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The text discusses medieval and modern sepulchral finds of coins from Eastern Europe, conventionally referred to as the “obol of the dead”. For the first time the phenomenon was observed in 8th century graves of nomads in the Khazar Khaganate. In the 9th and 10th century, Arab dirhams and Byzantine miliarenses appear in graves in the areas of the Scandinavian expansion, mainly in the basin of the upper Volga and the Dnieper. In the 11th century the custom of equipping the dead with coins becomes common and it is mainly West European pennies that are used for the purpose. In the 12th and 13th century, the practice becomes virtually obsolete to experience a revival in the 15th century. In modern times the observance of the custom reaches its peak in the 17th century and remains to be recorded in ethnographic sources until today.


The text presents the custom of equipping the dead with coins, followed in medieval and modern Eastern Europe.

In this area coins appear for the first time in richly equipped graves of nomads, dated to the 8th century, along the lower course of the Don and Volga rivers in the Khazar Khaganate. They are predominantly gold issues — Byzantine solidi and gold-plated dirhams, placed in the mouth of the dead.

In the 9th and 10th centuries coins and their fragments, which can be referred to as “the obol of the dead”, occur in the barrow mounds in the north-west areas of ancient Rus’, on the east and south coast of Ladoga Lake, in the interfluve of the Volga and the Oka as well as in sites located along the upper and middle course of the Dnieper, particularly in the Czernichow Land. In the second part of the 10th and 11th century the custom becomes widespread, and most of the finds come from inhumation burial. Apart from those areas, coins appear in graveyards located along the upper course of the Volga River, in the areas of Lake Peipus and Lake Ilmen as well as in the basin of the Dnieper and further down to Kiev. Characteristically enough, all the sites are located in the area of the Scandinavian expansion and colonisation.

The predominant types of coins found in graves dated to the 10th century are Arab dirhams as well as Byzantine folles, miliarenses and solidi. It should also be noted that graves with pendant-coins become more frequent. At the end of the 10th century there is an observable decrease in the inflow of Arab gold into the Baltic region. At the end of the 10th and the beginning of the 11th century, coins from Western Europe appear and dominate the entire next century. They are usually German issues, but also English and, to a smaller extent, Bohemian and Hungarian coins. Interestingly enough, the number of coins left in the form of “the obol of the dead” is much higher than that of pendant-coins. Sometimes the local, Rus’ coins occur, although rather infrequently.

In the 12th and 13th century the custom of equipping the dead with coins disappears completely from the forest zone of Eastern Europe, which is caused by the cessation of the inflow of Western European coins into Novgorod Rus’ and predominantly, by the evolution of burial practices, manifesting itself in abandoning the custom of equipping the dead. In the 13th and 14th century, after the Mongol invasions, coins reappear in the graves of the nomads of the Golden Horde, who bring the custom from the grasslands of Central Asia. The finds are dominated by Golden Horde issues.

In the 14th century, coins are occasionally used in the burials of Lithuanian and Slavic population in the Polish-Rus’ and Lithuanian-Rus’ border areas (today’s Eastern Poland and Grodno Region). In the latter case, the finds of coins are particularly frequent in graves from the 15th century. Similarly to the 11th century Rus’ this is an area of intensive Christianisation and transformations of burial practices. Outside the Grodno Region, the coins appear frequently in graves across Lithuania, Samogitia, Semigallia, Latgale, Livonia and Courland. In the 16th century, coins start to appear in graves of newly Christianised Finno-Ugric peoples of Mari, Mordva and Udmurt. They appear both as the “obols of the dead” and pendants in lavishly decorated necklaces and hats.

The culmination of the practice of equipping the death with coins falls on the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century. The areas of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and of the Grand Duchy of Moscow are dominated by local issues, mostly small coins of low nominal value.

In archaeological sources, there is a rapid decrease in the number of sepulchral finds of coins in graves from the second half of the 18th century. We know of only one burial with coins from the 19th century. Similarly, coins were discovered only in one 20th-century grave, which does not, however, signify that the practice of equipping the dead disappeared — it only reflects the current state of examination of contemporary archaeological sites. Ethnographic sources frequently record the tradition of equipping the death and confirm the presence of such practices in the areas of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Poland.

