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The paper presents a detailed description of the process of creation of a surface alloy layer (using high-carbon ferrochromium) on the cast steel casting. The mechanism of the surface alloy layer is based on the known theories [5,6]. The proposed course of formation of the layers has been extended to decarburization stage of steel. The research included proving the presence of carbon-lean zone. The experiment included the analysis of the distribution of elements and microhardness measurement.

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A. Walasek
J. Szajnar
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The study aims to contribute to research on the onomastic-stylistic diversity of Polish prose in the late 20th century. In focus are those onomastic properties of literature that reveal connections between names and language in the process of creating non-mimetic, literary-style fiction. These properties also point to the nature of proper names as they function in a literary work of art — that work being a post-modern intellectual-literary game. The names used in the novel (anthroponyms, toponyms, chrematonyms, also zoonyms) mainly derive from the author’s linguistic creativity: they contribute to the world-view projected through the text. That world-view is “purposefully and totally unusual”, different from the real world.

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Adam Siwiec
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The paper investigates the relations between Schwartz’s values and beliefs which may reflect skepticism toward science – specifically vaccine rejection, climate change denial and creationism. Recent research on the causes of anti-science indicates that they may be motivational, pertaining to ideologies, worldviews, and one’s moral codes. Therefore, we postulated that value priority hierarchies hierarchies may be predictors of anti-science. Results (N = 509) indicated that Conservation metatype values were positively associated with anti-science, while Self-Transcendence and Openness to change metatypes were connected with support for science. We also found significant differences in value profiles between participants with lower vs. higher anti-scientific beliefs. We discuss the possible motivational underpinnings of these results.
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Józef Maciuszek
Mateusz Polak
Aleksandra Zajas
Katarzyna Stasiuk

  1. Institute of Applied Psychology, Jagiellonian University
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The term “cause” is ubiquitous in life and science. It is surprising how, generally speaking, the existing all-purpose dictionaries, and even «professional» ones, are clumsy in their attempts to define “cause” and its derivative terms. We urgently need a more satisfactory definition of these words, along the following lines: an acting of object x on object y is the cause of the change in object y, when at the same time object x acts on object y, object y changes, and if something of the type of object x acts on an object of the type of object y, then object y changes. When expanding the proposed definition, I consider, among others: (a) traditional counterarguments aimed at the existence of cause-effect relation, (b) the question of necessity as a component of the notion of causality, (c) the notion of acting on something and the circumstances of its occurrence, (d) the essence of change, and (e) the causality principle. In addition, I sketch the relation of the reconstructed notion of causality to the notions of motivation, perpetration, and the act of creation (in arts and in Catholicism).

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Jacek Jadacki
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Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543), brilliant explorer and great scientist, creator of the heliocentric system, was a deeply religious person. He dealt mainly with astronomy. He was a man of science and a faithful son of the Catholic Church. He was not a theologian and did not leave behind theological or ascetical writings. Nevertheless, important theological ideas can be found in his legacy, above all in his life’s work De revolutionibus: theism and creationism. These should be read in the context of the scientist’s astronomical and cosmological research. Observing the beauty, harmony and order of the universe, Copernicus points to its perfect Creator ( Opifex omnium). The cosmos and all created works are an epiphany of God. Copernicus’ God is the Best and Greatest Being ( Optimus Maximus), who manages the ‘divine factory’ of the universe ( Regularissimus). Man is at the centre of creation. Exploring and contemplating the cosmos gives him joy, detaches him from evil, ennobles him and leads him to God. Copernicus’ theological views bear the mark of Renaissance humanism.
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ks. Paweł Rabczyński

