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The occurrence of 18 species of algae was stated in the investigated region. Among them the following were predominant: Himantothallus grandifolius, Desmarestia menziesii, Cystosphaera jacqninotii, Ascoseira mirabilis. Leptosomia simplex. Adenocystis utricularis. Monostroma hariotii, Iridaei: obovata, Hildenbrandia lecunnellieri, Plocamium coccineum and Phycodrys antarctica. Vertical stratification of the distribution of three singled out communities of algae was observed downwards to the depth of 90 m, which is the limit of the occurrence of the algae in the Bay. The process of decomposition depends on the place where it occurs, the kind of the thalluses and the season of the year. The quickest decomposition of algae was observed on the shore, in the summer and spring. The total quantity of algal matter washed ashore along 15.8 km of the coast line of Admiralty Bay, during the period between February and October 1979, was estimated at 279 metric tons of dry weight matter. From this quantity, in result of decomposition of the algae on the shore, 75 tons of the matter were released during an average time of 12 days. The remaining 204 tons of partially decomposed algal matter are driven by winds farther inshore or into the waters of the Bay or remain ashore among the stony rubble.

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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Zieliński
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A map was made of the distribution of macroalgae groupings in shallow waters of Admiralty Bay. The map was plotted on the basis of analysis of color reversal air photograph taken from a helicopter. A significant agreement of the results of the pictures analysis with the field studies was found. Also a number of areas not covered by field studies was determined as the ones of probable occurrence of macroalgae. A detailed map of distribution of four distinguished forms of macroalgae groupings was plotted for a small area in the region of Shag Point. Each of these forms is characterised by different association of algal species.

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Authors and Affiliations

Kazimierz Furmańczyk
Krzysztof Zieliński

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