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Łukasz Miechowicz
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This article discusses the use of small lead seals (seal tags) in early medieval Poland for commercial and customs control in the context of an economic crisis. The introduction of sealing goods by the Piasts is explained by its cultural transfer from Rus’. Polish commercial lead seals were in use synchronously with Hohlpfennigs from the middle of the 13th to the middle of the 14th century. Their design systematically reflected signs and symbols on bracteates and differed significantly from other small seals of Drohiczyn type from Rus’. The extraordinary number of small lead seals found at Drohiczyn possibly reflects a short- -term relocation of trade routes caused by military conflicts.
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Aleksandr Musin

  1. Centre Michel de Boüard-Centre de Recherches Archéologiques et Historiques anciennes et médiévales (CRAHAM), UMR 6273, CNRS/Université de Caen Normandie
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W artykule poruszam problem dziedzictwa bizantyjskiego na Rusi w kontekście opinii XIX- i XX-wiecznych filozofów rosyjskich, głównie (neo)słowianofi-lów i (neo)okcydentalistów, Aleksego Chomiakowa, Iwana Kiriejewskiego, Pawła Florenskiego, Gieorgija Fłorowskiego, Konstantina Leontjewa, Gustawa Szpeta i Borysa Jakowienki. Pokazuję sprzeczności interpretacyjne, jakie pojawiają się w pismach tych myślicieli na temat ich własnej tradycji intelektualnej. W konkluzji staram się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, dlaczego problem „bizantynizacji Rusi” (lub też jej braku) wywołuje kontrowersje wśród rosyjskiej elity intelektualnej.

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Justyna Kroczak
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The present article introduces a new approach to the Old Russian texts by revealing metrical patterns underlying seemingly prose texts of the chronicle Povest vremennykh let. These patterns proved to be a shared feature of Eastern Slavic oral epic traditions. Thus, ideas of Ivan Franko about metrical character of the chronicles and Ivan Nikiforov’s claim about metrical affi nities of Eastern Slavic epic traditions are developed and enriched by up to date linguistic as well as ethnomusicological observations. Metrical affi nities of certain fragments of the chronicle Povest vremennykh let and Eastern Slavic epic give new clues to the possible persistence of oral epic in written form and consequently broaden the range of Old Russian texts that can be regarded as epic. Poetical epic corpus, enlarged in this way, gives a new relevant context to Slovo o polku Igoreve, authenticity of which can be proven now with more certainty on the basis of metrical affi nities with the fragments of chronicle of presumably oral origin.

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Nazarij Nazarow
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The purpose of the article is to at least partially fill in some gaps in the study of the Kyivan Rus’ literary heritage. Firstly, the author proposes to consider fragments of the Tale of Bygone Years ( PVL) as independent literary works that deserve a separate study. These works may have their own textual history and distinct individual style. In order to clarify the textual history of the work, we use both direct evidence (manuscripts of the Tale of Bygone Years) and indirect evidence, in particular, the paraphrase‑translations of Jan Długosz, Maciej Stryjkovskii, and seventeenth‑century Old Ukrainian authors. Secondly, the article makes accessible for the first time a complete fragment of the PVL published from the Ostroh (Khlebnikovsky) manuscript only, including the accentuation, which is of great importance for the study of the textual history and literary formation of the PVL. Thirdly, the article provides a detailed poetologic analysis of the Tale of Olga’s Wars with the Derevlyans, shows its compositional independence from the subsequent stories about Olga, and explores its complex poetic form, built on rhetorical repetitions of the series of vocabulary, as well as on the counting of syllables and accents.
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Cynarski S., Uwagi nad problemem recepcji „Historii” Jana Długosza w Polsce XVI i XVII wieku, [w:] Dlugossiana. Studia historyczne w piȩćsetlecie śmierci Jana Długosza, Warszawa 1980.
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Nazarii Nazarov