  1. Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
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This paper is intended as a contribution to broader considerations and discussions on the still overlooked issues of garrison landscape architecture, its canon – the essence of the place, its identity. Thus far, the issues of garrison space, its attributes – architecture, elements of development and organised greenery – have been beyond the mainstream of scientific deliberations and constituted a peculiar taboo for various reasons and due to specific transition points in history. Being both closed areas and, after the end of their military functions, post-military ones, they are particularly suitable for playing a significant role in urban relations of inner-city areas and their contemporary conservation creations. In the referenced designs and executions, they can provide examples of development directions that take into account their previous military identity – the spirit of the place.
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Wojciech Rymsza-Mazur
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This article focuses on the issue of innovation within enterprise strategies, with a particular emphasis on the value-creation process and the multidimensional nature of innovation. To analyze this, the focal point was the overall structure of business operations, with a particular emphasis on the involvement of employees. It was also noted that economic entities are subject to generic, market, and HR conditions. The main objective of this article is to highlight the relationships between innovation within enterprises and the conditions under which they operate. This includes the challenges faced by employees in generating creative and innovative ideas and implementing new solutions. Two research hypotheses were put forward in this article. The first hypothesis, H1, assumes that a company’s overall profile is a crucial determinant in creating value through innovation within organizations. The second hypothesis, H2, assumes that market requirements in terms of creating customer value will drive employees to implement innovation defined in the company’s strategies. The importance of open innovation in business strategic decisions was also highlighted. Using statistical methods, these hypotheses were verified through a survey conducted in various enterprises.
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There are typically two systems in use for sound reinforcement in open areas: the central, “wall of sound” system with speakers localized at the sides of the stage, and the zone system, in which additional speakers are introduced to obtain a uniform sound pressure level throughout the area of listening. In the past two decades the line array systems gained great popularity. The main purpose of their use is to obtain a uniformly distributed sound level throughout the listening area in order to achieve good speech intelligibility. The present paper aims to present an alternative and original method of sound reinforcement in open areas which is in contrast to the above solutions. This new method allows achieving a uniformly distributed sound pressure and good speech intelligibility in the area of interest, and also allows to gain spatial sound impression that accompanies sound reproduction in concert halls. Another advantage of the proposed system is the reduction of the sound level outside the area of interest, i.e. reduction of the noise level outside the area of listening.

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Andrzej Gołaś
Katarzyna Suder-Dębska
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The aim of this paper is to identify lean management instruments used to implement strategic

objectives related to the creation and retention of value in the area of value networks while

redefining the business model of service enterprises on the example of hotels. In relation

to the objective, a survey was conducted using the questionnaire method with the use

of Computer Assisted Web Interview technique, using a self-developed questionnaire. The

survey was carried out between February and May 2020 among 421 representatives of hotel

service companies operating in the three, four and five-star standard. In order to verify

the assumptions between the surveyed features, statistical inferences were used using the

Statistica programme. The research results may provide inspiration for the implementation

of lean management concept in the area of redefining business models conducive to value

creation. The issues presented in the paper are an attempt to fill the gap indicating practical

experience related to the use of lean management instruments in the hotel services sector

and their effectiveness in the process of redefining business models and value creation.

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Małgorzata Sztorc
Konstantins Savenkovs
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This study is an exploration of formal-aesthetic correspondences between presenta-tion strategies and techniques of transforming traditional literary and musical genre conventions in Cervantes’ Don Quixote and Alban Berg’s opera Wozzeck. It takes as its bottom line William J. Entwistle’s distinction between re-creation and recreation (he used it in his appreciation of Don Quixote and so did Erich Auerbach) and his under-standing of art as an act of reproduction (re-creation) obliged to please (recreation). Seen from that perspective, both Cervantes’ Don Quixote and Berg’s opera “suffer” from ex-cess – overmuchness and surfeit with a tangible residue of melancholy. But it is because of these surpluses that these two works are regarded as masterpieces with continuing universal appeal.
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Katarzyna Lisiecka

  1. Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
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There are many ways of choosing or creating a name, the ways of which vary from culture to culture, and from language to language. Chinese onyms are usually constructed of one or more elements, being mostly lexical items (morphemes or words), and retaining in most cases their own lexical meaning in a name, therefore they are usually semantically transparent. However, the “true” significance of some names is sometimes very difficult to discover, and the conclusion is often based upon guesswork. What is evident, Chinese onyms are not random combinations; they usually have a certain underlying significance, reflecting the reason or reasons why particular lexical items are used in the naming process. Chinese researchers usually do not mention “the meaning” of names as a criterion for their semantic divisions. Their classifications are mainly based upon the variously termed “reasons”, “methods”, “motivations”, or “sources of naming”. Therefore, this paper deals with some selected, typical and untypical, “methods” of creating Chinese names, especially given names and place names.

