making processes. Civil society organizations in Poland have been actively pushing for policies and initiatives that promote renewable energy, energy efficiency, and the phasing out of coal. However, it should be underlined that the role of civil society in energy transformation is crucial as on the one hand, it should be an advocate of change, but on the other hand, civil society has to take an active part in the discussion on the challenges of the transformation, such a change in the employment structure which is an inevitable consequence of the energy transition. The scope of the paper is to provide a set of tools for the civil society participating in energy transformation processes.
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Olga Julita Janikowska

  1. The Division of Strategic Research, Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy ofSciences, Poland

Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Kuzior
Viacheslav Liashenko
Iryna Petrova
Oleksandr Serdiuk

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Poland; Department Applied Social Science, Silesian University of Technology, Poland; Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  2. Institute of Industrial Economy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
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The Polish power generation system is based mostly on coal-fired power plants. Therefore, the coal mining sector is strongly sensitive to changes in the energy sector, of which decarbonization is the crucial one. The EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS) requires power generating companies to purchase European Emission Allowances (EUAs), whose prices have recently soared. They have a direct impact on the cost efficiency of hard coal-fired power generation, hence influence the consumption of hard coal on the power sector. In this context, the objective of this paper is to estimate the hard coal consumption in various regions of Poland under selected forecasts of the EUA price. To investigate this question, two models are employed:

 - the PolPower_LR model that simulates the Polish power generation system,

 - the FSM _LR model that optimizes hard coal supplies.

Three scenarios differentiated by the EUA price are designed for this study. In the first one, the average EUA price from 2014–2017 is assumed. In the second and third, the EUA prices are assumed accordingly to the NPS and the SDS scenario of the World Energy Outlook. In this study we consider only existing, modernized, under construction and announced coal-fired power generation units. The results of the study indicate that regardless of the scenario, a drop in hard coal consumption by power generation units is observed in the entire period of analysis. However, the dynamics of these changes differ. The results of this analysis prove that the volume of hard coal consumption may differ by even 136 million Mg (in total) depending on the EUA prices development scenario. The highest cumulated volume of hard coal consumption is observed in the Opolski, Radomski and Sosnowiecki region, regardless of the considered scenario.

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Authors and Affiliations

Przemysław Kaszyński
Aleksandra Komorowska
Jacek Kamiński
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A transition from generating electricity from conventional sources to generating it from renewables is one of drivers leading us towards a circular economy. Electricity is a specific product and regardless of where and how it is produced, it takes the same form. A novel aspect of the research is the examination of correlations and relationships between guarantees of origin. The research objective is to analyse the market for the guarantees of origin in the volatile price environment that we had late 2021 and early 2022. Therefore, we analysed demand for the guarantees in January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2022 and the correlation between the price of electricity and guarantees of origin. It was based on the secondary data analysis method and the use of Pearson’s correlation coefficient and a linear regression function. The authors of the study made a hypothesis that the trading volume would increase during the study period and that there would be a positive correlation between the price of energy and the guarantees of origin. A key finding of the study revealed a steady increase in the purchase of guarantees despite the rise in prices. The buying of the guarantees is not a top-down requirement, but rather a bottom-up action, which indicates growing social expectations towards enterprises to consume energy from renewable sources.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Petryk
Piotr Adamik

  1. Krakow University of Economics, College of Public Economy and Administration, Rakowicka St 27, 31-510, Kraków, Poland
  2. PhD studies in Finance and Accounting at the Krakow University of Economics, Kraków, Poland
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Transforming the energy sector is necessary but not sufficient to prevent a climate catastrophe.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Kozłowski

  1. Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland

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