  1. Paris, Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme, invited researcher
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In this study, a stable and effective magnetically recoverable nanocatalyst was prepared by coating Fe 3O 4 nanoparticles with SiO 2, followed by functionalization with N-(2-aminoethyl)- 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (AEPTMS) and produce Schiff base ligand to linkage Ru(OTf) 2 onto the surface. The nanocatalyst was characterized using various techniques such as FT-IR spectroscopy, SEM, TEM, and VSM to confirm its successful synthesis. The nanocatalyst was used for the trimethylsilylation of various alcohols (primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols) using hexamethyldisilazane as a silylating agent in dichloromethane at room temperature. The reaction proceeded quickly with a protection time of only 90 seconds, which is a remarkable advantage of this nanocatalyst. The turnover frequency (TOF) values of the catalytic system were estimated to be 1869 h -1. The use of this nanocatalyst offers many advantages, such as excellent yield, catalyst reusability, high acidity, and strong magneticp roperties. These advantages make it a fascinating candidate for green chemistry principles. The simple reprocessing procedure and quick response times are also additional benefits of this nanocatalyst. Overall, this study provides a promising approach for the facile preparation of a stable and effective magnetically recoverable nanocatalyst that can be utilized for the trimethylsilylation of alcohols. The exceptional properties of this catalyst make it an attractive candidate for practical applications in the field of catalysis.
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Somayeh Mehdigholami
Esmaeil Koohestanian

  1. Young Researchers and Elite Club, Iranshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iranshahr, Iran
  2. Department of Chemical Engineering, Iranshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iranshahr, Iran
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In Old Polish texts as well as in later works written in the Old Polish style (e.g. in the Trilogy by H. Sienkiewicz), the name bachmat was used to describe a horse of the Tatar breed, characterized by its small size but incredible endurance. An analogous term ( бахматъ) can be found in the literature of Old Rus’. There is no doubt that it is an orientalism, which entered into both the Old Russsian language and – through it or independently – the Polish language and here from one of the Tatar dialects. Among the explanations for its etymology, the most interesting seems one connecting it with the term Бохмитъ, i.e., a variant of Muhammad’s name, characteristic for the literature of Old Rus’. The article aims to determine when the term бахматъ could have entered the literature of Old Rus’, how widespread it was, in what contexts it appeared, and whether it is possible to show a connection between the studied
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Zofia A. Brzozowska

  1. Łódź, Uniwersytet Łódzki
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A detailed comparison of catalytic properties of two different ruthenium-based catalysts in the reaction of homogeneous hydrogenation of acetophenone was performed. Additionally, methods of synthesis of both catalysts were tested and optimized in order to achieve the best possible quality and purity of the final catalysts.

NMR analysis was used to analyze and identify the composition of ruthenium compounds and gas chromatography was used to analyze the conversion rate of hydrogenation reactions.

It was determined that RuCl2(PPh3)3 obtained with a modified method described by Shaw’s group (Shawet al., 2007) had the best catalytic properties in the reaction performed under conditions described in Liang Wang’s publication (Wang et al., 2014). It was also determined that for concentration ratio of substrate to RuCl2(PPh3)3 amounting to 250:1 the conversion rate was much higher than that of the reaction performed with a double dose of the catalyst. Results of experiments also show that samples of the post-reaction solution should be analyzed right after the reaction, because even if they are stored in low temperature the amount of product can change up to 3–5% compared to the base sample and this change is not predictable.

These findings have significant implications for further research of the reaction of homogeneous transfer hydrogenation of ketones. With the right catalysts and methods of their synthesis other parameters of this reaction can be optimized. The most important one is a change of solvent from isopropyl alcohol to a less toxic substance like water. This may increase the value of the reaction in green chemistry and chemical industry.

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Filip Mikołajczyk
Kamil Kamiński
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The electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of MoS2 nano-sheet in presence of the Ru impurity have been calculated by density functional theory framework with Generalized Gradient approximation. The MoRuS2 nano-sheet electronic structure was changed to the n-type semiconductor by 1.3 eV energy gap. The optical coefficients were shown that the loosing optical energy occurred in the higher ultraviolet region, so this compound is a promising candidate for optical sensing in the infrared and visible range. The thermoelectric behaviors were implied to the good merit parameter in the 100K range and room temperatures and also has high amount of power factor in 600K which made it for power generators applications.
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Firouzeh Motamad Dezfuli
Arash Boochani
Sara Sadat Parhizgar
Elham Darabi