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Irena Kałużyńska
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Gaston Milhaud (1858–1918) was a French modern philosopher, who, having started from mathematics, came to philosophy (especially epistemology) and history of science. His works on the history of science were devoted to Greek science and modern science. Milhaud in his papers claimed that important concepts and principles of science (in different disciplines) result from decisions that simultaneously transcend both experience and logic. He emphasized the role of free creation and activity of the mind. The author discusses central problems of Milhaud’s thought, especially the problem of the relationship between science and philosophy.

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Ryszard Kleszcz
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The article The Influence of the Bible on Civilization (The Bible and Natural Sciences) shows us the importance of the Holy Bible in relation to the forming of Western civilization. The Bible is at the foundation of the heritage of European civilization. Written down during the period of almost 1500 years, it contains truths that concern all fields of life, both on the individual and the social level. As a work of literature it had its role, together with the civilization of Ancient Greece, in the origins of sciences. Science and religion are two very important elements of human culture. All reflections on the subject of the genesis of the world have their roots in these two basic aspects of seeing reality. Everything that exists needs an explanation of its origin. Thus the basic question that gave the beginning to philosophy was the question of the human being about himself and about the Universe. The relation of the science of creation, originating from the biblical description showing God as giving existence to everything, came into conflict with the empirical description of the beginning of the Universe and man in it. The questions that Latin civilization took from Greek philosophy and Christianity, based on biblical foundations, were transformed during the course of history to a conflict between science and faith, which began with the Copernican revolution and the Galileo issue. It had its greatest inflammation in the 19th century, as the result of the discoveries in the field of bio- logy, mainly connected with the theory of evolution of C. Darwin. One of the basic aspects of this conflict is the question of the origin of the world, which issue is, so to say, a natural place of meeting of theology with natural sciences. This conflict began as a result of trying to discover the essence of God's message contained in the Bible, by natural sciences. This discovering was an interpretation of the inspired text in relation to the eternal truth and to cultural variables, and also to civilization frames.

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Ks. Sławomir Śledziewski
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The aim of the study is to show the essential elements of theological anthropology contained in the scientific work of Fr prof. Marian Rusecki. The problem is presented and resolved in five points. The following issues were presented in turn: man created by God (1); the Christ dimension of the human person (2); Homo Paschalis (3); the anthropogenic dimension of Christianity (4) and showing the meaning of life as a task for fundamental theology (5). Rusecki’s constitutive belief, which is the core of the above anthropological themes, is that understanding the mystery of man is possible only through divine Revelation. The definitive truth about man has its source and explanation in the Logos, Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. Therefore, the professor’s anthropology can be described as theological, Christocentric and ecclesiological. Particularly interesting are the elements of paschal anthropology, in which the issue of homo Paschalis was highlighted. Rusecki’s postulate that fundamental theology even more clearly undertakes to study the issue of the meaning of life, which is crucial for man, is also reasonable.
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Ks. Jacenty Mastej

  1. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie
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Interpreting the Gospel parable of the Prodigal Son and the Loving Father (Luke 15:11–32), J. Ratzinger/Benedict XVI shows the essence of the biggest problems of modern (particularly Western) society. The younger son’s journey to remote places, far from his father, symbolizes the fundamental gap between the present and God, which - although promising a happy and independent life – turns out to debase him. Blind questioning of the existing order (including the order of Creation!), an apotheosis of variability and a priori assumption of the new-over-the-old superiority, inevitably lead to confusion, with relativism becoming a “moral” reference and criterion for every action. Finally: bitterness and a protest generating violence, emptiness looking for satisfaction in drug-induced ecstasy, men seen as destroyers and enemies of nature. The only solution is a spiritual battle and metanoia – a return to the Father.

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Ks. Jerzy Szymik
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In this article we pay attention to some theoretical backgrounds for the redesign of nineteenth-century public parks in Central and Eastern Europe. The research is part of a larger project ‘The design history of nineteenth-century public parks in Central and Eastern Europe; contemporary use and future development’ (HYPPE), initiated by the Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism in Budapest, in which nine schools of landscape architecture in nine different countries in Central and Eastern Europe participate and collaborate.