  1. Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
  2. Department of Physics, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran
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The newly discovered mid-Campanian Szozdy Delta System (Roztocze Hills, SE Poland) located in the southern part of the Polish Cretaceous Basin, at the northern edge of the Łysogóry-Dobrogea Land, has revealed interesting features concerning the relationship between the abundance of rutile and tourmaline. A distinct inverse relationship between rutile and tourmaline can be readily recognised in the succeeding units of the tripartite cyclothems (calcareous mudstone, calcareous sandstone, and calcareous gaize) representing the submarine part of the Szozdy Delta System. In the Szozdy section, both minerals are of similar shape (highly rounded), durability, and size; they are, however, characterised by markedly different densities. Therefore, it might be expected that these two mineral phases will be strongly dependent, both vertically and spatially, on the local energy of the sedimentary environment hydrodynamic power that existed during the deposition of the succeeding units of the cyclothems. The lighter tourmaline was likely transported further to the more quiescent prodelta environment, rendering the prodelta facies overrepresented in this mineral, whereas the heavier rutile was deposited closer to the river discharge. Such relative change in the abundance of these two mineral phases, emphasised by a standardised Z-score statistics, is referred here to as rutile to tourmaline index (RuTidx). Accordingly, as the RuTidx increases, the hydrodynamic power in the sedimentary environment increases as well. Since these two mineral phases are comparatively immune to alteration during the sedimentary cycle, the RuTidx is considered here to be an independent tool in recognising the hydrodynamics of the depositional environments of any age.
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Michał Cyglicki
Zbigniew Remin

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology, Żwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa, Poland
  2. Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warszawa, Poland
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The article analyzes the interrelations between the texts of the Novgorodian‑Sophian group of the first half of the 15th century (Novgorod Karamzin, First Sophian and Forth Novgorod chronicles) on a specific section of the annalistic material. We explore the “links” to some Kievan text in the entries of the late 11th century from the First Sophian Chronicle, their context and probable sources. The compiler of this chronicle has left traces of his activity on early Rus’ history in his drafts (such remarks as “to search in Kievan” and similar) which scholars have considered as evidence of some importance to define the stages of annalistic work of the 15th century in Novgorod and Moscow. It is argued that a set of “links” of the First Sophian was used by the author of the second part of the Novgorod Karamzin Chronicle to fill the gaps in his narrative. However, detailed textual analysis demonstrates the very complicated and clearly later composition in the First Sophian. Therefore both the first and second parts of Novgorod Karamzin Chronicle precede the First Sophian. The paper also pays attention to some aspects of the relations between the Novgorodian‑Sophian group and early Kievan and Novgorod chronicles.
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Tat’yana Vilkul

  1. Kyiv Institute of History of Ukraine. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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The article puts forward the thesis that the impressive achievement of Old Russian literature in the form of the literary heritage of St. Nil Sorsky is testimony to the creative continuation of Byzantine religious literature and the assimilation of the hagiographic stylistic patterns developed by the Veliko Tyrnovo School and its successors within the Eastern Slavic areas in the 14th and 15th centuries. The research is based on the texts: Admonitions for Spiritual Children and The Rule of Skit. Both are considered the most representative works of the spiritual leader of the Elders beyond the Volga. The analyses demonstrated the genre‑stylistic specificity of the above mentioned texts, expressing a Byzantine‑Slavic mystical discourse, one today known as Hesychasm. The text The Rule of Skit appeared to be unique in the history of East Slavonic utterances, presenting a comprehensive and integrated spiritual process leading to Hesychia. We are dealing with a treatise whose counterpart in Byzantine literature is The Ladder of Paradise by St. John of Sinai – this is a genre of Hesychastic literature, i.e. a kind of strategy for use in spiritual warfare leading from the state of sinfulness to deification, or holiness. In addition, attention has been drawn to the great care within the Hesychastes for the quality of texts expressing a mystical and ascetic current or serving liturgical purposes. New translations of Greek literature, which took into account the
achievements of the fourteenth‑century Hesychastic Councils and testify to the development of a philological and translation technique among the Orthodox Slavs, one that enabled the emergence of Slavic patristic syntheses, and to which St. Nil Sorsky’s works are recognized as the highest achievement.
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Józef Kuffel

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
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Although the Russian Orthodox Church participates in the activities of the ecumenical movement, it remains sceptical about the evolution of Western Christianity, mainly Protestantism. In particular, attempts to challenge traditional dogmatic and ethical formulations are unacceptable. The Russian Orthodox criticism goes even further when it reveals the sources of the rejection of church tradition in early Protestant theology. In this context, the article presents the main elements of the contemporary Russian Orthodox critique of the Reformation’s rejection of tradition as an authoritative source of Christian faith. The first part outlines the theological and ideological specificity of the Russian Orthodox discourse on the Reformation. The second part presents the Orthodox concept of the authority of tradition in the Church as a starting point for the criticism of the Reformation. The third part discusses the main elements of the criticism of the reformatory concept of sola Scriptura with particular emphasis on its socio-political reasons and consequences.

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Marcin Składanowski
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The article presents changes introduced in the Russian military and civic jurisdiction with respect to duels of honour from the eighteenth century through the beginning of the twentieth century. All legal regulations passed during this period are discussed, concentrating on the system of punishments, types of courts, defi nitions of duels as a crime, as well as the everyday procedures of courts in these matters. The question of the socio-cultural specifi city of duels in the Tsarist army, ways of their organisation, and the goals of participants are discussed as well.
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Leszek Madej
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The article features an analysis of the ideas of Yurij Levada, an eminent Russian academic, sociologist dealing both with theory and with practice of sociology, a founder of a research institution inMoscow known as Levada-Centre. Levada gave a special place to culture within sociology and he himself called his project on theoretical sociology an “attempt at culturally justified sociology” (grounded in a perspective orientated to culture). The project was based on structurally complex, culturally conditioned and symbolically indirect social actions. In his opinion, such knowledge of culture required to be looked at retrospectively, which provides for tackling the issue of social system reproduction while enabling to understand contemporary culture at the same time. This way of thinking was a basis for Levada’s analyses of the surrounding social reality, e.g. his analyses of intelligence or the concept of “simple Soviet man”.

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Borys Dubin
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The author presents the output of Eduard Makarian, a Russian cultural anthropologist, featuring his contribution to the problem of origin of culture. The development of Makarian’s scientific research has been presented from the understanding of systemic character of culture to the research on the origin of culture; from reflecting upon the first principles of culture development to the concept of system evolution as anthropogenesis, social evolution and cultural evolution, to the understanding of the origin of culture as a creative core of culture (cultural heritage, dynamics of cultural traditions, “tradition”–“change” dichotomy, hypothesis of “cultural genes”, etc.). The scientist moved from the issue of the origin of culture in the prehistoric times through the issues of permanent creation and dialectic self-revival of culture to the problems of culture in contemporary world. His research was of key importance for the establishment of philosophical and cultural approach in the research of the origin of culture in Russia.

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Aleksiej Bondariew
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Andrzej Walicki’s book: O Rosji inaczej („On Russia in a different way”, 2019) is a crucial item for the Polish reader, because it treats significant issues in Polish and Russian history, as exemplified by ideology based on philosophy and other pivotal issues of contemporary times. Walicki was a prominent expert on Russian thought and on important phenomena of Russian culture. He was well prepared to raise important questions and offer competent new answers. In his book, Walicki focused primarily on modernism which had influenced the development of socialist thought and on the philosophy of the opposition at the so‑called golden age. The main intention of this paper is to make certain additions to the assessment of these phenomena by the Russian Orthodox thought, and especially by those who sustain the position of the conservative Orthodox Church, regardless of the historical moment of its formulation. Modernism stands in opposition to Orthodox dogmatics, anthropology, ecclesiology and patristics. It has its roots in Byzantine Renaissance that migrated to Italy after the fall of Constantinople. Modernism constitutes an important paradigm of post‑medieval culture. It is active in Western culture and influences Russian culture as well. Obviously, Russian culture is attached to the Orthodox Church in a special way, as the Church constitutes a specific genotype of that culture. Modernist influences that are rooted in this specific soil bring forth completely different upshots in Russia from those that emerge in the West. Essential examples of this phenomenon are absolutism, imperialism or Marxist socialism in their Western and Russian versions. These phenomena concern primarily political matters but they clearly show that the ideals of modernism in Russia assume a religious character. However, they were not inherently religious, and should rather be placed in the sphere of myths.
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Hanna Kowalska‑Stus