We will focus here on some theoretical backgrounds, that form the foundation for a research and design approach, in which the diversity and similarity of the sites, contexts and design problems can be assured. Product (plan and realisation) and process (design) play a role in the parks as object of planning and design; on the one hand we distinguish between land, landscape and landscape architecture, on the other one — at the same time the difference in approaches between science and design play a role in the relation between research and design.

In the second part backgrounds and principles, that underpin the relation between conservation and development in historical settings of parks are dealt with. Different design approaches — from restoration to complete reconstruction are highlighted. Applying these principles to nineteenth-century public parks in Central and Eastern Europe shows, where generic backgrounds and specifics of site, history and culture meet.

In the third part the new challenges for landscape architecture, that society requires from contemporary planning and design is elaborated. Energy transition, water management and the creation of healthy environments for people are as such not new for landscape architecture, but in this stage new steps have to be taken, that reach beyond, what is already practised. Here the explorative and experimental character of the design approach comes to the surface because for these aspects there are no precedents yet, they have to be developed by practice, research on evidence and imagining solutions, that are beyond the usual practice of energy transition, water management and the creation of healthy environments for people. For landscape architecture a synthetical and coherent design concept forms the core of the contribution; the search for a meaningful new order.

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Albert Fekete
Martin Van Den Toorn
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In these remarks I make an attempt to understand and present the functioning of authorities in science. I do use in the first place the earlier claims which present this issue in a historical perspective. This allows to grasp the social process of emergence of the authorities as well the changing of their position in the way they are functioning. Especially the thoughts of Max Weber are being considered by my as useful in this matter. I do share his general thesis saying that even the greatest of scientific authorities – called by me in these remarks ”centennial” – couldn't occur and function without their social and cultural ”background”. This had led in large extent to the situation where these authorities fist played a significant role in the development of science and then went over to a more or less dignified ”retirement”. In this and other issues I present some of my own remarks and sugestions.

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Zbigniew Drozdowicz
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This article presents the peculiarities and methodical principles for designing the technologies and forms of organization of the construction liquidation cycle for typical unified series of residential buildings. The systematic approach for developing the necessary settings and indicators of the structure of a complex technological process for disassembling, destructing and demolishing of structural elements and buildings in general is given. The multigraph is created for the closed walk model of correlation of the parameters of the organizational and technological solutions of the construction liquidation cycle.
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P. Uvarov
M. Shparber
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This article looks at Professor Stanisław Jaworski’s contribution to the development of textual criticism in Poland. It was his book I write, therefore I am that offered Polish readers a comprehensive and erudite introduction to French genetic and textual criticism. Published in 1993, it set this enormously important critical movement in the broader perspective of cultural and literary anthropology. The second part of the article examines the impact of this book on Polish studies into the processes of text creation and the ‘avant-textes’. The third, final part surveys the late Professor Jaworski’s role in organizing conferences and stimulating debate on all aspects of genetic criticism.

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Mateusz Antoniuk
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At the core of Kazimierz Tetmajer’s lyricism is the perception of transcendental absence, which provokes a range of unsettling reactions like fear, horror, or scorn (irony), and, in turn, the need to regain some sort of balance. This article analyzes all elements of this paradigmatic situation, especially the poet’s owing up to those reactions, his attempts to come to terms with them, and, if possible, to work out a way of converting their negativity into something that he actually wanted. At all times, it seems, he looks hard for the adequate means to express his emotional states. Struggling to express the inexpressible, he performs acts of creation which, however, do not produce anything (i.e. ‘nothing’ or ‘lack’). This outcome sets in motion, largely beyond conscious control, an emotional reaction, the affect of emptiness and lack ( l’affect de vide et de manque). That emptiness constitutes a certain whole, or, more precisely, a negative figuration of lack. Attempts to make sense of it endow it with a new, spatial quality – it is a site where lack becomes nothing ( le néant), but at the same time is reconstituted as a space which can engulf the human subject. This precarious situation defines in a way the human condition. The poet, as Tetmajer’s poetry shows, is stuck in a loop. The creative act is elicited by a lack which he tries to control, fill in, and master, yet all the attempts to find an adequate expression or figuration are in vain. They merely recreate the original absence (lack).
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Urszula Pilch

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków

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