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Instytut Rosji i Europy Wschodniej, ul. W. Reymonta 4, 30‑059 Kraków
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The article reconstructs the dispute that evolved in the first decade of the 20th century between Maxim Gorky and Leo Tolstoy – who both in addition to being world‑famous fictionists, played an essential part as notable public figures in Russian philosophical and political life. The outbreak and the course of the First Russian Revolution (1905– 1908) prompted both thinkers to define their positions on the most important problems of Russian thought. In this dispute, Gorky represented the position of socialist humanism, social revolution, civilizational development, activism, the culture‑formingr ole of the intelligentsia and Western‑style modernization. Against these hopes Tolstoy advocated archaic anarchism, negation of civilization, rural primitivism, personal and moral excellence, in short a Russian Sonderwege. The author puts forward that this debate is an important extension of the famous discussion triggered by the publication of the Vekhi almanac („The Milestones”, 1909).
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Michał Bohun
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This article deals with the personal relations between Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol and Vissarion Belinsky. It examines the impact of these exchanges on Dostoevsky’s and Gogol’s literary works as well as on their biographies. The author argues that in order to fully understand Dostoevsky’s relation to the other two writers, one should take into account the change of his Weltanschauung during his exile years and his subsequent turn from pure realism ( Poor Folk) to fantastic realism ( The Double). With Gogol, one has to acknowledge his mature views expressed in Selected Excerpts from Correspondence with Friends, the last book he published before his death.
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Jan Krasicki

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Koszarowa 3/20, 51‑149 Wrocław
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This paper aims to investigate, on the one hand, how the concept of 19th‑century Siberia was constructed by three Polish political prisoners in their private documents. On the other hand, the significance of the “Siberian triangle” (consisting of essential ideas of “Polishness”, “Russian-ness”, and “Easternness”), in the construction of Polish exiles' identity.
Siberia never existed, or did it? Apart from the vast territories named Siberia, there was also the abstract category of Siberia, consisting of parameters and charts, plans and maps, sustaining the development projects, and images, stories, and texts, in which usually imagined Siberia went beyond the geographical Siberia. Taking this into account, in this paper, I would like to look at the three‑dimensional construction of Siberia. Namely: an imperial attitude, defending its poli-tical and economic prerogatives; the interests of the indigenous peoples who gradually had been losing their rights to the pastures and whose voice was the least heard among others; as well as the view of Polish exiles, sent to the eastern territories of the Russian Empire against their will. To paraphrase Edward Said, we can state that the strategies of the conquest of Siberia directly impacted its perceptions, narrative constructions, and later reconstructions of the 19th‑century Siberian realities. Three case studies will serve me as illustrative material: Adolf Januszkiewicz, Bronisław Zaleski, and Seweryn Gross.
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Authors and Affiliations

Karina Gaibulina

  1. University of St. Gallen, Szwajcaria
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The title-opposition of the world of friends and of foes is the result of geopolitical strategies which defi ned the status of Poland in the twentieth-century history of the continent, the history full of crises. Several variants of the phenomenon can be distinguished: Revolution as anti-Christian and anti-Polish world; Revolution as a world of progress and the struggle for peace and internationalist order, Revolution as the work of Lenin, Revolution as a perpetrator of Polish independence and Revolution as one of the endless painful experiences of the Twentieth Century.
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Mariusz Guzek
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This article tries to answer the question about the way the losses in the Battle of Tsushima, one of the key battles of the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905) were reported in contemporary Polish press, in particular Warsaw's leading daily newspaper Kurier Warszawski. The analysis, divided into sections, juxtaposes the actual press coverage with the matching accounts in the literature on the subject. As the number of items referring to the Tsuishma story is very large, only some have been included in the study, which concludes with a summary of the research results.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Janczurewicz

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